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Make a Smash Bros. Character!


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I'm sure some of us have done it at one point or another: Thought of a video game character or what have you that you'd want in Nintendo's Smash Bros. fighting game series, however realistic or not them being in it might be.

Well, in this thread you can think of any character you'd want, and give them a moveset! I'll give an example, but you obviously don't have to go into as much detail as I do.

- Try to have some form of balance in your character.
- Feel free to leave out unimportant moves, like the A attacks and such, unless they do something in particular worth mentioning.
- Go on ahead and rate the previous poster's character, or give constructive feedback, if you want.

[spoiler=Character Form]
*insert image of character*


[b]Jump Height/Recovery:[/b]

[b]Side Smash -[/b]
[b]Up Smash -[/b]
[b]Down Smash -[/b]

[b]Neutral Special -[/b]
[b]Side Special -[/b]
[b]Down Special -[/b]
[b]Up Special -[/b]

[b]Final Smash -[/b]

[b]Taunts: [/b]
[b]> On Match Start:[/b]
[b]> Up Taunt: [/b]
[b]> Down Taunt:[/b]
[b]> Left/Right Taunt:[/b]

[b]> Select Screen:[/b]
[b]> On Match Start:[/b]
[b]> On Taking Damage:[/b]
[b]> On Knockout:[/b]

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]


"Skølldir the Terrible Space Viking" had raided over a hundred spaceports, cargo ships, and grocery stores. His legendary thirst for battle is unquenchable. Great raids are usually followed by great feasts, and soon his nickname was altered to "Skølldir the Terribly Overweight Space Viking". Nothing could scorn Skølldir more than his honorless title!

Skølldir has set out on his space barge to impress the universe with his lightning fast fighting skills to prove this moniker wrong and show his nimbleness. Anyone who would dare to call him fat is met with a rapid series of crushing punches and is thrown aside. All the while, Skølldir's metalic suit is telling him how many calories he's burning.

If you find yourself on the battlefield, and hear the sound of crushing bones and thunderous farts in the distance, flee as Skølldir's fury is upon you!

[b]Weight:[/b] Super Heavyweight
[b]Speed: [/b]Medium
[b]Jump Height/Recovery: [/b]Low
[b]Damage: [/b]Medium/High

[b]Neutral Special - Bash:[/b] Throws a punch in front of him. Use repeatedly for a three-hit combo ending with a shockwave fired a short way in front of Skølldir. The third punch deflects projectiles.
[b]Side Special - Homeless Gnome:[/b] Skølldir throws a gnome in an arc in front or behind him, depending on the direction you direct the move. It explodes after a short amount of time.
[b]Down Special - Earthquake:[/b] Skølldir sends himself downward, striking the ground with his bottom and causing a shockwave along the ground in front of him. The higher he falls upon striking the ground, Earthquake increases in range and height. At its peak, the shockwave is sent from behind Skølldir as well.
[b]Up Special - Mighty Throw:[/b] Grabs a nearby enemy and tosses them behind Skølldir in an arc, also giving Skølldir a short hop upon use. Cannot be shielded against, but deals no damage.

[b]Final Smash - Killing Spree: [/b]Lasts for 15 seconds. Upon use, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BSYSpmJOIo"]Skølldir's theme[/url] plays. While under the effect of Killing Spree, all of the following are applied to Skølldir:
- All movement and attack speed are increase, as well as all damage he deals. His Explosive Fart double jump gains greater height.
- Skølldir's damage percentage will slowly decrease.
- The third hit of Bash has an increased shockwave range and stuns on hit. Bash also gains the ability to deflect projectiles on all punches.
- Earthquake will always have its maximum height, range, and always be launched from both sides. It gains a snaring ability upon hitting someone.
- Mighty Throw launches players a farther distance at a greater speed, and slows down those it's used on for a short time.

[b]Taunts:[/b] Skølldir does not make a special action when he taunts, instead saying lines, as well as randomly saying lines during certain moments and when certain moves are used.

[b]Up Taunt:[/b] "Stop crying like a baby!"
[b]Down Taunt:[/b] "Someone's got a deathwish!"

[b]Select Screen:[/b] "No belly, no battle!"/"No guts, no glory!"/"Belly's gonna get you!"
[b]On Match Start:[/b] "Chaaaaaarge!"/"Attack!"/"Let's get those buggers!"
[b]On Taking Large Amounts of Damage[/b]: "I'll kill ya for that!"/Bloody hell that hurt!"/"Help me! I need a snack!"
[b]On Knockout[/b]: "I own you!"/"See ya later shiplords!"
[b]On Fall:[/b] *scream*/"I pissed meself..."

[b]3rd Bash Combo:[/b] "Eat me knuckle sandwich!"/"Taste my fists!"/"Chug on that!"
[b]Earthquake[/b]: "Earthquake!"/"Bombs Away!"/"Shakey shakey!"/"The ground can taste me bottom!"
[b]Might Throw:[/b] "Be freeee!"/"Off with ya!"/"Fly awaaaay!"/"Excuse me."
[b]Killing Spree[/b]: "It's an all-you-can-eat buffet. Of my fists!"/"Fists of Fury!"

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]
- Honeydew skin
- Palette changes

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[spoiler=Crash Bandicoot][center][img]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii184/numerobetically/Crash%20Bandicoot%20Renders/crashrender2.png[/img][/center]

Crash Bandicoot (クラッシュ・バンディクー) is the main protagonist of the Crash Bandicoot series and was originally named Willy Wombat. He is a genetically-advanced Eastern Barred Bandicoot who lives life on N. Sanity Island. Throughout the series, Doctor Neo Cortex is his usual arch-enemy, and is always defeated by Crash in order to keep peace around the island. Crash is often accompanied by his ally, Aku Aku, the secondary protagonist. In the earlier games, he tended to say "Whoa!" whenever he fell into a hole. In the later games, he spoke gibberish with a very basic knowledge of the language spoken in the game.

[b]Weight:[/b] Lightweight
[b]Speed:[/b] Medium-Fast
[b]Jump Height/Recovery:[/b] High
[b]Damage:[/b] Medium

[b]Side Smash - Sharp Right Hook:[/b] Crash draws back a left/right hook and charges it, after which he slams his fist into his opponent.
[b]Up Smash - Sneaker Kick: [/b]Crash draws his left/right foot back and, after charging the smash, swings it at his opponent upward.
[b]Down Smash - Aku Aku Smash:[/b] Crash holds and charges Aku Aku, before smacking the mask down on his opponent.

[b]Neutral Special - Spin Attack:[/b] Crash spins himself at high speeds, dealing a continues stream of hits to foes who get too close. It can reflect thrown projectiles.
[b]Side Special - Wumpa Toss:[/b] Crash lobs a Wumpa Fruit at his opponent, which deals weak damage, however it cause foes to slip if they are dashing towards Crash, or are in mid-air during contact. At times, this can be a TNT Crate, which after landing takes a three second detonation period before exploding. Even rarer is a Nitro Crate which explodes on contact.
[b]Down Special - Aku Aku Shield:[/b] Crash throws before him Aku Aku, whom shields Crash from physical attacks from the side in which Crash is facing.
[b]Up Special - Belly Flop/Super Belly Flop:[/b] If used during a single jump, Crash launches upon a foe beneath him with a belly flop, which produces a fan's sound effect as he connects, which juggles foes. If used during a double jump, Crash does the same, however inflicts more damage, does not juggle, and inflicts 1-3& damage to himself if he misses.

[b]Final Smash - Invincible Aku Aku:[/b] Lasts for 22 seconds. Upon use, the Aku Aku Invincibility theme plays, whereby under this influence, Crash...
- Gains faster movement,
- Takes no damage, and
- Contact with Crash juggles enemiess and breaks items, giving him golden opportunities to attack with combos.

[b]Taunts: [/b]
[b]> On Match Start:[/b] Crash breaks out of a Crate.
[b]> Up Taunt: [/b]
[b]> Down Taunt:[/b] Crash scratches his behind and makes curious noises.
[b]> Left/Right Taunt: [/b]Crash cracks his knuckles and grins menacingly.

[b]> Select Screen:[/b] "Yahoo!"
[b]> On Match Start:[/b] n/a
[b]> On Taking Damage:[/b] Crash Groans
[b]> On Knockout:[/b] "Uh-oh!"/"Waah!"

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]
- Crash of the Titans/Mind over Mutant Crash & Aku Aku.
- Neo Cortex & Uka Uka Palette changes
- Other Palette changes[/spoiler]

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Yeah, this was a bit of work to make XD

Alpha is the main protagonist in both series known respectively as "TV Tome Adventures" and "TOME". He is a computer avatar made by a young sullen kid in high school named Mike Luckas. He roams the Terrain of Magical Expertise with his companions defeating various hackers from D-Bug . org. Though with a strange virus within him named Kajet, his character has become a bit more interesting.

[b]Weight:[/b] Lightweight
[b]Speed: [/b]Medium-Fast
[b]Jump Height/Recovery:[/b] High
[b]Damage:[/b] Medium

[b]Neutral Special - Vulcan Fist:[/b] Charges at the opponent while engulfed in fire
[b]Side Special - Orion Shield:[/b] Defensive technique-two levels
[b]Down Special - Zeus Rage:[/b] Electric beam that extends over a few panels
[b]Up Special - Poseidon Wave:[/b] Slow moving wave that covers a large area

[b]Final Smash - [/b][b]Be Let Out:[/b] Alpha's demeanor changes a bit, as a barrier appears [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOA9CUqT8Fs"](see at 14:04)[/url]. Alpha says "Your funeral..." then becomes:
~Unable to be attacked or harmed by any attack
~Whenever an opponent attacks, 20% damage is inflicted upon themselves
~As the duration begins to end, the barrier grows to engulf the entire field, knocking all opponent's out of the arena.

[b]Taunts: [/b]
[b]> On Match Start:[/b] "Bring it on!"
[b]> Up Taunt: [/b]"C'mon, this isn't a challenge!"
[b]> Down Taunt: [/b]n/a
[b]> Left/Right Taunt: [/b]n/a

[b]> Select Screen:[/b] "Battle On!"
[b]> On Match Start: [/b]"Battle Grid online!"
[b]> On Taking Damage:[/b] "Gah!" / "Didn't hurt!"
[b]> On Knockout: [/b]"OH WHAT THE HELL!!!!"

[b]Victory Quotes:[/b]
[b]>Victory Normal:[/b] "Hey not bad! Your pretty good at this game!"
[b]>Victory w/ team of Protagonists:[/b] "You guy's skills were amazing! Thanks for the great game!"
[b]>Victory w/ team of Antagonists:[/b] "Didn't put up a fight. I know hackers that are tougher..."

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]
~Default TOME skin
~[url="http://images.wikia.com/ttadventures/images/5/5a/Alpha_season_2.png"]TV Tome Adventures 2nd Season skin[/url]
~[url="http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120409051205/ttadventures/images/9/99/Alpha_III_by_Kirbopher15.png"]TV Tome Adventures 3rd Season skin[/url]
~[url="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120519024522/ttadventures/images/4/4b/Phaxal.png"]Shadow Alpha/Phaxal skin[/url]
~[url="http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120519014209/ttadventures/images/thumb/8/87/Virus_Fusion_Alpha_by_Kirbopher15.png/397px-Virus_Fusion_Alpha_by_Kirbopher15.png"]Virus Fusion Alpha skin[/url]
~[url="http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/c0.0.403.403/p403x403/575070_432924046767705_2062706503_n.png"]Alpha Kajet Berserker skin[/url]

[b]Voice Actor:[/b] Blake "ShadyVox" Swift[/spoiler]

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Curse you, Kyng, for stealing my goddamn thunder x/


[b]Weight: [/b]Medium weight
[b]Speed: [/b]Normal
[b]Jump Height/Recovery: [/b]High / Moderate
[b]Damage: [/b]Moderate

[b]Neutral Special - [/b][b]Wind-up Energy Ball Throw: [/b]Rayman winds up a glowing fist and throws a ball of energy at opponent. (Range: 5 character steps)
[b]Side Special - Grapple Claw Suit: [/b]Shoots a chained claw that grapples opponent or nearby ledge. (Range: 3 character steps)
[b]Down Special - [/b][b]Remote Missile Suit: [/b]Shoots a missile that can be controlled with the directional buttons. Rayman remains stationary until missile explodes.
[b]Up Special - Helicopter Suit: [/b]​Helicopter propeller lifts Rayman up.

[b]Final Smash - Funky Board:[/b]
-Background turns into a cloud of colorful, wormhole-like atmosphere.
-Rayman is riding a snowboard and glides along the stage
-When going off-screen, Rayman comes out of the other side
-OTKs for everyone over 50% damage.
-[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84q94pyk63k"]This theme plays[/url]


[b]Up Taunt: [/b]Throws fist up in the air while doing a 360 degree spin, putting hands on hips and fireworks going off behind him.
[b]Down Taunt: [/b]Stretches mouth open and sticks tongue out, turning any projectile coming at him into a healing item.

[b]Select Screen: [/b]"Yahoo! Yay-hee!"
[b]On Match Start: [/b]"Phew!"
[b]On Taking Large Amounts of Damage[/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]: "Oh!" / "Oof!"[/size][/font][/color]
[b]On Knockout[/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]: "....Eeeeeeehhhh!!" *whining*[/size][/font][/color]
[b]On Fall: [/b]"blrblrlblrblblrblr-AHH!!"

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3][b]Grappling onto ledge: [/b]"Phew!"[/size][/color][/font]

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]
-Green whirlwind suit color
-Red power fist suit color
-Blue grapple claw suit
-Orange remote missile suit color
-Yellow helicopter suit color

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These are a couple old ones of mine where I actually took the time to list every move.

[b]Weight:[/b] Middleweight
[b]Speed:[/b] Medium
[b]Jump Height/Recovery:[/b] High
[b]Damage:[/b] Medium

[b]Neutral Attack:[/b] Waluigi throws a wimpy punch in front of him, which can be repeated quickly.
[b]Dash Attack: [/b]Waluigi jumps forward through the air, feet first, hitting anyone in the way.
[b]Side Tilt:[/b] Waluigi reaches out and smacks in front of him.
[b]Down Tilt:[/b] Waluigi does a spinning sweep in front of him.
[b]Up Tilt:[/b] Waluigi does an upwards sweeping kick in front of him.

[b]Side Smash:[/b] Waluigi slams his foot down in front of him, stomping groundborne enemies into the ground on a full charge, like Donkey Kong's Headbutt and the Pitfall Seed.
[b]Down Smash:[/b] Waluigi does a little hop and kicks out on both sides of him simultaneously.
[b]Up Smash:[/b] Waluigi kicks upward, like Ganondorf's up smash.

[b]Neutral Air: [/b]Waluigi swings one leg forward and the other leg back, making a pose like a leaping ballerina.
[b]Forward Air:[/b] Waluigi thrusts both feet in front of him, the opposite of his back air.
[b]Back Air:[/b] Waluigi thrusts both feet behind him, like Snake's back air.
[b]Down Air: [/b]Waluigi thrusts both feet downwards for a meteor smash.
[b]Up Air: [/b]Waluigi headbutts above him.

[b]Neutral Special - Bomb:[/b] Waluigi pulls a bomb from somewhere which can then be thrown, similar to Link's Bomb. There is a 1/58 chance of him pulling out a Bob-Omb.
[b]Side Special - Raqueteer:[/b] Waluigi swings a tennis racket in front of him, dealing damage and horizontal knockback but also allowing him to reflect projectiles.
[b]Down Special - Wall-Luigi:[/b] Waluigi summons tall purple thorns from the ground on both sides of him which can cause enemies to trip on the ground and deals slight vertical knockback on airborne enemies.
[b]Up Special - Swimming Return:[/b] Waluigi swims comically through the air under the player's control for 2 seconds, allowing for recovery similar to Pit's Wings of Icarus.

[b]Final Smash - Super Whirluigi:[/b] Waluigi contorts himself into the shape of his symbol (upside down L), then spins around forming a large tornado (mostly vertical) around him which sucks in and hits enemies mulitple times (like Zero Suit Samus's Power Suit Samus). It also throws out dice blocks, kart wheels, and various sports equipment to hit far away enemies for a little damage and knockback.

[b]Up Taunt:[/b] Waluigi throws both hands in the air and yells, "Waluigi, numbah one!" laughing afterwards.
[b]Down Taunt[/b]: Waluigi does a crotch chop three times then fist pumps while yelling "Waluigi, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
[b]Side Taunt:[/b] Waluigi hunches over to one side while twisting a side of his mustache, snickering.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Black Knight][img]http://fireemblem.neoseeker.com/w/i/fireemblem/thumb/5/5d/Black_Knight.png/330px-Black_Knight.png[/img][/center]

[b]Weight:[/b] Super Heavyweight
[b]Speed:[/b] Medium
[b]Jump Height/Recovery:[/b] Low/Medium
[b]Damage:[/b] Medium/High

[b]Neutral Attack:[/b] BK quickly swings his sword once in front of him, with a slight delay between swings when used multiple times.
[b]Dash Attack:[/b] BK swings his sword downward in front of him, releasing a sonic wave forward that travels a short distance and pierces through enemies.
[b]Side Tilt:[/b] BK swings his sword in front of him like Ike's side tilt, releasing a sonic wave foward that travels a short distance and pierces through enemies.
[b]Down Tilt:[/b] BK swings his sword in front of him across the ground like Ike's down tilt, possibly tripping enemies.
[b]Up Tilt:[/b] BK quickly swings his sword in an arc above his head.

[b]Side Smash:[/b] BK steps forward taking a large swing, then spinning around taking another step to swing again.
[b]Down Smash[/b]: BK slams his sword down at his feet with a shockwave around him, like DK's Hand Slap.
[b]Up Smash:[/b] BK spins his sword above him like a helicopter blade, releasing sonic waves that travel a short distance upward covering a ~60 degree angle above.

[b]Neutral Air:[/b] BK spins around swining his sword horizontally in a circle.
[b]Forward Air:[/b] BK quickly stabs in front of him with his sword.
[b]Back Air:[/b] BK swings his sword behind him covering a horizontal arc.
[b]Down Air:[/b] BK swings his sword downward for a meteor smash, similar to Ike's down air.
[b]Up Air:[/b] BK stabs above him, like Marth's up smash just weaker.

[b]Neutral Special - Nihil:[/b] BK sends a flash of light a short distance in front of him, which breaks shields and removes any charges (Wario Waft, Charge Beam, Aura Sphere, Giant Punch, etc.) from his opponent, dealing miniscule damage and no knockback.
[b]Side Special - Sonic Wave:[/b] BK quickly launches a sonic wave from his sword that does not dissapate after a short distance that pierces through enemies.
[b]Down Special - Great Shield[/b]: BK braces himself for a short period of time similar to Ike and Marth's Counter, negating any damage and knockback, as well as knocking enemies back a short distance without dealing any damage.
[b]Up Special - Warp Powder:[/b] BK teleports a certain distance, like Zelda's Farore's Wind.

[b][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrmuATvklKA"]Final Smash - Eclipse[/url]:[/b] BK swings his sword in front of him like Ike's Great Aether's activation. If he hits any enemies he enters a cinematic scene like in the video where he slashes them multiple times, dealing 40% damage. Like in-universe, this is a OHKO move and deals immense knockback that will usually KO any opponent, like the Dragoon or Captain Falcon's Blue Falcon.

[b]Up Taunt:[/b] The ground around BK glows like the Warp Powder circle, as well as Ike and Marth's entrances.
[b]Down Taunt:[/b] BK grabs his flowing cape and makes [url="http://images.wikia.com/fireemblem/images/4/43/Fepr-Blackknight.jpg"]this pose.[/url]
[b]Side Taunt:[/b] BK spins his sword in one hand in a nice flourish.[/spoiler]

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Shradow, you should add this to the OP just for convenience sake.

[spoiler=Character Form]
*insert image of character*


[b]Jump Height/Recovery:[/b]

[b]Side Smash -[/b]
[b]Up Smash -[/b]
[b]Down Smash -[/b]

[b]Neutral Special -[/b]
[b]Side Special -[/b]
[b]Down Special -[/b]
[b]Up Special -[/b]

[b]Final Smash -[/b]

[b]Taunts: [/b]
[b]> On Match Start:[/b]
[b]> Up Taunt: [/b]
[b]> Down Taunt:[/b]
[b]> Left/Right Taunt:[/b]

[b]> Select Screen:[/b]
[b]> On Match Start:[/b]
[b]> On Taking Damage:[/b]
[b]> On Knockout:[/b]

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/color][/font]

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[spoiler=NES Mario]

[b]Weight: [/b]Lightweight
[b]Speed: [/b]Normal
[b]Jump Height/Recovery: [/b]High / Quick
[b]Damage: [/b]Moderate

[b]Side Smash - [/b]Giant 8-bit fist jabs opponent.
[b]Up Smash - [/b]Jumps with an upward fist, hitting block that appears overhead.
[b]Down Smash - [/b]N/A

[b]Neutral Special - Fireball: [/b]Shoots 8 bit fireball similar to the original Smash Bros Mario.
[b]Side Special - [/b][b]Barrel Jump: [/b]Jumps over barrel that hits opponent, and 500 points shows up over Mario's head.
[b]Down Special - [/b][b]Goomba Stomp: [/b]Goomba appears and Mario stomps it, crushing opponent below.
[b]Up Special - [/b][b]Spring Jump: [/b]Spring board appears under Mario, sending him flying upwards.

[b]Final Smash - Starman: [/b]Becomes invincible, faster, and deals OTKs on contact... while sparkling.

[b]Taunts: [/b]
[b]> On Match Start: [/b]Pipe comes out from ground and Mario comes out of it.
[b]> Up Taunt: [/b]Jumps and does backflip.
[b]> Down Taunt: [/b]Grows into super Mario for a few seconds.
[b]> Left/Right Taunt: [/b]Jumps a few times.

[b]> Select Screen: [/b]8-bit jump sound
[b]> On Match Start: [/b]8 bit jump sound
[b]> On Taking Damage: [/b]8 bit shrinking sound
[b]> On Knockout: [/b]8 bit death sound
> [b]On fall: [/b]8 bit life lost sound

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]
-Green luigi color
-Yellow wario color
-Purple waluigi color

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Just an idea: maybe link to already made characters in the OP?


Akuma (悪魔 or アクマ, "Demon, Devil" in Japanese), known in Japan as Gouki (豪鬼, Gōki, "Great Devil", "Great Demon" or "Great Ogre"), is a popular fighter as well as a popular villain in the Street Fighter series and UDON comics. He is known as "The Supreme Master of the Fist."

Originally appearing in Super Street Fighter II Turbo as a secret character and hidden boss, he is Gouken's younger brother and Ryu's adoptive uncle. Akuma is voiced by Tomomichi Nishimura in all of Capcom's 2D Games; in Street Fighter IV, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Street Fighter X Tekken he is voiced by Taketora.

Akuma is a cold and extremely powerful warrior whose sole purpose of existance is to hone his fighting skills by battling and destroying strong foes. He rarely displays any sign of emotions, aside from occasional bursts of anger, and almost never smiles. He takes his training very seriously, and deals brutally with those who dare interrupt him, as seen in his Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike ending. Occasionally, he likes to test himself against worthy rivals (e.g. Gen, Oro). In combat, Akuma almost never resorts to his true strength since he is yet to find an opponent who is to withstand the full extent of his powers.

[b]Weight:[/b] Heavyweight
[b]Speed:[/b] Medium
[b]Jump Height/Recovery:[/b] Medium
[b]Damage:[/b] Medium/High

[b]Side Smash - Focus Attack:[/b] Akuma takes a step back, whereby a black inky aura emanates from himself as he charges his attack; upon release he slams his fist into his opponent. (See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlgL23eR6uk (0:17 - 0:20).)
[b]Up Smash - Misogi:[/b] Akuma takes his signature stance to charge the technique, before leaping up and swiftly bringing down his fist in an attack. (See: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110221141153/streetfighter/images/9/91/Misogi.gif (to a lesser degree).)
[b]Down Smash - Kongou Kokuretsu Zan:[/b] Akuma draws his fist skyward, charging the attack, before swinging it down into the floor, creating a blast of energy to spark above him. (See: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110220041648/streetfighter/images/7/78/Kongou_kokouretsu_zan.gif (to a lesser degree in power).)

[b]Neutral Special - Shakunetsu Hadouken:[/b] Akuma releases a powerful flaming variant of the Hadouken, a ki energy blast from his fists, which strikes his foes as it flies across the screen.
[b]Side Special - Tatsumaki Zankukyaku[/b] Akuma uses the Tatsumaki and spins himself across the screen in a circular motion, leg extended, which hits multiple times.
[b]Down Special - Ashura Senku -> Shun Goku Satsu:[/b] Akuma uses the Ashura Senku to slide across the field (prone to projectiles.) Should he connect with a foe, he unleashes the Shun Goku Satsu upon them, inflicting a number of hits before launching a foe.
[b]Up Special - Gou Shoryuken:[/b] Akumau performs a circular uppercut towards his foes, achieving relatively good hight.

[b]Final Smash - Unleashing the Satsui no Hadou - Oni:[/b] Akuma turns into [url=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110408025329/streetfighter/images/1/16/07_oniartwork.jpg]Oni[/url] by succumbing to the Satsui no Hadou. For a duration of 20 seconds, the stage's lighting darkens, and Oni attains the following stats:
> His Specials and Smashes attain electrical properties and inflict electrical damage.
> His Ashura Senku lasts longer, and his Shun Goku Satsu becomes stronger.
> If Oni were to hold the Neutral Special, he unleashes a powerful Attack called the Meido Gohado, which after barking "Ashes to ashes!" he fires a powerful Hadouken, capable of launching foes off the stage.
> If Oni were to hold the Up Special, he unleashes a powerful Attack called the Tenchi Sokaigen, which after barking "My power...moves the world!" he uses a Misogi, which propels his foe skyward where he connects a powerful Shoryuken, to launch his foe out of the stage skyward after proclaiming them to "Stare into the face of death!"
> If Oni uses either the Meido Gohado, or the Tenchi Sokaigen, his Final Smash instantly ends after the technique.
> When the technique ends, Akuma takes 15% damage to "come down" from his Oni form.

[b]Taunts: [/b]
[b]> On Match Start:[/b] Akuma takes his fighting stance.
[b]> Up Taunt: [/b] Akuma clenches his fist and states "My fist knows no equal!"
[b]> Down Taunt:[/b]
[b]> Left/Right Taunt:[/b]
*causes the screen to shake slightly

[b]> Select Screen:[/b] "Messatsu...!"
[b]> On Match Start:[/b] "Don't talk...just fight!"
[b]> On Taking Damage:[/b] Akuma groans.
[b]> On Knockout:[/b] "Kuh...!" / "Urgh...!"

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]
> Shin Akuma
> Alternative Colours.

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Rosalina is a character who makes her debut appearance in the game Super Mario Galaxy. Rosalina first appears in the Gateway Galaxy, and she is also the adopted mother of the Lumas. Rosalina commands the Comet Observatory. She is a very powerful figure, as her duty is to watch over and protect the cosmos as well as the Lumas.(Too lazy so I just used wiki.)

[b]Weight:[/b] Lightweight
[b]Speed:[/b] Medium
[b]Jump Height/Recovery:[/b] High
[b]Damage:[/b] Low

[b]Neutral Attack:[/b] She hits with a her palm. Lumas will also hit if any are with her(no extra range for any normal attacks).
[b]Dash Attack:[/b] She thrust her wand forward and then slashed sideways. Lumas will also hit if any are with her(no extra range for any normal attacks).
[b]Side Tilt:[/b]
[b]Down Tilt:[/b] She sweeps the ground in front of her with her wand. Lumas will also hit if any are with her(no extra range for any normal attacks).
[b]Up Tilt:[/b] She thrust her wand upward. Lumas will also hit if any are with her(no extra range for any normal attacks).

[b]Side Smash: [/b]She holds her wand above her with both hands, which can be charged for more damage, and the swings down. As she charges any Lumas will begin to line up with the wand to increase the range.
[b]Down Smash:[/b] She ducks/squats holding her wand above her left shoulder, and at this moments it charges, and then spins(full 360) sweeping the floor around her. As she charges any Lumas will begin to line up with the wand to increase the range.
[b]Up Smash:[/b] She looks up and hold her wand down, and at this moment charges, and then does a sweep above her head. As she charges any Lumas will begin to line up with the wand to increase the range.

[b]Neutral Air:[/b] She spins around hitting anyone around her with her wand. Lumas will also hit if any are with her(no extra range for any normal attacks).
[b]Forward Air:[/b] Thrust her wand forward and then slashes sideways. Lumas will also hit if any are with her(no extra range for any normal attacks).
[b]Back Air:[/b] She does a 180 smacking whoever is behind her with her wand. Lumas will also hit if any are with her(no extra range for any normal attacks).
[b]Down Air:[/b] She does a barrage of kicks downward, much like Princess Peach in Brawl. Lumas will also hit if any are with her(no extra range for any normal attacks).
[b]Up Air:[/b] She goes upside down and does a barrage of kicks upward. Same as her Down Air, but upward. She then turn right side up; she pretty much does a back flip, with a stall in between to do her kicks. Lumas will also hit if any are with her(no extra range for any normal attacks).

[b]Neutral Special: [/b]She puts her hands to her chest and then opens them revealing a Luma(random color)(max 3). The Luma(s) then spins around her waist horizontally. This powers up her attacks by attacking with Rosalina(will be explained on the other attacks), 1 Luma=1.10 damage, 2 Luma=1.15 damage, 3 Luma=1.2 damage.
[b]Side Special:[/b]Swings her wand diagonally and shoots a star bit(s)(color is random). This can be charged to shoot more in groups of 3, then 5. They go in a spinning circle parallel to her. They cause horizontal knockback, but not much. They reach about ¾ the stage of Brawl’s Final Destination. If Lumas are present, they will chase the star bits, staying close behind them to hit right after the star bits hit, and tackle anyone in the way. Once the star bits hit or disappear the Lumas will return to Rosalina.
[b]Down Special: [/b]This one is a counter. She hold her wand vertically, with the tip facing down, and last as long as Marth’s counter in Brawl. If hit in any way during this the Cosmic Spirit will appear from behind whoever hit Rosalina and smack them with her wand horizontally. If Rosalina has any Lumas, they will fly toward the player who hit her and tackle them at the same time the Cosmic Spirit does.
[b]Up Special: [/b]She swings her hands up in the air and a Luma will appear if none are around her. The Luma(s) then pull her hand(s)/hair and lift her up at a quick rate. The more Lumas the higher/further she will go. The launch on the ground can be charged to change direction(no extra damage from charging), which can vary from 90 degrees to 0 degrees. The charging animation will be the Luma(s) trying to pull her. In the air she will automatically go 45 degrees in front of her. She will go a bit further in the air than Fox’s Up Special with 3 Lumas, the same with two, and a bit less with 1.

[b]Final Smash: Creation of Galaxy- [/b]Rosalina says the quote “Do you hear the baby stars? These newborns will grow up to become galaxies someday.” As she flies up and into the background. Then a single pink Luma will appear(about half the size of Mario) in her place. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=9OkgjxlovBM#t=22s"]This[/url] music and sound effect will play while the final smash is happening.Opponents will leave a trail of star bits behind them(each star bit is about half the size of Mario.) when they move. The player then takes control of the Luma for 20 seconds. The Luma controls much like Yoshi’s final smash in movement(speed, levitates, etc.) The player can then collect the star bits and hit players. If it hits players it will only really be able to kill a middleweight character above 150%. It causes 7% damage. Also if the Luma hits a player 7 star bits get knocked out of him. Once the 20 seconds are up, depending on how many star bits were collected, the Luma will transform into a planet, star, or galaxy. Anybody who touches the newly created planet/star/galaxy(only last on the screen for a second and then fades away) will be sent flying as if hit by a bob-omb. 0-40=planet(size is about Rosalina in diameter.), 41-80=star(size is about 2 Rosalinas in diameter), 81-higher=galaxy(size is about Giga Bowser size.). After the transformation starts to fade Rosalina will appear in the middle of the fading transformation(which doesn’t do anything now so she is left open for attacks).

[b]On Match Start: [/b]A glowing white colored hole in space-time opens and she floats trough it. While doing this she says “This planet... It's very dear to me.”
[b]Up Taunt:[/b] She spins around showing off her dress(two spins) and then dust if off.
[b]Down Taunt: [/b]A luma appears from behind Rosalina(as in can’t be seen by the player) (even if there is already 3 Lumas one will still appear) and she holds it like a baby. She then kisses the Luma and releases it where it then disappears behind her.
[b]Left/Right Taunt: [/b]A Luma appears from behind her and floats in front of her feet. She then squats and pets it while smiling. The luma then goes behind her and disappears.

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]
-Motorbike Gear(from Mario Kart Wii)
-Alternative colors

[b]-Extra notes:[/b]
-She doesn’t walk, she floats.
-Her shield is a clear bubble.

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[spoiler=Paper Mario]
[b]Weight: [/b]Lightweight
[b]Speed: [/b]Average
[b]Jump Height/Recovery:[/b] High
[b]Damage: [/b]Medium

[b]Side Smash:[/b] Mario kicks Koops or Kooper at the enemy, with longer charges sending the koopa further and dealing more damage.
[b]Up Smash:[/b] Mario pulls out Lackilester, who throws a spiny in an arc, with longer charges sending the spiny further for more damage.
[b]Down Smash:[/b] Mario releases Bombette or Captain Bobbery, who walk a short distance before exploding, with longer charging sending them different distances, but always the same power.

[b]Grab:[/b] Mario has a tether grab using Thoreau that can grab distant players or ledges.

[b]Neutral Special - Action Command: [/b]Does nothing when used on its own. When used at the same time along with non-special moves, the moves deal 50% more damage. When used in the air above an opponent, it causes a damage dealing footstool jump.
[b]Side Special - HAMMAWHACK 2005: [/b]Mario makes a quick swing with his Super Hammer in front of him. Charging the move makes Mario spin around in circles with his hammer, with longer charge making the spins faster and deal more damage and knockback.
[b]Down Special - Ground Pound: [/b]Mario does a spin in the air before crashing to the ground, hindquarters first.
[b]Up Special - Paper Plane: [/b]Mario transforms into a plane and does a rising loop before gliding horizontally.

[b]Final Smash - Mega Star: [/b]Mario transforms into a giant 8-bit version of himself, where he becomes invulnerable to damage and damages anyone he runs into for 10 seconds.

[b]Taunts: [/b]
[b]> Up Taunt: [/b]Mario raises his hands in the air as a random Star Spirit, Crystal Star, Pure Heart, or Royal Sticker shines above his head.
[b]> Down Taunt: [/b]A bed unfolds from Mario's pockets, which he then slides into, before shortly getting out.
[b]> Left/Right Taunt: [/b]Mario adjusts his hat, and gives a thumbs up.

[b]Alternate Skins/Colors:[/b]
- Luigi color scheme
- Wario color scheme
- Waluigi color scheme

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