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Geargia Deck


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If there is any fixes you guys want to mention, I'll take them into consideration. One thing for me is for sure, Geargias are hopelessly borked.

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Should be running triple Accel and Arsenal. Geargiano sucks. Birdman is bad if you aren't running the Karakuri version. Don't run IRS, Iron Call, whatever it is after Limiter, Smashing, or Solidarity. Add a third Gearframe and a Cannon. Gozen and Rivalry should be sided (really, Gozen hurts most decks more).

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I'll keep Rivalry in and side Gozen. I've found that Birdman is good in this, since I can get out Genex Tri-Force and attack without worrying about D. Prisons or Mirror Force. Machina Armored Unit can be quite useful in getting out Armor in DEF so I'll keep that at 1. IMO Cannon is lame and I really want the Geargias up on the field and not down in the Graveyard, so I think it's only viable with a Pot of Avarice.

I've put in another Fortress and another Gearframe, but I'll keep Solidarity and Smashing Ground since the boss monster in the archetype can be easily run over by any generic beatstick. I'll keep in Geagiano MK-II for Zenmaines and Birdman for the Level 7 Synchros. I've found that the deck has many routes to go down with playstyle and there are a lot of options on the table so Gozen Match doesn't hurt the flow of the deck, just the amount of options, and the same goes for Rivalry. Both mean I can't get out Number 11 but that doesn't matter much since I have Smashing Grounds to stop any threats taking out Gigant.

So with that all done, what should I put in? I have 4 spaces open atm.

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