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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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At this point in time I believe we need to put everything in spoilers and say if its new Pokemon or Plot. I don't want to know any plot and its getting to the point where that can be revealed.

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At this point in time I believe we need to put everything in spoilers and say if its new Pokemon or Plot. I don't want to know any plot and its getting to the point where that can be revealed.

Yeah, this is the most realistic thing ever.

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You mean as in "This move will randomly inflict Poison, Burn, Sleep or Paralysis and then confuse and attract the pokemon if possible". Makes it so the pokemon has atleast 3 status inflictions since pokemon can only be inflict by one of the first lot.


Also, I think Eury brings up a good point. Even though I'm not the mod of this section, you should start spoilering leaks even if they're part of the 99.99% that will later get proven fake. If you don't, I will.
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Also, I think Eury brings up a good point. Even though I'm not the mod of this section, you should start spoilering leaks even if they're part of the 99.99% that will later get proven fake. If you don't, I will.




So, Serebii and Pokebeach have nothing. Going to assume they were not able to get review copies.

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I hope so :3

Dark/Grass isn't specifically STRONG, and it makes it x4 weak to bug....but Dark is a GREAT offensive type, and Grass is a.....nice...ish...defensive type? idk. But at least it's cool.


And not Dark/Ground.


I wish Quilladin at LEAST learned Night Slash rather than Mud Slap (not even Mud SHOT XD) but oh well


I guess Nintendo wanted to scare us


It's ok Nintendo


We forgive you

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Its pretty much confirmed the triangle is Dark - Psychic - Fighting

Meh...I was going to consider Froakie if it turned out to be Water/Dark, but since Chesknight's supposedly been confirmed as Grass/Dark, I'm going to go with Fennekin after all. Not a big fan of Fighting-types tbh (at least when compared to Dark and Psychic).

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I actually like all three of those types, since they house some of my favs


Psychic - Starmie, Espeon


Dark - Bisharp, Scrafty

Fighting - Infernape, Lucario (though I don't often use them in actual competitive play, but they are awesome as hell)



It seems that some changes have been done to the balance of the game, I wonder if that just included the typing chart and some moves, or if Pokemon stats will be affected as well...

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