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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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The problem is some pokemon that already have 3 evolutions still need further upgrades to be good.

No Pokemon /needs/ to be good. I don't competitively battle, but I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other ways to give a Pokemon new options than having to resort to something like this.

As far as we know, every single Mega Stone can be found in game, other than Blazikenite.

With that said, I'm sure they're going to make others promotional, e.g. the other Hoenn starters. Who knows, maybe Nintendo will make new Mega Evolutions periodically available via wireless download.
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I don't get the problem with the Megas. It's the same thing as a lot of "problems" people find in games. It's an optional thing, you don't HAVE to do it.


Though, I do wish Mawile could get a regular evolution, but it's been three Gens, I'll take what I can get.

And, I get the feeling there will be some kind of side-quest like thing for the Mega Stones.

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No Pokemon /needs/ to be good. I don't competitively battle, but I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other ways to give a Pokemon new options than having to resort to something like this.


I'm just gonna say that there is very little reason to make a Pokemon that is entirely outclassed. Even flavor doesn't justify it. Look at Castform, Luvdisc, Spinda, and pokemon like that.


They have no niche's, there is no reason for them to be made purposefully bad, yet that's what happened. No Pokemon should have no niche.

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As far as we know, every single Mega Stone can be found in game, other than Blazikenite.

If 1 is event only, its a fair guess a handful will be. My money is one all the starters getting this treatment.

No Pokemon /needs/ to be good. I don't competitively battle, but I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other ways to give a Pokemon new options than having to resort to something like this.



Yes, no pokemon needs to be good. But if they (Game Freak) want to help give some love to past pokemon they are limited by their their stats. Give them all the moves you want, but the biggest limit on a pokemon is its Base Stats.  Mega Forms allows them to give pokemon who could never be made better a way to be made better. 




I'm just gonna say that there is very little reason to make a Pokemon that is entirely outclassed. Even flavor doesn't justify it. Look at Castform, Luvdisc, Spinda, and pokemon like that.
They have no niche's, there is no reason for them to be made purposefully bad, yet that's what happened. No Pokemon should have no niche.





The article is about MTG cards, but the basic ideas can be used in most games. It is a VERY good read to see why games have pieces that are clearly worse than others.

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If Mawile is getting a super evo, I demand Sableye to get one too.


But overall, on Mega Evolution...I don't care for it. It just seems kind of silly to me, and I don't like how they didn't just give some of them Evolutions (Mawile, Absol, etc). Unless anything comes along that I like, I won't really have too much of an opinion on it. If some people like it, good for them, but it isn't for me, for now.

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Also, I think Therrion copied my avi/sig.


Had it first/same time as you AKA As soon as MegaEvolution (and Lucaromega, what I dub his new form) was announced and made public.


Anywho, I dig the Mega Evolutions. Just feel as though it is unfair if EVERY other starter from here on out doesn't get one. Blaziken wasn't bad enough to need one, so if they are only giving it to one, then they should've chosen a weaker one. Blaziken, however, is badass and deserves it though. Same with Lucario and Absol.

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Know what would be great? Giving Magikarp a Mega form. Yeah just completely skip over Gyrados and go to MegaMagikarp. It'd be the most badass thing ever to grace the world of Pokemon. Admit it.


In all seriousness, I'm thinking one of the next announced one's will be MegaUrsaring and MegaTyranitar. Tyranitar is probably the more obvious choice, but for some reason I'm feeling Ursaring should get a Mega form. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave one to all the starters too. Oh, and a MegaVileplume would be pretty cool.

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