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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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That explains my frustration at the lack of Supereffective hits on Yellow's Caterpies and Metapods. Never knew Gust wasn't. Makes you wonder why they weren't at the beginning.




It could easily have been mistake on their part. Again, they misprogramed Ghost and made it deal 0 damage to Psychic types instead of 2x.

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I remember seeing Missingno being Bird/Normal. They were a young company at the time, so it's easily done I suppose. (Makes me wonder though if White Hand and Buried Alive could have ever really been possible.)


Anyone have ideas of moves that may face retype?

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Looking at fairy type it kind at it makes me think Arceus would become a Normal/Fairy Type making it so it can duel type any type with fairy...


...doubt this though would be interesting to see.


Also I hope Lucario and Zoroarks pre-evolutions are in the game as version exclusives at that would be pretty cool for the in game Mega pokemon idea (along with Mega Zoroark).

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You know, I'd like to see an Ice/Fairy Legendary, based on a Yūki-Onna, like Froslass, as sort of an anti-Dragon. A Dragon/Fairy would be interesting to see, as well.

Back to re-types, though, I could see Milotic getting retyped to Water/Fairy. It would make sense, being the Beauty-oriented Gyarados. Also, the vague resemblance Sylveon's ribbons have to Milotic's scales kind of help support this for me.

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>Flame Dragon
>wants Water Dragon





Water/Dragon is an amazing type and I want more than Kingdra to use for OU. But, not even counting that, I love water pokemon. Back when I played 4th gen OU half my team was Water. Honestly, when it comes to what types I find myself gravitate towards Fire is middle of the pack. Dragon is still high though.

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Personally, I always end up gravitating towards Steel. In Gen IV, my in-game team was Empoleon, Heatran, Lucario, Skarmory, Palkia, and Giratina. But I do tend to have an affinity for the waters as well...Probably because they're the most abundant type in Pokémon, even beating out Normal.

OT: I'm hoping for another Steel/Dragon, because I think that's a great type combo.

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