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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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I think we've hijacked the topic a little bit. I'm not an avid game so Pokemon and Style Boutque is literally me done.


So what are people thinking about the elite 4, do reckon they'll keep the chooses open like last time? (I mean as in order choice.)


Yeah, they will probably still let you choose the order. My guess for their types are Dark ( if we don't have Dark Gym Leader ), Ice, Electric, and Flying.

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Like Kanto and Sinnoh did with gyms 4-6 and 3-5 respectively?

Except Kanto's gym levels were fixed and idr Sinnoh letting you do 5 before 3-4.

Also, can we get like good puzzles in the gym this time? They've been severely lacking.
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Sinnoh merely adapted the order because previously you have to beat Maylene and Crasher Wake before you can take on Fantina, but I suppose in Platinium there is nothing stopping you from heading to Veilstone from Hearthrome before beating Fantina.

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To be fair, Koga and Sabrina aren't set in stone for who you fight first.
Hell, its only really Brock and Misty who are required in order, then you can just freely do things your own way.
(At least the way I tend to play it, heh...)

Also, found this just now:
...Odd, I've never seen Fire/Dark mentioned before.
Would be pretty neat.

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To be fair, Koga and Sabrina aren't set in stone for who you fight first.
Hell, its only really Brock and Misty who are required in order, then you can just freely do things your own way.
(At least the way I tend to play it, heh...)

Also, found this just now:
...Odd, I've never seen Fire/Dark mentioned before.
Would be pretty neat.

You can't get to the seventh gym without Surf and the badge required, though, nor can you challenge the eighth gym before the seventh (or any other for that matter).

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Poor Chespin D:


I DO like the idea of taking up any of the 8 gyms in any order and still having the uphill battle. Maybe not immediately, but if they can do it right, and I mean by fitting it into a story perfectly... then that'd be cool.

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It'd been a while since I played Platinium that's why I must have forgotten about the roadblock.


You could only choose between Sabrina and Koga if a) You had gotten the Tea from Celadon Mansion for the Saffron Guards. b ) You mysteriously got the Pokeflute without rescuing Mr Fuji which requires the Silph Scope, without which you cannot wake Snorlax to onto the Cycle Routes and South of Vermillion. 

If it worked with no restrictions I'd understand about skipping, but you need the Silph Scope to progress South and you don't get Surf until Fuschia to bypass the Snorlax. (RGBY/FRLG). I need to play HGSS again to recall about the Snorlax there.


I don't see how not having Sabrina's badge effects your ability to get to Cinnabar if you have Surf from the Safari Zone and Koga's badge.

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I was refering to the fact without the Silph Scope you can't go to Fuschia, I didn't mention anything about Erika. I was refering to someone saying they didn't need to the Silph Scope for Fuschia.


Going around a cave without flash isn't that hard, I tend to do that lately. I did get lost when I went through the Rock Tunnel in Leaf Green though once. Dewford's Cave is quite easy to navigate around.


Hoenn's Flying Gym allows you to use Fly so it's a bit silly to skip.

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We were talking 3DS games :\


OT: I can see a bug gym, a flying gym (the swinging), a psychic gym (room coming together)


You didn't read that right because he didn't recommend that. 

But I was interested in Virtues Last Reward enough to buy it without having played that other game.





I've suddenly gained More respect for Chespin.


You can skip the Dewford gym in Hoenn too, but that requires feeling around a cave without flash. 


I do that all the time to skip Brawly and trainers on the way to Slateport to get the Exp. Share and then beat the trainers while having already got the Exp. Share. But I've never skiped him and beat another gym before I beat him.

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As an fyi, if you don't like the 3DS battery life you can get a battery pack to increase it a fair bit.




I don't like you getting to pick the order of the E4 since that makes them all the same level and if you can beat one you can beat them all. I have a similar problem with gyms, but if you won't be over leveled when you go for the second gym in the fork its fine.

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The solution with gyms is the gym leaders having different teams depending if you have 2, 3, 4 or 5 badges before challenging them. They don't implement that because they want all the stories to work at the same time, with you beating the evil team so the gym leader accepts your challenge, and after defeating him you get the move that let's you enter the hideout of the evil team, and only after beating them the next gym leader decides to go to the gym to take challenges and so on. The problem would be with the level of the enemies, they would need to be leveled.

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