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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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Love those Mega Lucario base stats.


BP 240 Close combat with 145 Atk sounds lovely to me. Especially on 115 speed.


Pangoro is irritatingly bad stat wise... Why did the Panda pokemon have to be sooo...


And I actually like Chesnaught.


It seems pretty decent as things go... Though they've really emphasised the type advantage this gen with starters, given the typings of all 3 starters.

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Let's see. Thoughts. Fennec in turning into a Delphi oracle is pretty genius, I have to say. What an awesome idea (got a little witchcraft reference in there too). And the barnacle pokémon looks like Freddy Krueger's gloves popping out of a pie. What a weirdly done design.

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I thought it was really strange that Pokemon XY are said to based in France. I know Paris is shown often in Japan, but Japanese tourists are the most likely to suffer from Paris Syndrome (Reality doesn't meet expectation.) I remember seeing it mentioned in QI recently.

I wish I could plan a team and I reckon I'll be half way through the game before my guide arrives now....since it's took 4 days already to get my mangas from the same source and they were sent before release and are now late.

Not a fan of that if that leak is true.

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If I may recommend to all those who posts pictures from 4chan: Upload them to imgur before posting them here. After the thread on 4chan 404s, we won't be able to see the image any more. You'll be doing us all a huge favor, thanks. o:

MegaAerodactyl looks cool. Any comments on type changes or?

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I thought it was really strange that Pokemon XY are said to based in France. I know Paris is shown often in Japan, but Japanese tourists are the most likely to suffer from Paris Syndrome (Reality doesn't meet expectation.) I remember seeing it mentioned in QI recently.

Let me guess, you watched that particular episode on Dave during their 10 years of QI thing?

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Based on the new leaks, and getting rid of the theme (Everything except Clauncher evolves which is dumb) I think I figured out my team, finally.

[spoiler='Some Pokemon Spoilers']Doublade

Goomy (Assuming it's real)

Meowstic (Gender IDC about, maybe both)



Amaura/Helioptile (I like both)[/spoiler]Probably getting X just for clauncher, BTW...Unless you can only get it requires surf to get, in which case, I'll prolly swap it with something else, not quite sure.

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[spoiler="New Mega form off of 4chan."]1380826242621.jpg[/spoiler]

Heh, more like NegaAerodactyl, right guys?

Cuz of the evil twin goatee stereoty-



[spoiler="Because it's not like Gengar already got a boost without its Mega form or anything like that"]

If someone told me Gengar would transform into a three-eyed bulldozer a year ago, I'd tell them they were full of bollocks.

Boy would I look silly.

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