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~YCM's Dating Club~ (Join, because we're cool ;D)


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Oh DL, can ye change me to being Single please

I miss cuddling, it was such a nice feeling. Everything else in the world, all the problems, the pains, the stress just faded away and it was just me and her together for what felt like forever.

And of course getting intimate was nice as well, but... I liked being with her for her, than when I was being with her intimately. If that makes sense.

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Egh. What the heck. I'll sign up.

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Gender: Male[/font]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Are you in a relationship: Yes I am. A year and a half the 22nd.[/font]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Do you have love experience: Making love? No. Loving someone? Yes most definitely[/font]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Do you mind your status being open to the public?: Why would it matter? Go ahead share to the world[/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Oh and cuddling is amazing. So warm and comfy and all your problems are gone and it's like time just stops.[/font]

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[quote name='Striker' timestamp='1358304474' post='6122293']
I don't think you guys truly understand what goes on inside my mind when a dance comes along.

What's this supposed to mean?

I'll be honest with you, when it comes to dancing, I avoid it like the plague. I thoroughly dislike it, and whenever Chloe came up to me asking for me to, I'd go all sulk mode on her and get a nice hug instead.

She obviously wasn't ever okay with me not liking it though, because she really loves to.

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1358304600' post='6122295']
What's this supposed to mean?
[quote name='Striker' timestamp='1358222993' post='6121256']
And guys, I have Winter Formal coming up, but I haven't asked anyone yet. What do?

That should help you with context. And except for the dancing unit in 8th grade PE, I have never danced with anyone at all.

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1358305009' post='6122305']
Heh. Well, I'm not familiar with US school events and stuff, but, do they force you to go to these things? Do you really WANT to go?

I mean, if both answers are no, then I don't see why you shouldn't just flip them all the bird and do as you please.

No. And I bought my ticket today (non-transferable btw). I'm trying to make use of my senior year, but it has a price.

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1358305009' post='6122305']
Heh. Well, I'm not familiar with US school events and stuff, but, do they force you to go to these things? Do you really WANT to go?

I mean, if both answers are no, then I don't see why you shouldn't just flip them all the bird and do as you please.

they arent required. as for you striker heres the advice i can offer.

be honest and assertive but not too pushy. its okay to go with someone as just friends. just, in that instance its better to ask a close friend since theyll be more understanding there. be sure that if youre doing that to say its just as friends.

if someone says no then oh well. ask someone else or just go alone/not at all. no ones gonna think less of you if you just wanna go to listen to some music and eat some food for a few hours.

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[quote name='clairedestroyer' timestamp='1358305227' post='6122315']
be honest and assertive but not too pushy.

Asking someone is probably the only place where my confidence sinks.

[quote name='clairedestroyer' timestamp='1358305227' post='6122315']
its okay to go with someone as just friends. just, in that instance its better to ask a close friend since theyll be more understanding there. be sure that if youre doing that to say its just as friends.

I don't think I have any close friends anymore. I have the idea of asking an old friend of mine to it, but she has been too busy the last few days. Ugh...

[quote name='clairedestroyer' timestamp='1358305227' post='6122315']
if someone says no then oh well. ask someone else or just go alone/not at all.

Rejection stings a lot more for someone like me. Though, I'm used it to an extent.

[quote name='clairedestroyer' timestamp='1358305227' post='6122315']
no ones gonna think less of you if you just wanna go to listen to some music and eat some food for a few hours.

I felt out of place when I did that for last year's Prom and this year's Homecoming. I already bought my ticket, so I have to man it.

[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1358305278' post='6122316']
It has a price, you say? Well, paying for the entry before having a date yet is kind of a weird order, innit?

I had the money on me at the time I bought the ticket. I don't get spending money much, so I made the most of it. If I do get a date, I have money in my account to pay for theirs.

[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1358305278' post='6122316']
Also, you never seemed to me like the kind of person who would see attending parties/events as "making the most of their year".

Freshman and Sophomore year, no dances. Junior year, just got into them. Senior year, well, just because. And what kind of person do you see me as?

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One of the main reason I go to school events like that is because my friends go. My girlfriend wants to. And the music. and grinding can always be fun if that's the type of dance. If not slow dances are nice. Not sure if your talking about dances or not.... :/

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[quote name='Aa'une' timestamp='1358305652' post='6122327']
One of the main reason I go to school events like that is because my friends go. My girlfriend wants to. And the music. and grinding can always be fun if that's the type of dance. If not slow dances are nice. Not sure if your talking about dances or not.... :/

Like I said, I haven't danced with anyone before. Homecoming was DJ'd by my team sports teacher, so that was nice. And yes, he does DJing on the side for money.

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[quote name='Aa'une' timestamp='1358307296' post='6122358']
That's pretty cool to have a teacher that does that. Just go with it. I didn't either. Just warn her before and go for it.

But I don't have a date yet. I may just do what I've done in the past and go alone, but what fun is there in that?

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Well there's always girls that go in groups or alone hoping someone asks them. and dances are always fun still. Well if you have friends there. I can almost guarantee you though that there will be at least 1 girl there that went alone hoping a guy will ask her to dance.

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dude striker did you not listen to like... Any of the stuff I said?
Asking is the easiest part.

I can get into the details of what happens till the dance and what happens at the dance later but seriously man, your partner doesn't even have to be someone that goes to your school for fucks sake, I literally took a college chick to a dance in my high school junior year once.

I can guaranteeing you that if you are afraid of rejection you're being stupid because 95% of people don't say no, even if they don't even know who you are.

there's bound to be someone solo in school anyway, there's not even any shame in going for jail bait if you're already and 18 year old senior taking a Sophomore... A freshman is cutting it deep though.

everyone generally gives you a chance the hard part is not f***ing up that chance, which I can seriously help you with too.

so as for a date, relax man, they're literally everywhere and not all of them are perfect but the world is about compromise.

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Striker, just do what I did for homecoming... Find a your friends, and do really lame dance moves while all of the other people are grinding. Mhm it was fun as hell we did the row, and the sprinkler, and more lame dance moves! Fun night, tho at one point we kinda took a break from being so damn awesome, plus there was a rape train down there so we kinda backed away. After that you sneak off with a couple of friends to a empty hall and let your feet breath, because let's face it, doing really lame dance moves in new shoes hurts. And then after we all sat down on this random table in the corner we bought a bunch of snacks from the vending machine. It was all fun and games til we ran out of chips. But over all it was a fun night! So really you don't need a date to have fun, just friends. :D

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[quote name='Rapidfire' timestamp='1358308444' post='6122386']
Striker, just do what I did for homecoming... Find a your friends, and do really lame dance moves while all of the other people are grinding. Mhm it was fun as hell we did the row, and the sprinkler, and more lame dance moves! Fun night, tho at one point we kinda took a break from being so damn awesome, plus there was a rape train down there so we kinda backed away. After that you sneak off with a couple of friends to a empty hall and let your feet breath, because let's face it, doing really lame dance moves in new shoes hurts. And then after we all sat down on this random table in the corner we bought a bunch of snacks from the vending machine. It was all fun and games til we ran out of chips. But over all it was a fun night! So really you don't need a date to have fun, just friends. :D

Uh, my friends usually go with themselves. I don't want to bother them by asking them to tag along. Heck, I'm not that close with anyone these days since people seem happy without me. Why bother with a date? Cause I actually want to have someone to bring and spend time with during the dance instead of walking around like a lame duck.

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exactly. feelings like self doubt and sadness are VERY evident to other people. were humans. humans are meant to be able to effectively pick up on those kinds of signals. so when the signal you give off is "i dont like myself. i shouldnt try because other people wont reciprocate" then it becomes self fulfilling.

be HAPPY. find a reason to smile and be content with yourself and with life. a reason that ISNT being with someone else. being with someone because youre unhappy and want to not be unhappy can lead to some bad situations. which is not to say that unhappy people cant have their lives improved by it. just dont seek it out.

everyone has something attractive about them. i guarantee if you follow the advice given here youll find someone attracted to you. maybe not soon. maybe not in time for the dance, but it will happen.

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[quote name='Rapidfire' timestamp='1358309915' post='6122413']
Let me tell you one thing, what you think of yourself is what others are gonna think of you.

Well, do you honestly think I am this way all the time? Like I said, this is the only area where my confidence sinkls.

[quote name='Rapidfire' timestamp='1358309915' post='6122413']
I mean cheer up a bit, no girl likes someone who only sees the bad things going on. Like seriously smiling, and being happy is attractive. -__-

I'm sorry that I'm not as cheerful as you. I just brought Winter Formal since it was on my mind, but I guess I shouldn't have if your judgments is what I was going to get. =/

[quote name='Yan-Tsundere Barrel' timestamp='1358310149' post='6122417']
I believe I told you this on Skype, Striker:

Trust yourself, and trust others that they will accept you.
Not word for word, but in a sense.

That sounds familiar. And I don't think I have told you guys this, but I have some trust issues. Doesn't change much, but I'm throwing it out there.

[quote name='clairedestroyer' timestamp='1358310346' post='6122423']
exactly. feelings like self doubt and sadness are VERY evident to other people. were humans. humans are meant to be able to effectively pick up on those kinds of signals. so when the signal you give off is "i dont like myself. i shouldnt try because other people wont reciprocate" then it becomes self fulfilling.

I'm surprised you guys are going a full 100% saying that I completely doubt myself. I've said twice already that this is the area where my confidence sinks.

[quote name='clairedestroyer' timestamp='1358310346' post='6122423']
be HAPPY. find a reason to smile and be content with yourself and with life. a reason that ISNT being with someone else. being with someone because youre unhappy and want to not be unhappy can lead to some bad situations. which is not to say that unhappy people cant have their lives improved by it. just dont seek it out.

Once again, don't go full out 100% saying that I hate my life. Is it too much to simply ask for someone to love? I guess it is for a guy like me who has a hard time loving at all (look up Asperger's if you have a hard time understanding that).

[quote name='clairedestroyer' timestamp='1358310346' post='6122423']
everyone has something attractive about them. i guarantee if you follow the advice given here youll find someone attracted to you. maybe not soon. maybe not in time for the dance, but it will happen.

I'm not doubting that. Who said I was?

And geez, this turned into me getting defensive fast. =/

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[quote name='Striker' timestamp='1358310617' post='6122430']
trust issues

Ironic that that's the only thing holding you back, actually.

Here's some new advice from me: Trust everyone. It took me a while to do it, but it's how I got along with a lot of druggies in my college. They're actually very nice guys. Smart too.

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