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Django Unchained


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[spoiler=My Review]
5/5 Stars

Quentin Tarantino you had my curiosity with [i]Inglourious Basterds[/i], but now you have my attention with [i]Django Unchained[/i].

This is a western movie that deserves recognition. I would say it is one of the best western films to come out in the past 30 years. Jamie Foxx gives a stunning performance as Django, a slave bent on revenge and the reclaiming of his wife. I had never seen a movie with Foxx before but this, this is really something.

Christoph Watlz is even funnier with his role. I died laughing everytime he spoke a word, and his chemistry is Foxx is astounding. Not to mention good ole Leonardo Dicaprio as Calvin Candie, one of the antagonist's of the film, gives a stunning performance.

The directing is gorgeous and the cinematography is flawless. You can tell by the introduction that Quuentin Tarantino was just like "F*ck it" with the introduction and just splashed on a spaghetti western intro in there just to cover the cast credits. This heart-pumping 3 hour long film is amazing in that it keeps me hooked with such gut busting action and extremely long dialogue.

Once again Tarantino gives us another great movie that will be remembered for a very long while. I am glad Tarantino hasn't changed his usual storyline + gore + action = Badassery equation and gives a us a great film to see on the holiday's.[/spoiler]

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Just saw this and it was awesome as expected. The writing is great, the directing was superb and pop culture references are sweet. Keep in mind though, there's 3 type of people when watching a Tarantino movies a.) People who just hate his movies. b.) People who consider [i]Kill Bill[/i] is better than [i]Inglourious Basterds[/i]. c.) People who consider [i]Inglourious Basterds[/i] is better than [i]Kill Bill[/i].

To me, nothing can touch his old stuff([i]Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill[/i]) since it's like his golden age but among his post Kill Bill film, Django Unchained would be my number 1. And it's insane how long this movie is and when I think back and try to come out what scene/part that could be cut out from the movie and I couldn't think of any and that's how insanely good Tarantino is.

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[quote name='Bay Harbor Butcher' timestamp='1356842196' post='6105860']
To me, nothing can touch his old stuff([i]Reservoir Dogs, [u]Pulp Fiction[/u], Kill Bill[/i])

Dude seriously? I doubt that even Tarantino himself will ever come out with something that was a much of a masterpiece as Pulp Fiction was

But anyways I'm really excited to see it and I can't wait to get my chance to watch it
And from what I've been told so far, Tarantino has pulled it off again with this one

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[quote name='Ginko The Mushi Master' timestamp='1356921265' post='6106680']
Seriously? NOBODY mentioned [i]Grindhouse[/i]? SERIOUSLY!?

I mean come on! The collaboration between Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino is perfect!

Honestly, I like Planet Terror more than Death Proof but it's all up to personal preferences and many would consider Death Proof as his weakest entry, even Tarantino admit it himself. But Death Proof is still better than most of the movie in the Top grossing films list of that year.

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[quote name='Halubaris Maphotika' timestamp='1356934336' post='6106917']
Not to mention that Machete was just freaking entertaining.
The Mexico Trilogy, From Dusk Till Dawn, Sin City, Planet Terror and Machete are just awesome. Rodriguez should stick with these types of filmmaking instead of kids movie.

On a side note, have you heard of Drive? It's a 2011 pulp/neo noir movie by Danish filmmaker -Nicolas Winding Refn. He's movie are heavily influence by both Tarantino and Rodriguez. Curious about your thoughts about that movie.

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[quote name='Bay Harbor Butcher' timestamp='1357028512' post='6107969']
The Mexico Trilogy, From Dusk Till Dawn, Sin City, Planet Terror and Machete are just awesome. Rodriguez should stick with these types of filmmaking instead of kids movie.

On a side note, have you heard of Drive? It's a 2011 pulp/neo noir movie by Danish filmmaker -Nicolas Winding Refn. He's movie are heavily influence by both Tarantino and Rodriguez. Curious about your thoughts about that movie.
With Ryan Gosling? No I have not. I did however, hear of it's acclaim.

I am wicked sorry but I have NO time to watch that movie as there are a lot of movies from 2012 that I need to review and [i]Drive[/i] came out in 2011. I won't deny that Nicolas worked hard on that movie and I wish him the best of luck.

However, I WILL be watching Nicolas' next movie [i]Only God Forgives[/i], which is a crime thriller film. I may not be able to watch [i]Drive [/i]but I will be watching that. When it comes out, I will definitely give a review.

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