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I dont like playing Allure, EEV, or Upstart Goblins.

Allure often removes something too important, EEV is very nice as a side option games 2 and 3, and I never have room for Upstart.

Id play Dark Hole, Card Destruction(MVP in here), 1 Copy of Gateway to Darkworld, Another DDV, and one tech card you like.

Dark Hole is too important not to play.

Card Destruction is DW's best card next to grapha, and literally wins you games by itself.

Deck Devestation is iffy, but I run it because it blows out WU, Water, and Inzektors. Especially since you run 4 targets, While I think EEV is a great card(especially since you Sillva), it never helps me. You dont have to drop it if you dont want to.

Gateway to Darkworld is a very nice card Ive come to love. It acts like a monster reborn, but what makes it shine is you can activate it in the endphase/chain it. This is huge, because it can bait out MSTs or you can use it in the endphase to revive a Snoww/Broww. Then you can revive Grapha on your next turn.

Foolish burial is another option you might want to consider, as it allows u access to Grapha right away.

For the extra deck, take out Pearl, Shock Master, Utopia, Roach, Papilloperative. You will never/rarely make these.

I like to play 2 Rank 8s - Gimmick String of Puppets, and Heliopolis. Each have their upsides, but I often go into Heliopolis.
I like to play 2 Leviair, because it works so well with Gates. I also play 3 Synchros, Scrap Dragon, Stardust, and Black Rose, because I side deck 1 Fabled Raven.

For the side deck, I suggest you side for what you deem to be a problem.

YOU MUST side 3 MST. Shadow Imprisoning Mirror, Macro Cosmos/D-Fissure, Soul Drain, etc etc will come in games 2/3 so you need these to help you out.

I love siding 2 Gozen, 2 Skill Drain, 1 EEV, 3 MST, 3 Ryko, Fabled Raven, and 3 Doomcaliber.

Its my go to side, but I sometimes chain it to reflect the local meta(like if there is no rabbits, I dont side Ryko)

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For turbo, drop Sillva and TGUs, Dead draws or make dead veilers live. (siding TGU works because then they out all their effect hate).
Choose if you want Beiige or not. I don't but some like it.
If you drop Beiige you'll need triple Gateway.
No matter what, turbo will need triple Hope for Escape and triple Skill Drain.
Viruses, Compulses and Allure can all go for space.
Also Dark Bribe to protect setup.

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Changes made:

-1 Sillva
-1 EEV
-1 Allure

+1 Card Destruction
+1 Gateway
+1 Dark Hole

Changes in Extra Deck:

-1 Pearl
-1 Papill
-1 Utopia
-1 Shock
-1 Roach

+1 Helio
+1 Gimmick
+1 Stardust
+1 Rose
+1 Scrap Drag

Haven't read the latest comment so these are the changes i made so far.



Note: haven't finished side yet.


For turbo, drop Sillva and TGUs, Dead draws or make dead veilers live. (siding TGU works because then they out all their effect hate).
Choose if you want Beiige or not. I don't but some like it.
If you drop Beiige you'll need triple Gateway.
No matter what, turbo will need triple Hope for Escape and triple Skill Drain.
Viruses, Compulses and Allure can all go for space.
Also Dark Bribe to protect setup.

What should I replace them with, since I'm having trouble finding space.

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[quote name='Miror~' timestamp='1357665881' post='6115254']
Veiler's still out there, as is forbidden chalice.
[/quote]Veiler isn't as prevalent as before. No one is running Chalice anymore.

They're no longer a valid argument to not run TGU. You're a format behind on that one.

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