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Pokemon X and Pokemon Y


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are we just gonna ignore the 220 track OST that goes on sale in November because I like MegaKanga and all but the soundtrack is all I really cared about from day 1

Wait what?!?!?!!?
Fake edit. Games sound track goes up on iTunes in Nov. O_0. I don't care if Mega Forms end up being horrible. Any wrong they might end up doing in this gen is now forgiven. 

Okay, so because Diamond was the first traditional Pokémon game I got, I'm really hoping that Mega Empoleon is possible. For personal reasons, he would automatically become the leader of my team.

I honestly can't see only a handful of starters getting Mega Forms. That is one of the things they have always tried to keep balanced. Having only some get them would REALLY be upsetting, and that only from an aesthetics sense. 

Looking at Mega Lucario and the fact that mega Stones are hold Items I can see Mega Lucario's Attack Line falling into something like this since it will be Fast and Psychical ...

Note: any numbers in brackets are the total power from the Adaptability effect
1. Drain Punch (150) / Close Combat (240)
2. Bullet Punch (80)
3. Crunch 
4. Ice Punch
Also Mega Kangaskan is bizarre since itself doesn't change but the baby instead does but its neat that the baby makes it so all moves have the dual chop effect.


If Lucario is still as much of a glass canon as he is now I don't see Drain Punch being good. Extreme Speed is always an option too depending on where his speed ends up.
I honestly like Megaskan. Its strange don't get me wrong, but if this is the direction they go for them I'll be happy. Also, Skan is one of the few pokemon I couldn't see getting an evolution that could get one, so also happy to see this from that front too.

I really don't know what to make of this whole "Mega Evolution" thing. However, I'm leaning towards not liking it. It just feels... un-Pokemon-ish, and although I've liked the other innovations of this generation I feel the whole concept detracts from the original concept.



In what ways does it detract? Having super forms feels well within the limit of the kind of things pokemon can do, and if it does end up as something of a catch up mechanic (based on what I've read here it might end up being that) it can be good. I'm afraid about how these will actually impact game play and that, but I have a great deal of faith that these will be fun. In the mean time all I can do is trust in that.

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I really don't know what to make of this whole "Mega Evolution" thing. However, I'm leaning towards not liking it. It just feels... un-Pokemon-ish, and although I've liked the other innovations of this generation I feel the whole concept detracts from the original concept.


Basically this.


Call me a nostalgia-fag or whatever the term is, but this is far from the original vision for Pokemon. 


I'll be honest, I've long since stopped playing Pokemon (Don't think I've played one since Ruby, personally think it's become merely quirky at this point and clearly favoring a younger demographic), so I've honestly no clue if the last few iterations have worsened or enhanced the franchise.


I remember back when Silver was coming out everyone was excited just to be able to play in a new region with new gym leaders. I feel as if the addition of something so outlandish as "Mega" Pokemon is merely desperate plea for "innovation", if you could call it that. The fact that people are actually excited about this just proves everyone has lost interested in the original vision for Pokemon, don't blame anyone who has though, it's a concept that relies on repetition and will become bland eventually if not already.


Then again, I won't be playing it regardless. I'm merely someone who was enthralled by the original vision of Pokemon, however I'm not going to be one of those people claiming that this a plague onto the franchise and ruins my childhood, because it doesn't. My childhood was Pokemon Silver, everything after that is honestly irrelevant to me. 


tl;dr  Johto4Lyfe

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Basically this.


Call me a nostalgia-fag or whatever the term is, but this is far from the original vision for Pokemon. 


I'll be honest, I've long since stopped playing Pokemon (Don't think I've played one since Ruby, personally think it's become merely quirky at this point and clearly favoring a younger demographic), so I've honestly no clue if the last few iterations have worsened or enhanced the franchise.


I remember back when Silver was coming out everyone was excited just to be able to play in a new region with new gym leaders. I feel as if the addition of something so outlandish as "Mega" Pokemon is merely desperate plea for "innovation", if you could call it that. The fact that people are actually excited about this just proves everyone has lost interested in the original vision for Pokemon, don't blame anyone who has though, it's a concept that relies on repetition and will become bland eventually if not already.


Then again, I won't be playing it regardless. I'm merely someone who was enthralled by the original vision of Pokemon, however I'm not going to be one of those people claiming that this a plague onto the franchise and ruins my childhood, because it doesn't. My childhood was Pokemon Silver, everything after that is honestly irrelevant to me. 


tl;dr  Johto4Lyfe




What about this doesn't stay true to the orginal vision of pokemon? Pokemon at its core is about a player running around catching and training monsters. That has never changed. Honestly, saying they are doing this just for "innovation" seems weak when this gen has already brought fairy type, something that alone could have carried it. This seems like a very interesting game play mechanic at the very least and depending on how its done it can be very fun. Not to mention the actual pokemon designs are sweet. 


Every generation will have some form of new innovation just by its natural set up. Be it new type combinations, ways BTS totals can be done, and the moves those 3 things alone give a wealth of options. Hell, in 5 gneration we haven't even had a Fire/Grass type, and for two of the most basic types that is impressive. Past this 3rd gen even added abilities into the mix, drastically changing how pokemon were look at. Personally I see this as an improvement. The 4th gen is EASILY the best generation of pokemon because it hit every one of those out of the park and brought the best innovation to the games. From a simple game design perspective the gens before all have a VERY glaring short coming. The built in type allocations (Dark is always special, Ghost physical) was honestly just a bad game design choice, but hindsight is 20/20 and all. And now in much the same the 5th gen introduced away to give pokemon with 2 abilities or default abilities (ie: starters) a new ones, that is what I feel Mega Forms are trying to do (thought I don't feel every one we've seen works). They are taking pokemon that would be hard to expand with a new evolution and giving it to them in a new, possibly innovative, way. 


tl;dr: I don't understand your agrument. The innovations in every gen have been good. Trust that they won't screw things up now.

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What about this doesn't stay true to the orginal vision of pokemon? Pokemon at its core is about a player running around catching and training monsters. That has never changed. Honestly, saying they are doing this just for "innovation" seems weak when this gen has already brought fairy type, something that alone could have carried it. This seems like a very interesting game play mechanic at the very least and depending on how its done it can be very fun. Not to mention the actual pokemon designs are sweet. 


Every generation will have some form of new innovation just by its natural set up. Be it new type combinations, ways BTS totals can be done, and the moves those 3 things alone give a wealth of options. Hell, in 5 gneration we haven't even had a Fire/Grass type, and for two of the most basic types that is impressive. Past this 3rd gen even added abilities into the mix, drastically changing how pokemon were look at. Personally I see this as an improvement. The 4th gen is EASILY the best generation of pokemon because it hit every one of those out of the park and brought the best innovation to the games. From a simple game design perspective the gens before all have a VERY glaring short coming. The built in type allocations (Dark is always special, Ghost physical) was honestly just a bad game design choice, but hindsight is 20/20 and all. And now in much the same the 5th gen introduced away to give pokemon with 2 abilities or default abilities (ie: starters) a new ones, that is what I feel Mega Forms are trying to do (thought I don't feel every one we've seen works). They are taking pokemon that would be hard to expand with a new evolution and giving it to them in a new, possibly innovative, way. 


tl;dr: I don't understand your agrument. The innovations in every gen have been good. Trust that they won't screw things up now.


Two people can look at art, one dismissing it immediately, and the other remaining in complete awe. 


I personally don't see innovation in it, that doesn't mean I'm right.

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I'm actually more excited for the fact that Gamefreak has finally decided to not play it safe. They have continuously used the tried and true formula, with minor changes each time. However now they are not holding back and are taking a big leap. This alone is respectable, considering how easy it would've been for them to continue playing it safe and milking the cow. They also implemented this in the safest possible way, so it minimizes its impact on the game. Though, I might have a problem with the scavenger hunt for individual Megastones if more pokemon continue to get mega evolutions.

Rumor: The idea of Mega Evolution came from EX pokemon cards or something.

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I'm glad they're finally doing something new as well. It was a gamble. Lots of people are whining about it, and I don't mean that as a direct insult to anyone on this forum, I just mean on youtube or wherever. And not a single aspect of the Mega Evolution concept doesn't seem "Ohmygodthisisamazing" to me. Besides, anyway to make Lucario MORE awesome is great in my book.

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The problem is, though, I don't see this as "taking a risk." I see it as messing with something (a.k.a. the evolution system) that's been perfectly fine and didn't warrant a change. Yeah, I should realize that few things are sacrosanct, but this just feels like it's fiddling with something too far already ingrained in Pokemon's DNA. Heck, if Dark- and Steel-types didn't exist already, I'd feel the same way about Fairies being introduced. If a Pokemon wants a new evolution - Absol and Mawile amongst them - just give it to them. If they already have three stages, don't.

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To be entirely fair, though... Absol doesn't exactly NEED an evolution. I mean, the only important stat that he's lacking in is Speed, and an evolution of his would probably just be way strong, unless they kept his attack as is when he evolved.

Absol can reach over 400 Speed with a Choice Scarf, so I think an actual evolution is certainly unnecessary.


Mawile on the other hand, I really would have liked to see an actual evolved form for it.

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Two people can look at art, one dismissing it immediately, and the other remaining in complete awe. 


I personally don't see innovation in it, that doesn't mean I'm right.



Fair enough. I just want to understand your view.



I'm actually more excited for the fact that Gamefreak has finally decided to not play it safe. They have continuously used the tried and true formula, with minor changes each time. However now they are not holding back and are taking a big leap. This alone is respectable, considering how easy it would've been for them to continue playing it safe and milking the cow. They also implemented this in the safest possible way, so it minimizes its impact on the game. Though, I might have a problem with the scavenger hunt for individual Megastones if more pokemon continue to get mega evolutions.

Rumor: The idea of Mega Evolution came from EX pokemon cards or something.



This I can agree with. Of all the changes they've made this is one of the largest, probably second only to the new types getting added. 



The thing I'm seeing people complain about the most is the fact that now it is impossible for Absol and Mawile to get actual evos. Which is a legit concern, seeing as how those two were of the most popular.



This has been my problem. What I like to see in the Megalutions is that the actual design doesn't change that much. Megacario's new form isn't something I would really think of as being enough of a change to call an evolution. Just compair it to the ones that were given out in the 4th gen. The actual change in the pokemon isn't nearly as much. This is why I love Megaskan since its just a a differernt way for it to battle, nothing about the prokemon itself has changed. That is my ideal Megalution.



The problem is, though, I don't see this as "taking a risk." I see it as messing with something (a.k.a. the evolution system) that's been perfectly fine and didn't warrant a change. Yeah, I should realize that few things are sacrosanct, but this just feels like it's fiddling with something too far already ingrained in Pokemon's DNA. Heck, if Dark- and Steel-types didn't exist already, I'd feel the same way about Fairies being introduced. If a Pokemon wants a new evolution - Absol and Mawile amongst them - just give it to them. If they already have three stages, don't.



The problem is some pokemon that already have 3 evolutions still need further upgrades to be good. I feel those are 100% justified in getting Mega Forms. The other group I would be ok with is pokemon like Kangaskan that would be really hard to design an evolution for. The question becomes how much of a change does a pokemon need to undergo to have a new form be the same as a new evolution. I think Megacario is at the line of new form and evolution. Mawile and Ampharos more in the form camp and Absol and Blaziken in the evolution camp. 



Out of curiosity, are Mega Evolutions permanent?
I forget if it was mentioned or not.



At the end of battle the pokemon go back to their normal form.

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People will do what people are reknown for---complain.

However, at the end of the day, they look forward to, and will purchase, the game. I, for one, think Mega Evolution is amazing (just because in the grand scope, I get more Pokemon, and cool looks too). Now, if their slots take away from new pokemon slots, then I'll be disturbed, but again, I'll buy the game and love it.

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Absol can reach over 400 Speed with a Choice Scarf, so I think an actual evolution is certainly unnecessary.


But Absol can't really hit hard enough to actually be worth using with a Scarf over other things and its main draw is Swords Dance and Sucker Punch.


I like the new Mega Evolutions but I'm concerned that they're putting a lot of time and effort into something so temporary.

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But Absol can't really hit hard enough to actually be worth using with a Scarf over other things and its main draw is Swords Dance and Sucker Punch.


I like the new Mega Evolutions but I'm concerned that they're putting a lot of time and effort into something so temporary.

Well, a fully EV'd Absol even without a positive attack nature still has as much attack as an Adamant Lucario. So a Scarfed Absol can still hit nicely. But Swords Dance and Sucker Punch is quite a bit nicer, yeah.


Honestly, I'm loving the Mega evolution concept.

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