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WIND Genex - We're the Robots


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Things noted in decklist changes and in testing:
Dark Simorgh Tested splendidly. Keeping that in for sure.
Tricky was terrible. Swapped him for SJ and Instant Fusion.
Didn't use mirror force, swapped for MSTs because I forgot them.
Got rid of 2nd vindi (Never used) and Windmill, Added arcanite and another Kaminari. They test well.
I'm debating on Divine Wind. On one hand, it makes the deck go crazy and makes it good, so I want it at 3 to draw it, but I never really use the 3rd (Though I do cycle through it with AFD, sometimes). Might actually want something to use it as fodder for.
I wish there was a way to recycle My birdmen eaisly. I might add burial so I can recycle him with avarice, but...eh.

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