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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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You know, as an amusing anecdote, I did some quick counting based on National Pokedex trends compared to the Central Kalos Dex (the first regional dex you get), and I am fairly certain that Vivillon is #666. My proof is below, assuming that we don't get a #000 Kalos Pokemon like Victini.
#649: Genesect
#650: Chespin
#651: Quilladin
#652: Chesnaught
#653: Fennekin
#654: Braixen
#655: Delphox
#656: Froakie
#657: Frogadier
#658: Greninja
#659: Bunnelby
#660: Diggersby
#661: Fletchling
#662: Fletchinder
#663: Talonflame
#664: Scatterbug
#665: Spewpa
#666: Vivillon

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Tempted to play it for Pokedex number.

Crazy info coming out. Isn't it about time for reviews to be posted now?


Cancelled my guide from one site and ordered elsewhere, Game hopefully will get to me on time unlike the first place. (3+ days no thank you even if I work Sunday).

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[spoiler=New pokemon leaked]




EDIT: [spoiler=And another, probably the pre-evolved of the above]




The color scheme is too different for the latter to involve into the former. The latter will most likely evolve into Oorotto, though.

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