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Monthly point giveaways

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How about every month, year, holiday, etc.., a group of staff members select 1 member and he/she gets a certain amount of points for reasons only the mods would decide on. Now if this happens you [i]don't[/i] want to make it spam like e-mail stuff because seriously, who's going to eccept points that way? I think it should be a notible somewhat transaction (but in the way a member can donate points). You could also do raffle-like tickets or lottery style where it (X amount of points) just given out monthly to any member who subscribes anually for free (This should [b]only[/b] be runned by staff and not by random members). [b]No[/b] gambling, slot machine crap because this is YCM, not YCMontecito ([i]Los[/i] [i]Vegas[/i] show reference).

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