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Kingdom Hearts: The 13th Requiem [PG-13/Not Accepting]

Phantom Roxas

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The Wraiths found themselves trapped in Balthazar's accursed wind prison. They looked at each other for a few seconds, before one finally lowered its invisible head and dispelled the cloaking. The others followed, save for one; which had strayed from the pack and was watching safely from a distance.

This was very interesting to it.


[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]Oh, right; nobody uses doors anymore. He's probably off to his room now... I SHOULD really give myself the rest I told myself I'd have, but I was given this WHOLE SECRET MISSION business, and now I can't even send Nerhyx into perfectly unknown worlds? He's either becoming more of an ass by the day, or he's got something under his sleeve. Let's go for the latter, just in case.[/i][/color][/font]

Omcraxs opened a corridor in the corridor, with a Wraith following him. They then came out in Haxz's room. Finding no one, Omcraxs scratched his head.


The Wraith behind Haxz nearly dropped its jaw at what it had heard. If it wasn't held in place by the cloth, that is. This was a real breakthrough, surely his master would-!

Haxz turned around, and it was busted. This particular Wraith had an advantage though, it had been present the first time Haxz spotted a Wraith. So if it was going to end like this, it better serve its purpose. Hastily, before Haxz threw his card, it opened its mouth wide and screamed its final words, unheard by all but other Wriaths. Literally. It was a sound of such low frequency, that it would escape any ear but a Wriath's.
[color=#d3d3d3][font=courier new,courier,monospace][size=1]".. ..![/size][/font][/color]
[color=#d3d3d3][font=courier new,courier,monospace][size=1]-.- . -.-- -... .-.. .- -.. .![/size][/font][/color]
[color=#d3d3d3][font=courier new,courier,monospace][size=1].-. .- -.. .. .- -. - / --. .- .-. -.. . -.!"[/size][/font][/color]
The card caught it and so much for that. But the cry echoed through the castle.


And the Wraith next to Omcraxs caught it. It instandly flipped out and became visible. Number III caught it by the neck as soon as it did and pinned it on the floor. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"I DON'T KNOW OR CARE [i]WHAT[/i] MAKES YOU RETARDS DO THAT, BUT I WILL ABSOLUTELY [i]NOT [/i]TOLERATE YOU UNCLOAKING WITHOUT PERMISSION!"[/color][/font]

He pressed further down, and the Wraith was clearly suffocating. The Greater Nobody stretched out an arm and his sword materialized in it. He pressed it close to the Wraith and placed it inches away from the floor.[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000] "Any last words before I bury you alive? Oh, what am I saying, you don't [i]speak. [/i]"[/color][/font]

He slowly lowered his blade, but the Wraith made a corridor behind itself. With what little breath it had left, it pointed at said corridor. Then, slowly, from its sleeve came two bony-looking fingers, stretched out.

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"What's that... II? Haxz?" [/color][/font]He loosened the grip on the Wraith and let it fly up, releived.[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000] "He's on the other side of that corridor?"[/color][/font]

The Wraith nodded weakly.

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"Alright. Resume cloaking. And get this. NEVER. AGAIN."[/color][/font]

Number III stepped into the corridor opened by the Wraith, leading him to the Radiant Garden.

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Haxz was typing feverishly ont he old console, and getting nowhere. There was so much data hidden in the terminal, but it was all over the place and excruciatingly difficult to find key ones. [font=georgia, serif]"Stupid computer, why couldn't Ansem have been more careful with where he stuck his files? Okay, let's think for a moment, what did the log say? That, the computer is run by some kind of AI... Okay, let's try that. Master Control Program, if you are still active, please respond."[/font]

The terminal was silence, until some annoying aututune alarms went off, and then, a voice. [font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"Master Control Program? I'm sorry friend, but that program has long since been derezzed."[/color][/font]

Okay, now we're getting somewhere. [font=georgia, serif]"Okay, so, who is the operator of this computer system?"[/font]

[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"My name is TRON user; and, what is your desgination?"[/color][/font]

[font=georgia, serif]"My name? It's [i](don't use your Organization one)[/i] Azh, with a z. I know, it's weird. So, err, TRON, I was wondering if you could help me with finding important data."[/font]

[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"Of course friend, helping is what I live for. What particular information are you after?"[/color][/font]

[font=georgia, serif]"Do you know anything about, the Keyblade?"[/font]

[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"..."[/color][/font]

[font=georgia, serif]"Tron?"[/font]

[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"That's a long, LONG story my friend."[/color][/font]

[font=georgia, serif]"I've got time."[/font]

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[quote name='Yosuke-kun' timestamp='1358214924' post='6121154']
A few moments later, Shuren and the others were joined by Trevor, who said something about having a small run in with a group of people, same as Shuren. He could tell from how Trevor was panting though, that he'd taken the non-violent route and used his speed and agility to escape. This was impressive, and the option Shuren would normally have chosen if there hadn't been another person involved. "So you ran into thugs too, huh?"

Then Ryan came in, also out of breathe. He didn't say it, but Shuren guessed he'd also run into some form of trouble. Whether it was thugs like he and Trevor he wasn't sure,but his clothes were scuffed and dirty, signifying that he'd struck the cement at some point. Of course it was possible that he'd just tripped on his way over. Still, Shuren couldn't help but laugh as he gave Ryan the support he'd requested. "Tell ya what. Since the three of us can't seem to stay at trouble, why don't we start heading over as a group?"[/quote]

Ryan, still laying on the ground, gave a slight chuckle when his muscles began to tense up. This was the third time in 2 months that Ryan ended up having someone in his way. "[color=#b22222]Actually, Big Brawd just got in my way.[/color]" he said to Shuren. Had he not gotten in Ryan's way, he would have gotten here the same time Trevor had, or be a minute before him. He wasn't sure. Then Shuren came up with the idea of being in a group when coming to training each day. He chuckled to that as well. "[color=#b22222]That sounds good. I'll need to plan some things out first if we're gonna go through with it. It's a good idea, but give it a couple days so that I could get used to it.[/color]"

[quote name='Yosuke-kun' timestamp='1358214924' post='6121154']
As he spoke though, he noticed Balthazar getting somewhat anxious and shifty. He helped Ryan over to a seat, and set him down to catch his breathe and recharge his energy. Then he noticed something strange that Balthazar had also just pointed out. James was missing. How could he be missing though? Since the training began, he'd been the first person to arrive every day, with the exception of when he and Viola would arrive together. Shuren's body started to tense up too. He felt as if something that shouldn't be was close by. Balthazar confirmed his suspicions soon after.

"Maybe one of us should go look for James." he said after a while. He knew that James wasn't a pushover, and was far more talented with magic than any of them, aside for Viola who was special, but physically, James was less capable than Shuren, Trevor, and Ryan, and if there was some unknown enemy nearby, it was safer if non of them were alone. He glanced over at Trevor, Ryan, and Viola, then at his own ring. The two boys were still panting, and he didn't want Viola to go out either. He'd had no clue why, but he felt it was better if she was safe. Besides, if he went, he could use another Haste spell to find James quickly, and help him escape quickly too if need be. "I can go if you want. I'll probably be the fastest one anyways." he said with a wink as he held up his ring, hoping to keep his friends spirits high, and panic low.

After Shuren helped him to a chair, Ryan sighed at the thought of relaxing for a few minutes. He smiled at Viola for thanking him. "[color=#b22222]I've got a good memory, I think that counts for not coming up with a present this year.[/color]" He then chuckled again. But when he heard James wasn't first, something inside Ryan was trying to tell him something. Ryan felt as though there is something wrong here. Out of all the days James comes, he's late? That is definitely not normal. But then, unlike everybody else, Ryan felt his mind direct him for a moment. He did sense a presence, but it was unlike anything he ever felt before. It felt...inhuman, but also human at the same time. He couldn't relax cause his heart was racing looking for where it was. He couldn't find it, but he knew that its presence was lurking around, waiting for to time its strike carefully. This presence was smart. It could have easily attacked everybody just on instinct without strategizing first. But, it's staying in the shadows, waiting for the moment when everybody's guard is down. Granted, Ryan's guard was down, but that wasn't enough for this "thing's" instinct to take over and strike.

[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1358235864' post='6121384']Balthazar sent a gust of wind through the air, and when they hit something, Balthazar manipulated it so that it surrounded whoever was inside. "I know you're all invisible, so just drop the act already." Keeping one hand open so that the wind would maintain its prison, Balthazar used his free hand to summon a ball of fire. "I'm not afraid to use this."

Ryan was in pure shock, which brought him back down to Earth. "[color=#b22222]Whoa, whoa, whoa![/color]" he yelled after Balthazar started to imprison everybody inside a shield of wind. "[color=#b22222]Balthazar, what's going on!? What's with using your magic, nothing is he-![/color]" He then began to realize that what he felt before, was different. At first he felt one presence, and when Balthazar started using his wind magic, it went away for a moment. But then, it came back slightly different, and it ended up multiplying as if that same presence began to appear in large groups. Just what the hell are these things? Why are they here? Is there a reason as to why these dark presences have come to them? Could it be that we all have magic abilities? Or was it something special, something that none of us except Balthazar knows? He'll have to investigate further if he's gonna find some answers. [i][color=#b22222]Now I know that we're in deep s*** now.[/color][/i] Ryan thought.

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The Corridor of Darkness opened finally, on the other side, to release Omcraxs and the invisible Wraith. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]That's the second corridor I've gone through without my cloak in half an hour. That's going to take a toll on me, for goddamn sure. Now, just where is this place? It looks like one of those places Kreix once showed us... but hell, I don't remember what it's called or why it's important.[/i][/color][/font]


Omcraxs had walked around for a long time before he finally came across anybody.

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]Now just who are those two?[/i][/color][/font]

Two individuals were gathered over a strange, floating device. One of them was riding it, and looked defiant. Dangerous. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]I like the look he has to him. These two must be from around here, they might just be able to tell me where the hell this is. Maybe I could get something about the place that would make Haxz want to come here.[/i][/color][/font]

The thought of being recognized as an Organization Member struck him for a minute, what if these guys knew of them? But then, no; he wasn't wearing the cloak anyway. Without the white sword in his hand, he was just some idiot dressed in a rather wierd fashion for these two. So he walked up to them.

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"Err... you two! You wouldn't happen to be able to tell me where this place is, would you? I'm sort of lost, I don't know how I got here..."[/color][/font]

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James ducked out of school early for the day, leaving the building at around 1:30. Not that that was exactly early for him, nor was he missing anything important. He was only really interested in the sciences and maths, so art wasn't useful to him for anything, instead merely wasting his time. And as such, he skipped it; for the first time in his life, skipping a class. Something about gaining these powers seemed to awaken confidence within him, and his personality was definitely changing a little. He could talk to people now, had friends, and better yet, could actually talk to a girl. Which was unusual, to say the least.

Of course, he hadn't merely ducked out of class for the sake of it, even if it was one of his least favourite lessons. His personality had not changed that much. In fact, he had skipped class in order to get home earlier, giving him just under an hour before he was to set off for Balthazar's at around 2:20. Just under an hour to get himself ready, but to most of all, get [i]it [/i]ready. He had not forgotten about Viola's birthday, remembering it clearly from the moment she mentioned it, about 3 weeks into their practising. None of the others had a nearby birthday, so it was worthwhile celebrating it while it was there.

And what better way to utilise the new magic they had than by creating a gift?

As he entered his house, he waved his right hand over at the kettle, focussing on it for a moment. Sure enough, a small force of wind pushed upon the on switch. A few more waves of his hand, and cup flew out of the cupboard, and a small ball of instant coffee erupted from the jar on the side, floating over to the cup and landing softly in it, just as it in turn sat itself gently down beside the kettle.

His magic had definitely come a long way. While he didn't have much over all power with his magic - only just a little bit more than the other students, and still a massive amount less than Viola - his control and talent with the technical aspects of magic were possibly the best of the apprentices, and he had already picked up most weak magical abilities quite fast, pretty much mastering minor telekinesis, as shown by his recent display.

Luckily, his parents seemed to be out - just as he had expected, both of them were working. As such, he grabbed some spare plain paper from the nearby printer and placed it down next to his cup, which was now full with hot, black coffee. He took a few sips of it before sitting down and focussing his attention on the pieces of paper in front of him, thinking of what exactly to do for the gift, rather than just a rough idea.

Now, he had never been good at origami. Nor any form of art, asides from a few chords on piano. But magic would help with creating this, definitely. He merely had to picture what he wanted it to form as, and it would do it, he presumed. And, to help him, he retrove the old tome - which he now knew was called an Encantus - from the book bag beside him. Balthazar had been kind enough to return it to him, and James had discovered that it appeared to be very beneficial to his magic, chanelling his abilities and allowing him to gain greater strength and skill. It was nothing compared to the prime-merlinian, of course, but it was good enough, and useful now.

Turning back a few pages in the book, to a page that wasn't beginning to be over grown with strange shadows, James found the specific spell he was looking for. It seemed strangely complex, changing something's form in reality to that in the mind. But a challenge was always nice, so James muttered the spell beneath his breath, and quickly felt energy drain out of him as the spell took effect, and the paper in front of him began to fold itself rather rapidly, changing size and shape, growing larger and more realistic within minutes.

It took a while for the creation to be done, but James sat back as he finished and admired the small paper dragon he had created, a small bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. He hadn't expected it to be that difficult - though perhaps it was merely more of a technical drain, rather than it actually requiring a lot of power. But that didn't matter, James was quite proud of the small beast in front of him, almost identical to that of the Dragon Statue that had become Viola's ring. A quick smirk to himself was his only external display of satisfaction though.

He again used magic to create a small hole in the Dragon's neck and wound a piece of thin thread through it, tying the knot of the string manually. After he had done that, he closed the book and placed it back within the bag at his side, watching as it seemed to shrink slightly as he closed it - something he hadn't noticed before - and focussed once again on the paper statue, casting a spell he had remembered from memory.

"Protect." He whispered, casting two protect spells at once - one for the paper itself, to prevent it from being damaged, and the second for Viola, a simple spell but delayed, so that it would activate once necessary. He had learnt that particular trick from Balthazar, when he had been especially early one day due to his school having a minor power-outage. He doubted it would mean much - and she probably wouldn't notice the spells existence; Balthazar was probably the only one that might - but it made him happy enough. He smiled quickly to himself before putting the hand-made necklace in his jacket pocket and draining the last of his coffee, exiting the house.

Apparently he had taken much longer than anticipated, for as he left the house it was about 3 o'clock, even after when the latest of the group usually arrived - generally one of the three other boys who had been especially busy. As such, he panicked slightly, rushing down streets and alleys with his jacket flying behind him. He arrived at the corner to the street where the shop stood before long, but he was still quite late. And it seemed that he had indeed missed something, for he felt a strange tension in the air. Like something was happening. That, and an unnatural wind suddenly gusted up the street, and Balthazar stood outside the shop, apparently the cause of the wind. His mouth gaped slightly as two white monsters appeared within Balthazar's wind prisons. Almost definitely not on their side.


A quick uppercut to the right. A swift duck down, and a roundhouse kick behind him. A leap in the air, and drive the foot down onto the third one.

"You're all pathetic." Lexamus complained, growling to himself and throwing his cloak off and to the side, three of his nobodies beaten up behind him, whimpering slightly as they expected more of a thrashing. "You're supposed to be [i]Elites![/i]" Their boss cried, turning around and slamming his fist into the floor, causing a crack to spread through the ground and towards them, stopping just short, as if a metaphor for how close they were to death.

The Brawlers couldn't help it, they were just incredibly weak compared to Lexamus. Especially when he was angered; he seemed like an unstoppable force. There they were, in their underground training area, which was supposed to be one of the strongest structures in dark city. But Lexamus had released 40% of his power for but a moment, and the place was crumbling. His left hand was shrouded in a black gauntlet, small claws adorning the knuckles and a blade-like protrusion erupting from the elbow. Not that they were needed, his brute force was generally enough to defeat anyone.

The reason why he was angered? Kreix. It was as if he was being under-estimated, or purposefully disrespected. And how that wound him up. Number VII? Number fricking seven? It was an outrage. For technicalities, he should be Number I! Was he not the strongest of the Nobodies? Was he not the Oldest?

At least there was one positive about his rank. It was the rank of the former second in command of the Organisation - Saix of the moon. A person Lexamus had respect for - for his strength and skill in battle, to his calm cruelty, to his manipulation of others. It was a person Lexamus felt he could connect to.

With a quick punch to the wall across the room, shattering it and revealing the streets outside, Lexamus reached down and grabbed the bandage on the floor, wrapping it around his left arm to seal away his gauntlets - and by extension, his power back to 20%. He took a quick sigh and looked up at the castle towards the centre of the city, wondering what to do at that moment. He had destroyed his fair share of worlds - cruelly, calmly and uncaring of the pain he caused. And Kreix appeared to have vanished, so there was very little to do. Those at the castle were un-interesting; perhaps they could fight him, but none seemed to have the inclination, and Lexamus didn't feel like it anyway.

He sighed and turned back to his Brawlers, 2 other having gathered around the injured three on the floor, helping them up. "Up for round 2?" He asked devilishly.

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[b]Xemyrom Present[/b]
As Kreix move through the Corridor of Darkness there was something else there and after it noticed his group it began to move towards him and eventually it was noticeable that it was a humanoid being with a white hood and dark outfit, once it was close enough it began to speak.
[color=#4b0082]​"I'm surprised I had read up on Nobody's but this is the first time I've met any, and that coat by any chance have you been to The Castle that Never Was? It happens to be one of my stops and it would be helpful to talk to someone whose been there."[/color]
Then the figure looked around for a few moments and faces Kreix again.
[color=#4b0082]"Would you mind if we had this conversation in a place with... slightly better scenery?"[/color]

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[color=#000000]Dawn hadn't even realised an individual had approached them. Normally Dawn could gain an idea of who was around his general area with his senses although Dawn wasn't one to start up trouble and the man seemed to have the same questions he did.[/color]

[color=#000000]Dawn chuckled[/color][color="#000080"]. "Your lost too? This dwarf man was about to tell me where we are so I guess he can tell us both."[/color]

The Dwarven man had the same reaction he had with Dawn and immediately headed for his shotgun it only took him a few steps though to remember it had been cut in half. The man turned back around and scratched his head, laughing nervousely. [color=#b22222]"A-A V-Valley in R-Radiant Gardens...Ye'all not from aroun' these parts?"[/color]

[color=#000080]"Yea, you can say that." [/color]Dawn replied as he folded his arms and asked another question. [color=#000080]"Wait your not from around here either?" [/color][color=#000000]Dawn asked the new individual as he hopped off the hover bike.[/color][color=#000080] "And wait Radiant Gardens?"[/color][color=#000000] Dawn couldn't really focus on the dwarven man, his attention was on this new individual.[/color][color=#000080] "I'm Dawn." [/color][color=#000000]Dawn stated with a grin and a thumb pointing at his bare chest. [/color][color=#000080]"What was your name?" [/color]

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[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]Radiant Gardens... Oh, this is THAT place! Haxz told me about this, the birthplace of many of the Old Organization's Members...! I remember, I do. Ansem the... Twice, was it? That guy, he had set up a huge mainframe in this place! I figure that's where I'll find him. But... I guess only the dwarf can help me. I can't afford to attack the other guy, though... who knows what he might do. At any rate-[/i][/color][/font]

Omcraxs's eyebrows dropped to a frown. This fellow wasn't as dangerous-looking as he first pictured him, looking dumb with that smile and pointing at himself. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]Like I couldn't SEE who he's talking about, for crying out loud...[/i][/color][/font]

The Nobody instinctively threw one of his hands behind his head in a gesture of confusion. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"Well, it's what I said, isn't it? That I'm lost and all? [/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]And, well; my name is... or at least I [i]BELIEVE [/i] is... Marcos. You can call me that."[/color][/font]

He quickly turned to the shorter fellow as the other was obviously of no use to him. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"Radiant Gardens, you say... I feel like I've heard that name before. There's... supposed to be a tower around here, isn't it? Would you happen to know the way?"[/color][/font]

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Dawn could see a little dissapointment from the individual known as Marcos but he had no chance of figuring out why. He simply folded his arms and continued to grin for no apparent reason. Inside however a few questions began circling through Dawn's head, "He believe his name is Marcos? I-Is he like me?" Dawn had not much recollection of his ancestors and such tried the link the two as a bit similar. He didn't know where he was or who the individual really is, his safest bet was to not get involved in trouble, especially since he had been in 2 fights and a pod crash.

Upon hearing the mention of the Tower the dwarven man froze in fear.[color=#b22222] "W-....W....What do ya mean....T-Tower?" [/color]The man was a bad liar and instantly turned to flee, however the mention of a tower spiked Dawn's curiosity and he rapidly dashed to block the man's other direction.

Dawn put his hands behind his head.[color=#000080] "What tower?"[/color]

The Dwarven man looked at both men and sighed. he pointed to the direction Dawn originally came to enter the once filled markets. [color=#b22222]"At the other side of the Valley, there be a forbidden tower....be warned, dark magic has been present in those parts! Those black and white creatures are always around!"[/color] The valley was huge and although already came from that direction Dawn was interested.

"[color=#000080]Black and white creatures[/color]?" Dawn asked.

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Omcraxs was rather amused at the turn of events, and smiled smugly as this fellow helped him get to Haxz without even knowing. He did raise an eyebrow at the notion of Black and White creatures. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]Obviously Heartless and Lessers... but, they'd suspect if I they saw I knew about them... though, maybe I can have some fun with them. As for the tower...[/i][/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"I believe those black monsters you mention are probably Heartless, born from Darkness which preys upon the living's hearts. As for the white ones, they must either be a new breed of Heartless, or perhaps a different creature entirely. If that's the case, then I have no idea what they could be.[/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"Now..."[/color][/font] He said, while pointing steadily in the direction the dwarf had just pointed at. He also looked slightly and quickly to his sides, trying to grabe the unseen Wraith's attention. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"...we're supposed to go there to find the tower?"[/color][/font]

The Wraith understood immediately. It followed Omcraxs' finger for a few metres, before spontaneously opening a Corridor of Darkness. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]Right there. In the FU[/i][/color][i]C[/i][color=#000000][i]KING OPEN. I AM [b]KILLING[/b] THAT FU[/i][/color][i]C[/i][color=#000000][i]KING THING![/i][/color][/font]

Everything happened suddenly. No time for a goddamn explanation or look back. Using all the speed he could muster in a millisecond, he dashed into the portal. He crashed into the Wraith on his way in. The black circle closed hastily.

Omcraxs looked back into the blackness of the closed corridor. Neither of the two had followed him. This was good.


Both Nobodies stepped out of the Corridor, on the other side. They stood at the feet of the tower. Number III did not know, but he was standing on a floating island. It was incredibly lucky of them, to land specifically here. The Wraith could have literally opened the Corridor ANYWHERE. This was almost TOO convenient...


Now safe, and surrounded by Dusks, he gritted his teeth and called out to the Wraith. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"Cloaking off. Show yourself."[/color][/font]

The creature did as commanded. No sooner had Omcraxs grabbed it by the neck and sunk it in a pit of sand from his sword. Warnings are more effective when [i]preemptive[/i] . This was a bit late for that, and hardly a warning; but he did it nonetheless. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000]"That is TWO fuckups in one day. I am ONLY going to keep you alive because I NEED one of you around me at all times. But AS SOON as I find another of your kin, I am handing YOU to the Deadbeats. They ought to be kind of hungry."[/color][/font]

He let go of the creature and it flew off. He then picked up the sword from the ground and looked up at the tower. [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#000000][i]Let's hope I don't run into any Heartless... who knows what will happen then.[/i][/color][/font]

Without as much as a word, Omcraxs and the Wraith went in through the grand entrance.

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Kreix turned to the young man speaking to him and his group. The louder of the Paladins stepped forward. "Oi, don't thing you can just talk to the Superior like that! Show some respect."
Kreix held his hand to silence the Paladin. "Calm yourself, Doxfer." The void the five of them stood in, Betwixt and Between, was a featureless contrast of blue and orange. Kreix looked around, and shrugged. "The fact that you have found yourself here is interesting enough to me. Very well, I suppose my urgent business can be… delayed, for a while."

The void began to twist and turn as Kreix appeared outside the Corridor of Darkness atop a blue ledge. He overlooked a valley, and in the distance laid a fallen castle. The three Lesser Nobodies followed behind Kreix, who turned to face the stranger.

"Hmm, I see I'm rather early. Well, at least I'll be able to see it. Until then, I hope you consider this a more suitable place for our discussion."


Finally, James had shown up. However, the Wraiths dispelled the wind trapping them, but also disabled their cloaking. Now that they were visible, Balthazar was certain he wouldn't miss. He threw the fire at one of the Wraiths, which was engulfed by the flames and vanished into nothing. Without taking his eyes off the Wraiths, he spoke to his apprentices. "I wasn't looking forward to this, but you all have to fight now. All of your training so far has been to prepare you for this kind of fight. I need you to-"

Another one of the Wraiths sped towards Balthazar, who gathered energy in his hands. Just as the Wraith was within a foot of him, Balthazar launched the ball, but the Wraith dodged it at the last second and appeared behind him, preparing to strike Balthazar with its hand.

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[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#000000][i]Waiting with his arms folded Dawn couldn't wait to learn more of both the creatures mentioned and of this dark tower that seemingly he was the only one thaat had no clue about. At the mention of the black creatures being calld "Heartless." Dawn remembered the dark heart that had flown into the sky after he had defeated a Heartless.[/i][/color][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][color=#000080][i]"Where do they come from?" [/i][/color][color=#000000][i]The dark magic Dawn has been spotting and hearing about was almost identical to that which released from his Yin blade. Dawn then noticed Macros seemingly talking to himself and turned to look to his own sides where there was obviously nothing. [/i][/color][color=#000080][i]"Hey who are yo-"[/i][/color][color=#000000][i] Dawn was cut off at an instant a black corridor like opening was created and almost instantly it vanished with Macros inside it.[/i][/color][/font]

Dawn's mouth was wide open at just what had happened. The dwarf man turned to Dawn after exhaling a sigh of relief. "Dark magic..." He thought tio himself as he turned to face Dawn. [color=#b22222]"Well youngster looks lik-"[/color]

[color=#000080]"That guy!!!!!"[/color] Dawn interrupted clenching his fists and drawing out his Yin blade. [color=#000080]"I wanted to go to the tower too!!! God!!!" [/color]Dawn yelled in fury as veins began appearing on his forehead.[color=#000080] "Let me at him!!!"[/color] Dawn jumped on his hover bike and began making his way for the narrow path he originally came from, however the Darf man stood in front, his usual scared appearance now stern and controlled.[color=#000080] "Out of the way!"[/color]

[color=#b22222]"Your dealing with someone you couldn't possibly measure up to!"[/color] The dwarf man stated straight out.

[color=#000080]"That's what you think!."[/color]

[color=#b22222]"His no ordinary traveller."[/color] This caught Dawn's attention, he replied with a look as if to say what are you talking about? "[color=#b22222]No ordinary traveller knows their name. Do not persue 'im I can show you another tower. One that could benefit you."[/color]

[color=#000080]"Benefit me...how?" [/color]

[color=#b22222]"There's a wizard that lives on a river bank not to far from here near the main town."[/color] Dawn took a moment to relax and turned his bike around, notioning for the dwarf man to hop on. He then took off thinking to himself.

[color=#000080]"That Dark light, just it's presence I felt a large shiver go down my spine like a static shock. If I did follow...I would have died, especially in this state."[/color]

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Trevor was about to ask what happened, but then he saw it...the Wraith. He stood there silent, unsure of what to do...until he heard Balthazar's command: they had to fight. He looked at the ring on his finger and smirked a bit. [color=#daa520][i]Guess this is the first true test of an apprentice...apparently...[/i][/color] he thought as he clenched his fists.

[center][i][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcugcI2OonU]Kingdom Hearts 2 - Tension Rising Remix[/url][/i][/center]

With no hesitation, Trevor rushed out of the shop and snapped his fingers. [color=#daa520]"THUNDER!" [/color]he yelled, as a spark of lightning struck the Wraith. It was a good strike, but it wasn't really enough. He looked at Balthazar and the others, before looking back at the Wraith. [color=#daa520][i]We need an all out assault...but straight forward attack won't get us anywhere...maybe...YEAH![/i][/color] Trevor had formulated a plan and then quickly ran towards the Wraith, before running past him, casting another Thunder spell. What he hoped for now, was that this creature would be focused enough on him, to give the others a chance to strike at its back. [color=#daa520]"Hey stupid! I'm right here! Try and hit me!"[/color]

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Xemyrom followed the group of Nobody's as they took him to The World that Never Was and watched as Kreix commented on it being a better place for their discussion, after that Xemyrom took out a book with the same symbol as on his gloves on its cover.
[color=#4b0082]​"This books contains the research notes of my ancestor who commanded Organization XIII and covers a wide array of things. Right now I'm recovering the pages which are written in a code that only I can read and covers a variety of things including Heartless, Nobodies, and Dream Eaters and I've only gotten a few pages and believe that more of them will be in this world easily identified by the symbol on the cover being on each page as well. So with my guess that you have knowledge of this world I'm asking that you help me track down the missing pages."[/color]
There was still some information Xemyrom was keeping to himself but he had given the Nobody enough to get him to help in the endeavor.

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[center][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHEP-V569-Q"]Combat Operandi: Soundtrack Override[/url][/center]

The single Wraith was struck by a lightning bolt, and it instinctively backed away from Balthazar. A latter taunt confirmed its actual target: a smug-looking boy. No sooner did the Wraith bring its hands up in the air to reveal, as its sleeves pulled back down its arms, a full set of throwing knives on each hand, with a shape resembling the same symbol present on its hood. Swinging in the air away from its foes, the creature threw its daggers at the target. Just as a safety measure, it threw them in a line, as to guarantee that that game abstraction of a green bar would go down.

The Wraith pondered for an instant. Did said game abstractions even apply, in this scenario? Well, it told itself; the music [i]was[/i] playing in the background, so naturally the green bar [i]must[/i] have been in effect too, right?

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TRON was truly enlightening on the matters of friendship, but, not so much on the matters of the Keyblade. [font=georgia, serif]"So, Sora and his friends helped save the computer, and by extension, the city from total annihilation, and taught you about friendship. But, do you know [i]anything[/i] about the actual Keyblade, not the arms it was attached too?"[/font]

[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"Negative friend. I will not deny that I searched for logs upon it as well, but there was nothing in Ansem the Wise's files about the Keyblade; nor are there any in the files from his apprentice Xehanort."[/color][/font]

[font=georgia, serif][i]"So, the Keyblade wasn't a common occurence, even back then.[/i] Well, thanks for your help TRON. I'll be going now, hafta, keep on searchin and what not."[/font]

He raised a hand to summon a Corrridor, but was stopped by TRON. [font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"WAIT! Please, take me with you."[/color][/font]

What? [font=georgia, serif]"What?"[/font]

TRON sighed loudly, which, with the computer filter, sounded like he was blowing bubbles in jelly. [font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"You're the first person I've spoken too in over a century. Ever since the renovations to the castle, this area has been cut off from all outside contact. Which, in retrospect, begs the question HOW you got in here, but, seeing as how you got in here, [i]you[/i] can get out. So please, take me with you."[/color][/font]

Haxz gave the console a funny look, and mentally questioned if TRON could actually see it. [font=georgia, serif]"Umm, how exactly? Aren't you, like, integral to the system?"[/font]

[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"In a ways, yes. The system can run without me, just less efficiently. I am more of a guiding hand in it than an integral system, so, I can leave and no negative consequence will occur. Not that it matters, as no one uses this terminal anymore anyways."[/color][/font]

[font=georgia, serif]"I think I might be able to help you, if you act as the guiding hand for a system back where I live. The system is quite expansive, and has alot of data all over the place. So, if I move you there, I'll want you to begin organizing the data by relevance. Do we have a deal?"[/font]

[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"Deal user."[/color][/font]

An 8-bit handshake appeared on the screen, and Haxz smirked a little. [font=georgia, serif]"Okay, I'll go retrieve a storage device and return here immediately."[/font]

[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"I'll be waiting user."[/color][/font]

Haxz left immediately in a Corridor, but made a mental note to tell Boothe to stop his search.

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"Xehanort's descendant? I must say, I never expected him to have one. However, I'm curious as to these Dream Eaters you speak of. Denizens from the Realm of Sleep, correct?" Kreix could see the flicker of shadows as Heartless appeared in the valley down below. A smile formed on Kreix's face as more Heartless gradually kept appearing. "The Heartless sleep too, you know. Not in the way humans or Nobodies like myself do, mind you. The hearts destroyed outside the Keyblade's power linger, waiting to be set free, but inevitably they will return."
"Um, sir?" Doxfer asked. "What's with all the Heartless there?"
"You see that castle in the distance? It is the home of this world's [i]other[/i] former master. Ansem the Wise had his tower, and years later Xehanort's lackeys took resistance in the castle. But, you know all of this, don't you? If you do, then you must know that it contains the heart of this world." Among the variety of Heartless appearing in the valley were black clouds with faces. They all began to hover around the castle, merging with its walls. "A Heartless forged from a world's heart. Granted, it is just the work of the Possessors, but it should be interesting. If something like [i]that[/i] wouldn't draw out the Keyblade, then I am truly baffled by what could!"
"But sir!" the calmer Paladin exclaimed. "What will happen to Ansem's Tower?"
"It will be fine. I've sent some more Possessors there, so they will take over the computer there. All the necessary data will be assimilated by them."


As Omcraxs and the Wraith approached the tower, dozens of massive Possessors materialized. The Dusks stared at each other for a moment, but chose not to interfere. Kreix had some Heartless were being sent to the tower later, and so the Dusks teleported off, returning to The World That Never Was.


In an instant, Balthazar stopped the daggers in mid flight just as the middle one had cut Trevor across the cheek. Balthazar twirled his finger, and the blades slowly turned around, pointing back at the Wraith. Balthazar swung his hand as the daggers shot back at it.

"Don't encourage these things, Trevor! You have no idea what they are, so you need to be careful." But Balthazar knew what these things were. In all honesty, he was happy that the Greater Nobodies hadn't arrived.

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Back in Nerhyx's room it would seem as if he has been doing nothing this entire time but sipping tea with his Gentlemen elites. However that is not the case Nerhyx and his elites have mastered nonverbal communication so they were conversing the whole time. The Gentlemen were concerned with the floating invisible Wraith behind their boss but Nerhyx was assuring them that this was nothing to worry about. In fact this Wraith was actually beneficial to Nerhyx as it served as a little warning light for whenever Omacrxs was doing something big. Nerhyx mentally laughed at this floating beacon that was sent to watch him. Funny how these other nobodies claimed superiority of him. Nevertheless it was off to resume working. Even though the Nobodies didn't particularly like each other no one could say they weren't hard workers.

Nerhyx stood up and a Gentlemen helped him put on his cloak and he went into a corridor of darkness. Once on the other side he materialized into his hands and he was reading its pages. "Hmmm this looks like the place. Agrabah." He looked up to view the giant palace in the distance and the seemingly vast city that was in the middle of the desert. Nerhyx was on the outskirts of the city, just at the main entrance. Nerhyx thought about going inside the city and seeing what heartless were lurking about but that wasn't important right now. He had a target to find and it was about high time he got to work. The current Number V turned away from the city and walked into the desert. It seemed as if he was burdened with great purpose.

After an hour of silence walking in the desert Nerhyx heard a strange noise rumbling in the desert sands beneath him a couple meters away from him a [url="http://www.khwiki.net/Kurt_Zisa"]warrior[/url] of some strange kind popped out in front of him and was whirling some blades. "Mr. Kurt Zisa I presume. According to the logs you were to have been defeated by the keyblade wielder after you escaped from the Final Keyhole. I guess that some could be mistaken but nonetheless you shall come with me. The mighty beast entered a spin move with his blade against Nerhyx but it was to no avail as Nerhyx didn't move and let his reflection barrier do all the work the massive beast was bounced back and shot down into the sands. It was interestingly dazed and confused. "OH I see you did have a battle and lost to the keyblade wielder, Something must have gone wrong and your heart wasn't fully returned back to the infinite moon space. No matter that's perfect for me then."

Nerhyx waved his hands and a seemingly endless supply of heartless came from beneath the sands and jumped on the brown monstrosity. He was being fused with the heartless and therefore would emerge stronger and in a different form. As this new and improved Kurt Zisa arose Nerhyx pointed downward and the beast bowed before its new master. "If a keyblade wielder came for you the first time why not the second?" He tilted his head in the direction of the giant city and the beast sunk into the shadow and made its way over to it. Nerhyx smiled as he believes he has done a good deed.

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Shuren tried to keep from frowning at Viola's offer to join him, not because he doubted her ability or didn't want her to join him, he actually would have preferred spending time with her as it gave him time to plant her gift on her, he just didn't want to put her in any danger. He suggested he go himself because he didn't want the others to put themselves in any danger. He lifted his katana, and removed it from the case then looked at Viola. "I guess, just stick close to-"

His words were cut off by Balthazar loud fiery attack exploding just outside the building. Shuren spun around to see what Balthazar had attacked, but he couldn't believe what he saw. His master was being assaulted by a small group of... Shuren had no idea what they were. They were wearing some strange white suit, almost like a cloak. "What the hell..." Shuren knew that he'd one day fight something like this. Balthazar had made that clear, but for some reason, seeing these... things awakened a fear in Shuren that he hadn't known before. A powerful fear, but not one that he couldn't control. As Balthazar had been saying, this was what they were training for.

His adrenaline shot up as Balthazar was almost struck, but his heart was set at ease as Trevor stopped the creatures attack with a spell, attempting to draw it's attention. It worked too, as the creature suddenly changed its target to Trevor. These creatures were clearly full of surprises too, as the next attack was a longer ranged knife assault, that was about to connect with Trevor. Shuren acted purely on instinct as he waved his hand, yelling "Trevor speed up!" His spell connected just in time too, giving Trevor the speed boost he needed to barely avoid the first knife. Balthazar handled the rest, as he caught them in mid air using magic, then sent them hurtling back towards the assailant.

Shuren wasted no time in following his master and friends lead and jumping into battle, starting with casting a Haste spell on himself and Balthazar as well. His next move was to use his new speed boost to rush behind the attacking creature and jump kick it in the back, causing it to stumble into it's own knives. He did this not as an actual attack, he was smart enough to know that a kick wasn't enough for these things, but rather to keep it from dodging.

as he got up and drew his katana, a confident smile crept across his face. He knew he could fight them now. They stood a chance. "Got it master. Don't underestimate them." he said. "You yourself were saying that you were training us for this correct? So I'd like to join the battle as well."

Now Shuren saw James not far off. [i]He's in the worst position here... He's too far from me to reach with Haste too... [/i]Shuren shrugged his shoulders. Might as well run through the battlefield to get to him. Two apprentices would fair better than none, and he wasn't exactly sure how many of the monsters were left. He readied his blade, and charged some of his mana to prepare an electric spell if need be then ran towards James while keeping a sharp eye for any more of the creatues, or any of there knives since he knew they might be invisible and attack while still invisible, but with his increased speed he managed to get to James' side in no time flat.

"Hey pal, as you may have noticed, we got a small infestation of... things... to deal with." He smiled at James as he spoke, as if his smile would also add a glad to see you in one piece.

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Haxz returned to the computer room with a strange black device and a cable. [font=georgia, serif]"Hey TRON, I'm back."[/font]

The console lit up. [font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"Oh good, and in great time too. The sensors in the castle say that Heartless ar currently consuming the castle, and are working their way to this console. So, if you could transfer me, that would be great."[/color][/font]

Haxz did so, hooking up the cables and the black device to the console. A light began flashing on the side. [font=georgia, serif]"Okay, come in when ready TRON, though, I never knew AIs were capable of sarcasm."[/font]

[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"It's something I thought of learning for a bit. Things got lonely without social interaction. Also, I'm downloading myself into the containment device, so, I will cut off communications for a mom[size=2]ent...[/size][/color][/font][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#40e0d0]"[/color][/font]

TRON's voice slowed down, until he was silent. Without conversation, Haxz was watching the moving bar intently. It was handy to have a program that doesn't require you to click and drag, even if he was probably deranged from loneliness. The bar filled quickly, and soon, TRON was contained. Haxz removed the cable and held up the portable hard drive. [font=georgia, serif]"Okay crazy, let's go check some files."[/font]

Haxz left in a swift Corridor of Darkness.

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[b]Xemyrom Present[/b]
Xemyrom chuckled after hearing the conversation between Kreix and his subordinates then he waved his hand and an Aura Lion and Kooma Panda appeared in the valley below and began to fight the possessors below.
[color="#4b0082"]"Dream Eaters are by far the most malleable and loyal, once they bond with someone their with you for life. As for they keyblade as far as I've seen in this age there are none who can wield it, at least for the moment so until one comes up it would be wise to hold up on bolstering the Heartless you wouldn't want them to be to strong and over whelm a young keyblade apprentice. Besides what would a Nobody like you want with a Keyblade it is not like you'd be able to use it, all you could do is form...I see you plan to create Kingdom Hearts but have you located The Key because as far as I know without it the power of Kingdom Hearts can not be properly used."[/color]
Xemyrom looked over to watch his Dream Eaters battled the Heartless, he had chosen 2 powerful Dream Eaters and they had been well trained so it was just a matter of time before they finished the Heartless and then he turned back to Kreix.
[color=#4B0082]"Now about you helping me get a hold of the rest of those pages?"[/color]

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A heavy weight was lifted off Viola's heart when she noticed James appear, safe and sound. But afterwards, everything quickly escalated with the mysterious white creatures. Trevor fired a lightning bolt at one of them while Balthazar saved him from getting killed by an attack, and Shuren provided support with Haste. They were invisible, so nobody could see them. Balthazar had managed to successfully trap a group and force them to undo their cloaks, but there may be others.

If there were others nearby, they'd be physical if only invisible to the naked eye.

With one hand, Viola conjured up a small, ordinary ball of water which quickly began to compress itself with more water into the same shape, pressurizing until it exploded. Water flew everywhere, but more importantly, it should splatter and soak these invisible creatures, identifying their presence even if by the slightest as well as their numbers - at least the ones inside the shop. Of course the shop would be soaked, but their master could fix that afterwards.

There didn't seem to be any, at least not nearby. Therefore, there was no need to worry.

With their presence discovered, they would either try to fight or escape. If she had to guess...they would run, soon. Against Balthazar's wisdom and her own amazing powers plus the backup of four apprentices, they shouldn't have stood a chance in the first place. This was what Viola had been trained for, and in all honestly, she was taking this whole attack thing rather well, as if she had been expecting it in the first place.

Afterwards, she murmured [i]Thunder[/i] and sent a spark of lightning at one of the closer soaked Wraiths which coursed through them all through the water.

They weren't about to run away.

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Three of the other Wraiths, now free from the solid winds, were splashed by water. As if they weren't plainly visible already anyway. They shook their heads, and soon began dancing to some haunting tuba refrain, speeding through the air and confusingly crossing paths. Not three seconds later, a thunderbolt struck one of them and moved on to the others. They each shook for a split second, then regained balance and drew their knives. Moving backwards as a warning gesture, and while they wondered why was it exactly that they did it, they launched their knife rains at the girl who had cast the Spell.


The Wraith attacking Trevor was hit by its own knives, but sustained no damage from them. It sunk its hands back into their sleeves, and began dancing once again. After a while of moving around, it drew more knives. This time, it shot them one at a time, in quick succession.


Corridors opened. Heartless appeared. Omcraxs looked at them, unimpressed for a brief second.

Then he remembered.

The Neoshadows. His loved one. The little thing that was left after they were done with her. Number III Summoned his blade.

And he was Number III no more.

Omcraxs, with blackness and hate clouding his judgment, leapt at the closest Possessor. He slashed in fury, pressing X repeatedly for an impressive combo attack. With all the grinding he'd done the past month, what with infesting worlds with Heartless, a single combo was all it too. A series of slashing motions, and a finishing stab to make the creature disappear, and move on to the next one. He barely looked humane anymore, and the Wraith was fairly afraid to engage the Possessors for that reason, afraid to get sliced to bits by accident.


Only one more Possessor stood in his way. He was still looking vicious, but with his green bar of a game abstraction a bit reduced, he noticed another abstract gauge, which he had never seen before. It was halfway full, apparently, so no time to use it yet. He instead threw his sword angrily at the Possessor. It struck the Heartless, and then dropped to the floor. A sand pit formed below the Possessor. Omcraxs grinned and commanded the sand. It flew up, slowly, preventing the Heartless from moving away. In a very sadistic manner, the sand slowly envelopped the creature. Once it was fully covered, an opening was formed so that Omcraxs could see one of the creature's eyes.

He squeezed his hand into a fist. The sand tightened.

A bit of black smoke came from the hole.

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Trevor's cheek began to bleed as the knife cut it, before Balthazar sent the other knives back at the Wraith. Sure Shuren's spell worked, but only by a small margin. [i]Don't Encourage those things, Trevor![/i], that was what he heard when Balthazar helped him out. [color=#daa520]"Well I was trying to...was trying to give a shot at the back..."[/color] Trevor said, as he dodged the attacks from the Wraith. He continued to cast Thunder at the Wraith, having lightning bolts strike it one right after the other. [color=#daa520]"OK this is obviously getting us nowhere...Balthazar! Do you have any ideas on how the hell we bring this thing down??" [/color]he asked, as he kept dodging attacks, trying to dodge a few knives here and there...though still getting cut some.

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Taking a break from roaming the halls for what seemed to be forever a corridor of darkness appeared in front of him. Out came one of his [url="http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee198/OrganizationXV/Gaia%20RP/The_Dark_Knight_Nobody___3_by_Mr-2.png"]Silver Knights[/url] taking a bow before speaking. "[color=#696969]Master Xelo we've encountered a problem.[/color]" Xelo gave his knight a disappointed look. "[color=#b22222]What kind of problem?[/color]" The knight was hesitant to explain knowing his master would be angry with him. "[color=#696969]These three children, on the world you order us to infest heartless with, keep interfering with our work.[/color]" The knight paused but quickly began talking again to explain himself. "[color=#696969]We've tried to kill them but they ran we saw no point in--[/color]" "[color=#b22222]Enough.[/color]" Xelo cut off his knight. "[color=#b22222]Take me to them.[/color]" The knight nodded and bowed before his master then opening a corridor of darkness for them.

Arriving in the world Xelo saw three children throwing pumpkins that seemed to explode on impact. "[color=#696969]Those are the children master.[/color]" Xelo slowly walked up behind them then created a wall of fire around the children and himself. [color=#b22222]"And exactly what do you think you're doing?[/color]" The children turned around seeing a hooded figure they jumped in fear wanting to run but the wall of fire stopped them. "[color=#ff0000]Don't...don't hurt us.[/color]" A skinny boy wearing a devil mask. "[color=#800080]We just wanted to play.[/color]" A girl dressed as a witch continued the boys sentence. "[color=#0000cd]We were bored[/color]." Continued a small fat boy dressed as a skeleton. "[color=#b22222]Interesting, don't you guys have a guardian, someone who looks after you?[/color]" All three of the children shook their head no. "[color=#ff0000]We did but jack.[/color]" "[color=#800080]and the boy with the key.[/color]" "[color=#0000cd]Took Oogie Boogie from us.[/color]" Xelo found a way to use their story to his advantage. "[color=#b22222]Boy with a key huh? What are your names?[/color]" Xelo asked. "[color=#ff0000]Lock![/color]" "[color=#800080]Shock![/color]" [color=#0000cd]"Barrel![/color]" "[color=#b22222]OK Lock, Shock, and Barrel I'll make you three a deal. I'll make you a friend to play with and I'll have my knights work on bringing this Oogie Boogie character back IF you guys agree to leave them to their work and assist when needed.[/color]" The children jumped up with joy screaming. "[color=#ff0000]Deal[/color]." "[color=#800080]Deal[/color]." "[color=#0000cd]Deal.[/color]"

Xelo took down a the wall of fire that surround them. He raised both his hands and clinched both his fist the children watched him and turned around to see thousand upon thousands of heartless pile on each other creating a [url="http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs41/i/2009/005/8/1/The_Reaver_Heartless_by_MrHide_Patten.png"]spider-like creature[/url]. The children screamed louder, two of the children jumped on each of its arm while the other rode the creature's neck. "[color=#008080]We'll call it Mr. Spiky Spider[/color]." The children screamed together. Xelo waved over one of his knights. "[color=#696969]Yes master?[/color]" "[color=#b22222]These children and their new pet will assist you in the work here, also I told them you'd bring back this Oogie Boogie person so you will look into it.[/color]" "[color=#696969]Yes master.[/color]" Xelo walked off.

The children wanted to thank the hooded man for their new play-mate but he wondered off. They saw the man walking up curly hill, raising his hand in front of him making a dark portal of some sort, when he walked into it he vanished. One of the knights walked up to the children on their new pet 'Mr. Spiky Spider' "[color=#696969]Children do you know where this Oogie Boogie's body is[/color]?" The children nodded [color=#ff0000]"Yes we do[/color]." "[color=#800080]It's at Oogie's Manor[/color]." "[color=#0000cd]Follow us.[/color]" The children riding the creature headed towards Oogie's Manor and the Knights followed. The creature saw a small shadow heartless picking up the small shadow the creature stared at it for a while then ate it. The creature then grew a little bigger and the children laughed riding towards the Mano[size=4]r.[/size]

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