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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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So no Dark at all, huh. Well guess we can't get everything.

Wait. There is no Poison either. I thought it was confirmed they were focusing on that this gen, or was that just a rumor?



I thought we only had 3 of the 4 members? At least, thats all I've seen.



[spoiler=Drasna's team + confirmed typing]

Noivern, Altaria, Druddigon, Dragalge


Dragalge now confirmed Poison/Dragon[/spoiler]



I really don't like 4 pokemon teams. 

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[spoiler E4 Teams]
Siebold - Clawitzer, Barbaracle, Starmie, Gyarados
Wikstrom - Aegislash, Kelfki, Probopass, Scizor
Malva - Pyroar, Talonflame, Torkoal, Chandelure
Drasna - Dragalge, Noivern, Altaria, Druddigon
Diantha - MegaGardevoir, Hawlucha, Aurorus, Tyrantrum, Goodra, Gourgeist

Apparently the other members also have Mega-Evolutions but that's unconfirmed as well as for which pokemon. [/spoiler]

[spoiler Update New Pokemon chart]

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New starters are Knight (Chespin), Mage (Fennekin), Rogue (Froakie). Elite 4 is Steel, Fire, Water, Dragon, with a female Champion. Take Steel. Make sword out of it by smelting in Fire. Cool the metal by dipping the sword into a barrel of Water. Stab the Dragon. Then rescue the damsel in "distress", the female Champion whose trump card is a Gardevoir, OR, defeat evil queen, whichever way you look at it.


f'ing. genius. 

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New starters are Knight (Chespin), Mage (Fennekin), Rogue (Froakie). Elite 4 is Steel, Fire, Water, Dragon, with a female Champion. Take Steel. Make sword out of it by smelting in Fire. Cool the metal by dipping the sword into a barrel of Water. Stab the Dragon. Then rescue the damsel in "distress", the female Champion whose trump card is a Gardevoir, OR, defeat evil queen, whichever way you look at it.
f'ing. genius. 

Please, Eury. Write this fic.
Do it for science!
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New starters are Knight (Chespin), Mage (Fennekin), Rogue (Froakie). Elite 4 is Steel, Fire, Water, Dragon, with a female Champion. Take Steel. Make sword out of it by smelting in Fire. Cool the metal by dipping the sword into a barrel of Water. Stab the Dragon. Then rescue the damsel in "distress", the female Champion whose trump card is a Gardevoir, OR, defeat evil queen, whichever way you look at it.


f'ing. genius. 



Is the order actually Steel -> Fire -> Water -> Dragon? If so holy crap. They out did themselves with that one. 

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[spoiler='Z Legendary's stats']1381030613285.jpg[/spoiler]


Checks in with the Norse Mythology references. Yveltal is Hraesvelgr, Xernaes represents the 4 stags, Zygarde's appearance and typing checks in with Nidhogg. Willing to bet the "cute" legend is a rodent, namely a squirrel.


Is the order actually Steel -> Fire -> Water -> Dragon? If so holy crap. They out did themselves with that one. 


I believe that is the order, yes.

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For those who don't know the Norse representation of these legends


Yveltal is Hraesvelgr or the unnamed eagle. Hraesvelgr is a giant eagle who sits atop the world tree Yggdrasil. 


Xernaes represents the 4 stags Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór and they crane their necks upward to eat from the branches of Yggdrasil. 


Zygarde is Nidhogg, a dragon/snake, who lies at the bottom of Yggdrasil (in Niflheim or Niflhel, can't remember) gnawing at its roots. 


Ratatosk is a squirrel who runs up and down the length of the Ash (Yggdrasil), bearing envious words between the eagle (Yveltal) and Nídhöggr (Zygarde). 


And we still have one Legendary to go, maybe something based on Yggdrasil? I will also post links to those who may want to read up on the mythological figures for themselves.







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