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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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How would that work? Why would that confirm anything?


Its a running gag in the Pokemon community because everyone is waiting for a Hoenn remake and are finding silly things to confirm its going to happen.


kinda hoping with Doublade I can


Sacred Sword / Hypnosis / Confuse Ray / ?

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My friend was like "What if X and Y were just a big prank pulled by Game Freak, then they just release Ruby/Sapphire remakes on October 12th?"

I'd be the happiest pissed off person ever.

tbh I'd probably be more on the happy side but I don't see that happening. It just isn't. But if it doesn't happen this gen, I'm sure the IV and V remakes will take even longer, or not happen at all. Although kind of makes a lot of sense even without that. That, and I'd be very skeptic of any gen III remakes at all.

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Review copies of Pokémon X & Y have been confirmed as now being in the wild.


The embargo on reviews is apparently October 4th, however apparently a lot of information will remain embargoed until release day.


Reportedly, reviewers will *NOT* be allowed to talk about the final evolved forms of the new starter Pokémon until after game release.

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I should search for a some poll online, see the starter the least people will choose first, reset until I get a female and breed her and offer the babies in exchange of other starters and version exclusives.

I just hope we can breed early in the game.



We should call "rubbing your gums" the act of taking your Ditto from the daycare once in a while to pet them in the pokemon amie to increase their happiness.


Am I the only one that still looks at all trash bins of the pokemon games in case something great is hidden there? I need to get the dowsing machine soon in the game or I will do it again.

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screenshots are already beginning to surface. Only a matter of time before we get crucial information.


EDIT: New leaker, extremely believable as he's the one who posted the above screenshot:


"So, through some methods that aren't exactly legitimate (but aren't exactly blatantly illegal), I have actually played a bit of Pokemon Y. While I'm not going to leak everything I've encountered so far while playing about five hours in, there are some interesting tidbits I've come across which I haven't seen mentioned anywhere else. - I don't want to spoil the New Pokemon, but I power-leveled Chespin to its final form and I can confirm it is indeed Grass/Dark. It is a seriously powerful looking Pokemon, reminds me of Golbez from FFIV, but its 'Dex Entry mentions how it's frightening appearance scares others despite being extremely friendly, so it seems that it's an "ironic" Dark Pokemon like Absol that's just misunderstood. Two early game Pokemon I've come across is a Bug/Water Spider with a giant eye and a single tear drooping from it, with its little feet resembling eyelashes, and a Normal/Fighting Koala with ears shaped like hands, which I can confirm is indeed the one seen in the trailer in the Daycare Center. I've also ran into what appears to be pre-evolutions of Noivern and "Orotto".- There are truly a lot of Pokemon in this game, and going back through routes I've found myself running into different ones every-time I went through them it seemed. I've seen around 200 Pokemon and I only got to the Fifth Gym. The only Mega Pokemon I've encountered though is Mega Blaziken and Mega Mewtwo (Y) in a cutscene near the beginning, and Mega Mienshao which Korrina uses when you battle her. In the PokeDex though I've noticed certain Pokemon have an empty circular slot next to their name, and Mienshao has a colorful orb in the slot which clicking on allows me to view Mega Mienshao. Raichu, Golduck, Jynx, Octillery, Manetric, and Lopunny are all Pokemon I've encountered and see this slot, so I assume they have Mega Evolutions."


>Mega Mienshao 

>have to fight it


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