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Bob's Image-Mix Contest [Images Assigned...Round 1, BEGIN]

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In an attempt to make Image-Mix a new fad, as is God Kaze's will, I have created my own! &_& so, you know what to do


Note~ I will be hiring judges. PM me if you want to be a judge. This means you will not compete for a prize. Also, people who have been entered as 'Peeps' may not judge. I will send out Invites to at least 1 Moderator of this forum to judge, so be wary. Judges will be given 200 points.


New Rule~ If you fail to enter, I will PM you. If you do not post your card within 2 hours (unless otherwise stated or excuse is given), you will be neg repped.....



1~ SushiTheLegend (awaiting response)






4~Lucas Maximus

5~Card Maker Shinigami*

6~Da Pokemon Lord


8~Dark Spine Sonic*


10~Chaos Dragoon




1~2 reps

2~1 rep

3~100 points

4~50 Points

5~10 points

6~5 points

7~1 point

8~(assuming there are) a virtua-slap on the face!

9~I will pay for a banner or Avatar^

10~My respect (sort of)


Ends on April 1, 2008.....!

If this ends before this date, All members disqualified in previous rounds will match off against each other.




2~http://i29.tinypic.com/2a82f6h.jpg-Dark Spine Sonic


4~http://i30.tinypic.com/2eedft5.jpg-Da Pokemon Lord

5~http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg185/CrazyKev96/Eic_by_PearlEden.jpg-Chaos Dragoon

6~http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs11/i/2006/225/6/d/Full_Release_by_Viviphyd.jpg-Lucas Maximus




10~http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f37/LUC13N687/darkangel.jpg- Hunterb


Task 1: Use the assigned Image (above) to create 1 Monster or Spell or Trap. All entries must be in by this Wednesday, the 12....

Get Making






*indicates I'm expecting more of you, as I have invited you, and give you respect (especially you, Shini)

^indicates that I will not pay more than 10 points....Anything over will be deducted from your points.

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