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Youtube/Google problem



I have a problem regarding my Google account and my Youtube channel. I have a Youtube channel linked to my Google account (so I thought...), but when I tried to log onto Youtube, I couldn't. The accounts were not linked to eachother anymore. Well, I could've logged in if they hadn't changed the fact that you could use your Youtube name before, and now you can't.


I don't know what to do, I can't find anywhere whare I can link the accounts back to eachother either.


Please help.


//A really frustrated dude.

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5 answers to this question

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Try logging in with your YouTube name and your password. If your password is the correct one for the name, it should show you the Google account that it's linked to. Just copy and paste the google account instead of your old YouTube name and the same password as before, it should work.

At least it did for me.

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Well, I've tried logging in with the Youtube name and the password but it says I need a Google account to log in, so I cannot access the Google account name from Youtube...


Okay, I'm now logged in to my old Youtube channel (it had a different Google account linked to it...), but now I want to link that to the Google account I'm currently using...

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