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"I am bound to the light, and sworn to justice" Lightsworns


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Lightsworns don't need that many traps.

-1 Wulf
-1 Sorcerer
-1 Garoth
-1 Ryko
-2 Bottomless
-1 Mirror Force
-1 Burial from a DD
-1 Avarice

+2 Jain
+2 Card Trooper
+1 Gorz
+2 Monster Reincarnation
+1 Torrential
+1 Beckoning Light

Extra Deck changes:

-1 Gem Knight Pearl
-1 Stardust
-1 Thought Ruler
+1 Black Rose Dragon (Celestia + Plague)
+1 Gaia Knight
+1 Scrap Dragon

Reason I say to remove Avarice is because it actually makes it more difficult to summon JD, since it takes out 5 from your Graveyard.

Gorz is nice because it's an OTK-stopper and a nice +1 Field advantage with the Token, as well as being a DARK for BLS. Banishing Plague/Necro leaves you with no other darks, making BLS a dead card. This is also why I say to drop Sorcerer, because you really need more DARKs if you want to run both Chaos monsters. I'd say add Trageodia, but I'm not sure what else to drop.

Card Trooper also gives you extra mills and a 1900 beater for a turn.

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[quote name='AlphaMan X' timestamp='1355593908' post='6093993']
I'd do the fixes if I could access DN >_>

Although I am surprised at you not recommending Duality, it's everyones favourite card on this forum.

Only reason I don't is because you Special Summon too much. Wulf/Lumina/plague/JD/BLS kinda interferes with Duality. I do recommend RotA tho. With Gardna and Jain you have plenty of targets.

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