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Kingdom Hearts: The 13th Requiem [PG-13/Started/Not Accepting]

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[quote name='Ketodama' timestamp='1355886545' post='6097588']
Wait...Treasure Planet can be included? Awesome. Any chance I could reserve a spot as an apprentice?

Yes to both questions, although if you want to do a character based on Treasure Planet, you'll have to be Resistance.

Clever, Mugendramon. Perhaps I should ask to specify how old they were BEFORE they become a Nobody, but the biography is good enough to cover for that. I'm curious how TWO Shadows were formed from one person, though. Aside from those bits, I accept Omcraxs.

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[quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1355895216' post='6097828']
Yes to both questions, although if you want to do a character based on Treasure Planet, you'll have to be Resistance.

Clever, Mugendramon. Perhaps I should ask to specify how old they were BEFORE they become a Nobody, but the biography is good enough to cover for that. I'm curious how TWO Shadows were formed from one person, though. Aside from those bits, I accept Omcraxs.

Oh, it was originally two people but I changed it to one. Guess a two slipped my correction somewhere. xD

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Well I hope I got the app in time for the last nobody slot

[spoiler= Nobody App]

[b]Name: Neryhx[/b]
[b]Gender: Male[/b]
[b]Age: 64 (Nobody of 2 months though)[/b]
[b]Alignment:[/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Nobody[/size][/font][/color]
[b]Appearance:[url="http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&safe=off&tbo=d&biw=1221&bih=587&tbm=isch&tbnid=Ns5nMzTU73SLXM:&imgrefurl=http://jerome-k-moore.deviantart.com/art/YOUNG-JUSTICE-ALFRED-PENNYWORTH-202884586&docid=ugMl4OPYg0T-fM&imgurl=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/089/a/e/yj__alfred_pennyworth_by_jerome_k_moore-d3csiqy.jpg&w=1024&h=1685&ei=RgPSUJPyHMag2QXuloHoDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=999&vpy=117&dur=5756&hovh=288&hovw=175&tx=157&ty=110&sig=106859436077393068584&page=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=90&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0,i:164"] Neryhx[/url][/b]
[b]Personality:[/b][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3] Neryhx is your typical butler or what you want from the perfect butler. He has no aspirations but to serve those who employ. On the upside this means he is immensely loyal to whoever his superior is and there is no task that he will refuse and no task that is beneath him. From cooking, cleaning, babysitting, even animal training. All of these are perfectly reasonable commands if it is new master who is the one who gives the command. On the downside (for others most likely) this means that Neryhx doesn't have a conscious the world is something for his master to use as they see fit meaning if his current master told him to go into the slay younglings Nerhyx wouldn't bat an eye as he slayed them. Striving to be the perfect Butler, Neryhx wants to be the most efficient and close to perfect as possible in everything he does for his master. When he is not in service to another Neryhx seems oddly normal. His mannerisms would just lead one to believe his just another old man humble in his old age. This is simply because he is just waiting for someone he deems worthy enough to serve.[/size][/color][/font]
[b]Character History:[/b][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Neryhx[/size][/color][/font][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3] started off as a custom tailor named Henry Headcliff. At the age of 30 he had a small job working for his father in a luxury suit shop and made a modest living sewing custom tailored suits for the upper crust and elite members of society. This was his way he was content with his existence. As time went on he was simply impressed with the resilience of his father. The old fella didn't retire from the suit making business till the rip old age of 86 which happened to be Henry's 64th birthday. It was a grand retirement/birthday party at the shop. Many of the families clients came to celebrate and with everyone surrounded by so much love Henry was experiencing the happiest moment of his life (Next to his children being born of course). [/size][/color][/font]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Unfortunately like in most tragedies the happiest moment of ones life can turn into one of the worst. It was at this very festival that the heartless had invaded, living up to their classification. Unsure of what to do he just had everyone evacuate the premise while he would attempt to stave off the beast. His family and all of his wealthy clients were able to escape but needless to say wasn't. Being a regular mortal Henry wasn't able to actually hurt a Heartless. He was consumed buy the impending darkness. His last thoughts as his happy and regular life flashed before his eyes was that he was glad he helped his family escaped slaughter. But it is that last thought that would shape his new creation as Neryhx The need to help and the need to make someone elses life better. He was reborn in the darkness of some random forest and arose as his new self with that one thought of helping. Of course without the emotions or caring that the heart symbolizes Neryhx assumes he has the distinct urge to be employed. So he wonders looking for someone worthy of his talents.[/size][/font][/color]
[b]Equipment & Abilities:[/b]
[url="http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&newwindow=1&sa=X&tbo=d&rlz=1C1CHRG_enCN478CN478&biw=1440&bih=783&tbm=isch&tbnid=kifF-x9s9gO_sM:&imgrefurl=http://www.pimall.com/nais/umbrelllasword.html&docid=i9boW0QK27H9NM&imgurl=http://www.pimall.com/nais/IMAGES/umbrellamany.jpg&w=417&h=245&ei=hoLRUNLUKo31iQLY5oCgCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=266&vpy=174&dur=14454&hovh=172&hovw=293&tx=110&ty=60&sig=115688449222122576076&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw=247&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:121"][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Cane [/size][/font][/color][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Sword[/size][/font][/color][/url]: As a human Henry took fencing as a hobby to stay in shape, be agile, and to relieve the stress of dealing with pompous douchebags of clients that he would have to deal with sometimes. That skill transferred to Neryhx and as such is able to summon forth a cane sword or umbrella sword at his command.

The Gentlemen: The previous Organization XIII had minions that were shallow representations of themselves. Neryhx is the same way for he can summon what he refers to as the Gentlemen. They are 6'0 ft silver outlined (like all nobody minions) that are really three dimensional representations of [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&newwindow=1&tbo=d&rlz=1C1CHRG_enCN478CN478&biw=1440&bih=783&tbm=isch&tbnid=d9bwEywtncE3KM:&imgrefurl=http://projectnorth.org/%3Fattachment_id%3D393&docid=04dSYMLugLvCsM&imgurl=http://projectnorth.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/The-Son-of-Man-1964.jpg&w=321&h=450&ei=NoXRUJGbA-ffiALFsYCICQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=170&vpy=282&dur=2824&hovh=266&hovw=190&tx=83&ty=119&sig=115688449222122576076&page=1&tbnh=133&tbnw=98&start=0&ndsp=43&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:0,i:151"]The Son of Man[/url] painting except there are not any apples in front of heads there are only floating apples instead of heads. The gentlemen all carry umbrella swords and fence like their creator. The special thing about them is that when they open their umbrellas it creates a barrier that they can act as defense and offense (Picture captain America Shield Press). Harnessing the element of reflect any attack that is launched at the face of their umbrellas will bounce off into random directions. They are representation of the remnants of his last memories being alive. He knows he was surround by a a group of well dressed people and he can somewhat recreate that event.

Ripple Blade: The same barrier defense that the Gentlemen can only make with their umbrellas open Neryhx can do with his sword and any other part of body at will. This is because Nerhyx element is "Reflect" he is touch almost any projectile and send it back in the opposing direction. The most unique method of using his Ripple Blade is that he can carefully time the barrier creation technique to align with his body so can bounce people off of himself which can create interesting pinballish scenario's when coupled with the Gentlemen.


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I hope the characterization for Viola is alright.
[spoiler=Apprentice App: Viola Makaivair]

[b]Name:[/b] Viola Makaivair

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Age:[/b] 15 (fun fact: [i]her birthday's coming up really soon.[/i])

[b]Alignment:[/b] Apprentice


[b]Personality:[/b] On the surface, Viola appears to be a rather bubbly yet nervous sort of girl, easily flustered; just a normal person, right? However, she can also be weird, being unsurprised to the most extraordinary of things, as if she had already expected that game shop to be the portal for magical training or that one person to die. This is because she's somewhat insane nowadays, and the line between fiction and reality in her head has started to blur. Her reactions sometimes can confuse people, and she's prone to abusing or improvising a particular thing once she has it (which her characters tended to do in her stories).

But it isn't as simple as that; her outside personality is a shaky attempt to hide her inner turmoil to the extent that she doesn't expect [i]anyone[/i] to live no matter how much she appears to encourage and cheer them on. Within, her will fights alone, refusing to be selfless.

[b]Character History:[/b] When Viola was little, she aspired to be a novelist and constantly immersed herself in books, eventually beginning to write her own fanfiction and original stories, ranging from fantasy to science fiction. At the age of eight, she submitted one in an online adventure-story competition and actually won, against much older and talented writers scattered over the world. She herself hasn't had much of a life apart from this, but for some reason she always ends up friends with the strangest people (a playboy with no interest in her, a lesbian coming to terms, a disabled student in a wheelchair, and the list goes on) in her quest to 'gain inspiration'.

A few months ago however, her best friend (who was an orphan) committed suicide in despair via jumping off a mall, which shook Viola's love for stories. That's when she started to notice almost of her friends were suicidal in one way or another, and while most of them may overcome their huge obstacles, others may end up like her best friend...

Trying to cheer herself up and forget about it all, she has since been trying to turn to other things, such as drawing, engineering, mathematics, singing, anime, and videogames, even going to such extreme lengths as to convince her parents to move away from her home city to Manhattan. And one day, she decided to visit some new game shop...

[b]Equipment & Abilities:[/b] Viola would specialize in magic, but she would probably improvise, shooting fireballs at her surroundings instead of the enemy itself to gain a bigger advantage. If she had a keyblade, she would also abuse its 'return-to-its-owner's-hand' thing constantly, flinging it anywhere instead of swinging it everywhere. Physically, she's kind of weak.


I'll make a second character later (Delita Heiral from Final Fantasy Tactics), who'll be part of the Resistance.

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Beginning446, you should make your Nobody name match with your original name. I'll add that to the rules. I also don't care for people who use existing characters as their character appearance unless they [i]are[/i] that character, but since I let MeChaos Sonic use Len, I'll let it slide. Anyway, just make the names consistent and you can have the spot.

Your characterization for Viola is fine, Merciful. If there's any problem I would have, it might be that she was able to submit a story that beat so many other people when she was only eight, but I can attribute that to her just being that skilled of a writer or the judges liking her story the most. It's really nothing that major, so I'll accept her. Since you've mentioned Delita, it reminds me that I really need to play Tactics more.

Mugendramon, are you referring to people submitting an example post with their app? There were some grammatical errors in Beginning446's app, so I would agree that that could help.

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Huh...[url=http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=639&q=len+kagamine&gbv=2&oq=len+&gs_l=img.3.0.0l10.622.1315.0.2474.]the 2nd pic[/url] keeps saying "403 Forbidden" and won't load...

That was the original pic for Trevor...but then I had to change it to the current one on my app.

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[spoiler=Mon Application][b]Name:[/b] Lexamus
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age: [/b]Physical - Early 20s(24-25ish) Nobody age - 63
[b]Alignment:[/b] Nobody
[b]Appearance:[/b] Lexamus stands at a tall-ish 6'1, and has a well-defined muscular build, though his bodily shape is rather average. He has a slightly pale complexion, but it doesn't stand out too much unless dark, contrasting clothes are worn. Unluckily, his main attire consists of a black jacket, with a hood often over his head in a similar manner to the Organisation cloaks; though without hiding his face. The jacket is never closed, and underneath he either wears a plain white t-shirt or nothing at all, revealing merely his muscular torso. He wears a studded belt upon jean-like battling pants - their design looks like that of ordinary, straight cut jeans, but they are more flexible and suitable for martial-arts. A series of bandages cover his forearms & lower legs, sealing off his weapons.

He has dark brown hair that's unkempt, unstyled appearance actually suits him well, with two, medium length bangs framing his face and a single length of hair running down the right side of his nose. His dark green eyes are a similar colour to forest, and give a piercing gaze when needed.
[spoiler=Closest I could get really. Alright picture, though I dislike using pics][img]http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii315/PROJECT_VOLT/26.gif[/img][/spoiler]
[b]Personality:[/b] Lexamus is an incredibly relaxed individual, with a feeling of nonchalance that could put most in his presence off their guard. His indifference is apparent in his manner, and to garner respect from this man is a difficult feat, for he is often to sidetracked by his own laziness that he pays little attention to those around him; reducing them in importance. He puts little effort into what he does, and has a motto of putting just the right amount of effort into what he does; and his calculating and descisive mind makes this possible to the dot. As such, putting all your effort into trying to appease him or gain his acknowledgement is a sure-fire way of doing the opposite; losing his respect, and branding yourself as worthless in his eyes.

He is cold and disrespectful to his opponents, no matter their apparent strength; and with good reason. He is a fearsome warrior of fearsome reputation, and his powers have lead to extraodinary amount of confident in his strength, though it isn't without support. He will rarely even bat an eyelid at an enemy, ones he gets into true battle, and disposes of them as quickly and efficiently as possible, conserving as much energy as he can. He leaves no openings and takes advantage of every opening he sees, and his expertise in offense gives him these opportunities.

He shows little mercy or restraint, but he also lacks ruthlessness, and it is a difficult challenge to get him to unleash his full strength, for he generally sees little reason to waste that much energy. His lack of inspiration and effort often makes him come off as lazy, and he is slightly carefree, but it creates a misunderstanding that he 'will not fight until needed', which is kinda wrong - he will when [i]he[/i] 'needs' to, which means when it will entertain him the most.

He shows mixed feelings towards the formor master of Space, Xigbar. While he appears to respect the man, he also shows disdain and aggression towards the very sound of either of his names, as if some form of hatred is there. He also insults him whenever he can find relevance, detesting the lack of advancement on the abilities, as if Xigbar wouldn't go to his full potential.
(Again, kinda rushed, I dont like it, but what the heck)
[b]Character History:[/b] Samuel was born on a world much like earth; albeit, much worse crime wise. Mafia ruled the globe, and while much of the world was similar to earth, there was no escaping the random shoot outs and fights in the middle of the street, or the muggings you were more than likely to encounter regularly. As such, it was very hard to survive without some battling skill.

So, as a quiet, reclusive and meek young boy, Samuel was in danger. He was mugged a lot, and more often than not, even at school he would be beaten half to death. And since the world was basically 'dog-eat-dog', in an almost literal sense, not even the teachers batted an eyelid, so he merely continued on his lonesome life.

Until, one day, he was mugged yet again. But, rather than let it happen, he fought back. And, while he didn't get off without injuries, he revealed his innate talent for fighting, using instincts to defeat the three muggers. Limping off home, he decided he needed to enter into MMA classes and the like.

By the time he was 20, he was almost famous across the world, mostly for his incredible fighting skills and ability to defeat almost any opponent, but for his lack of allegiance to any mafia group, and his generosity and willingness to help those in need; an unusual trait for those of that world. His personality was one of selflessness and determination; he made an active effort to help others and used a lot of effort no matter the situation.

Unfortunately, it was an attitude like that that led to his demise. For the leader of one of the strongest mafias had an incredibly dark heart, so much that he could use this darkness, and had manipulation over a small collection of heartless. And said heartless were used to dispose of Samuel and send him into darkness. And it worked, for how would Samuel be able to fight off a small horde of shadows, ones that he could barely touch. He was dragged into darkness.

But, his will was great, and so he managed to survive it somehow, waking up on the streets of a ruined city, a City of darkness. Surrounding him were them shadows again; but this time, he felt no fear. In fact, he felt very little, and all wish for effort had been sucked out of him. He had changed, and the heartless could feel it too. He was no longer the prey, they were, and they left a large circle around him, which none would enter.

It did not save them, for his powers came naturally to him. And they were demolished within seconds. He could feel his strength flowing through him, but hated that he had to use so much of it.

But he used this strength to convert the nobodies of the world to him, the nobodies of this [i]Dark City[/i]. He gained control of the city, and has reigned over it for 60 long years, developing his powers, and sealing them off.

But recently, a new presence has appeared in the city. He could feel it. It came and went, like he did with his own powers, but it was new, and possibly a threat. Lexamus - for that was his name now - has been chasing down this entity for the last few months, and has finally isolated its presence to the ruined castle in the centre of the city; a dark place that even he was wary of entering, that promised only destruction and emptiness.
[b]Equipment & Abilities:[/b] As a higher ranking Nobody, he possesses all the abilities of an average nobody, but in a higher form. His speed, strength, intelligence, dexterity and the like are all much above average, with his speed and offensive capabilities being his primary weapon, though his tactical intelligence is impressive[i].[/i]

His main abilities, however, are those that revolve around his manipulation of his element: [i]Space[/i]. For example, the corridors of Darkness that he uses are much more advanced than ordinary ones; by borrowing on the manipulation of the spacial dimensions, his corridors are almost instantaneous - the fastest of all corridors. They are also one of the fastest to summon, and most secure to outsiders.

A similar ability is an ability that he based on Xigbar's own teleportation, though his disgust with Xigbar's lack of potential has caused it to rise much beyond the formor Number II's standard; allowing for instant teleportation to anywhere within vision, and he uses this to his full advantage; making his fighting style one of the fastest paced and hardest to read of any nobody.

He is also considered one of the greatest fighters of the nobodies; his physical prowess being incredible, and only enhanced by his Spacial Manipulation. His physical strength is incredible to the point where he can dispose of Berserkers and similar higher-tier Nobodies with his fists and feet, whereas others may have to resort to weaponry. His speed is one of the greatest of most nobodies as well, with very few able to keep up with it. Mixed with a talent with most martial arts, it makes him a force to be reckoned with.

Obviously, such skill would take a toll on the body. Except, his body is unusual, in that his arms and legs are his weapons. The bandages covering from his elbow to his finger tips and from above his knee to his toes symbolise his weapons, and the places covered by these bandages have extreme amounts of endurance, able to take a high powered sword slash as if the limbs themselves were blades.

The bandages on his limbs seal off most of his power limiting his strength to about 20% of his true potential. When removed, his bare limbs are only shown for a moment, before being encased with a pair of steel, clawed Gauntlets and a pair of clawed/taloned metal boots, each radiating power; his true weapons. These increase his speed and strength by immeasurable amounts, and if you can get him to reveal these, then you must be powerful, though it's unlikely you'll survive he onslaught with these.

When released, these weapons also allow for a small ability; one that allows him to use ranged attacks. By focussing his energy into one punch, he can create spacial ripples that act as shockwaves, projecting the force of his punch in a straight line, like a bullet. This power acts almost passively when the weapons are released, allowing him to break walls just by casually punching his arm towards it. But when focussed, the power is highly destructive, and can create small craters in the ground; though it is a tiring ability.

His elites are named the 'Brawler Nobodies', for their habit of 'brawling' with almost anything that crosses their path. They have no bladed weapons to be seen, and are possibly the most humanoid of any lesser nobody, standing at about 5'10 with a human-ish build. However, they are notably more muscular than an ordinary human, and their limbs are heavily armoured, and slightly larger than normal when in proportion to the rest of their slight slim body. They have incredible physical potential, and move at high speeds. They are notable for their wall shattering punches, though their kicks are quite powerful too. [/spoiler]

App finished, I guess. >.>

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1355943801' post='6098213']
You know, all the nobodies having sword variations is kind of redundant. It's very boring.

I probably wont use a lot of sword play; that's only a powerful but not often used power. I agree it's kinda redundant, but it's how I'd planned the character anyway, and if I'd have used a range weapon, it would've been too close to Xigbar.

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1355943884' post='6098217']
I probably wont use a lot of sword play; that's only a powerful but not often used power. I agree it's kinda redundant, but it's how I'd planned the character anyway, and if I'd have used a range weapon, it would've been too close to Xigbar.

The problem is:

Mine is a sand sword.

Beginning's is a cane sword.

Yours is a lightsaber, basically.

That is not very varied. I'd much rather you have a gun than another sword.

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1355945983' post='6098237']
He's a weapons master, he uses a lot of things. Knives and pole-arm/staff weapons will be most common, probably.
But he has no other powers, asides from great melee skills and normal, magic stuff.

What do you define as normal, magic stuff? o,o

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