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[Finished]High-functioning Contesm (On hold until enough people join)


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For those of you who have been looking for a painfully stringent contest, here it is. Welcome to the High-Functioning Contesm Competition! Here you'll make cards under extremely narrow constraints and eke out points with tiny details.


Entry costs 5 to 50 points [see "Prizes"]. To enter, declare the number of points you're entering with below.
Forumers of any rank may enter.
You can still enter after the start of the contest.

[spoiler="Round 1"]
For the first round, make 2 Written Cards.

You must make two Level 4 or lower Normal Monsters. Card A might be worth running in a casual Deck, and Card B is worth a spot in a competitive Deck. It's up to you to decide what that means; you don't have to say which is which.

You cannot include flavor text! You cannot communicate any flavor about the card except through its functional parts (such as name).

...also, your entries cannot have more than 2000 ATK.

Harpie's Pet Acceleraptor
WIND / Dinosaur
2000 / 100 / Lvl 4


[spoiler="Round 2"]

For the second round, make an TCG- or OCG-archetype-specific card that is overpowered but not broken. In other words, it should increase the competitive value of its archetype, but not centralize the entire archetype around abusing it.

However, for its effect text,
you are limited to 50 characters/spaces (including Materials, if any),
you cannot use quotation marks,
you cannot mention Type or Attribute, and
if you make a monster, it cannot have a Trigger or Quick Effect.

Balanced (?/15). This includes all interactions with other cards, OCG and TCG.
Viable (?/10)
Creative (?/10)
Flavorful (?/5)[/spoiler]


1st Place: 300 Points
2nd Place: The entry fee you paid, times the number of competitors
3rd Place: The entry fee you paid x3


The tentative deadline for Round 2's judgment is January 18th.

Have fun, if possible.

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[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This looks interesting. I guess I will enter with 10 points.

[color=#000000][size=1][background=transparent][size=4][color=#5A5A5A][background=transparent][spoiler=card 1] Beast of The Abyss [/background][/color][/size][/background][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=1][background=transparent][size=4][color=#5A5A5A][background=transparent]level 4[/background][/color][/size][/background][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=1][background=transparent][size=4][color=#5A5A5A][background=transparent]Atk 2000 def 1000 [/spoiler][/background][/color][/size][/background][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=1][background=transparent][size=4][color=#5A5A5A][background=transparent][spoiler=card 2] Mokey Mokey Gaurd [/background][/color][/size][/background][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=1][background=transparent][size=4][color=#5A5A5A][background=transparent]level 1[/background][/color][/size][/background][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=1][background=transparent][size=4][color=#5A5A5A][background=transparent]Light/Fairy [/background][/color][/size][/background][/size][/color]
[color=#000000][size=1][background=transparent][size=4][color=#5A5A5A][background=transparent]Atk 0 def 2000[/background][/color][/size][color=#5A5A5A][background=transparent] [/spoiler][/background][/color][/background][/size][/color][/font]

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I may as well enter my cards now. I like having enough points that I don't really care when I dump 50 points in :3
[hr][spoiler='Card A']Must-have for a casual Deck that uses either Black Luster Soldier or Herald of Perfection. It's also a target for Advanced Ritual Art. The stats are exactly 3/5 of Black Luster Soldier's.
[color=#a9a9a9]Black Luster Squire - Herald of the Mighty[/color]
EARTH / Fairy-Type
ATK 1800/ DEF 1500[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Card B']Woooo... the hard decision to make when choosing between this and Alexandrite Dragon for Noble Rabbit.
[color=#daa520]Constellar Noble Knight Gallant Galahad[/color]
LIGHT / Warrior-Type
ATK 1650/ DEF 1950/ LV 4[/spoiler]

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Well since 2000 is the max, I know what I'm going to support (hint it's my avi). I already sent you the 50 points.

[spoiler=Card 1]
[color=#daa520]Compact Soldier [/color]
LIGHT/Rock-Type/Level 4
ATK 1400/DEF 2000
Since I used to love them DEF 2000 back in the day, I decided to make one kind of like those guys. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Card 2]
[color=#daa520]Photon Magnitude[/color]
LIGHT/Warrior-Type/Level 4
ATK 2000/DEF 0
Pretty simple, but since you're asking for Normal Monsters, what are we really suppose to do? Since it can be searched by Rabbit, it will make it really OP, but that's mostly the fault of Rabbit I suppose.

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[b]1 more participant and the contest will officially begin.[/b]

[b]The following is not disparagement or endorsement. Changing in response to this information will not guarantee an improved score.[/b]
[quote name='Zaziuma' timestamp='1357396991' post='6111846']
[color=#DAA520]Photon Magnitude[/color]
Since it can be searched by Rabbit, it will make it really OP, but that's mostly the fault of Rabbit I suppose.
[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1357339951' post='6111351']
Balanced (?/15). [color=#000000]This includes all interactions with other cards, OCG and TCG[/color].[/quote]

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# End of Round 1 #

Balanced (0/15) Nothing to grade.
Viable (0/10) Nothing to grade.
Creative (0/10) Something to grade (F).
Flavorful (0/5) Nothing to grade.
Overall[color=#FF0000] 0/40[/color]

Balanced (0/15) Nothing to grade.
Viable (0/10) Nothing to grade.
Creative (2/10) I assume this is a monster related to Mokey Mokey but with higher DEF, but...
Flavorful (0/5) ...I have no way to know.
Overall[color=#FF0000] 2/40[/color]

Grand Total: [b][color=#DAA520]No[/color][/b][/spoiler]

Balanced (15/15) No special interactions.
Viable (4/10) No part of its name draws any support. [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dunames_Dark_Witch"]Dunames Dark Witch[/url] is LIGHT and is therefore a better choice for Happy Herald or even an original-BLS Deck. You could use this as well as Dunames with Rescue Rabbit and Tour Guide in a Return Deck, but since this can't be banished for Chaos monsters nor Hyperion, Spirit of the Harp would provide better support even though it lacks ATK.
Creative (7/10) It's a Fairy. It's EARTH. It's meant to support Fairies and Ritual Monsters, which is unusual design.
Flavorful (3/5) EARTH like BLS. Fairy like Heralds, but the word "Herald" is being used in a different way. The name doesn't evoke anything. It probably wears armor.
Overall[color=#FF0000] 29/40[/color]

Balanced (14/15) This thing doesn't have very high stats. But it fuels a number of OTKs (especially with Constellar Beehive). It does not significantly empower the grind game of either archetype with its presence.
Viable (8/10) 1650 ATK makes this underwhelming as a beater. It runs over Cercyon, I guess. Constellars gain tons of benefits by putting 2 of these in the Graveyard with Rabbit. Noble Knights already have Artorigus, and don't benefit much from Beehive since they have Heroic Champion Excalibur, but an extra target for Rabbit and Black is nice.
Creative (6/10) It's a Level 4 Normal Monster in 2 archetypes focused on 2-part Xyz Summons.
Flavorful (3/5) 1950 DEF ties with Heliotrope and Thunderbird+. But the two archetypes listed don't mesh; one is from the final stages of Terminal World and one is from the Knights of the Round Table.
Overall[color=#FF0000] 31/40[/color]

[color=#0000FF]Grand Total: [/color][color=#00FF00][b]60[/b][/color][/spoiler]

Balanced (15/15) No problematic interactions. No useful ones either.
Viable (2/10) With so many Level 4 LIGHT monsters, what would I use this guy for? I can't make any of the good LIGHT Xyzes if I want Block Golem to work, so that's out, and Beta the Magnet Warrior or Verz Heliotrope serves as a better Rock-Type Rabbit target.
Creative (6/10) It's a Level 4 LIGHT Normal Monster.
Flavorful (4/5) I get that it's a cloister-armored guy. Why is it LIGHT?
Overall[color=#FF0000] 27/40[/color]

Balanced (13/15) Very powerful, enough to centralize the Deck around abusing it. Ignoring the -1 for Galaxy-Eyes (which is generally easier in other ways), this is a straight upgrade to Photon Crusher. It can also perform a number of OTKs, and is Xyz Material for a ton of good stuff. Nonetheless Photons would remain undermeta, as Rabbit into this is just a cheaper version of something they already have.
Viable (9/10) You can buffer the card loss from an Xyz Summon with Galaxy Zero by recycling 2 of these with Dark Factory of Mass Production.
Creative (3/10) This is almost identical to Photon Crusher.
Flavorful (3/5) It has "magnitude"...What is it? A ball of energy? A knight with a hammer? A giant sword? It's impossible to tell. However it has exactly enough ATK for Rescue into GEPD, so that's nice.
Overall[color=#FF0000] 28/40[/color]

[color=#0000FF]Grand Total: [/color][color=#00FF00][b]55[/b][/color][/spoiler]

Balanced (15/15) The combo into Bahamut Shark is...not very threatening.
Viable (6/10) This is just barely better than several similar options because of its 1900 ATK. Being a Sea Serpent doesn't change anything.
Creative (4/10) There's already a Level 4 WATER Sea-Serpent with 1800 ATK. The same goes for Aqua and Fish. And there's Gagagigo.
Flavorful (2/5) What is it? I have no idea. It's a Sea-Serpent, so it's presumably not a "shark", but the realm of real or imaginary vertebrate sea creatures is enormous.
Overall[color=#FF0000] 27/40[/color]

Balanced (15/15) No problematic interactions, not even the listed one.
Viable (5/10) Plover is powerful, but X-Head Cannon is LIGHT, has the same stats and can go into Constellar Omega or Photoknight Paladius. Mechanicalchaser is DARK, has 50 more ATK and is a Salvo target. Gear Gigant can search for Salvo. What kind of Deck would run this?
Creative (5/10) Cyber Falcon has the same Level, Type and Attribute with less ATK. This has the same stats as X-Head Cannon. There are oodles of monsters who are basically gears.
Flavorful (2/5) It's a gear and a Machine. Most monsters like that are EARTH; why is this WIND?
Overall[color=#FF0000] 27/40[/color]

[color=#0000FF]Grand Total: [/color][color=#00FF00][b]54[/b][/color][/spoiler]

Groncradulations to the winner. Next round will be up in a bit.

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[quote name='AznKvn' timestamp='1358021281' post='6119068']
Hah, I forgot to add a flavor text. Oh well.
[/quote][quote name='newhat' timestamp='1357339951' post='6111351']
[b]You cannot include flavor text! You cannot communicate any flavor about the card except through its functional parts (such as name).[/b]

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Can I choose an Archetype of my own too or does it have to be an original archetype (which I probably will make anyway, though just wanna ask).

EDIT: Here's the card. You really made it so I couldn't rescrict my card too much, I wanted to give it a "you can only use the effect of "Phantom Beastcraft - Recon-Bear" once per turn," and a "only used as a Synchro Material Monster for the Synchro Summon of a WIND/Machine-Type (wasn't too sure at that point) monster". I also couldn't use the "Phantom Beastcraft Token" and had to use simply Token. Plus, I wanted to add a "can only be Special Summoned by it's own effect and cannot be Special Summoned any other ways", though the 50 word limit screwed me over. It's certainly interesting making cards with such harsh rescrictions, and I think that having to make it somewhat OP kind of helped towards that, cause I couldn't really make it not OP, even if I had to try. The card itself is simply to give PBC a way to Synchro Summon, plus an easy SS. The picture is just a random plane, not actually an animal looking one, though bear comes somewhat close. I also don't think it's really a Recon Plane, if following what I think is their theme, having a real life plane, and an animal, though since the archetype is not currently realeased, it's hard to tell what they mean, but the picture I found said "Recon Plane" so I'll take their word for it being right I suppose. You should be able to read the effect since I didn't have that much room to work with hehe.


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[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1358190136' post='6120717']
For future reference, yes, it has to be a TCG or OCG archetype.
[/quote]I figured that would make most sense since you can't really judge on something you don't know/can't research. In any case I still made mine for an OCG archetype (currently) so it wouldn't have mattered.

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[quote name='7swords' timestamp='1358198066' post='6120869']
[s]What 0! all of the stuff is their on my computer? Do you want me to send it to you in a pm or something? I can see it![/s]
I messed with the font can you see it now?
[/quote]he can see your cards, they were just not very great.

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Might change it later on, if you don't mind. Will you take consideration yet to be created TCG cards such as [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/295756-artorigus-king-of-the-noble-knights/"]Artorigus, King of the Noble Knights[/url], [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/295758-noble-knight-medraut/"]Noble Knight Medraut[/url] and the card I created in the earlier round?

[color=#008080][b]Noble Reincarnation[/b][/color]
[color=#008080][Normal Spell Card][/color]
Return 1 Normal Monster with both ATK and DEF greater than 1600 from your hand, field, Graveyard or Banished Zone to your Deck; Draw 2 cards and end the current phase. While this card is in your Graveyard (except during the turn it was sent to the Graveyard): You can banish it; add 1 Equip Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand.

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[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1358200008' post='6120913']
7swords, you were supposed to provide ATK, DEF, Level, Type and Attribute. You only provided names.
[/quote]actually all you said has been there for a while, I say it when I first came in here pretty much.

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