Merci Posted January 18, 2013 Report Share Posted January 18, 2013 Well I expected her to get all the sympathy from it, and I don't really want or need it. Tomorrow marks the anniversary of my first break up. A fact I don't want to realise, but my head being my head made me do so. I'm worried for my mood about it, but hopefully after tomorrow my mood will pick up again and I can function normally again. Which leads onto to my next question, do any of you have dates that are marked as bad days as a result of a relationship? A day you don't want to remember. December the 1st December the 15th December the 27th and every other 27th day New year My birthday May 5th ...yeah, I miss my ex a lot ._. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted January 18, 2013 Report Share Posted January 18, 2013 Actually, no. Thinking about October 8th 2010 through September 18th 2012 usually end in pain. Though, that period is what made me the way I am today. I did a lot of growing up in that period. So, as painful as it is, I think I'd keep it the way it was. Well, except for maybe the way it ended. That could have gone better... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WTFauKorean Posted January 19, 2013 Report Share Posted January 19, 2013 January 3rd kind of sucks for me, but something I can get over basically break up beyond both of our controls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simping For Hina Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 My first break up was.... I actually don't remember the date. I rarely remember the dates of specific things like that unless it really means something to me. During the relationship, it has more purpose to be remembered, but it never had more of an effect than that. I do remember the dates of more important relationships to me though. :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted January 20, 2013 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 My first break-up wasn't too bad It was the day it began, and the girl who asked me thought I was a girl YCM~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thar Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 I guess I can consider it a break up... Her name was Tiffany. Don't know her last name, which is a pain, but we were in a puppy love relationship in third grade for about a year Then she moved, and so did I soon after. Neither she nor I said goodbye in the end :/ Second break-up was over Facebook. We were dating for a month but I got bored of it, and I was weak in the knees because I had to tell her right away, but I couldn't wait 3 days before I saw her face-to-face next. So she started a chat with me and I let the word out. She didn't speak to me for 2 days, then a year later she finally forgave me. There was also a Gaia Online relationship I was in for about a month or so. There was actually drama as well. Hell, we even cybered (because I was a noob and I didn't know better.) But we didn't talk in over a week and she messaged me saying to end it, hence my hiatus from that site forevermore. Let's face it... relationships are impossible for me to keep~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 Well, I'm just a hopeless romantic. (Had to look up the definition of a hopeless romantic up, and it fits me perfectly.) And no, I haven't had a break-up story yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kōsuke Ueki Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 Me neither, but I'm sure it's gonna happen once I get the truth out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 [spoiler=Something I just remembered within the last few days that I told DL on Skype] Okay, so it was Freshman year. There was this girl that I liked in my World History class. I got the courage to ask her, but it was on Facebook. She said yes, but was unsure what her parents would think. So, she asked them. Essentially, they told her she had to be 16 before she started dating. I told her I would wait a year. However, nothing happened since we didn't see each other much the following school year. So, we never went out at all. I was reminded by this because she is in one of my math classes, and I took the chance and talked to her a bit the other day. So, I did get a yes. However, it was voided by her parents. [/spoiler] Yea, closest I have ever gotten. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 I... have never broken up with anyone. I've had my heart broken, but I've never had a break up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 I... have never broken up with anyone. I've had my heart broken, but I've never had a break up. Don't get me started on the amount of times my heart has been broken. And yea, same here. But, I haven't dated before. =/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rapidfire Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 It's to hard to explain. I really don't even know why I do some of the things I do, or why I fall for people so easily. It's pretty horrible, it's like... Like a heartbreak ether way you look at it. I'm starting to hate the feelings love gives me. I mean I've never even had that many relationships, but they all manege to somehow hurt me, and if it's not them, I hurt myself. I think I do it self consciously. I tend to say what I feel, but lately it's gotten harder. I'm starting to run out of words. Don't get me wrong I experience all the feelings of liking someone, but I truly wish it would stop. In the end it does nothing good for me. It leaves me breathless, worried, and that feeling in the left side of my chest, never goes away. It's there. It leaves me exhausted, and breathless. It's when you can't even eat right that it gets bad. Being breathless is pretty bad, but when you start loosing appetite and gaining a outburst of hunger.But I know that it's not love. It's just, every word impacts me to a emotionally exhausting point. But it's not as bad when I hear the words, then read them. I think when I read them it gives me more time to think about them. One thing I learned from my last "experiences" is that I don't want to repeat the same mistakes again. But in the end I probably will, and that's the thought that keeps me awake late at night, the thought that makes me lose focus almost anywhere. Sometimes when I lay in my bed, I turn of all of my lights, open all the windows, and take all of the covers off. It gets cold in December, and January. I did it last night, it gave me a lot to think about, and it also gave me a bad through ( which is bad in my case). It helps clear my mind, and it lets me relax my muscles. It's really calming. I get to hear the deer running through the woods, and all of the late night joggers walking their dogs, and the noise of an occasional car pass by. The thing I love the most is when the smell of pine dances through my room. It's like being outside. Having so many nights where I think about tomorrow is one of the reasons I'm so damn good at keeping my composure around bad news. Well I lied. There is a couple of people who I'm not afraid to cry around, or tell my feelings to. I don't think it's someone I choose, it depends on the person. I guess it's like a "6th sense" for me, I don't even think about what I look like in their eyes when I break. I guess it just happens, and I noticed that those people usually have the most impact on me. I guess I have a lot of different sides to me. People who don't like me usually see one side of me (probably the really hyper active side). Eh, I kinda don't care as much anymore. Whatever someone thinks of me, is their own judgement. I never thought I'd actually say this, but I think I'm starting to mature. Yeah I know it's a strange idea, but you know all of me is strange. Everything I do is strange, and I can't help but love that. (Well I have no idea where all of that came from, but I just found myself typing.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 Well, I'm just a hopeless romantic. (Had to look up the definition of a hopeless romantic up, and it fits me perfectly.) And no, I haven't had a break-up story yet.Looking it up on Urban Dictionary, and "Not made for today's standards, sadly" describes my approach to love exactly.As someone who has not been in a relationship, I can't say I've had a break up before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PokeMaster Calvin Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 I think my main problem with love is as soon as someone starts being nice to me... I feel like something clicks and bam I'm slowly falling for them for the week lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr.WHAM Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 It's sad that I have been or go through what a lot of you have written. Ill just Aqua this: the future is yours to mold and carve and if you don't have the right tools all you will be doing is scratching a rock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Limited Edition KING Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 I have never been in a relationship with someone, therefore have never had a break up. Could that be considered as a win? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DL Posted January 20, 2013 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 @Calvin - Pfft, I feel the exact same way xD Tho I haven't acted on it too much @Rapid - That was actually really beautifully written, Kitty <3 I'm moved ;D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 I've never really been heartbroken myself, the only relationship I've ever been in was broken off by the girl I was dating (who asked me out btw) via a couple of her friends telling me. This may seem cruel, but I had seen it coming for about a week leading up to it so I wasn't really supprised or that sad about it. Also, the only girl I've ever really fallen for as always seemed to be so close, but yet insanely out of reach (and wasn't the same one as I was dating for a couple of months), and now that school is finished and that was where I usually saw her, it seems she's even further out of reach again. As for coping with things, I used to be really bad at coping with anything, but a couple of years ago my dad got cancer, and while he did manage to beat it, that event, that year of treatment for it was a huge part of my life for that year, and somehow really managed to give me a lot of emotional resiliance. Nowaways, when something bad or disappointing happened to me, I just tend to shrug it off and deal, and move on with my life. Just my own little rant on what seems to currently be getting discussed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 erguhwehvieuavhlrevhaldsfh;sgh;slfjnsdlfadsflhsd Uh. Okay, calm down. Break-up, broken heart...check. Lies, all lies, she lied, what the hell, but, I, loved, her, still, do. Focus focus focus focusfocusfocusfusofucosi okay. Okay. Have I been hurt? Yes. But it's cliché. Everything's cliché. I hate people who say cliché things about love even when I say them myself and encourage others with cliché romantic words. Everything in this universe is systematic and nothing is mandatory, the human brain is amazing but also exceedingly flawed. No? No. okay. Focus. God I've written nonsense. Focus. Okay. Okay. Okay. Calm. Okay. Let's just say that my first break-up was what prompted me to take a more logical outlook on life, and it helped me realize that dreams can be imitated - but never achieved. Also, everybody is untrustworthy. Words lie. Everything lies. Humans lie. Life lies. May as well lie while you're at it since you're lyinggdodIm doing it again. Focus. Focus. Got it. Cay. Kay. Kay. Kkkkk. Got it. I. Screw it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aerion Brightflame Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 erguhwehvieuavhlrevhaldsfh;sgh;slfjnsdlfadsflhsd Uh. Okay, calm down. Break-up, broken heart...check. Lies, all lies, she lied, what the hell, but, I, loved, her, still, do. Focus focus focus focusfocusfocusfusofucosi okay. Okay. Have I been hurt? Yes. But it's cliché. Everything's cliché. I hate people who say cliché things about love even when I say them myself and encourage others with cliché romantic words. Everything in this universe is systematic and nothing is mandatory, the human brain is amazing but also exceedingly flawed. No? No. okay. Focus. God I've written nonsense. Focus. Okay. Okay. Okay. Calm. Okay. Let's just say that my first break-up was what prompted me to take a more logical outlook on life, and it helped me realize that dreams can be imitated - but never achieved. Also, everybody is untrustworthy. Words lie. Everything lies. Humans lie. Life lies. May as well lie while you're at it since you're lyinggdodIm doing it again. Focus. Focus. Got it. Cay. Kay. Kay. Kkkkk. Got it. I. Screw it. Is it odd that I'm quite similar to this half the time? At least the everybody lies part of it. Maybe not as crazy sounding most of the time. Some of the time though I get a whole lot worse that that. Because, everybody lies. Wow... I started quite a good discussion this time. In hindsight I have been in 3 relationships, one of which I don't count, one of which has/is nearly killing me, and the other which was probably a mistake to be in. I do over read into situations revolving around my ex, and I have thought she liked me again on at least 6 occasions, just because our friendship is so similar to us in our relationship its slightly scary at times. There are times though when I get confused about how she feels towards me... She just acts out of character at times or does stuff lately she never did before. Oh wells, what will happen will happen, I've just got to act like myself and let what will be be. I can hope to get back with her all I want, but even if we stay just friends, I can still be happy with that. After all, the happiness of the person you love should come first. This club is actually surprisingly helpful. I mean seeing other peoples stories and stuff... It's refreshing. And I got through the anniversary with only one suicidal mood swing which is great. I expected like 8. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 After all, the happiness of the person you love should come first. Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes ;_; Also, this site overall is pretty helpful. If YCM hadn't been there while I was feeling extremely suicidal (unrelated to relationships), I would've committed suicide like three/four years ago. (Oh my god has it really been that many years?!) ..Woah O.o This seems to be a tough topic for you o-o'' Sorry, did not mean to post it that way~ I was about to try and say something normal, but I guess I just.. exploded onto the keyboard before leaving to take my mind off it. I'm okay now- okay. Okay now. Definitely. Totally cool with everything. Yeah. Sweethearts should be happy, that's the important -most important- -definitely most important- thing of all and I shouldn't ever ever be selfish even though they're the selfish ones and OKAY I"M PERFECTLY CALM NOW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spirit of DMG Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 ...I can tell. Though, everyone lies at some point. Clearly. We're all liars. I could be lying now about everyone lying. It's just a cacophony of lies. Even that cake there, that cake is a lie. Oh, what a tangles web of lie this is. Alright, now... ummmm... Yeah, I hate the way my last breakup went. I hate it hate it hate it. See, I'm part of a forum called "fetlife" and so is my ex. So, naturally, I had friended her. And, when she changed her relationship status, I received a notification of this. So, when I checked it to see what she had said, I saw "--- is engaged to ---" Then I'm like "WHAT? WHEN DID THIS BEGIN!!!!???" Then I slipped into a spiraling depression that I'm still clawing my way out of. That was also the day I decided that I will never again introduce my next girlfriend, or even mention her name, to anyone in the military. None of them can be trusted with this kind of information. I lost two relationships that day... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathanael D. Striker Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 [spoiler=Something I just remembered within the last few days that I told DL on Skype] Okay, so it was Freshman year. There was this girl that I liked in my World History class. I got the courage to ask her, but it was on Facebook. She said yes, but was unsure what her parents would think. So, she asked them. Essentially, they told her she had to be 16 before she started dating. I told her I would wait a year. However, nothing happened since we didn't see each other much the following school year. So, we never went out at all. I was reminded by this because she is in one of my math classes, and I took the chance and talked to her a bit the other day. So, I did get a yes. However, it was voided by her parents. [/spoiler] Yea, closest I have ever gotten. Anyway, all these stories are saddening. They really are. Life can be cruel, but we have to get through it nonetheless. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 Username- AgroGender?: MaleAre you in a relationship?: NopeDo you have love experience?: More than Manti Te'o.Do you mind having your relationship status open to public?: Sure.I'm gonna join just because I wonder if I can improve myself as a person here. It's a longshot, but even if it's slight, it's probably worth doing.So what are we talking about? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aerion Brightflame Posted January 20, 2013 Report Share Posted January 20, 2013 Hey Agro. Welcome to our corner of paradise. We seem to be discussing Break-ups, the impacts they've had on us, and any dates of the year that have been spoiled due to romantic reasons. At least, that's what I've gathered Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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