LC Posted December 28, 2012 Report Share Posted December 28, 2012 Time to destroy everything with my partner. >:[font=times new roman,times,serif]D[/font] [center][spoiler=Nothing to see here][/center] [center]Under Construction[/center] [center]Posts-2[/center] [center][spoiler=My pokemanz][/center] [center][spoiler=Magikarp][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center]Magikarp / Overpowered-sama (Male)[/center] [center]Lv.10[/center] [center]*Swift Swim[/center] [center]Moves[/center] [center]- Splash[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted December 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 28, 2012 [quote name='EllCee' timestamp='1356666314' post='6103920'] Time to destroy everything with my partner. >:[font=times new roman,times,serif]D[/font] [center][spoiler=Nothing to see here][/center] [center]Under Construction[/center] [center]Posts-2[/center] [center][spoiler=My pokemanz][/center] [center][spoiler=Magikarp][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center]Magikarp / Overpowered-sama (Male)[/center] [center]Lv.10[/center] [center]*Swift Swim[/center] [center]Moves[/center] [center]- Splash[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/center] [/quote] Freaking love your magikarp. This club will be in ruins within a fortnight. What have I done? [spoiler=Trainer Info] [center] [IMG][/IMG] [u][b]Renegade, Pokémon Master Champion[/b][/u] [i]Power, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. True strength is making it visible for all to see. [/i] [/center] [spoiler=Pokémon] [b]Pokémon Team:[/b] [IMG][/IMG] Grimer/Mauve(Male) LV: 19 *Poison Touch Moves: -Pound -Harden -Mud-Slap -Disable -Sludge -Minimize [IMG][/IMG] Skorupi/Scorpio(Male) LV:10 *Keen Eye Moves: -Bite -Poison Sting -Leer -Knock Off -Pin Missile [IMG][/IMG] Plufflake/Boreas(Male) LV:12 *Ice Body Moves: -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden -Frost Breath [spoiler=Pokémon Storage] None [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Dream Teams] [b]Strange Wonders[/b] 1. Muk 2. Exploud 3. Heatmor 4. Gastrodon 5. Stunfisk 6. Xatu [b]Heavy-Weights[/b] 1. Snorlax 2. Metagross 3. Golurk 4. Wailord 5. Torterra 6. Hariyama [b]Royal Guard[/b] 1. Dragonite 2. Nidoqueen 3. Nidoking 4. Absol 5. Slowking 6. Flareon [b]Calvary Brigade[/b] 1. Sawsbuck 2. Zebstrika 3. Rapidash 4. Tauros 5. Boufallant 6. Mamoswine [b]Dragon Slayers[/b] 1. Electivire 2. Magmortar 3. Rhyperior 4. Weavile 5. Drapion 6. Gallade [b]Assassin’s Guild[/b] 1. Drapion 2. Liepard 3. Gliscor 4. Noctowl 5. Arbok 6. Scizor [/spoiler] [spoiler=BP] 200 [/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] EXP. Share(Plufflake) TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 6 Rare Candies 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted December 28, 2012 Report Share Posted December 28, 2012 Y'know, I never really saw the point in having a move that 'always does a critical hit'. Why not just double its power? It'd have the same effect. [spoiler=My Pokémon Info] [b]Clement: [/b] [b][u]This is supposed to be a title, but I cannot think of anything yet, so merely "Trainer" shall do.[/u] [/b] [i]"Quotes are stupid, self-appreciating, semi-philosophical garbage."[/i] Post so far: 43 [spoiler=My loyal team of worthy Pokémon] [b]My Pokémon Team:[/b] [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Ol' Girl/Lapras Lv: 13 Ability: Hydration Moveset: Sing, Growl, Water Gun, Mist, Confuse Ray, Ice shard Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Jack Frost/Plufflake Lv: 11 Abilities: Ice Body Moveset: Bide, Tackle, Powder Snow, Double Team, Harden Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Cinder/Cyndaquil Lv: 11 Abilities: Flash Fire Moveset: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember Item: Exp Share [spoiler=Pokémon Storage, Box 1: (0/30)][/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Wanted Pokémon/Possible future teams] [b]Favourites(Non-Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Quilava/Typhlosion -Espeon -Umbreon -Arcanine -Dragonite [b]Favourites(Including Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Typhlosion/Quilava -Lugia -Raikou -Celebi -Dialga [b]Powerhouse[/b] -Arcanine -Metagross -Dragonite -Rhyperior -Rampardos -Machamp [b]Solid Fortress[/b] -Steelix -Shuckle -Blissey -Cloyster -Bastiodon -Probopass [b]Bright Minds[/b] -Alakazam -Porygon Z -Gengar -Espeon -Roserade -Magnezone [b]Like a Flash![/b] -Ninjask -Jolteon -Aerodactyl -Crobat -Weavile -Dugtrio[/spoiler] [spoiler=BP & Stats]254 BP Total Posts: 43 Posts til next Lvl: 3/10 Posts til next Pokémon: 13/30 Posts this week: 10/10 Posts for 100 BP: 43/50 Posts til Legendary: 43/200 Wins/Losses: 0/0[/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] -TM07: Hail -TM14: Blizzard -6 Rare Candies -1 Move Tutor Move -1 Event Move -1 Exp. Share - Equipped to Cinder[/spoiler] [spoiler=Achievements][b][u]The Sign Up Process: [/u][/b]You joined the Legion! [b][u]Happy Holidays: [/u][/b]You received the 2012 Christmas Gift![/spoiler][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 28, 2012 Report Share Posted December 28, 2012 @LC: Welcome back LC, that Magikarp pic is awesome. @Ren: I might try the Britscor set at some point if I wanted to though. [spoiler=~British Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics] [b]Silver Soul[/b]: [b][u]Johto's Newest Trainer[/u][/b] [i]I'm Silver Soul, a new trainer from New Bark Town in the Johto Region. One day I hope to be a great trainer and maybe rise through the ranks to the top.[/i] Club Posts: [b]45[/b] [b]Pokemon[/b] Bagon (Drax) - [b][color=#00BFFF]Male[/color][/b] [img][/img] Sheer Force LV14 - EXP: 5 Rage Bite Leer Dragon Claw Brick Break [color=#ff0000]Beldum[/color] (Mecha) [img][/img] Clear Body LV10 - EXP: 0 Take Down Pufflake (Snowball) - [img][/img] Snow Cloak LV10 - EXP: 0 Bide Tackle Powder Snow Double Team Harden [spoiler=Box #1 (0/30)] [/spoiler] [spoiler=in Day Care] [b]BP: 0[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Items[/b]: [i]None[/i] [b]BP[/b]: 159 [b]TMs/HMs[/b]: [img][/img] TM02 Dragon Claw [img][/img] TM31 Brick Break [spoiler=Future Pokemon] Eevee Totodile Houndour Dratini Gible Magikarp Charmander Cyndaquil Gastly Deino Larvesta Horsea Torkoal Magby Elekid Eevee Swablu Larvitar Druddigon Aerodactyl Litwick Growlithe Slugma Vulpix Darumakka Ponyta Castform Pansear Heatmor Numel Mudkip Turtwig Axew Rotom Ralts Trapinch Sandile Tynamo Chimchar Tepig Sneasel Scyther Swablu Karrablast Skorupi Swinub Vanillite Snorunt [/spoiler] [b]Wins to Losses Ratio[/b]: Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Draws: 0 [spoiler=Acheivements] [b]December 12th[/b] - I joined the Pokemon Legion: Reborn [/spoiler] [/spoiler] posts 6/10 posts till next pokemon 16/30 posts this week 5/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted December 29, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 29, 2012 [quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1356727505' post='6104375'] Y'know, I never really saw the point in having a move that 'always does a critical hit'. Why not just double its power? It'd have the same effect. [spoiler=My Pokémon Info] [b]Clement: [/b] [b][u]This is supposed to be a title, but I cannot think of anything yet, so merely "Trainer" shall do.[/u] [/b] [i]"Quotes are stupid, self-appreciating, semi-philosophical garbage."[/i] Post so far: 43 [spoiler=My loyal team of worthy Pokémon] [b]My Pokémon Team:[/b] [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Ol' Girl/Lapras Lv: 13 Ability: Hydration Moveset: Sing, Growl, Water Gun, Mist, Confuse Ray, Ice shard Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Jack Frost/Plufflake Lv: 11 Abilities: Ice Body Moveset: Bide, Tackle, Powder Snow, Double Team, Harden Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Cinder/Cyndaquil Lv: 11 Abilities: Flash Fire Moveset: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember Item: Exp Share [spoiler=Pokémon Storage, Box 1: (0/30)][/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Wanted Pokémon/Possible future teams] [b]Favourites(Non-Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Quilava/Typhlosion -Espeon -Umbreon -Arcanine -Dragonite [b]Favourites(Including Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Typhlosion/Quilava -Lugia -Raikou -Celebi -Dialga [b]Powerhouse[/b] -Arcanine -Metagross -Dragonite -Rhyperior -Rampardos -Machamp [b]Solid Fortress[/b] -Steelix -Shuckle -Blissey -Cloyster -Bastiodon -Probopass [b]Bright Minds[/b] -Alakazam -Porygon Z -Gengar -Espeon -Roserade -Magnezone [b]Like a Flash![/b] -Ninjask -Jolteon -Aerodactyl -Crobat -Weavile -Dugtrio[/spoiler] [spoiler=BP & Stats]254 BP Total Posts: 43 Posts til next Lvl: 3/10 Posts til next Pokémon: 13/30 Posts this week: 10/10 Posts for 100 BP: 43/50 Posts til Legendary: 43/200 Wins/Losses: 0/0[/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] -TM07: Hail -TM14: Blizzard -6 Rare Candies -1 Move Tutor Move -1 Event Move -1 Exp. Share - Equipped to Cinder[/spoiler] [spoiler=Achievements][b][u]The Sign Up Process: [/u][/b]You joined the Legion! [b][u]Happy Holidays: [/u][/b]You received the 2012 Christmas Gift![/spoiler][/spoiler] [/quote] That way they can make it look original, while really it is just the disablement of a more powerful move. [quote name='~British Soul~' timestamp='1356728036' post='6104379'] @LC: Welcome back LC, that Magikarp pic is awesome. @Ren: I might try the Britscor set at some point if I wanted to though. [spoiler=~British Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics] [b]Silver Soul[/b]: [b][u]Johto's Newest Trainer[/u][/b] [i]I'm Silver Soul, a new trainer from New Bark Town in the Johto Region. One day I hope to be a great trainer and maybe rise through the ranks to the top.[/i] Club Posts: [b]45[/b] [b]Pokemon[/b] Bagon (Drax) - [b][color=#00BFFF]Male[/color][/b] [img][/img] Sheer Force LV14 - EXP: 5 Rage Bite Leer Dragon Claw Brick Break [color=#ff0000]Beldum[/color] (Mecha) [img][/img] Clear Body LV10 - EXP: 0 Take Down Pufflake (Snowball) - [img][/img] Snow Cloak LV10 - EXP: 0 Bide Tackle Powder Snow Double Team Harden [spoiler=Box #1 (0/30)] [/spoiler] [spoiler=in Day Care] [b]BP: 0[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Items[/b]: [i]None[/i] [b]BP[/b]: 159 [b]TMs/HMs[/b]: [img][/img] TM02 Dragon Claw [img][/img] TM31 Brick Break [spoiler=Future Pokemon] Eevee Totodile Houndour Dratini Gible Magikarp Charmander Cyndaquil Gastly Deino Larvesta Horsea Torkoal Magby Elekid Eevee Swablu Larvitar Druddigon Aerodactyl Litwick Growlithe Slugma Vulpix Darumakka Ponyta Castform Pansear Heatmor Numel Mudkip Turtwig Axew Rotom Ralts Trapinch Sandile Tynamo Chimchar Tepig Sneasel Scyther Swablu Karrablast Skorupi Swinub Vanillite Snorunt [/spoiler] [b]Wins to Losses Ratio[/b]: Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Draws: 0 [spoiler=Acheivements] [b]December 12th[/b] - I joined the Pokemon Legion: Reborn [/spoiler] [/spoiler] posts 6/10 posts till next pokemon 16/30 posts this week 5/10 [/quote] Seems fitting. [spoiler=Trainer Info] [center] [IMG][/IMG] [u][b]Renegade, Pokémon Master Champion[/b][/u] [i]Power, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. True strength is making it visible for all to see. [/i] [/center] [spoiler=Pokémon] [b]Pokémon Team:[/b] [IMG][/IMG] Grimer/Mauve(Male) LV: 20 *Poison Touch Moves: -Pound -Harden -Mud-Slap -Disable -Sludge -Minimize [IMG][/IMG] Skorupi/Scorpio(Male) LV:10 *Keen Eye Moves: -Bite -Poison Sting -Leer -Knock Off -Pin Missile [IMG][/IMG] Plufflake/Boreas(Male) LV:13 *Ice Body Moves: -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden -Frost Breath [spoiler=Pokémon Storage] None [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Dream Teams] [b]Strange Wonders[/b] 1. Muk 2. Exploud 3. Heatmor 4. Gastrodon 5. Stunfisk 6. Xatu [b]Heavy-Weights[/b] 1. Snorlax 2. Metagross 3. Golurk 4. Wailord 5. Torterra 6. Hariyama [b]Royal Guard[/b] 1. Dragonite 2. Nidoqueen 3. Nidoking 4. Absol 5. Slowking 6. Flareon [b]Calvary Brigade[/b] 1. Sawsbuck 2. Zebstrika 3. Rapidash 4. Tauros 5. Boufallant 6. Mamoswine [b]Dragon Slayers[/b] 1. Electivire 2. Magmortar 3. Rhyperior 4. Weavile 5. Drapion 6. Gallade [b]Assassin’s Guild[/b] 1. Drapion 2. Liepard 3. Gliscor 4. Noctowl 5. Arbok 6. Scizor [/spoiler] [spoiler=BP] 250 [/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] EXP. Share(Plufflake) TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 6 Rare Candies 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted December 31, 2012 Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 It seems we are losing commitment to this organisation...I shall remedy that. OI. PEOPLE. COMMENT. CONVERSATIONS. NOW. UNDERSTAND???!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted December 31, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 Well I claim my fourth Pokemon, Hoohoot, or rather was either that or a female named Athena. Kinda a toss up really. So why don't we talk about nicknames? Do you usually nickname your Pokemon? What kind of nicknames? [spoiler=Trainer Info] [center] [IMG][/IMG] [u][b]Renegade, Pokémon Master Champion[/b][/u] [i]Power, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. True strength is making it visible for all to see. [/i] [/center] [spoiler=Pokémon] [b]Pokémon Team:[/b] [IMG][/IMG] Grimer/Mauve(Male) LV: 20 *Poison Touch Moves: -Pound -Harden -Mud-Slap -Disable -Sludge -Minimize [IMG][/IMG] Skorupi/Scorpio(Male) LV:10 *Keen Eye Moves: -Bite -Poison Sting -Leer -Knock Off -Pin Missile [IMG][/IMG] Plufflake/Boreas(Male) LV:13 *Ice Body Moves: -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden -Frost Breath [IMG][/IMG] Hoothoot/Archimedes(Male) LV. 10 *Keen Eye -Tackle -Growl -Foresight -Hypnosis -Peck [spoiler=Pokémon Storage] None [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Dream Teams] [b]Strange Wonders[/b] 1. Muk 2. Exploud 3. Heatmor 4. Gastrodon 5. Stunfisk 6. Xatu [b]Heavy-Weights[/b] 1. Snorlax 2. Metagross 3. Golurk 4. Wailord 5. Torterra 6. Hariyama [b]Royal Guard[/b] 1. Dragonite 2. Nidoqueen 3. Nidoking 4. Absol 5. Slowking 6. Flareon [b]Calvary Brigade[/b] 1. Sawsbuck 2. Zebstrika 3. Rapidash 4. Tauros 5. Boufallant 6. Mamoswine [b]Dragon Slayers[/b] 1. Electivire 2. Magmortar 3. Rhyperior 4. Weavile 5. Drapion 6. Gallade [b]Assassin’s Guild[/b] 1. Drapion 2. Liepard 3. Gliscor 4. Noctowl 5. Arbok 6. Scizor [/spoiler] [spoiler=BP] 250 [/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] EXP. Share(Plufflake) TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 6 Rare Candies 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted December 31, 2012 Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 Generally, I dont nickname. At least, not in-game. In RPs I sometimes do, but rarely in game. I've gotten into a habit of clicking B by reflex when the nickname thing comes up, which is bad when I do Nuzlockes, because Nicknames are required. >.> As for what I nickname, generally they aren't that good. I try to go for names that have some link to the pokémon, but most of the time that means they're unoriginal. My Luxio in my most recent Nuzlocke is called Sparkklez, and my Monferno is Blaze. I think I had a good name with Balboa the Onix (as in, he's a very [i]rocky[/i] pokémon), but most of the time they aren't like that. [spoiler=My Pokémon Info] [b]Clement: [/b] [b][u]This is supposed to be a title, but I cannot think of anything yet, so merely "Trainer" shall do.[/u] [/b] [i]"Quotes are stupid, self-appreciating, semi-philosophical garbage."[/i] Post so far: 46 [spoiler=My loyal team of worthy Pokémon] [b]My Pokémon Team:[/b] [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Ol' Girl/Lapras Lv: 16 Ability: Hydration Moveset: Sing, Growl, Water Gun, Mist, Confuse Ray, Ice shard Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Jack Frost/Plufflake Lv: 11 Abilities: Ice Body Moveset: Bide, Tackle, Powder Snow, Double Team, Harden Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Cinder/Cyndaquil Lv: 14 Abilities: Flash Fire Moveset: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember, Quick Attack Item: Exp Share [spoiler=Pokémon Storage, Box 1: (0/30)][/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Wanted Pokémon/Possible future teams] [b]Favourites(Non-Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Quilava/Typhlosion -Espeon -Umbreon -Arcanine -Dragonite [b]Favourites(Including Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Typhlosion/Quilava -Lugia -Raikou -Celebi -Dialga [b]Powerhouse[/b] -Arcanine -Metagross -Dragonite -Rhyperior -Rampardos -Machamp [b]Solid Fortress[/b] -Steelix -Shuckle -Blissey -Cloyster -Bastiodon -Probopass [b]Bright Minds[/b] -Alakazam -Porygon Z -Gengar -Espeon -Roserade -Magnezone [b]Like a Flash![/b] -Ninjask -Jolteon -Aerodactyl -Crobat -Weavile -Dugtrio[/spoiler] [spoiler=BP & Stats]254 BP Total Posts: 46 Posts til next Lvl: 6/10 Posts til next Pokémon: 16/30 Posts this week: 2/10 Posts for 100 BP: 46/50 Posts til Legendary: 46/200 Wins/Losses: 1/0[/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] -TM07: Hail -TM14: Blizzard -6 Rare Candies -1 Move Tutor Move -1 Event Move -1 Exp. Share - Equipped to Cinder[/spoiler] [spoiler=Achievements][b][u]The Sign Up Process: [/u][/b]You joined the Legion! [b][u]Happy Holidays: [/u][/b]You received the 2012 Christmas Gift! [b][u]Beginner's Luck:[/u][/b] You won your first pokémon battle![/spoiler][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nicο Posted December 31, 2012 Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 It isn't the same. The move is ultimately worse if it's just weaker but always does critical hits because there are moves and abilities that prevent that. Or did we already finish that discussion? That could probably have been what Renegade meant by disablement. LC... has a pretty nice Magikarp. =o [spoiler=Nags] [spoiler=Party Pokemon] [img][/img] [b]Skitty ♀[/b] ~LV. 13 ~Ability: Cute Charm [b]~Moves:[/b] -Fake Out -Blizzard -Tail Whip -Tackle -Foresight -Attract [img][/img] [b]Plufflake ♂[/b] ~LV. 10 ~Ability:Snow Cloak [b]Holding: Exp. Share[/b] [b]~Moves:[/b] -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden [/spoiler] [spoiler=Storage Pokemon][/spoiler] [spoiler=BP]119[/spoiler] [spoiler=Bag] [spoiler=Items][/spoiler] [spoiler=Medicine]6 Rare Candies[/spoiler] [spoiler=TMs & HMs]TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [spoiler=Berries]Sitrus Berry X3 Lum Berry X3[/spoiler] [spoiler=Key Items][/spoiler] [/spoiler] [b]Post Count:[/b] Posts until level up/BP: 7/10 Posts until Pokemon 27/30 Posts until 100 BP: 27/50 [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted December 31, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 [quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1356937082' post='6106947'] Generally, I dont nickname. At least, not in-game. In RPs I sometimes do, but rarely in game. I've gotten into a habit of clicking B by reflex when the nickname thing comes up, which is bad when I do Nuzlockes, because Nicknames are required. >.> As for what I nickname, generally they aren't that good. I try to go for names that have some link to the pokémon, but most of the time that means they're unoriginal. My Luxio in my most recent Nuzlocke is called Sparkklez, and my Monferno is Blaze. I think I had a good name with Balboa the Onix (as in, he's a very [i]rocky[/i] pokémon), but most of the time they aren't like that. [spoiler=My Pokémon Info] [b]Clement: [/b] [b][u]This is supposed to be a title, but I cannot think of anything yet, so merely "Trainer" shall do.[/u] [/b] [i]"Quotes are stupid, self-appreciating, semi-philosophical garbage."[/i] Post so far: 46 [spoiler=My loyal team of worthy Pokémon] [b]My Pokémon Team:[/b] [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Ol' Girl/Lapras Lv: 16 Ability: Hydration Moveset: Sing, Growl, Water Gun, Mist, Confuse Ray, Ice shard Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Jack Frost/Plufflake Lv: 11 Abilities: Ice Body Moveset: Bide, Tackle, Powder Snow, Double Team, Harden Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Cinder/Cyndaquil Lv: 14 Abilities: Flash Fire Moveset: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember, Quick Attack Item: Exp Share [spoiler=Pokémon Storage, Box 1: (0/30)][/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Wanted Pokémon/Possible future teams] [b]Favourites(Non-Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Quilava/Typhlosion -Espeon -Umbreon -Arcanine -Dragonite [b]Favourites(Including Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Typhlosion/Quilava -Lugia -Raikou -Celebi -Dialga [b]Powerhouse[/b] -Arcanine -Metagross -Dragonite -Rhyperior -Rampardos -Machamp [b]Solid Fortress[/b] -Steelix -Shuckle -Blissey -Cloyster -Bastiodon -Probopass [b]Bright Minds[/b] -Alakazam -Porygon Z -Gengar -Espeon -Roserade -Magnezone [b]Like a Flash![/b] -Ninjask -Jolteon -Aerodactyl -Crobat -Weavile -Dugtrio[/spoiler] [spoiler=BP & Stats]254 BP Total Posts: 46 Posts til next Lvl: 6/10 Posts til next Pokémon: 16/30 Posts this week: 2/10 Posts for 100 BP: 46/50 Posts til Legendary: 46/200 Wins/Losses: 1/0[/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] -TM07: Hail -TM14: Blizzard -6 Rare Candies -1 Move Tutor Move -1 Event Move -1 Exp. Share - Equipped to Cinder[/spoiler] [spoiler=Achievements][b][u]The Sign Up Process: [/u][/b]You joined the Legion! [b][u]Happy Holidays: [/u][/b]You received the 2012 Christmas Gift! [b][u]Beginner's Luck:[/u][/b] You won your first pokémon battle![/spoiler][/spoiler] [/quote] I've recently decided that I will nickname every Pokemon I get in game. I usually have it relate to the Pokemon. I named my Hoothoot in the club Archimedes because that was Merlins owl. My Serperior in B2, is named Ace...he really just looks like an Ace. If I can't think of a name I usually look on a name rater website...usually they will have something worth using. [quote name='Nags~' timestamp='1356963626' post='6107102'] It isn't the same. The move is ultimately worse if it's just weaker but always does critical hits because there are moves and abilities that prevent that. Or did we already finish that discussion? That could probably have been what Renegade meant by disablement. LC... has a pretty nice Magikarp. =o [spoiler=Nags] [spoiler=Party Pokemon] [img][/img] [b]Skitty ♀[/b] ~LV. 13 ~Ability: Cute Charm [b]~Moves:[/b] -Fake Out -Blizzard -Tail Whip -Tackle -Foresight -Attract [img][/img] [b]Plufflake ♂[/b] ~LV. 10 ~Ability:Snow Cloak [b]Holding: Exp. Share[/b] [b]~Moves:[/b] -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden [/spoiler] [spoiler=Storage Pokemon][/spoiler] [spoiler=BP]119[/spoiler] [spoiler=Bag] [spoiler=Items][/spoiler] [spoiler=Medicine]6 Rare Candies[/spoiler] [spoiler=TMs & HMs]TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [spoiler=Berries]Sitrus Berry X3 Lum Berry X3[/spoiler] [spoiler=Key Items][/spoiler] [/spoiler] [b]Post Count:[/b] Posts until level up/BP: 7/10 Posts until Pokemon 27/30 Posts until 100 BP: 27/50 [/spoiler] [/quote] Actually I hadn't thought of that. So yeah it is ultimately worse than making it more powerful. [spoiler=Trainer Info] [center] [IMG][/IMG] [u][b]Renegade, Pokémon Master Champion[/b][/u] [i]Power, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. True strength is making it visible for all to see. [/i] [/center] [spoiler=Pokémon] [b]Pokémon Team:[/b] [IMG][/IMG] Grimer/Mauve(Male) LV: 20 *Poison Touch Moves: -Pound -Harden -Mud-Slap -Disable -Sludge -Minimize [IMG][/IMG] Skorupi/Scorpio(Male) LV:10 *Keen Eye Moves: -Bite -Poison Sting -Leer -Knock Off -Pin Missile [IMG][/IMG] Plufflake/Boreas(Male) LV:13 *Ice Body Moves: -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden -Frost Breath [IMG][/IMG] Hoothoot/Archimedes(Male) LV. 10 *Keen Eye -Tackle -Growl -Foresight -Hypnosis -Peck [spoiler=Pokémon Storage] None [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Dream Teams] [b]Strange Wonders[/b] 1. Muk 2. Exploud 3. Heatmor 4. Gastrodon 5. Stunfisk 6. Xatu [b]Heavy-Weights[/b] 1. Snorlax 2. Metagross 3. Golurk 4. Wailord 5. Torterra 6. Hariyama [b]Royal Guard[/b] 1. Dragonite 2. Nidoqueen 3. Nidoking 4. Absol 5. Slowking 6. Flareon [b]Calvary Brigade[/b] 1. Sawsbuck 2. Zebstrika 3. Rapidash 4. Tauros 5. Boufallant 6. Mamoswine [b]Dragon Slayers[/b] 1. Electivire 2. Magmortar 3. Rhyperior 4. Weavile 5. Drapion 6. Gallade [b]Assassin’s Guild[/b] 1. Drapion 2. Liepard 3. Gliscor 4. Noctowl 5. Arbok 6. Scizor [/spoiler] [spoiler=BP] 250 [/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] EXP. Share(Plufflake) TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 6 Rare Candies 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LC Posted December 31, 2012 Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 [quote name='Nags~' timestamp='1356963626' post='6107102'] It isn't the same. The move is ultimately worse if it's just weaker but always does critical hits because there are moves and abilities that prevent that. Or did we already finish that discussion? That could probably have been what Renegade meant by disablement. LC... has a pretty nice Magikarp. =o [spoiler=Nags] [spoiler=Party Pokemon] [img][/img] [b]Skitty ♀[/b] ~LV. 13 ~Ability: Cute Charm [b]~Moves:[/b] -Fake Out -Blizzard -Tail Whip -Tackle -Foresight -Attract [img][/img] [b]Plufflake ♂[/b] ~LV. 10 ~Ability:Snow Cloak [b]Holding: Exp. Share[/b] [b]~Moves:[/b] -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden [/spoiler] [spoiler=Storage Pokemon][/spoiler] [spoiler=BP]119[/spoiler] [spoiler=Bag] [spoiler=Items][/spoiler] [spoiler=Medicine]6 Rare Candies[/spoiler] [spoiler=TMs & HMs]TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [spoiler=Berries]Sitrus Berry X3 Lum Berry X3[/spoiler] [spoiler=Key Items][/spoiler] [/spoiler] [b]Post Count:[/b] Posts until level up/BP: 7/10 Posts until Pokemon 27/30 Posts until 100 BP: 27/50 [/spoiler] [/quote] ikr. So I just started Black 2 on an emulator. I don't know what to expect yet but I chose Oshawott as my starter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted December 31, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 [quote name='LC ' timestamp='1356978641' post='6107291'] ikr. So I just started Black 2 on an emulator. I don't know what to expect yet but I chose Oshawott as my starter. [/quote] NO! You should've chose Serperior. Serperior is awesome. He is like awesome from the depths of hell... [IMG][/IMG] ...I rest my case... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LC Posted December 31, 2012 Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 [quote name='~Renegade~' timestamp='1356979122' post='6107305'] NO! You should've chose Serperior. Serperior is awesome. He is like awesome from the depths of hell... [img][/img] ...I rest my case... [/quote] I chose Serperior as my starter in the 1st White and I didn't like it much. D: I then traded over a Oshawott from GTS and I loved so much more. <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 31, 2012 Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 The name change fiasco is back, and look what happened to me... @Topic: I chose Snivy on my Black 2 because real men choose Snivy. [spoiler=~British Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics] [b]Silver Soul[/b]: [b][u]Johto's Newest Trainer[/u][/b] [i]I'm Silver Soul, a new trainer from New Bark Town in the Johto Region. One day I hope to be a great trainer and maybe rise through the ranks to the top.[/i] Club Posts: [b]47[/b] [b]Pokemon[/b] Bagon (Drax) - [b][color=#00BFFF]Male[/color][/b] [img][/img] Sheer Force LV14 - EXP: 7 Rage Bite Leer Dragon Claw Brick Break [color=#ff0000]Beldum[/color] (Mecha) [img][/img] Clear Body LV10 - EXP: 0 Take Down Pufflake (Snowball) - [img][/img] Snow Cloak LV10 - EXP: 0 Bide Tackle Powder Snow Double Team Harden [spoiler=Box #1 (0/30)] [/spoiler] [spoiler=in Day Care] [b]BP: 0[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Items[/b]: [i]None[/i] [b]BP[/b]: 159 [b]TMs/HMs[/b]: [img][/img] TM02 Dragon Claw [img][/img] TM31 Brick Break [spoiler=Future Pokemon] Eevee Totodile Houndour Dratini Gible Magikarp Charmander Cyndaquil Gastly Deino Larvesta Horsea Torkoal Magby Elekid Eevee Swablu Larvitar Druddigon Aerodactyl Litwick Growlithe Slugma Vulpix Darumakka Ponyta Castform Pansear Heatmor Numel Mudkip Turtwig Axew Rotom Ralts Trapinch Sandile Tynamo Chimchar Tepig Sneasel Scyther Swablu Karrablast Skorupi Swinub Vanillite Snorunt [/spoiler] [b]Wins to Losses Ratio[/b]: Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Draws: 0 [spoiler=Acheivements] [b]December 12th[/b] - I joined the Pokemon Legion: Reborn [/spoiler] [/spoiler] posts 7/10 posts till next pokemon 17/30 posts this week 1/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted December 31, 2012 Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 When I eventually get Black or White, I think I'll probably choose Snivy. I've been told Oshawott is a great choice, and is supposed to be powerful, but....arrogant grass snake with legs. Who cares about some random otter with a seashell? I might find myself an emulator or something, but that probably means downloading it to my computer. Which will most likely result in the death of my computer. I guess I'll just have to wait for a little while, until my uncle comes round with updates for my R4; i.e giving me the game, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 31, 2012 Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 Not to mention that arrogant snake with legs was the most badass of the 3 starters. [spoiler=~British Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics] [b]Silver Soul[/b]: [b][u]Johto's Newest Trainer[/u][/b] [i]I'm Silver Soul, a new trainer from New Bark Town in the Johto Region. One day I hope to be a great trainer and maybe rise through the ranks to the top.[/i] Club Posts: [b]47[/b] [b]Pokemon[/b] Bagon (Drax) - [b][color=#00BFFF]Male[/color][/b] [img][/img] Sheer Force LV14 - EXP: 7 Rage Bite Leer Dragon Claw Brick Break [color=#ff0000]Beldum[/color] (Mecha) [img][/img] Clear Body LV10 - EXP: 0 Take Down Pufflake (Snowball) - [img][/img] Snow Cloak LV10 - EXP: 0 Bide Tackle Powder Snow Double Team Harden [spoiler=Box #1 (0/30)] [/spoiler] [spoiler=in Day Care] [b]BP: 0[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Items[/b]: [i]None[/i] [b]BP[/b]: 159 [b]TMs/HMs[/b]: [img][/img] TM02 Dragon Claw [img][/img] TM31 Brick Break [spoiler=Future Pokemon] Eevee Totodile Houndour Dratini Gible Magikarp Charmander Cyndaquil Gastly Deino Larvesta Horsea Torkoal Magby Elekid Eevee Swablu Larvitar Druddigon Aerodactyl Litwick Growlithe Slugma Vulpix Darumakka Ponyta Castform Pansear Heatmor Numel Mudkip Turtwig Axew Rotom Ralts Trapinch Sandile Tynamo Chimchar Tepig Sneasel Scyther Swablu Karrablast Skorupi Swinub Vanillite Snorunt [/spoiler] [b]Wins to Losses Ratio[/b]: Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Draws: 0 [spoiler=Acheivements] [b]December 12th[/b] - I joined the Pokemon Legion: Reborn [/spoiler] [/spoiler] posts 8/10 posts till next pokemon 18/30 posts this week 2/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nicο Posted December 31, 2012 Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 I prefer Oshawott. I know this because I started with it in Black, then lost Black. Then, I started with Snivy on Black 2. Then, I got 1 or 2 of my brother's Emboar to be put in storage. Then, I started with Oshawott on my brother's White (he traded over some pokemon, which is why I got the Emboar). Oh, does that not prove I tried anything with Emboar? I have one on Pokemon Vortex, which I don't like that much, but idk. [spoiler=Nags] [spoiler=Party Pokemon] [img][/img] [b]Skitty ♀[/b] ~LV. 13 ~Ability: Cute Charm [b]~Moves:[/b] -Fake Out -Blizzard -Tail Whip -Tackle -Foresight -Attract [img][/img] [b]Plufflake ♂[/b] ~LV. 10 ~Ability:Snow Cloak [b]Holding: Exp. Share[/b] [b]~Moves:[/b] -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden [/spoiler] [spoiler=Storage Pokemon][/spoiler] [spoiler=BP]119[/spoiler] [spoiler=Bag] [spoiler=Items][/spoiler] [spoiler=Medicine]6 Rare Candies[/spoiler] [spoiler=TMs & HMs]TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [spoiler=Berries]Sitrus Berry X3 Lum Berry X3[/spoiler] [spoiler=Key Items][/spoiler] [/spoiler] [b]Post Count:[/b] Posts until level up/BP: 8/10 Posts until Pokemon 28/30 Posts until 100 BP: 28/50 [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted December 31, 2012 Author Report Share Posted December 31, 2012 [quote name='~British Soul~' timestamp='1356979353' post='6107317'] The name change fiasco is back, and look what happened to me... @Topic: I chose Snivy on my Black 2 because real men choose Snivy. [spoiler=~British Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics] [b]Silver Soul[/b]: [b][u]Johto's Newest Trainer[/u][/b] [i]I'm Silver Soul, a new trainer from New Bark Town in the Johto Region. One day I hope to be a great trainer and maybe rise through the ranks to the top.[/i] Club Posts: [b]47[/b] [b]Pokemon[/b] Bagon (Drax) - [b][color=#00BFFF]Male[/color][/b] [img][/img] Sheer Force LV14 - EXP: 7 Rage Bite Leer Dragon Claw Brick Break [color=#ff0000]Beldum[/color] (Mecha) [img][/img] Clear Body LV10 - EXP: 0 Take Down Pufflake (Snowball) - [img][/img] Snow Cloak LV10 - EXP: 0 Bide Tackle Powder Snow Double Team Harden [spoiler=Box #1 (0/30)] [/spoiler] [spoiler=in Day Care] [b]BP: 0[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Items[/b]: [i]None[/i] [b]BP[/b]: 159 [b]TMs/HMs[/b]: [img][/img] TM02 Dragon Claw [img][/img] TM31 Brick Break [spoiler=Future Pokemon] Eevee Totodile Houndour Dratini Gible Magikarp Charmander Cyndaquil Gastly Deino Larvesta Horsea Torkoal Magby Elekid Eevee Swablu Larvitar Druddigon Aerodactyl Litwick Growlithe Slugma Vulpix Darumakka Ponyta Castform Pansear Heatmor Numel Mudkip Turtwig Axew Rotom Ralts Trapinch Sandile Tynamo Chimchar Tepig Sneasel Scyther Swablu Karrablast Skorupi Swinub Vanillite Snorunt [/spoiler] [b]Wins to Losses Ratio[/b]: Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Draws: 0 [spoiler=Acheivements] [b]December 12th[/b] - I joined the Pokemon Legion: Reborn [/spoiler] [/spoiler] posts 7/10 posts till next pokemon 17/30 posts this week 1/10 [/quote] What was it? I didn't get to see. I guess I could go check...but I'm too lazy.[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1356988535' post='6107453'] When I eventually get Black or White, I think I'll probably choose Snivy. I've been told Oshawott is a great choice, and is supposed to be powerful, but....arrogant grass snake with legs. Who cares about some random otter with a seashell? I might find myself an emulator or something, but that probably means downloading it to my computer. Which will most likely result in the death of my computer. I guess I'll just have to wait for a little while, until my uncle comes round with updates for my R4; i.e giving me the game, [/quote] I like DesMuMe for a DS emulator. It works pretty well and I haven't had any trouble with it damaging my computer. Samurott is cool, don't really care for Oshawott or Dewott though. [quote name='Nags~' timestamp='1356992682' post='6107528'] I prefer Oshawott. I know this because I started with it in Black, then lost Black. Then, I started with Snivy on Black 2. Then, I got 1 or 2 of my brother's Emboar to be put in storage. Then, I started with Oshawott on my brother's White (he traded over some pokemon, which is why I got the Emboar). Oh, does that not prove I tried anything with Emboar? I have one on Pokemon Vortex, which I don't like that much, but idk. [spoiler=Nags] [spoiler=Party Pokemon] [img][/img] [b]Skitty ♀[/b] ~LV. 13 ~Ability: Cute Charm [b]~Moves:[/b] -Fake Out -Blizzard -Tail Whip -Tackle -Foresight -Attract [img][/img] [b]Plufflake ♂[/b] ~LV. 10 ~Ability:Snow Cloak [b]Holding: Exp. Share[/b] [b]~Moves:[/b] -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden [/spoiler] [spoiler=Storage Pokemon][/spoiler] [spoiler=BP]119[/spoiler] [spoiler=Bag] [spoiler=Items][/spoiler] [spoiler=Medicine]6 Rare Candies[/spoiler] [spoiler=TMs & HMs]TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [spoiler=Berries]Sitrus Berry X3 Lum Berry X3[/spoiler] [spoiler=Key Items][/spoiler] [/spoiler] [b]Post Count:[/b] Posts until level up/BP: 8/10 Posts until Pokemon 28/30 Posts until 100 BP: 28/50 [/spoiler] [/quote] I chose Tepig in Pokemon White. Emboar is nice with Heat Crash...especially against those lightweight grass types...LOTS OF DAMAGE! [spoiler=Trainer Info] [center] [IMG][/IMG] [u][b]Renegade, Pokémon Master Champion[/b][/u] [i]Power, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. True strength is making it visible for all to see. [/i] [/center] [spoiler=Pokémon] [b]Pokémon Team:[/b] [IMG][/IMG] Grimer/Mauve(Male) LV: 20 *Poison Touch Moves: -Pound -Harden -Mud-Slap -Disable -Sludge -Minimize [IMG][/IMG] Skorupi/Scorpio(Male) LV:10 *Keen Eye Moves: -Bite -Poison Sting -Leer -Knock Off -Pin Missile [IMG][/IMG] Plufflake/Boreas(Male) LV:14 *Ice Body Moves: -Bide -Tackle -Powder Snow -Double Team -Harden -Frost Breath [IMG][/IMG] Hoothoot/Archimedes(Male) LV. 10 *Keen Eye -Tackle -Growl -Foresight -Hypnosis -Peck [spoiler=Pokémon Storage] None [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Dream Teams] [b]Strange Wonders[/b] 1. Muk 2. Exploud 3. Heatmor 4. Gastrodon 5. Stunfisk 6. Xatu [b]Heavy-Weights[/b] 1. Snorlax 2. Metagross 3. Golurk 4. Wailord 5. Torterra 6. Hariyama [b]Royal Guard[/b] 1. Dragonite 2. Nidoqueen 3. Nidoking 4. Absol 5. Slowking 6. Flareon [b]Calvary Brigade[/b] 1. Sawsbuck 2. Zebstrika 3. Rapidash 4. Tauros 5. Boufallant 6. Mamoswine [b]Dragon Slayers[/b] 1. Electivire 2. Magmortar 3. Rhyperior 4. Weavile 5. Drapion 6. Gallade [b]Assassin’s Guild[/b] 1. Drapion 2. Liepard 3. Gliscor 4. Noctowl 5. Arbok 6. Scizor [/spoiler] [spoiler=BP] 250 [/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] EXP. Share(Plufflake) TM07: Hail TM14: Blizzard 6 Rare Candies 1 Move Tutor Move 1 Event Move [/spoiler] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted January 1, 2013 Report Share Posted January 1, 2013 [quote name='~Renegade~' timestamp='1356998342' post='6107671'] What was it? I didn't get to see. I guess I could go check...but I'm too lazy. [/quote] Basically the mods (like Mugen and Night) were changing everyone's names. It started with striker, then everyone else got involved including myself. I had my name changed to: ~American Soul~ kingdom neos #2 flying kamakiri #2 Harpie Man #69 There were really funny ones like WRONG TREE and King Moron for Striker, the whole thing lasted for around an hour. Oh and Happy New Year from Britain. [spoiler=~British Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics] [b]Silver Soul[/b]: [b][u]Johto's Newest Trainer[/u][/b] [i]I'm Silver Soul, a new trainer from New Bark Town in the Johto Region. One day I hope to be a great trainer and maybe rise through the ranks to the top.[/i] Club Posts: [b]49[/b] [b]Pokemon[/b] Bagon (Drax) - [b][color=#00BFFF]Male[/color][/b] [img][/img] Sheer Force LV14 - EXP: 9 Rage Bite Leer Dragon Claw Brick Break [color=#ff0000]Beldum[/color] (Mecha) [img][/img] Clear Body LV10 - EXP: 0 Take Down Pufflake (Snowball) - [img][/img] Snow Cloak LV10 - EXP: 0 Bide Tackle Powder Snow Double Team Harden [spoiler=Box #1 (0/30)] [/spoiler] [spoiler=in Day Care] [b]BP: 0[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Items[/b]: [i]None[/i] [b]BP[/b]: 159 [b]TMs/HMs[/b]: [img][/img] TM02 Dragon Claw [img][/img] TM31 Brick Break [spoiler=Future Pokemon] Eevee Totodile Houndour Dratini Gible Magikarp Charmander Cyndaquil Gastly Deino Larvesta Horsea Torkoal Magby Elekid Eevee Swablu Larvitar Druddigon Aerodactyl Litwick Growlithe Slugma Vulpix Darumakka Ponyta Castform Pansear Heatmor Numel Mudkip Turtwig Axew Rotom Ralts Trapinch Sandile Tynamo Chimchar Tepig Sneasel Scyther Swablu Karrablast Skorupi Swinub Vanillite Snorunt [/spoiler] [b]Wins to Losses Ratio[/b]: Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Draws: 0 [spoiler=Acheivements] [b]December 12th[/b] - I joined the Pokemon Legion: Reborn [/spoiler] [/spoiler] posts 9/10 posts till next pokemon 19/30 posts this week 3/10 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted January 1, 2013 Author Report Share Posted January 1, 2013 [quote name='~British Soul~' timestamp='1356998941' post='6107698'] Basically the mods (like Mugen and Night) were changing everyone's names. It started with striker, then everyone else got involved including myself. I had my name changed to: ~American Soul~ kingdom neos #2 flying kamakiri #2 Harpie Man #69 There were really funny ones like WRONG TREE and King Moron for Striker, the whole thing lasted for around an hour. Oh and Happy New Year from Britain. [spoiler=~British Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics] [b]Silver Soul[/b]: [b][u]Johto's Newest Trainer[/u][/b] [i]I'm Silver Soul, a new trainer from New Bark Town in the Johto Region. One day I hope to be a great trainer and maybe rise through the ranks to the top.[/i] Club Posts: [b]49[/b] [b]Pokemon[/b] Bagon (Drax) - [b][color=#00BFFF]Male[/color][/b] [img][/img] Sheer Force LV14 - EXP: 9 Rage Bite Leer Dragon Claw Brick Break [color=#ff0000]Beldum[/color] (Mecha) [img][/img] Clear Body LV10 - EXP: 0 Take Down Pufflake (Snowball) - [img][/img] Snow Cloak LV10 - EXP: 0 Bide Tackle Powder Snow Double Team Harden [spoiler=Box #1 (0/30)] [/spoiler] [spoiler=in Day Care] [b]BP: 0[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Items[/b]: [i]None[/i] [b]BP[/b]: 159 [b]TMs/HMs[/b]: [img][/img] TM02 Dragon Claw [img][/img] TM31 Brick Break [spoiler=Future Pokemon] Eevee Totodile Houndour Dratini Gible Magikarp Charmander Cyndaquil Gastly Deino Larvesta Horsea Torkoal Magby Elekid Eevee Swablu Larvitar Druddigon Aerodactyl Litwick Growlithe Slugma Vulpix Darumakka Ponyta Castform Pansear Heatmor Numel Mudkip Turtwig Axew Rotom Ralts Trapinch Sandile Tynamo Chimchar Tepig Sneasel Scyther Swablu Karrablast Skorupi Swinub Vanillite Snorunt [/spoiler] [b]Wins to Losses Ratio[/b]: Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Draws: 0 [spoiler=Acheivements] [b]December 12th[/b] - I joined the Pokemon Legion: Reborn [/spoiler] [/spoiler] posts 9/10 posts till next pokemon 19/30 posts this week 3/10 [/quote] Wish I could have seen that! Still a half hour till 2013 here. Trying to stay up till then. Shouldn't be hard with the fireworks going off every 3 seconds...they started at like 8 o'clock. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted January 1, 2013 Report Share Posted January 1, 2013 Very late happy new year to everyone. Hope your 2013 started out well; I can pretty much guarentee that mine'll be better than 2012, at any rate. [quote name='~Renegade~' timestamp='1356998342' post='6107671'] I like DesMuMe for a DS emulator. It works pretty well and I haven't had any trouble with it damaging my computer. Samurott is cool, don't really care for Oshawott or Dewott though. [/quote] It's not so much the emulator itself, it's the fact that I have a crappy, second-hand netbook that isn't exactly in great condition. So I'm terrified that downloading anything at all is gonna break it - I tried downloading minecraft onto it and the computer hated it. [spoiler=My Pokémon Info] [b]Clement: [/b] [b][u]This is supposed to be a title, but I cannot think of anything yet, so merely "Trainer" shall do.[/u] [/b] [i]"Quotes are stupid, self-appreciating, semi-philosophical garbage."[/i] Post so far: 48 [spoiler=My loyal team of worthy Pokémon] [b]My Pokémon Team:[/b] [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Ol' Girl/Lapras Lv: 16 Ability: Hydration Moveset: Sing, Growl, Water Gun, Mist, Confuse Ray, Ice shard Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Jack Frost/Plufflake Lv: 11 Abilities: Ice Body Moveset: Bide, Tackle, Powder Snow, Double Team, Harden Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Cinder/Cyndaquil Lv: 14 Abilities: Flash Fire Moveset: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember, Quick Attack Item: Exp Share [spoiler=Pokémon Storage, Box 1: (0/30)][/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Wanted Pokémon/Possible future teams] [b]Favourites(Non-Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Quilava/Typhlosion -Espeon -Umbreon -Arcanine -Dragonite [b]Favourites(Including Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Typhlosion/Quilava -Lugia -Raikou -Celebi -Dialga [b]Powerhouse[/b] -Arcanine -Metagross -Dragonite -Rhyperior -Rampardos -Machamp [b]Solid Fortress[/b] -Steelix -Shuckle -Blissey -Cloyster -Bastiodon -Probopass [b]Bright Minds[/b] -Alakazam -Porygon Z -Gengar -Espeon -Roserade -Magnezone [b]Like a Flash![/b] -Ninjask -Jolteon -Aerodactyl -Crobat -Weavile -Dugtrio[/spoiler] [spoiler=BP & Stats]254 BP Total Posts: 48 Posts til next Lvl: 8/10 Posts til next Pokémon: 18/30 Posts this week: 4/10 Posts for 100 BP: 48/50 Posts til Legendary: 48/200 Wins/Losses: 1/0[/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] -TM07: Hail -TM14: Blizzard -6 Rare Candies -1 Move Tutor Move -1 Event Move -1 Exp. Share - Equipped to Cinder[/spoiler] [spoiler=Achievements][b][u]The Sign Up Process: [/u][/b]You joined the Legion! [b][u]Happy Holidays: [/u][/b]You received the 2012 Christmas Gift! [b][u]Beginner's Luck:[/u][/b] You won your first pokémon battle![/spoiler][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted January 1, 2013 Report Share Posted January 1, 2013 @DWG: Well... Today was fairly mixed, some good and bad stuff happening. Tomorrow I have teh job centre, and then that's followed by a meet up with friends. [spoiler=~British Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics] [b]Silver Soul[/b]: [b][u]Johto's Newest Trainer[/u][/b] [i]I'm Silver Soul, a new trainer from New Bark Town in the Johto Region. One day I hope to be a great trainer and maybe rise through the ranks to the top.[/i] Club Posts: [b]50[/b] [b]Pokemon[/b] Bagon (Drax) - [b][color=#00BFFF]Male[/color][/b] [img][/img] Sheer Force LV15 - EXP: 0 Rage Bite Leer Dragon Claw Brick Break [color=#ff0000]Beldum[/color] (Mecha) [img][/img] Clear Body LV10 - EXP: 0 Take Down Pufflake (Snowball) - [img][/img] Snow Cloak LV10 - EXP: 0 Bide Tackle Powder Snow Double Team Harden [spoiler=Box #1 (0/30)] [/spoiler] [spoiler=in Day Care] [b]BP: 0[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Items[/b]: [i]None[/i] [b]BP[/b]: 159 [b]TMs/HMs[/b]: [img][/img] TM02 Dragon Claw [img][/img] TM31 Brick Break [spoiler=Future Pokemon] Eevee Totodile Houndour Dratini Gible Magikarp Charmander Cyndaquil Gastly Deino Larvesta Horsea Torkoal Magby Elekid Eevee Swablu Larvitar Druddigon Aerodactyl Litwick Growlithe Slugma Vulpix Darumakka Ponyta Castform Pansear Heatmor Numel Mudkip Turtwig Axew Rotom Ralts Trapinch Sandile Tynamo Chimchar Tepig Sneasel Scyther Swablu Karrablast Skorupi Swinub Vanillite Snorunt [/spoiler] [b]Wins to Losses Ratio[/b]: Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Draws: 0 [spoiler=Acheivements] [b]December 12th[/b] - I joined the Pokemon Legion: Reborn [/spoiler] [/spoiler] posts 0/10 posts till next pokemon 20/30 posts this week 4/10 Bagon levels up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted January 2, 2013 Report Share Posted January 2, 2013 Sounds like a decent enough start to the year. =) I've been sat at home all day; but that's fine because I got a brand-new PS3 & Brand new guitar to play around with; plus we've got a mountain of chocolate to get through. XD What about you Renegade? How's your new year been? [spoiler=My Pokémon Info] [b]Clement: [/b] [b][u]This is supposed to be a title, but I cannot think of anything yet, so merely "Trainer" shall do.[/u] [/b] [i]"Quotes are stupid, self-appreciating, semi-philosophical garbage."[/i] Post so far: 49 [spoiler=My loyal team of worthy Pokémon] [b]My Pokémon Team:[/b] [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Ol' Girl/Lapras Lv: 16 Ability: Hydration Moveset: Sing, Growl, Water Gun, Mist, Confuse Ray, Ice shard Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Jack Frost/Plufflake Lv: 11 Abilities: Ice Body Moveset: Bide, Tackle, Powder Snow, Double Team, Harden Item: N/A [img][/img] Nickname/Species: Cinder/Cyndaquil Lv: 14 Abilities: Flash Fire Moveset: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember, Quick Attack Item: Exp Share [spoiler=Pokémon Storage, Box 1: (0/30)][/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Wanted Pokémon/Possible future teams] [b]Favourites(Non-Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Quilava/Typhlosion -Espeon -Umbreon -Arcanine -Dragonite [b]Favourites(Including Legends):[/b] -Lapras -Typhlosion/Quilava -Lugia -Raikou -Celebi -Dialga [b]Powerhouse[/b] -Arcanine -Metagross -Dragonite -Rhyperior -Rampardos -Machamp [b]Solid Fortress[/b] -Steelix -Shuckle -Blissey -Cloyster -Bastiodon -Probopass [b]Bright Minds[/b] -Alakazam -Porygon Z -Gengar -Espeon -Roserade -Magnezone [b]Like a Flash![/b] -Ninjask -Jolteon -Aerodactyl -Crobat -Weavile -Dugtrio[/spoiler] [spoiler=BP & Stats]254 BP Total Posts: 49 Posts til next Lvl: 9/10 Posts til next Pokémon: 19/30 Posts this week: 5/10 Posts for 100 BP: 49/50 Posts til Legendary: 49/200 Wins/Losses: 1/0[/spoiler] [spoiler=Items] -TM07: Hail -TM14: Blizzard -6 Rare Candies -1 Move Tutor Move -1 Event Move -1 Exp. Share - Equipped to Cinder[/spoiler] [spoiler=Achievements][b][u]The Sign Up Process: [/u][/b]You joined the Legion! [b][u]Happy Holidays: [/u][/b]You received the 2012 Christmas Gift! [b][u]Beginner's Luck:[/u][/b] You won your first pokémon battle![/spoiler][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted January 3, 2013 Author Report Share Posted January 3, 2013 The start of my new year consisted of lack of sleep(not uncommon) and them followed by an extremely unproductive day. Today I had to work as a Trainer at a basketball. I don't know if other countries have trainers or not, but we are kind of like student medics. You know in case someone gets hurt. Which did happen today. And then the refs started calling technical fouls like no tomorrow and then suddenly we were down 3 players. But oh well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted January 3, 2013 Report Share Posted January 3, 2013 I understand the lack of sleep problem. I've got chronic insomnia myself, so I know how you feel. As for the trainer thing, no, cant say I've ever heard of the word in that context. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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