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Boss wrecks

Northern Sage

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So, for every good boss fight in gaming, there are probably 2.5 horrible bosses. (That was a made up statistic).
So, YCM, share and discuss your choices for the worst designed and most disappointing bosses in gaming.
For my own example, I'd like to mention the Horrible Machine from Rayman 3. The fight is obnoxious, repetitive and dull. You have to go through an easy but very tedious jumping section each time you die. The music is bland and repetitive.

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As much as I hate to admit this~
[i]Every[/i] boss in Paper Mario 64.
I mean, all the bosses have an intimidating front about them, but all(or at least, most) have some gimmick that leads to them being [i]VERY[/i] exploitable.
(Or at least the way I see it)

Koopa Bros -> Pow Block
Tubba's Heart -> Hide N' Seek(Except that one was on purpose)
Laval Piranha -> Tidal Wave
Huff N' Puff -> S.Jump Charge
Crystal King -> Spiny Surge
Just to name a few.

The game is still very enjoyable regardless.

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I faintly remember a lot of bad ones from my mediocre Gamecube platformer days, but recently? That'd have to be that guy at the end of BF3, and that other guy at the end of MW3. A QTE as a boss fight is f*cking inexcusable, and speaks of the all-consuming laziness of any developer who dares to use one as a climax. Shameful.

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