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Roll to Dodge: Season One

Yu-gi-oh Dude

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Welcome to Roll to Dodge, the game that needs absolutely no skill, but a ton of luck!

I am your host, Yu-gi-oh Dude, and this is the first, and (hopefully) not the last season! This is how this shizzle will go down.

1) First, sign up. Post something that'll let me know you want in, and donate 100 points to the pot. Simple enough.

2) When all the slots have been filled, IT'S ON LIKE DONKEY KONG! You will be placed into a basic arena with all the other contestants. You will start with 1000 HP and attacks, as well as side effects, will lower it. You can change all of your stats, but they're the same for everybody at the start.

3) You will post on this topic what you would like to do. It can be anything from trying to look for an item, or trying to summon an all-powerful god to fight for you. However, the higher the difficulty of the action, the higher the number required to carry it out.

4) You roll. Or, at least, I roll. I'll take all of the actions and give them a number on a scale (Drinking a HP potion needs 6, summoning that god requires 20), and then I'll go onto a random number generator. The number given by the generator will range from 1 to 20 (1 being a catastrophic epic-fail disaster, 10 being a general average and 20 being incredibly lucky. For example, rolling a 20 for drinking a HP potion might turn your nails into claws, allowing extra points on certain actions, extra defenses, etc.)

5) All actions take part at the same time, so if you die, you can still use your action if it was an attack or such. Some actions impact the arena, like a huge, active volcano erupting out of the ground.

6) The last man (or woman, no misogyny) will win the contents of the pot.

So, sign up! Ask questions below. Contestants will start at 8 people and may change depending on popularity. <---Contestants reduced to 6/


[color=#00ff00][b]1: Forums and Card Games [/b][/color]
[b][color=#00ff00]2: Cinnamon Star[/color][/b]



Original HP:
Required roll:
Dodge roll:
Dodge effect:
Current HP:


Positive traits:
Negative traits:

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