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North Frost Private Academy OOC (PG-13/Not Started/Accepting)


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IC: [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/295155-north-frost-private-academy-icstartedacceptingpg-13/"]http://forum.yugiohc...acceptingpg-13/[/url]

Welcome, to North Frost Private Academy. The RP thing.

1. No spamming
2. No flamin'
3. No godmodding
4. All RP rulez
5. Rapidfire is the cohostess, thus she can enforce the rules too

[spoiler=Plot]The plot is simple. You have been chosen to attend a Private Academy in the north, isolated from most human life. Here, you must learn to coexist with your fellow schoolmates. Or not. Depends on what you want to be. But keep in mind, for the next 3 years, you're stuck with these people, with very little influence from the outside world, so you might not want to go getting yourself hated. Of course, as the semesters progress, feel free to progress with your lives normally. There are few restrictions on who you can date, what you can do, etc.
If you end up single by the end, you lose
If you are with someone by the end of the 3rd year, you win~
Age (15-17):
Relation experience?:
Magic (Not required. must be PMd. Because Rapid said so. So ha.)
[spoiler=My App]
Name: Daisuke Hirako
Age (15-17): 16
Gender: Malez
Relationship experience: 19 girls. He started dating when he was 14.
Magic (Not required. must be PMd to me and/or Rapid. Because Rapid said so. So ha.)
Personality: Silent, and a bit lazy, but he also is very determined when he sets his sights on something. He is a bit of a womanizer, but he Silent, and a bit lazy, but he also is very determined when he sets his sights on something. He is a bit of a womanizer, but he knows, if he met that one special girl, he'd be less flirty. He doesn't mind regardless though. He isn't very honest sometimes, and he doesnt like to go out much. However, despite his innate desire to stay cooped up, he realized, he needed to get a bit more sociable (AKA, his parents shoved his butt into North Frost) and plans to be more extroverted, though not by much. With his close friends, he's quite talkative though. When he gets depressive, he becomes the complete opposite, very taciturn and silent. An interesting personality quirk of his, is that when he becomes embarassed (which doesn't happen often, despite the fact he's had so many girlfriends), he always turns away so people can't see him blushing. Rather than being shy, he'd rather just say that it's because blushing doesn't look cool.
[spoiler=Accepted people]
Rin (pending)
Heaven (pending)
[spoiler=WHY THERE HAVE MAGIX?!?!]
There is magic because. This isn't the Earth we know, and since it's a faintasy world where academies with such a stupid graduation requirement as finding a boyfriend/girlfriend exist, why shouldn't there be magic?
This is not a major point. This is why apps should be PMd. Well, mostly because Rapid wanted it that way, but also because we want to check and see if the power is allowed. The powers arent meant to be anything major, or for fights, speciflcally, just something to give characters a niche. Like the ability of King's character, to make chickens talk.


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Name: Vanessa Rose
Age: 16
Relationship Experience: Eh~
Appearance: [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdrfdpAlrw1rxn274o1_500.jpg[/img]
Magic: Lol I shall pm myself~
Personality: She can be really preppy at times, and she has a lot of mood swings. She is pretty excited about being excepted in to this Academy. In fact she would be the type of girl to run for student council prez. She can be insecure at times, and has a hard time getting her feelings across. She can be blunt as hell when it comes to anything, but love. Sometimes she does things that are better for others then herself, and she does not really realize it. It just comes to her. When she sees or feels someone is in pain, or distress she'll try to comfort them. She is not the best at it, but hates seeing others sad. She loves being outdoors, and she is never lazy when it has to do with anything related to nature. Although she seems like a pretty calm girl, she can have her moments where she just blows up. She does not like talking about her problems, or any distress she is having because she does not want to bother others with simple matters. She does not fall for people because she always buries herself in other matters, so she can't really notice anyone in particular. She does not really like relationships because she often feels like she is tied down, so she ignores a lot of affection others show her.

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Name: Joshua Matthews
Gender (cause this ain't here): Male
Age (15-17): 15
Relation experience?: None.
Magic (Not required. must be PMd. Because Rapid said so. So ha.): Will PM sometime in the near future. ;D
Personality: Joshua is somewhat of a shy fellow who was previously home schooled by his late father. He has somewhat of a dry sense of humor, though he can be extremely humorous when the time is right. He relies almost exclusively on book smarts, so he can be very naive in certain situations. Due to his time in home school, he has a hard time being fully sociable with people and is insecure about his friendships, but his father helped him a bit before he died. In spite of his insecurities, he can get very close to the people he cares about and would do almost anything to make them happy, though that can lead to him feeling depressed when he does that for little in return.

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Hm... something different than all dem other action RPs. Imma give this a try. [b]My app is done.[/b]
[hr][b]Name:[/b] Mackenzie Cawdor
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Relation experience:[/b] Mackenzie [i]has[/i] had a girlfriend before. They were really enthusiastic about each other at first but they slowly fell apart, they simply... weren't really right for each other. They broke up as the girl moved away.
[spoiler='Appearance:']Mackenzie has blond hair, light to the point where it seems white, and brown eyes that seem to have a red tint. He is somewhat above average height for his age at six feet exactly and is quite skinny, with a lean and lightly toned, weighing at 135 lbs. Girls say he is quite handsome, though he is unaware of it himself.
[b]Magic: [color=#ff0000]Wait, why do we have magic here? What is the magic going to be used for?[/color][/b]
[b]Personality:[/b] Mackenzie is an enthusiastic and outgoing person with both optimism and humor. His greatest happiness in life is, probably, in making others happy and making them laugh even at his own expense, making him sort of a class clown. The problem with him, however, is that he isn't exactly sensitive about other's feelings and doesn't know when a joke is not appropriate or doesn't know when he has offended someone/when his jokes have gone too far. Though, if it has become known to him that he has offended someone, he would do anything to make up with them. With an iron-like exterior, he will never show when he himself is hurt or sad so not to worry others, however this can sometimes make people think he is disrespectful or doesn't care, such as when he is unhappy that he has hurt someone's feelings. Unlike in many families, he gets along quite well with his twin sister Bethany.
[hr][b]Name:[/b] Bethany Cawdor
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] 16
[b]Relation experience:[/b] Bethany had been asked out many times before though she rejected all of them, except one, but she realized that the guy didn't really care much about her, he just liked the novelty of begin the boyfriend of the girl who had rejected everyone else. It wasn't long after which they broke up, but rather than starting to reject others, Bethany began actively seeking the man who will truly love her.
[b]Appearance: [/b]Being identical twins, she looks almost exactly like Mackenzie, but with softer feminine features and she is considered rather pretty. She is somewhat tall at 5'7" and weighs 127 lbs. Her almost white blonde hair is held back only by a simple black hair band to avoid going in her face and it is long enough to reach her hips.
[b]Magic:[/b] Yet Unknown
[b]Personality:[/b] Bethany is a bright and optimistic person like her twin brother, though not as outgoing nor as humorous. She actively tries to seek love outside of her family and is often, though also often failing at, flirting with people. When she finds someone who she thinks she may like and she thinks is interested in her, she tries to test their love with various methods, but this often yields comical results. Bethany loves music and, when not chasing boys, will sit along listening to her favorite tunes.

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[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Name:[/b] Brenna J. Harris[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Age:[/b] 16[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Gender: [/b]Female[/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Relation experience][/size][/font][/color][list]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]First relationship: First grade, 3 months. Met at a birthday party. Fell in love for mutual love for action movies. Broke up before moving.[/size][/font][/color]
[*][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Third grade, 2 months. Met with a pair up for class project. Fell in love during a field trip to a musical. Broke up via note in school mailbox for unknown reasons.[/size][/color][/font]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Fifth grade, 1 month. Met via mutual friend. Fell in love during recess in game of hug tag. Broke up via peer pressure from friends.[/size][/font][/color]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Freshman year - Ninth grade, 1 month. Met during marching band. Fell in love from love message via social media website. Broke up via same website.[/size][/font][/color]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Present, currently single. Avoiding relationships but offering advice and motivation.[/size][/font][/color]
[/spoiler][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Appearance][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][img]http://www.renderat.com/renders/1-12.png[/img][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][spoiler=Personality][/size][/font][/color][list]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Outgoing, spontaneous, and mostly oblivious to all else.[/size][/font][/color]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Social in times of obliged social circumstances. In solitude, she spends most of her time away from the world in her world of music, movies, and games.[/size][/font][/color]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Expresses a love for all things adorable to portray a sensitive personality to befriend people. However, she is hard at heart and gives off a repulsive love for blood and gore and pain when confronted with personal judgement.[/size][/font][/color]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Is never shy to start a conversation with strangers. She loves meeting new people and, if necessary, making things awkward for them with her open, bubbly approach.[/size][/font][/color]
[*][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Has a guilty pleasure for anything pyro. Also loves anything that blows up and keeps a private stash of fireworks, fountains, poppers, and firecrackers under her bed.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

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[color=#000000][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=4]Name: Christopher Chance[/size]
[size=4]Age: 17[/size]
[size=4]Gender: Male[/size]
Relationship experience: None[/font][/color]

Height: 5'6 Feet tall.
Facial Features: Dark Brown eyes.
Clothing: Christopher usually wears a white shirt with a red star in the middle. He also wears a white jacket over that with white jeans and a belt. When playing sports he comes equipped with white shorts and a Boston Celtics Rajon Rondo jersey, identifying that his favorite sporting team is the Boston Celtics and his favorite player is Rajon Rondo.
[spoiler='Personality']Christopher is the type of person who always loves to joke around regardless of whether or not others find the jokes humorous or horrible. Christopher is an avid sports fanatic and knows everything there is to know about sports, however he has an incredibly high knowledge in his favorite sport, basketball and once captained his middle school team before being sent to the academy. He tends to spend most of his time calculating and predicting what to do and will happen next and often seeks advice from his chicken whom he has named Chuckles.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Biography']Christopher grew up with a mixture of a rich-city upbringing and a poor-country upbringing. His mother was born and raised on a chicken farm, while his father was the son of a rich corporate billionaire. His father is one of those people that want their son to keep the family name going and since Christopher is his only son, he has low hopes of his son finding a girl to marry. Because of this doubt he has sent Christopher to North Frost Private Academy in the hopes that the concluded area would help improve his son’s chances of finding a girl to marry. Because of his mothers upbringing Christopher, befriended a chicken who he named Chuckles. Due to this friendship with Chuckles he has also developed a unique ability to be able to talk to Chickens and has been able to teach them to speak English.[/spoiler]

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Magic explanation will be added to OP very shortly

All accepted tho.

However, isnt it counter productive, to go to an academy where the ultimate 'win' goal is to get a partner, when you are avoiding one? O.o


Gender ratio is 4:2 right now :3

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[quote name='Fluttershy401' timestamp='1356723188' post='6104295']
However, isnt it counter productive, to go to an academy where the ultimate 'win' goal is to get a partner, when you are avoiding one? O.o

Every RP needs a neutral party. ;3

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Y'know, I initially doubted this RP a bit. Didn't seem too...i dunno, advanced. Then I realised, it shouldn't be. It's something different, something for the fun of it.

So I guess I'm in; might as well. Could be interesting.

[spoiler=An App, I guess][b]Name:[/b] Michael Samson
[b]Age:[/b] 16.5
[b]Relation experience?: [/b]Very little. 1 relationship in in Year 11 (British Highschool last year; i.e, about half a year before this) which lasted exactly 1 week. Best friends since children, told they were a perfect match for each other. Got together due to peer pressure, broke up after being rather awkward about it, haven't talked since.
He stands at around 6 foot tall, and is quite slim. Not incredibly well toned, but healthy enough looking. Has quite short-sighted eye-sight, and contacts irritate his eyes. As such, he keeps a pair of glasses on him at all times, though he doesn't like using them.[/spoiler]
[b]Magic:[/b] I changed it.
Now it is [u]Metamorphosis[/u]: I.e, Michael can change his appearance at will. However, this is limited.
Mainly in that it can only effect his face/neck. This thereby makes any sort of camoflage tactic nearly impossible. It does, however, mean hair dye & cuts are unneccessary, he doesn't need to go through the pain of tattooing to get tattoos(& can edit them whenever) and acne has never been a problem.
However, full control over it has yet to be acheived. Spontaneous pig-noses; bright, flourescent hair colours and random size changes for parts of his face are to be expected. Even the occasional change of skin colour perhaps, though only for his face. (Creating an awkward line around the collar of his neck where he'll be half pale caucasian and half whatever he was changing into)
[b]Personality:[/b] Despite Michael's punk-ish, aggressive appearance, he's actually rather friendly and cheerful; and likes to befriend others and likes to see others happy. He's rather indifferent to most things that come his way, ignoring insults and reacting rather calmly to assault, merely shrugging most things aimed at himself off. However, he is rather empathic to others, meaning that he will not tolerate abuse or hate towards his friends, and is generally there to comfort those who ally themselves with him.

Again, despite his appearance, he's actually very nerdy. With an extremely above average IQ (159 - 1 point of genius level) he often finds himself as one of the most intelligent people around him. He likes music, and puts a lot of effort and time into it, but he finds himself more drawn towards science and mathematics, having a natural flair for such subjects. He's also a mild perfectionist, though he labels it a correctionist. He doesn't mind if things aren't perfect or something, but facts/figures must be correct in his eyes; ie, he will correct most things if they are wrong, opposing his usually modest, quiet & friendly nature.

He has a deep love for music, and is often found listening to his music or writing/playing some on one of his many guitars or his piano. He favours music of the rock/metal variety, but is not apposed to many types of music, asides from RnB/HipHop & most Rap.[/spoiler]

My apologies for adding yet another guy to the equation; but I'm hardly very good at portraying girls.


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If worst comes to worst, like I said, I'll make a girl character. Hina will be a girl tho, so that's good. A pansexual one but......

And if you see, the magic is explained in the OP xD

Also....we're 15-7 here...like...high school sophmore age o.O

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1356725298' post='6104340']
Y'know, I initially doubted this RP a bit. Didn't seem too...i dunno, advanced. Then I realised, it shouldn't be. It's something different, something for the fun of it.

So I guess I'm in; might as well. Could be interesting.

[spoiler=An App, I guess]Name: Michael Samson
Age: 16.5
Relation experience?: Very little. 1 relationship in in Year 11 (British Highschool last year; i.e, about half a year before this) which lasted exactly 1 week. Best friends since children, told they were a perfect match for each other. Got together due to peer pressure, broke up after being rather awkward about it, haven't talked since.
Appearance: WIP
Magic: Why PMed? And what's the relevance of this, anyway? Also, are there any limits, because I have a power in mind, but it may be slightly OPed.
Personality: WIP

My apologies for adding yet another guy to the equation; but I'm hardly very good at portraying girls.

It's not done yet, obviously, but it will be done. I have a faint idea about what I want to do.

Well we decided to Pm because some members might want to keep powers secret. Others might need time, and it's more fun when we don't know. Plus powers are not necessary.

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I realise the magic bit was a bit wrong, but that's only because you updated as I was posting the app.

Also, I already explained in the thing. Highschool in britain is different, we finish aged 16...well, most of us. I know some people who'll be finishing aged 15, because they're born in Late July/August.

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Name: Cally Jackson
Age (15-17): 17
Relation experience?: None of your business!
Appearance: [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/310/b/2/anime_girl_headphones_by_mystical7-d32axko.png[/img]
Magic (Not required. must be PMd. Because Rapid said so. So ha.)
Personality: Cally is outgoing and a bit flamboyant. She isn't afraid to flirt a lot either. But she isn't a ---- and gets quite angry when treated like one. She still likes to be treated like a princess like any other girl. She also enjoys listening to music any chance she gets, which is why she always has a pair of headphones with her. Cally is also quite cruel when angered.

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