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Phantom Beastcraft First Draft

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I don't wanna use such an honestly awful card. It requires too much for too little.

Birdman seems bad since the deck can't special summon much bar using Scramble.

I think I'll drop Limiter Removal for a 3rd Charge, honestly. Limiter Removal doesn't seem great since again the deck can't spam aside from Scramble.

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[quote name='Chris' timestamp='1356573130' post='6102990']
Free shitty fun. It kills my tokens and odds are I double only one monster's atk. =/

Considering Tokens you make after flipping the card won't die to it, you can either use the trap to make its Token after the battle, or you can attack with the one that makes a token when attacking. It's all about timing.

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Oh, I didn't see that that was where you were coming from.

Yeah, third Charge over Limiter any day.

Also, err... You're missing Lightning Plover in the Extra.

[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1356574871' post='6103033']
So.... Considered running Token Stampede?

Stampede wouldn't do much for there guys Arm. He'd have to put them in Attack position with a lousy 1000 ATK.

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