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[Finished]High-functioning Contesm (On hold until enough people join)


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After opening another browser, I was able to read 7swords's entries. The grading is as follows.

Balance (3/15) You know how Acceleraptor is completely broken? [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Deck_Devastation_Virus"]This card is worse[/url].
Viability (10/10) Guess Abyss Dweller will be the only 1700 monster Dino Rabbit runs.
Creativity (1/10) Nigh-identical to existing cards and almost the same as the example card.
Flavor (2/5) Abyss can be DARK or WATER, I suppose. I assume it's a sea monster, but that would be Sea-Serpent, not really Dinosaur.
Total: [color=#FF0000]16[/color]

Balance (15/15) No problematic interactions.
Viability (4/10) Aside from the combination of possible surprise Battle Damage (Spirit of the Harp) and a quick defender for Court of Justice (a spot already filled by The Fool), it's outclassed by Marshmallon and Gellenduo as a defender. You could use it with Human-Wave Tactics in a Mokey Mokey Deck.
Creativity (8/10) Did not expect this, to be certain.
Flavor (4/5) It's a Level 1 LIGHT Fairy like Mokey Mokey, and it has the implied high DEF. No idea what it looks like.
Total: [color=#FF0000]31[/color]

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