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The Dark Mistress Beckons


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Allure and Reborn: Crap, forgot about those xD THis was uh, -mostly- netdecked.
The card is called NIghtmare Archfiends, the text:
Tribute 1 monster. Special Summon 3 "Nightmare Archfiend Tokens" (Fiend-Type/DARK/Level 6/ATK 2000/DEF 2000) to your opponent's side of the field in Attack Position. When a "Nightmare Archfiend Token" is destroyed, its controller takes 800 damage.

Makes easy tribute fodder to bring out Yubel.

Level Eater is a possibility, I think he was in my old version.

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How is it tribute fodder for Yubel, when the tokens are summoned to your opponents field... O.o

I think it needs some tidying up really. The one of's like smashing ground and Shield Crush should go, and instead you should be relying on the stage 2 Yubel's field clearance over anything else. He clears the road for you to procede to beat down with other stuff. That's what I remember the only other Yubel deck I've played doing.

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I'm sorry, but I agree with Arkel here. You can summon Yubel. Good. But after that, what do you do? You can't sit on Yubel, it's too costly. Level Eater cannot be tributed to keep Yubel alive, it cannot be tributed except for a tribute summon... Most Yubel decks work on getting Terror Incarnate out, and sit on her for awhile, eating resources, abusing cards that don't care about the end phase dark hole... Why do you use Doomcals here? They seem to clash with everything else.... I'd suggest taking out Level Eater, unless you're trying to go for an XYZ Yubel deck, which relies on Galaxy Queen's Light, etc etc. The lava golems may seem good, but... Lv 8 xyzs exist. What happens if they clear yubel off the field? You don't really have another way to protect yourself.

I'd highly recommend taking out the following,
-2 Doomcal
-2 Stygian
-1 Dark Creator

and adding the following.
+3 Call of the Haunted
+1 Limit Reverse
+1 Doom Shaman

Then I'd suggest making the following changes, but they aren't as immediate.

- Level Eater,
-2 Lava Golem,
- Fissure

+1 Doom Shaman
+1 Dark Tinker
+2 Swing of Memories

The second list of changes will give you synchro options. Doom Shaman is a very reliable way to get Yubel out. Monster reborn / Swing of memories, gemini summon, then do one of 2 things. Summon dark tinker, and synch for 8, OR summon yubel. Due to Yubel's effect, tribute Doom shaman, who in turn will destroy Yubel, allowing you to summon Terror Incarnate.

Call of the Haunted / Limit reverse are very important as well, they easily allow you to summon Yubel - TI. MST? Thanks, bro. You just gave me Terror Incarnate. With Limit reverse, you can summon Yubel, change it to defense mode, and pop goes the weasel, you have Terror Incarnate.

Terror incarnate is a much better monster to sit behind than Yubel is, your opponents will waste resources planning to get rid of it, meanwhile, you gather resources, and take advantage of the every turn dark hole.

Now from here, you can go a few different routes. You can keep in your Calculators, and add a few other lights, and throw in BLS. But I wouldn't recommend that. It's not as consistent. And that is the number one thing you should be trying to achieve here. Consistency.

You could focus more on the synchro side of things, which is what I prefer to do. Terror incarnate + Brutdrago is pretty brutal, it's a multi-turn loop. Summon Brutdrago, attack for 3k, end. TI pops brutdrago, you summon back Doom Shaman. Next turn, synch again. Even if they set something to defend, they're still wasting resources, whilst you're building them up.

I'd personally take out Savage Colosseum here. It's good when it works, but it's easily bypassed.

Did you know that if Yubel is Solemned, you can still special summon Yubel - Terror Incarnate? See Scrap Dragon's rulings on that.

Hope that helped, at least a little bit...

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Thanks. My big thing was, I was browsing forums and people didn't like seeing Doom Shaman ran. I personally am a huge of Geminis, and would gladly do it. They also said to use DOomcal to make YUbel pop herself, but it didn't seem right since I beleive he says to negate the summon. I did replace Colosseum with Final Attack Orders, to force the attacks into Yubel.

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