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Deck Master Tournament [Congratulations to BrokenHeart15]

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Alright, only 2 left, then I can begin to assign abilities and post the bracket.

EDIT: Also, I am amending the rules, because I apparently didn't make it clear enough. You can only place 1 DM on the field per your turn, and ONLY DMs can go to the fictional "DM Zone".

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[quote name='Howling Black' timestamp='1356910177' post='6106487']
Alright, only 2 left, then I can begin to assign abilities and post the bracket.

EDIT: Also, I am amending the rules, because I apparently didn't make it clear enough. You can only place 1 DM on the field per your turn, and ONLY DMs can go to the fictional "DM Zone".

I know that means if your DM gets Complused, you can't just summon him. But, does this rule stop you from summoning your DM, then using it to Synchro/Xyz/Tribute summon?

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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1356983499' post='6107364']
I know that means if your DM gets Complused, you can't just summon him. But, does this rule stop you from summoning your DM, then using it to Synchro/Xyz/Tribute summon?
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.

You can always use your DM for that, but you can only place a DM on the field once per each of your turns.

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Alright, all decks are in. Decks can no longer be edited. Pairings will be posted later once the DM Abilities are cemented.

Tourney will start at 12 AM EST, to kick off the new year. You will have until the 4th to finish your matches to keep this timely.

Also, in no particular order, the Deck Masters are as follows:

Kaiser Seahorse
Delta Flyer
Armageddon Knight
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawk
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake
Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon
Card Trooper
Cactus Bouncer
Ancient Gear Soldier
Dimension Wanderer
Mermail - Abysslinde
Madolche Chouxvalier
Gishki Emilia

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[spoiler=Really Big bracket][img]http://images.challonge.com/deckmaster.png[/img]

Will add to OP. Abilities will be sent to you and your opponent, so that the ability is made clear for both, and either of you can ask rulings before the match.

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[quote name='Howling Black' timestamp='1356983800' post='6107370']
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking.

You can always use your DM for that, but you can only place a DM on the field once per each of your turns.

My apologies. I misunderstood. And I was asking if we could summon the DM, then use the DM for another summon that same turn.

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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1356996780' post='6107624']
My apologies. I misunderstood. And I was asking if we could summon the DM, then use the DM for another summon that same turn.
Yes, that is perfectly legal. The transferrance of beign a Deck Master is fine, seeing as you can summon more, just not "Place" them.

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[quote name='Howling Black' timestamp='1356988869' post='6107456']
Kaiser Seahorse
[b]Whoever you are, I love you.[/b]
[b]Guess: hunders[/b]
Delta Flyer
[b]I love you, Demmy. inb4itisn'tDemmy[/b]
Armageddon Knight
[b]Guess: Inzektors[/b]
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawk
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake
[b]Guesses: Fire Fists[/b]
Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon
[b]Guess: Harpies[/b]
Card Trooper
[b]Guess: Anything.[/b]
Cactus Bouncer
[b]Guess: I don't even...[/b]
Ancient Gear Soldier
Dimension Wanderer
[b]I don't. I don't know.[/b]
Mermail - Abysslinde
Madolche Chouxvalier
[b]I know these ones.[/b]
[b]Guess: Evols[/b]
[b]Guess: Watts[/b]
Gishki Emilia
[b]Guess: Gishki[/b]
[/quote]Whomever chose Kaiser Sea Horse is pro.

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[quote name='Remnants' timestamp='1357043283' post='6108025']
lol sorry if I offend. I actually think it's a great place. I just wasn't able to get on YCM while I was there, and I missed out on this awesome tourney.

you didnt offend. im being serious. i dont like living here haha. its no big deal though. im glad you had fun here.

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To explain the CBox, when I made my winning move, I screwed up, having played Ophion then DAD. This was pointed out, and for the sake of fairity and the rules, Beginning very kindly let me redo my turn, which you can see the results of above.

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