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Attempting a Gemini Deck


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Yeah, this just looks like an inconsistent pile of cards. Try something like this

Alius, Endymion & Evocator serve as your Level 4 beaters. Anything they can't beat over gets Sparked. Valkyria & Tuned serve as secondary beaters (1800 isn't bad) with Spark targets. Tuned is also your Tuner, if you're into that. 2x Phoenix and 2x Darkstorm + 3x Trade-In create a draw engine, as well as getting them to the Graveyard to be brought back via Supervise. RoTA cause you run 6 targets. 1 Hidden Armory to search Supervise and BLS cause you run 5 LIGHT targets and 4 DARK targets. He's also a Trade-In target if he's ever dead. The extra deck is mostly Rank 4's since that's what you'll be going for mainly. Sun God and Thunder End if you manage to get 2 Level 8s on the field. If you can ever get Tuned going, you have Level 8 Synchro options, though you probably never will. The side deck is something I just threw together. The Super Poly is for the HERO match up. The Miracle isn't meant to be used, just showing that it could possibly be used, though not likely.

But yeah, something like this is better than what you have.

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I was basing it off my old knowledge of the starter deck of htem and some suggestion I found at Pojo. Thanks for the great tips, it's hard finding a proper Supervise engine and honestly Trade-in/Darkstorm didn't even occur to me, Trade-in is pretty foreign to my styles. My thing with Chevalier is...well, it would cycle Supervise too fast in my opinion, but I'll give it a go. As for the side deck, that's really what I stuck to was level 4 Xyz's and Level 8 Synchros, a quick tweak for some Level 8's will be super easy. Actually, at first I wasn't going to put in Endymion, but I realized how well he could work with Valkyria. This is really one of my favorite things Konami did, thank you SO much for all of the suggestions. :D

Made one tweak to this setup, hopefully it will all work out. Instead of Tuned Magician I left in Red Lotus, to help recycle some of the Level 4's, and filled my Extra with various Xyz's for situational instances.

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