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Kingdom Hearts: The 13th Requiem [PG-13/Started/Not Accepting]

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Or everyone could go to the Cars world and see what you would look like as a bunch of talking cars lol
Also Studio Ghibli is owned by Disney right? So does that mean Miyazaki movies can be thrown into the mix?

No, it's more like Disney has distribution rights. It's too loose of a connection for my preference.
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Sora did it all the time with his Keyblade, as with all of the Keyblade wielders, so why SHOULDN'T Barian be allowed to do this?

Because Sora summoned a magical keyblade. To just spam weapons (especially non-magical/essentially useless ones) with no real reason other than for the sake of doing it is just a cop out. Personally I don't even like how someone is just falling out the sky and handing these kids the answers to everything. Oh you need a map, here's a map, you need a plot device, here's the plot device, etc. etc. 


btw...a combat guide? Because people don't know if something is moving jump out the way? See these are things I don't understand videogame necessities like dodge roll shouldn't translate to RP necessities.

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It didn't, I meant it could if it would help move things along please don't talk about PM stuff here.

And about the weapon stuff Beginning, really you wanna make this realistic then this isn't the place to be and about the combat guide it isn't really important just explains how a bunch of kids with very little practical combat experience will be able to fight 2 different armies of monsters.

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Sora did it all the time with his Keyblade, as with all of the Keyblade wielders, so why SHOULDN'T Barian be allowed to do this?

That's... kinda what keyblades do.


Keyblades are extremely powerful weapons.


But beyond that these weapons popped out of thin air, not in the sense that he had no where to put them, he never had any of this stuff till litterally just now.


The power to create things isnt a small thing.


What if suddenly Suga Momma created a rocket out of magic she never had, it uses less tech then those phones so its actually logically easier then what xem did.


Cause this isn't about realism, this is about following the rules of the story.


Say this was a cartoon, then pulling random things is fine because its by nature random.


Kingdom hearts however always has had rules, magic does certain things, keyblades can lock hearts but only the keyblade of hearts can open them, so on and so forth.


Simply ignoring the rules breaks the game, your character has no talent for magic according to the abilities list just a lightsaber, some colorful animals, and a bunch of different ways to teleport (corridors of darkness, weird rediriction gates, your 'fast attack style')


Unless this is part of your reality warp stict and this is the problem cause thats a slippery slope, if you can warp reality in that you go from a to b fine but if you can randomly created magical objects then you clearly have a lot of ways to cheat.



And this is coming from the dude playing the extremely dangerous old lady. 



That having been said I am stating for the record that Suga Mommas cyber journal is capable of doing a lot of things, not like magic but it has apps. just mp3 and phone usually, it has enough data as it is.

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Okay for the weapons lets say Xemyrom found/stole them, they didn't original have any enchantments but people posted them getting customized when they touched them so that kinda happened. As for where he was keeping them, the same place all RPG character's keep there ridiculous amount of stuff, and as far as my affinity for magic 1 Dream Eaters give you access to spells and 2 I warp reality through the power of darkness so my actual elemental affinity is dark.

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I will rest my case for now since I think I have gotten into enough fights in this rp. Also I am not going to argue loopholes.



ANYWAY I still sugest that the Cars heartless be the Pizza Planet Truck,  It will be called the Hungry Truck, it can have jaws at its front and have the rocket be, well a rocket.

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Definitely going to the Incredibles world too lol



Was the Pizza Truck in Wall-E?



Seeing as my quality of life has now improved how about, I take the planet truck tricked out with "THE CLAAAWW" from Toy Story, drive it into the Cars world and make it a heartless there. That way Todd can happen and Pizza Planet Truck heartless can happen.

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