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Kingdom Hearts: The 13th Requiem [PG-13/Started/Not Accepting]

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So Xelo is Demyx all over again?


Moreover do the Apprentices really have the Level to take on Phantom yet? After, 2 Worlds?


I'm going with no, since they were barely able to beat Mr. Spikey Spider .3.



He can disappear for a bit and become the last boss for that world, just so things won't be rushed as much.


Ehhh I think it'd be better if we went somewhere else. Seems a little too... what's the word I'm looking for... Unusual? Yes, seems unusual for him to just disappear, completely ignoring the apprentices, one of whom has a Keyblade, and then just decide to turn up again.


Where else was mentioned? xD

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Well, the plan was to go to Halloween Town, but Balthazar would notice that Olympus is in more immediate danger. Maybe the Phantom leaves before the gang arrives?

No way are you the apprentices going to fight the Phantom next. Xelo, yes, but definitely not the Phantom. Xelo being in Olympus is just a coincidence, but no, he isn't Demyx.

Changed Kreix's segment so that he froze Omcraxs completely.

In case I haven't been clear, the Phantom enjoys fucking with people.

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Phantom did lose to a single guy with magical dream friends, he shouldn't be THAT tough.


Also Xelo is about dead.


There is no way he can handle two gods, one of whom was one of the hardest fights in the entireity of Kingdom hearts.


The only reason hades is even beatable in 2 is cause Herc is there. Cause who probbably isn't helping bad guys? That dude.


Especially since Xelo's element is fire, a power that has does a massive damage total of nothing.

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Yeah but that doesn't really matter when your in the land of the dead.

The tournament is being held on the surface this year. Apollo is there to make sure Hades doesn't try anything.

Which raises the nice point that shouldn't pretty much anyone who died prior to this RP be there?

Well there's a missed opportunity. Oh well, maybe when the apprentices get there.
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I should be able to make some kind of a post now. I'll think of something to throw out there .3.



Sorry, almost forgot about this RP xD I'll make a post now.


I feel like since you're running the Grand Crossover and still working on the castles map that this is forgivable.

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