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Hieratics and what not.


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Competitive Hieratics tend to run 1 Wattail Dragon and 1 Luster Dragon #2 as their only Normal Monsters to spam Rank 6 Xyzs. The version focusing on Rank 8s isn't near as competitive.

You're also missing a boatload of staples. Not sure what you are willing to drop, but add at least the following:

2-3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Dark Hole
1 Heavy Storm

2 Torrential Tribute
2 Solemn Warning
1 Solemn Judgment

These should be including in 95% of decks, with a few exceptions. You won't run Reborn in a Macro deck for example.

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You're also running a lot of cards that don't fit with the theme. For one thing, it's impossible for you to summon DAD. Eclipse only has a pair of targets and might be dead more often than not.

Here's a more cleaned up version I came up with:


Again, this focuses more on the Rank 5-6 Xyz monsters. Completely untested, but should be a lot more consistent.

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