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The power of Herpies

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[center]I jumped on th bandwagon when they were added onto DN, so this is my version:[/center]

[center][spoiler=Version 1][/center]

[center]Version 2:[/center]


[center]Ragequit count: 7[/center]


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[quote name='FreelancerRaiko' timestamp='1355940813' post='6098180']
Tried to get this and only drew s/t for all opening hands. Seriously what's with people and only have like barely even 1/4 of monsters in their decks?
I'll quote what Miror B. said on DN forums:
[quote name='Miror B.' timestamp='1355892033' post='811214']
Not all decks need 20 monsters.

[quote name='-Doodle' timestamp='1355939955' post='6098172']
How does Crane work here with only 2 copies of cards that can summon it? Unless I'm missing something...
It worked as an extra Icarus target if it was lieing dead in my hand, though I considered getting rid of them for Pet Baby Dragons, as well as one of the Swallow's Nests for an Avarice.

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[quote name='Archlord Sora' timestamp='1355951126' post='6098299']
Flying Kamakiri is absolutely crazy in this deck. It's like running 6 channelers. You only need 1 pet dragon, and the cyber harpy lady isn't necessary.

What are you talking about? Flying Kamikari is poor, when you only run 1 Pet Dragon you lose when you draw it and Cyber Harpy Lady is a 1900 beater that grabs you the field spell, which is broken, and deck thins.

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[quote name='Archlord Sora' timestamp='1355951126' post='6098299']
Flying Kamakiri is absolutely crazy in this deck. It's like running 6 channelers. You only need 1 pet dragon, and the cyber harpy lady isn't necessary.
Flying Kamakiri is crap, I dropped it because it done NOTHING for the deck. Pet Dragon @1 is not enough, and I changed the Cyber Hapie for #1 though it's down to preference whether you run Harpie #1s or Cyber Harpies.

[quote name='Kettleblack' timestamp='1355951055' post='6098298']
Have you considered Gale? It's an Icarus/[b]Swallow's Nest[/b] target, goes up to 1500 with Hunting Ground out and lets you go for Ancient Faerie Dragon which is hilarious.
If I ran Gale, I won't be able to use Swallow's Nest on it.Gale sounds hilarious though as a tech.

[quote name='Kettleblack' timestamp='1355951230' post='6098301']
Cyber Harpy Lady is a 1900 beater that grabs you the field spell, which is broken, and deck thins.
Cyber Harpie is a 1800 beatstick, Queen searches the Field Spell.

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[quote name='Kettleblack' timestamp='1355951230' post='6098301']
What are you talking about? Flying Kamikari is poor, when you only run 1 Pet Dragon you lose when you draw it and Cyber Harpy Lady is a 1900 beater that grabs you the field spell, which is broken, and deck thins.

Cyber harpy lady is the 1800 one that doesn't do anything. Harpie queen is the 1900 beater that youre referring to and definitely should be run at 3. Flying kamakiri grabs your channeler, deck thins, adds soooo much consistency to the deck, and provides material for plover or big eye. How is it bad, again?

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[quote name='Cherry Valance' timestamp='1355956232' post='6098392']
3 Hunting ground. Its all I have to say.
A lot of builds I've seen run Hunting Grounds @2.

[quote name='Kettleblack' timestamp='1355956290' post='6098393']
Hysteric Party is the last card I'd cut, if you draw it you're going to win and if you draw 2 it doesn't matter because you're going to win anyway.
They said 3 was overkill, but I'll re-add it in for 1 of the CotH.

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