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On the X Day of X-mas, YCM gave to me...~!

Kyng's Old Account

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New Game based on a lovely song.

How to play:
Players post by continuingly adding 1 day to the count, whilst adding a clever little gift in spirit of X-mas.

All new posts must include all previous post's X-mas gifts.
Player 1: On the 1st Day of X-mas, YCM gave to me, A Rare Holo Moki Moki~!
Player 2: On the 2nd Day of X-mas, YCM gave to me, 2 Brand New Mods, and a Rare Holo Moki Moki~!
Player 6: On the 6th Day of X-mas, YCM gave to me, 6 Swordstalkers, 5 Golden Stars!! 4 rules of CC, 3 Status Fads, 2 Brand New Mods, and a Rare Holo Moki Moki~!

You cannot post immediately after another user has posted. You must wait until 2 users have posted before posting again.

You cannot post a gift that already has been posted.

Whoever posts the 100th post gets a rep, and a new count begins/

On the 1st day of X-mas, YCM gave to me, a Xbox/PS3~!

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On the 8th day of Xmas, YCM gave to me:

9 WC reviews [spoiler=Hint, hint][url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/294240-conquering-beastsrevelation-beasts-yay-eschatology/"]http://forum.yugiohc...ay-eschatology/[/url][/spoiler] 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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[color=#008000][b]On the 10th day of X-mas YCM gave to me:[/b][/color]

[color=#008000][b]11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3![/b][/color]

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On the 14th day of Christmas, YCM gave to me; 14 pieces of unfinished homework: 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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On the 15th day of Xmas, YCM gave to me: 15 Yugimonz decks, 14 pieces of unfinished homework: 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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On the 16th day of Xmas YCM gave to me! 16 candles the movie! (LOL)

15 Yugimonz decks, 14 pieces of unfinished homework: 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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On the 17th day of Xmas YCM gave to me! 17 Copies of Far Cry 3!

16 candles the movie, 15 Yugimonz decks, 14 pieces of unfinished homework: 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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On the 18th day of Christmas, YCM gave to me; 18 christmas-based threads

16 candles the movie, 15 Yugimonz decks, 14 pieces of unfinished homework, 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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On the 19th day of Xmas, YCM gave to me: 19 Gene-Warped Werewolfs, 18 christmas-based threads, 16 candles the movie, 15 Yugimonz decks, 14 pieces of unfinished homework, 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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On the 20th day of Xmas, YCM gave to me: 20 newbie question, 19 Gene-Warped Werewolfs, 18 christmas-based threads, 17 Copies of Far Cry 3! 16 candles the movie, 15 Yugimonz decks, 14 pieces of unfinished homework, 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews, 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!
You kind of messed up again.

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On the 21st day of Christmas, YCM gave to me: 21 cards that I need to finish my deck, 20 newbie question, 19 Gene-Warped Werewolfs, 18 christmas-based threads, 17 Copies of Far Cry 3! 16 candles the movie, 15 Yugimonz decks, 14 pieces of unfinished homework, 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews, 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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"On the 22nd day of Christmas, YCM gave to me: 22 most broken card ever threads...

21 cards that I need to finish my deck, 20 newbie question, 19 Gene-Warped Werewolfs, 18 christmas-based threads, 17 Copies of Far Cry 3! 16 candles the movie, 15 Yugimonz decks, 14 pieces of unfinished homework, 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews, 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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On the 22nd day of Christmas, YCM gave to me: 23 Desert Twisters

22 most broken card ever threads...21 cards that I need to finish my deck, 20 newbie question, 19 Gene-Warped Werewolfs, 18 christmas-based threads, 17 Copies of Far Cry 3! 16 candles the movie, 15 Yugimonz decks, 14 pieces of unfinished homework, 13 pawns of darkness, 12 christmas trees, 11 decapitated vampire heads, 10 staple card posts, 9 WC reviews, 8 Symmetrical girls, 7 new topics, 6 Status fads, FIVE GOLDEN BALLS!!! 4 internet trolls, 3 holiday games, 2 Kuribohs, and a Xbox/PS3!

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