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Updated Ratbox Stun (IRL)

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I may end up fixing this around to become Chaos Stun, but I have no BLS - Envoy. Plus I love Ratbox way too much. I am considering D.D. Warrior Lady, and want to get my hands on a Gale as well. A tech card I want to try out, as well, is Miniaturize. Can stop Xyzs and also let me get over bigger monsters. Trying to think of what to take out. May just side Karma Cut. I feel like I need more traps or trap-like cards, though. I'm also getting Forbidden Chalice to toy with.

[spoiler="Unimpressive Pictures"]
The sleeve there is Doomcaliber Knightwhen it comes in the mail.
Colored the Stim Pack myself.

Monsters - 20
[1]Cyber Dragon (Found that it dead drew a lot in this deck)
[3]Giant Rat
[2]Injection Fairy Lily (Always been MVP)
[2]Psychic Commander
[2]Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
[2]Legendary Jujitsu Master
[1]Grand Mole
[1]Hyper Hammerhead
[1]Gigantes (Never used its effect, but it was a good beatdown card)
[1]Doomcaliber Knight
[1]Breaker the Magical Warrior
[1]Spirit Reaper
[1]Penguin Soldier

Spells - 12
[2]Smashing Ground
[2]Creature Swap
[1]Scapegoat (Has helped so much)
[1]Book of Moon
[1]Pot of Avarice
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Monster Reborn

Traps - 9
[2]Mirror Force
[2]Bottomless Trap Hole
[2]Compulsory Evacuation Device
[2]Torrential Tribute
[1]Karma Cut

Extra - 15
[1]Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
[1]Fairy King Albverdich
[1]Colossal Fighter
[1]Stardust Dragon
[1]Black-Winged Dragon
[1]Psychic Lifetrancer
[1]Gaia Knight

Side Deck - 15
[1]Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin (For Exodia)
[1]Trap Eater (For Decree and trap-heavy decks)
[1]Spell-Shattering Arrow (Six Sams, Madolche, and others)
[1]Cyber Dragon
[1]Trap Stun
[1]Chain Disappearance (Lots of stuff, but mainly Wind-Ups and Rabbit)
[1]Pulling the Rug
[1]Soul Taker
[1]Needle Ceiling
[1]Mind Crush
[1]The Transmigration Prophecy
[1]Cursed Seal of Forbidden Spell
[1]Lightning Vortex
[1]Raigeki Break

Changes from Old Version:
-1 Cyber Dragon (to side), Caius, Jowgen the Spiritualist, Raigeki Break (to side), Call of the Haunted, Stygian Sergeant
+1 Doomcal, Karma Cut (from side), Mirror Force, Zenmaines,
+2 Fossil Dyna

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I had Sangan in here before, and while it can be a very good card under the right circumstances, it's not always something I want to draw into, unless I had Creature Swap. Hyper Hammerhead is pretty swank in Ratbox. He acts like JuJu and Grand Mole, but he doesn't cause you to lose presence when taking down a defender, and he can still use his effect while in attack mode.

When I get Tour Guides in the deck THEN I will put in Sangan.

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Okay, just got some cards in the mail and I have the following for my deck:
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirldwind
1 Forbidden Chalice
1 Doomcal (In addition to the one in there already)

It's also possible to run Laggia, but I would need a second Hyper Hammerhead, and ideally a Call of the Haunted in the deck to put it in, or even side.

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Sadly, my Synchro list is poop. I couldn't really find any that I wanted for cheap when ordering cards, either (though I didn't look too hard). So I'm stuck with what I've got, though Urbellum did get some use during one duel when my opponent passed turn. I'm also getting my hands on an Acid Golem, so that might help a little. Probably going to take out Leodrake for it.

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