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Skyracy [IC]

Kyng's Old Account

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Hosted by Kyng
An Original RP[/size][/b][/right]

[u]Within the Imperial Bastion [i]Ein[/i][/u]

"Grand Admiral..." An aristocratic voice boomed across the fine oaken table, the sound filling the room. "...there really is no shame in authorizing it; if anything, it will be more beneficial to allow the Gravi-Ton Cannon to be installed into at least one of our vessels."

"You're aware why I protest it." A noble voice returned, that of the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Flight, the current Military Head of the Empire's forces. "We have set out to bring justice to the skies. That very weapon reverses the gravitational pulses gravitanium expels; should we hit an innocent skyland, we would condemn it and its people to the world below; we are all aware, each member of the board, that the Gravi-Ton Cannon is not an option: that is my current verdict upon the matter."

Another gentleman rose, whom spoke in a firm Scottish accent as he looked to the Grand Admiral. "Ach, but Mr Admiral sahr, ya dinnae understand laddeh!"

"Zis man should not speak, 'is manner of speech is deplorable." a French-accented individual promptly interrupted, prompting the former voice to scowl to the man. "Admiral, why do you assume we would do such a thing?"

The Admiral looked unto them, and the remainder of the board, and simply huffed "I have given my final verdict on the matter as we speak: we shall now speak of the Scourge..."
[u]Within the Scourgean Base[i] Quetzalcoatl[/i][/u]

"Chieftain, our recon squadron have reported the Empire to have, in development, something called a Gravi-Ton cannon." a man spoke to the Scourgean Chieftain, this man one of five around an open flame within the Chieftain's tent.

Said Chieftain then whispered into the ear of a dark skinned woman, whom listened to and nodding, spoke up to say "The Chieftain believes that, as many of our units use creatures over machines, we are of no threat to the Empire's weapon." With that, she smiled over to the Chieftain, the woman evidently his significant other, and the Scourgean Chieftain's interpretor.

"Our Skylands, sir..."

As soon as he spoke again, the Chieftain whispered yet again.

"The Chieftain affirms that such a risk is of no significance to us: we are striving to return to Mundus. We should not fear resurfacing, but rather support the matter."
"I remember a few weeks ago." a voice resonated. "I remember rushing up to the port and watching a few ships docking. They were all so exciting, I was invigorated, I just had to know where the Skyrates had been this time!"

In a shanty, yet the highest quality pub of the Skyrate base skyland, Barthelm, not really much other than a shanty town-like citadel of a skyland, a young man was chatting up one of the local women of the bar. Sadly, heritage meant nothing in the world of the Skyrates. If you wanted more than what you had, you had to go out there and earn it. If you wanted to be seen as a star, well then you had to shut up, put up, and plough through everything life threw at you. This lesson was learnt by Elico today, whom eventually went onwards with his attempt to woo the woman as he informed her of his father.

Elisius Galinford, you see. He was a magnificent Skyrate. Sure, he held no torch to Bartholomew Jeel, but by gosh he was a veteran. The man had two sons, Brave and Elico. A Skyrate law dictated no son would inherit his father's legacy, so Brave and Elico had to get out there and earn everything they wanted in life. Brave managed to pull ahead, and is now a leading commandant of the Skyrate fleet, as well as one of the front line's most dreaded men.

Elico, however...

...well, he did get the short end of the stick. He managed to get into the political-military sector of the Skyrate order, however he ain't a part of the Armada yet. Now, he is a pirate, he does have a ship, and a license to fly said vessel, the Albatross. What he wants, however, was a chance to fight the Imperials and Scourgeans with many other of the finer soldiers. You'll find further one quite what he's been stuck with for the majority of the time.

Back to the bar; Elico, after a failed attempt to gather a buxom for the evening, would simply retire to his abode in his father's residence, in a staggering mess of a man.

This young man, despite what has been portrayed, is about to be in the centre of a huge explosion of warfare.
Elico awoke from the next day with a mild hangover and a brief reminder: he had no crew. See, they demanded payment by commission and despite Elico's position, payment for his crew, the crew of Skyrate captains, for the record, demanded hefty pay. As such, he slumped back into his brown bed, in the wooden brown room, the dead brown air around him, simply saying "What the hell am I going to do..."

A few minutes, maybe the hour later, Elico would be at port and, of course, bidding goodbye to the crew. From Alec'ai McGrubber, to Jimmy Knee Cricket, they all tipped their hats to the young man and parted ways, albeit not on good terms. Out of respect, they wouldn't assault the young captain, but out of disdain, they left the hunk of metal that was the Albatross a filthy mess. With this, Elico rubbed his eyes and sighed: he had earned this. He didn't have enough cash to afford the crew. 300 Gold coins was, sure, enough for a week's shopping supply, but for a crew? Especially when all they were drafted with was relay and diplomatic missions?

Money came from loot. Loot came from skylands, the world below, and other ships. Other ships had guns. Big guns.

With a sigh and a rubbing of the eyes, Elico looked around the port and grunted. "At this rate, Brave'll be kicking me out in no time, but I'm not giving up to that prick." He tightened his fist, and smacked down on the rust-bucket that was the Albatross firmly, chipping some of the cheap wood, scowling to the ship's helm. "He's not getting the better of me: I'm a good guy. Mr Make himself said so; and "nice guys finish last" is a load of bull..." With a sigh, he looked around in hope to spot a person looking for a spot on a ship as his crew; he was even willing to bend over his knees and beg at this point.

"...I need a little help, but by God is my witness, I will be fighting the Empire and the Scourge one day."

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Although it's been days, Jackie was infuriated. No town she has ever resided in felt so laid back, yet it managed to outsmart her.

[i][color=#A52A2A]"Ah, great. About time I ate some dinner."[/color]

[color=brown]Jackie's hair was covered in dirt from a close call just outside of town. From the bushes, she could see the bulging pockets of the civilian collecting flowers for remedies. The man was whistling a tune that she thought she recognized, but the jingle that hung from his trousers was much catchier. Practically hovering, she preceded closer so quietly that the very air around her acted undisturbed, but it proved to betray her when her hands made contact with the dangling riches, making them slip off and catch his attention.

"My wallet! ...hey! Give it back, thief!" But as the man shouted these words, Jackie disappeared into the bushes. The man made vulgar remarks calling her out, but they waned as she snuck back into down and camped out on a nearby rooftop. Her breaths were heavy but cautious as she fisted her prize, tucking it into her coat and roof hopping to the nearest market.

Scavenging clothes from a clothesline, she blended into the commerce scene, buying from the meat and vegetable stands and making for the outskirts of town, but to her surprise, an officer was there to notice.

"Well, look who crawled out of the rabbit hole!" he said, snatching the bag that carried her food and looking inside it, "What's this? Looks fresh. Looks like nothing you'd find in the garbage. Where'd you get the money, huh?" he continued to interrogate her as he grabbed her arm and searched her body, but her feminine instincts prompted her to smack him and resist the arrest, fleeing from sight.

"GET BACK HERE, YA SCUM RAT!" the officer drew a musket and shot blindly in her direction, drawing the attention of the town and summoning more law enforcers to chase on sight.


There was no looking back. Jackie ran until her lungs gave in. She had no food. The money she stole fell from her pocket and scattered all over the ground behind her. She had nothing.[/color][/i]

Sitting at the pub she wound up at, she ordered a drink with what was left of her prize money, letting it sooth her as, from the corner of her eye, a man tried to talk smooth to her. She gave him a stern side look and respectfully refused, downing another gulp of alcohol and resting her head on the counter.

The next day, Jackie's back was sore from sleeping in a tree on the outskirts as she naturally abides to, making a move to the local port in hopes of buying breakfast. At last she spotted a fortune, but she noticed whom she thought was the same man from the bar struggling to bear his life from the rails of a run-down ship. She tilted her head and approached unnoticed, keeping an eye on the prize that sat comfortably in a man's coat. But strangely enough, the boat was more interesting, and she boarded it, approaching the man in distress.

"So... is this thing yours?" she said in vain, scratching the rail only to get cheap wood in her nails.

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In a skyship about a block away from the Albatross, a slender, blonde female was busily working away at one of the engines, most of her body within the inactive engine, her legs being the only visible thing about her. She hummed a light, happy tune as her hands were busy at work; oiling parts, tightening screws and replacing bad parts. However, her happiness would be shortly lived as an engineer of the ship noticed the pair of legs, thrown off by how one seemed to be that of a woman while the other was mechanical. [i]"Hey! Anyone know that is,"[/i] the engineer asked two other engineers. They walked to the engineer and looked at the legs. [i]"Hmmm.. I don't." "I don't either.. And just what the hell is she doin' to our engine!!"[/i] The scenario of the situation finally sunk into the three engineers as they growled slightly. The woman, however, was busy scrambling, trying to get out of the machine quickly.[i] "It's a bloody woman!" "The hell?! SHE'S RUINING EVERYTHING!"[/i]

[color=#008080][i]'OHSHIT, OHSHIT, OHSHIT, OHSHIT, OHSHIT, OHSHIT, OHSHIT, OHSHIT, OHSHIT!'[/i][/color] Ran through the woman's mind as she ran like hell from the engine room. Two of the engineers chased after her while one stayed behind to fix the damage she caused. To his amazement, the engine looked fine. In fact, it looked better than usual! [i]"Well I'll be damned..."[/i] he mumbled to himself. Meanwhile, the woman burst through the door that lead outside, her eyes caught off guard by the change of light for a moment. Without hesitation, she ran to the edge of the ship and jumped, somewhat landing safely on the dock. Somewhat being because she forgotten to make her mechanical leg light, due to it being made out of Gravitium; this caused her left leg to break through the dock. [color=#008080]"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"[/color] the woman cried out as she frantically tugged at her leg, trying to get it free. Just as she free'd her leg, the two engineers reached the edge of the ship and began throwing random gears, parts and tools at her, yelling threats at her. Dodging the objects easily, she caught a wrench just before it hit her head. [color=#008080]"Ooooooooooo~"[/color] she was dazzled by the wrench for a moment before a gear whopped her upside the head. Pocketing the wrench, she made a brake for it.

A few minutes, a bottle of water, and extremely heavy breathing later, Hino, the woman, was finally able to lose the engineers and the good chunk of their fellow crew members who joined in as the chase went on. [color=#008080]"I *pant, pant* need to seriously *deep breath* stop sneaking onto ships *pant* to work on engines..."[/color] After finally catching her breath, she walked around the port, [color=#008080]"But no one will hire a woman engineer.. Let alone one that was blonde!"[/color] She threw her arms up in exasperation. Then she saw the Albatross. [color=#008080]"How in the hell can a ship be that bad and still float?! Seriously.. Does that ship have NO descent engi--" [/color]an idea hit her like the gear from earlier. Running faster than she did earlier, she eagerly aboarded the ship. [color=#008080]"Quick, tell me, are there any engineers for this ship yet?![/color]" she waited in eager glee for a response from either of the two people currently on deck.

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[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][img]http://i.imgur.com/IrxV3.png[/img]

As Tetna shifted postions in the cramped dark space of the barrel he had set up temporary residence in due to unfortunate events earlier on, his stomach growled even more than it had when he first ended up there. He tried again to see out of a small hole in the side of the barrel but again, all he could see was cheap wood. He began to hear voices so he slightly lifted the top of the barrel to peer out. He saw some guy leaning against the inside of the ship. The guy didn't look too happy. Then, he saw some dumb broad with long black hair approach the man on-deck. She just stepped her happy ass onto the ship like she owned it so Tetna figured she did until another woman trumped on board. This one had a badass metal leg which was weird for him to see but it didn't fit her cutey look. It was d*mn fancy though.

[color=#8B4513][b]"While they're chatting, I'll take it as my chance…"[/b][/color] Tetna thought to himself as he closed the lid of the barrel. He held his breath and leaned against the wall of the cabin behind him until he quietly shifted the barrel onto its side, inch-by-inch and began to slowly roll himself and the barrel. He was planning to making his way past the three "guards" and into the market area.

[b][color=#8B4513]"Shhh…"[/color][/b] he whispered to himself as he rolled over something small. Maybe a nail or some sh*t. This nail was not going to ruin his perfect plan.[/font]

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Alexander Selene lay unmoving in an alleyway near the docks, a large piece of cardboard over top of him. Now, Alexander was by no means homeless, nor did he wish to perpetuate any sort of illusion that he was, but he found sleeping in an alleyway was far more befitting of him than sleeping in a house. Nobody really wanted him there, despite how pleased the acted whenever he was around. The only times he even went in that boarding house was to change and launder his clothes.

As he lay there, he thought back to just last week, where he worked cleaning toilets all day for three days, only receiving a total of four hours sleep. He made a small amount of money, enough to buy food for a couple of days...Food that had run out last night. Now he was hungry again, and he didn't necessarily want to go back to cleaning toilets at the local pub again.

[color=#800080]"Dad..." [/color]he whimpered, still fast asleep.
[i][color=#ff0000]"Now son,"[/color] Jericho Selene said, a broad smile playing across his sun-darkened face. [color=#ff0000]"I wanna give you sumthin', sumthin' reeeaaal special to me..."[/color] The large, imposing skyrate reached into his satchel and brought out an item wrapped in a tattered, rather grimy cloth. He placed it in the Alexander's small, six-year-old hands, and clapped him on the shoulder. [color=#ff0000]"Go ahead, kid, open it."[/color][/i]

[i]Alexander unwrapped the cloth, revealing a somewhat over-sized hunting knife. It wasn't as heavy as it looked, though, which perplexed Alexander.[/i]

[i][color=#ff0000]"Ah,"[/color] Jericho said, noticing his son's puzzlement. [color=#ff0000]"Y'see, the handle there's hollow. It's like that so it can hold some of that fancy blood-clotting ointment we use to mend our wounds temporarily before we can get a real doctor. It's real useful to skyrates like me, and I'm sure it'll come in handy when it comes time for you to become one, too."[/color][/i]

[i]Alexander looked up at his father, tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.[/i]

[i][color=#ff0000]"God..."[/color] Jericho Selene said, his smile turning more remorseful than jovial. [color=#ff0000]"You look jus' like yer mom, y'know that? Listen, kid...I'm gonna be straight with ya. I'm not gonna be around for too much longer, so I'm givin' you this to remember me by. I know I ain't been around fer ya that much, but I wantcha to know that I love you, kid."[/color] The man pulled his son into a tight embrace, rubbing his hair as he did so. They both sputtered a little, but only Jericho sobbed...[/i]
Alexander stood and wiped the tears from his eyes. That dream had plagued him for some time now...That was his fondest and most vivid memory of his father, and the last one as well. He shook his head and fixed his hair by looking at his reflection in a nearby puddle, and finally decided he looked halfway decent. He looked up, and he saw a small crowd gathering by a rather run-down looking ship. [color=#800080][i]Maybe someone's looking for new crew members...? This could be my shot...![/i][/color]

[color=#800080]"H-Hey! E-Excuse me! You wouldn't happen to be looking for a crew, would you? 'Cause you see, I'm not attached to any vessel, so—"[/color] Alexander stopped dead, noticing the two females nearby. His face burned bright red, and he immediately looked toward the ground, hoping that he didn't look stupid in their eyes. Waiting for what he felt like was an awkward moment to pass, he verified that he had his satchel, his pockets were zipped and snapped tight, and his knife's and Moonedge's sheaths were properly attached to his waist.

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Elico's glance fluttered over to the girl whom had boarded his ship. Either a blessing, or not even applying for a crew spot, Elico had not the slightest idea why she'd boarded, at least until she asked him about whether he owned the ship. Watching her nail begin at the wood, he went to smack her hand away from it, knowing too much of that would be a bad thing.

"Yes, it is; its barely standing as it is, I can't afford for any damage." Elico said to the girl, His eyes glued to her hand could be read many ways, but for Elico it meant 'Please do not destroy the ship!' That much was obvious from him, due to the state of the Albatross. Indeed, the only thing good about the ship that a critic might say would be the vast amount of Gravitanium scrap it could gather. Elico's sword could feel it, their interaction somewhat symbolic as Elico's ties with his ship: feint, but eternal.

"This ship, here, is my heart and soul, sweat and tears, put into one..." he scratched his head realizing that the poor state of the ship would say something about said heart, soul, sweat and tears, something he wouldn't say about them. "...that is, all the above under harsh economic times."

Not for one second did Elico not hear the faint voice in the background, and swiftly he turned to it with a raised brow. 'My ship? Bad?' he thought, being very protective over the vessel, so much so he felt eager to snap the blonde broad's neck. Suddenly, his eye was fixated on that very, very peculiar thing on her leg, or rather her leg itself, her presumably pneumatic leg. What terrified him was it came running at him, to which his eyes had to pin back to her remarkably sparkly eyes as she asked about engineers.

"No, we don't; I can't really affo-..."

Elico suddenly saw a barrel rolling between him and the girl. It certainly was strange, but as Elico slowly stopped it with a foot, he scowled at it for a while. He was wondering whether the rats were at it again. But, he'd deal with that later.

With eyes over to the young boy, who's face suddenly turned red at the sight of the girls, Elico sighed and took ten seconds for himself, rubbing the bridge of his nose to try and keep his cool. With that, he slowly spoke "I should let you all know I can't pay for a crew; I'm on the breadline as it is." before dropping his hand, looking to them all, a confident yet exhausted look to his face, as he asked whether, or not, any of the three would work on commission.

After awaiting their respective responses, he kicked the halted barrel's side and said "You can come out now."

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Jackie reflexively pulled her hand back, shooting a wide-eyed look at Elico that said "oh, is that how it is", sneaking an airy snicker out of her lips,

"Well, all right, then," she snarled, putting her hand back on the rail to stroke it with her fingers while avoiding any contact with her nails, "Not really sure why I boarded; I was actually just trying to find some breakfast," she looked over by the edge of the dock where her previous target was standing earlier, but found no one there. She frowned, shaking her head, "but I couldn't help but see such a deserted ship. All those other ships with an entire crew of bastards being paid by a douchy captain with their buffed finish and the like... just ASKING for being groped," Jackie pulled at her collar to loosen the tension in her neck, "This seems more promising, especially with just one man..." Jackie drifted to a lock onto Elico's eyes, looking away with blushing cheekbones, "...in desperate need of a crew."

Jackie thought she recognized Elico's voice. She could sense the same man that hit on her at the bar, but she could not determine a clear image from her side-eyed glance.

"But hey," she snapped back to reality and walked towards the barrel that Elico halted, lowering her head to hold an ear to it, "Oh, the old barrel trick? Brings me back to-" she stopped herself, clearing her throat, "nevermind," she kneeled, holding her hands to her mouth to gesture a humorous shout, "Hey! Whoever's in there, show us your pretty face!"

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[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Tetna's plan was going as fine as he had imagined. Actually, much finer-- he didn't actually expect to get too far until he came to a stop. It seemed as though someone had stopped him because he could hear voices right above him. He had been stopped in a very uncomfortable position on his side so he moved and positioned himself to see out of the hole that was now pointing upwards. He could barely make out a foot. Panicky, Tetna reached over and plugged the hole with his finger. The people outside continued to talk so he believed he was in the clear until he was hit in the side of the face, and heard a man's voice claiming [b]"You can come out now!"[/b] Tetna figured that this man couldn't have been speaking to him since nobody could've known he was in there. He held his breath again, waiting for silence until he heard a voice much closer to the barrel this time. [b]"Hey! Whoever's in there, show us your pretty face!"[/b]

[color=#8B4513][b]"Sh*t, I guess that one's for me."[/b][/color] Tetna said under his breathe.

He thought about his possible solutions for a quick moment but decided that the jig was up. He tried rolling away again but he could not move. He gave a sigh and forcefully kicked the top of the barrel out. The lid flew across the dock and Tetna slinked himself out like a snake.
[color=#8B4513][b]"Well, hello there. Fine day isn't it, sirs?"[/b][/color] he said tipping his hat as he looked down at the barrel. [color=#8B4513][b]"Ah! You've found my barrel! Thank you so much sir, I've been looking for it everywhere!"[/b][/color] he cried. You could almost see the theatrical tear in his eye as if he had found a long lost puppy or something. Reaching down, he lifted the barrel from under the man's feet and began to walk away when he remembered the man saying something about not having a crew. He looked back at the rather splintered ship and then down at his bag where he kept his wallet sack.
[color=#8B4513][b]"I see that you sir are in need of a crew! Well, I for one am appalled by the lack of sea-men on this beautiful broad of a ship. Well be depressed no more, for I am looking for work-- not even lookin' for a lot of money."[/b][/color] he said as he started counting out his fingers. [color=#8B4513][b]"Okay, yeah. I'm looking for a lot of money-- or treasure. I would settle for treasure too."[/b][/color] he claimed, putting his arm around the man's shoulder. [color=#8B4513][b]"So that's that, I'm hired!"[/b][/color][/font]

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"No, w-" That was all the Hino heard from the supposed Captain of the ship before she briskly ran off to the engine room, leaving the door open behind her so she can talk with the people on the deck. [color=#008080]"We'll you've got yourself an engineer now! Keep supplying the parts and I'll keep supplying the service!"[/color] Hino yelled out to the Captain on the deck after he finished what he was saying to her, unknowingly addressing the issue about paying the crew the Captain brought up moments later. She didn't hear the bit each. Instead, she heard a good chunk of silence as she was already body deep into the engine, already working on bits and parts of the machine she knew were already bad without seeing the engine in action yet.

After a few moments, just after the guy hiding the barrel came out and said he's on the crew, Hino walked out from under the deck, wiping her hands with a rag as her face had a few grease smudges. [color=#008080]"Alright.. Sooooooooo I've done what I can so far.. But before I can proceed, I need to see the engine in action and further figure out what parts we need. So far, it's looking like its just minor things like gears, pipes, etc; things that I can get from the scrap yard for nothing. It's a few of the more important bits I'm worried about and the uhm... 'wood'... holding this ship together."[/color] As she awaited for the Captain's reaction, she walked to the large green bit of the machine that was on the deck of the machine and examined it, talking to herself, [color=#008080]"Alright.. Seems like the pipes up here are securely attached to one another.. And smoke pipes seem clear.. Plenty of water... Burning area is relatively clean for it's age with plenty of room for fuel.."[/color]

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Alexander looked up finally. [color=#800080]"Oh, umm, well, you don't have to pay me much. I mean, I don't need much at all. I've gotten by almost my whole life with no money, so I don't mind if you keep more for yourself or give more to the other crew members. All I want is to be a skyrate, like my dad, Jericho..."[/color] Alexander gazed wistfully at the sky, smiling gently. Finally, he turned his head downward toward the deck, blushing again. [color=#800080]"I bet that sounded really stupid and cliché, didn't it? Sorry..."[/color]

Alexander fingered a bullet in his left breast pocket before continuing, oblivious to the fact that everyone had probably stopped caring. [color=#800080]"I mean, you probably don't want me anyway...I don't really have any special skills, aside from combat..."[/color] Alexander traced a finger along the scar on his cheek, frowning now. [color=#800080][i]I'm so stupid...They aren't gonna want me on board...I'm just a kid, and I'm not good at anything...[/i][/color]

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Elico's mood was rather peculiar for what on earth was going on. Facts were he was originally desperate for a crew, since his dreams where so close to being flushed down the drain. Now? Well, he wasn't quite sure. He was confident in these individuals, but whether or not they were up to notch he had absolutely no idea.

As Jackie's eyes locked, albeit briefly, with his, he noted her blush and turning away, but thought little of it. Maybe she had a cold? Whatever the case he nodded and bit his lip saying "I am desperate, and I'm nigh broke; I couldn't pay you until we start bringing in money." He hoped, for now, that promise would be enough to keep them on board.

Of course, relating to the man in the barrel, whom seemed to have a rather suspicious air about him, Elico's ears picked up on his words. His very confusing words. However, once his arm wrapped around Elico's shoulder he sighed with relief and said "Then welcome aboard...?" leading him into introducing himself.

Hino, however, seemingly needed no pay at all. Looking over to her with a raised brow he was wondering if she was a workaholic, or maybe that metal leg of her's brought about a machinery fetish. Whatever the case, he had a vital team mate, an engineer.

He left his engineer's remark to address the timid boy first. Doubting his own purpose Elico frowned and sighed, before patting him on the back. "Answer me this: where does the sun rise, and where does it set?"

He'd allow Alexander the opportunity to respond as he soon escaped Tetna's arm, walking over to the main engine upon the vessel and, yanking levers, a mighty roar emanated from the Albatross.

Steam whistling, machinery clunking, the engines began to power. Elico knew how to fly one of these ships and soon after leaped from the floor up to the helm of the ship, a feat impossible if not for Mr Make's sword. With this, he took the wheel and smiled looking over the ship with pride.

"We'll sail over to a nearby Skyland; consider it our maiden voyage."

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Elico's question perplexed Alexander. It was not because he didn't know the answer, but because it felt like he was trying to trick him. [color=#800080]"Uh, the sun rises in the East and sets in the West...Everyone knows that..."[/color] He paused. [color=#800080] "Umm, s-so, why did you ask me that? I-I mean...I'm sorry, I'm not all that smart, to be honest..."[/color] Alexander blushed and turned away. Then, he caught sight of Hino and blushed. [color=#800080][i]W-Wow...Sh-She's so pretty...[/i][/color]

When a puff of steam from her automail leg shot him in the face, he suddenly realized that he had been edging closer to her the whole time, without even thinking about it. His face turned an even deeper red than it seemed humanly possible (probably from a combination of his embarrassment and the steam), and he backpedaled all the way over to where Elico still stood. He turned his face down so no one could see him. [color=#800080]"S-Sorry..."[/color] he muttered to nobody in particular.

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[color=#8b4513][i][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]"I am desperate, and I'm nigh broke; I couldn't pay you until we start bringing in money."[/background][/size][/font][/i][/color]

[background=rgb(251, 253, 254)][font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][size=3]"Pfft!" Jackie spat, "who needs money when you've got adventure?" She spoke as if she was about to laugh in delight, but her happy moment was cut off by a gurgling stomach, "And as long as you have plenty of food, you'll be on my good side. I'm as hungry as a bear after hibernation."[/size][/font][/background]

[background=rgb(251, 253, 254)][font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][size=3]She walked over to the barrel that Tetna was hiding in and lied down on it, arching her back along the cylindrical shape and allowing her head to rest on the deck, "and the money is well worth the risk of raiding other ships. I'm pretty good with earning people's trust, if you know what I mean." She let her arms fall as if boneless and closed her eyes, "But I don't hesitate to kill. If someone's intention is to get in my way, I chop 'em down. Whether it's fatal or just a flesh wound, I hardly pay attention."[/size][/font][/background]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]The barrel rolled towards her head and made her flip over and grunt out a curse, immediately followed by a clumsy laugh, "Whoa, I'm not even drunk here. What's up with that?" She stood up and sat on another barrel that was standing upright adjacent to the main mast, resting her head on the massive pole and closing her eyes, "Well, If anyone needs me, I'll be snoozin' here. Didn't really get much sleep last night." With that, she let herself drift loose into sleep and was already snoring.[/background][/size][/font]

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Hino let out a big smile as Elico pulled levers and brought the engine into full life. She was dazzled, watching the gears and bit work their magic on the deck. As she examined one spot carefully, Alexander got hit in the face by some steam from her leg before he quickly scooting away. She looked at him a little funny, trying to figure out what happened until another puff of steam came out. She looked to her left leg and pouted a little before quickly going into the engine room. Even as she watched the engine run its course, she still had a slight frown on her face.

Her automail leg was a double-bladed sword to her. She loved how it worked, fascinated by the technology, but at the same time, it reminded her that she wasn't fully human anymore and how the stares at her went from attraction to something that made her feel like she was part of the freak show of the traveling circus. Letting out a sigh, she adjusted the flowing gown bit to her outfit to where it hid most of her left leg before she got to work on the engine, glad that the destination the captain picked wasn't too far away.

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[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]Tetna introduced himself with just his name when asked by the captain and listened to the rest of the conversations until the captain slipped Tetna's arm. When the captain leaped to the helm of the ship, Tetna put his right hand on his waist and whistled impressed. By now, the broad with the long black hair had gotten off the barrel he was in and onto another to "snooze" and the blonde woman was in there, workin' on the engine. Though it seemed most everyone was busy, Tetna noticed that the shy guy wasn't up to a lot. He grabbed the barrel he was in and stood it on it's end to sit on beside the shy guy. He raised his hand to the guy for a shake and said, [b][color=#8B4513]"I didn't quite catch your name-- I'm Tetna."[/color][/b] There wasn't much left for Tetna to do now except socialize, maybe make some allies before the end.[/font]

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With a few minutes passing bye, the Albatross had set sail along the skies to a nearby Skyland, the maiden voyage of this new crew. Elico chuckled to himself and kissed his hand, before throwing it upwards as a prayer to whatever up there had blessed him with, not just a second chance, a free, enthusiastic second chance that was the crew of the Albatross! From the dozing Jackie, to the busy Hino; the two lads Alexander and Tetna were busy talking, so Elico kept to himself for a while as he looked over the vessel and the horizon ahead.

He had asked Alexander the question of telling where the sun had set, but seemingly forgot it; as soon as Tetna would finish with the boy, whether seconds, or minutes, Elico would eventually call him over and, should he come up to the helm, ask him "Do you want to know why I asked you that question, that being where the sun rose and set?" with a chuckle. "You said you were no better than just a soldier, but from telling me where north, east, south and west is, you've shown to me you've got navigational skills; so, with that said, you've got a spot in the crow's nest should it suit you; I want you to tell me when you get a glance on [url="http://i.imgur.com/GJZtM.jpg"]Flapper Skyland[/url], alright?"

With that Elico too back the helm and continued to sail, before letting the ship sail on her own for a while as he ran down the stairs and into the engine room looking for Hino. "How's the state of the engine, then?" he asked, hoping the ship wouldn't plummet if she tinkered too much. Gravitanium only did so much to the ship's floating ability, and this was one of the cheapest vessels on the port.

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At first, Hino was no where to be seen. After a few seconds, her head popped up above the engine. [color=#008080]"Oh, hey Captain! She's looking alright. Just a few minor things I can easily get at the scrapyard. The more important things will be alright as long as we don't push her too much. I still wanna replace parts as time goes, of course."[/color] Hino climbed over the engine and softly jumped off it, making sure her leg was lightweight this time. Now was not a time to be putting holes in the ship! Making sure her outfit continued to hide her left leg, she walked over to the work bench in the room and took a seat on a stool. [color=#008080]"As for the Gravitium, we shouldn't have to worry about replacing them! They're an exceptional quality compared to the rest of the parts. Whoever had this ship last wanted to make sure they never had to worry about Gravitium. Unless someone or something damages them, of course."[/color] After a moment of awkwardness (at least in Hino's mind), she looked to the captain. [color=#008080]"Well I suppose we should tell each other out names. Can't go our entire journeys calling each other Engineer and Captain, now can we? I'm Hino Tori,"[/color] she stuck her hand out for the Captain to shake.

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Jackie was practically boneless in her little nap on the barrel, snoring loudly while occasionally murmuring whatever popped into her dreaming mind. The ship began to drift away from port and everyone's distant comments snuck into her imagination and took form. Eventually the motion of the ship made her roll over and off the barrel, falling face first into the deck - again - and cursing, which, as usual, was followed by a clumsy laugh.

"Oy," she interjected, "We're moving already? That's gotta be a record." Her balance was still undergoing clarification when she drifted back and was harshly seated on the same barrel she slept on, "Oof, I'm gonna be picking slivers out of my ass for weeks."

[i][color=#008080][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]"Well I suppose we should tell each other out names. Can't go our entire journeys calling each other Engineer and Captain, now can we? I'm Hino Tori,"[/background][/size][/font][/color][/i]

"Oh, well, goodness me, I never introduced myself," she made for the engine room where Elico and Hino were, but hesitated and, with a pondering look, she walked back toward the front and rested an elbow on the rail, "I'll wait until he gets back on deck."

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Alexander was caught off-guard by Tetna's introduction. [color=#800080]"H-Huh? Oh, sorry, m-my name's Alexander, Alexander Selene. It's nice to meet you..."[/color] He hesitated a bit. [color=#800080]"S-Sir...?"[/color] he added nervously, not sure what formalities he should use. He extended his hand to shake Tetna's as he heard Elico calling him. [color=#800080] "Umm, listen, I'm really sorry, but the captain's calling me, and I don't wanna make him mad. D'you think we could continue the introductions later?"[/color] After introductions with Tetna were finished, he jogged up to the helm where his new captain was calling him. When Elico said that he could take a crow's nest position, Alexander smiled broadly, blushing. [color=#800080]"I-I won't let you down, sir![/color]" he said with a clumsy salute.

As Alexander walked toward the crow's nest, he caught a glimpse of Hino walking away. He thought she looked somewhat upset. [color=#800080][i]s***, I'm such an idiot...What did I do this time?[/i][/color] he thought to himself. He saw the crow's nest platform towering above him, and to avoid getting cold feet, he clambered up the rope ladder as quickly as possible. There was a dirty (but thankfully still usable) spyglass in there. Before venturing a glance through the spyglass, he unsheathed his father's overlong knife and nicked his left thumb and forefinger with it, wincing at each cut. [color=#800080]"That's what you get...Dumbass..."[/color] he muttered to himself, half angry and half ashamed. He wiped off the blood on his pants before pulling out the small vial of blood clotting ointment from the grip of his knife and applying it to the two small wounds.

Finally, he took up the spyglass and pressed his left eye to it, gazing out at the horizon. He preformed a slow, sweeping motion as he looked, trying to get a glimpse of the avian-shaped skyland they were headed toward. He saw a small shape like a bird trapped in mid-flight, and he presumed that to be Flapper Skyland. [color=#800080]"I think I've got a bearing on it, captain!"[/color] He paused, looking down at a small, grimy compass with a cracked lens. [color=#800080]"Looks like it's just a hair to the northwest!"[/color]

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[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][color=#8B4513]"Well, it's nice to meet you too, Alexander."[/color] Tetna said as Alexander jogged away. Everyone seemed to be getting their own thing under way except that woman with the black hair and himself. Of course, Tetna already knew his place on the ship but still needed a job of sorts to keep up action. Just then Tetna saw the black haired woman start making her way towards the Engine Room but turned back and rested on the railing instead.[/font]

[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif][color=#8B4513]"Hey."[/color] Tetna called towards the woman with a wave. [color=#8B4513]"Don't know what to do with yourself at the moment?"[/color][/font]

[font=lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif]At the moment, there wasn't much for Tetna to do except wait for what's coming. Until then, he was going to chat with the motley crew of skyrates that had fallen onto the splintered lap of this ship.[/font]

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"That's great news Hino!" Elico briefly celebrated, actually relieved that the engine was in functioning order. He assumed it'd be on the brink of destruction! She then went on to introduce herself as Hino Tori, which he smiled to and took her handshake with his, naming himself as "Elico Galinford; 'tis a pleasure to have you, Ms. Tori, as our engineer!" At the moment, her optimism was just dandy, it kept the vessel's energy pumping, and would serve in the long haul as a really good quality for their eventual adventures.

His eyes soon wandered to the girl, Jackie, walking away from them. Curiously he tilted his head, asking Hino "Looks like Sleeping Beauty woke up; wonder if she overheard us?" After her response he walked over to Jackie and smiled, offering his hand as he said "I'm Elico; your's?"

Tetna's remark came back in quite good timing, because Alexander called down to Elico, informing him that Flapper Island was quite nearby, in fact slightly north west; Elico laughed hard and grinned to Tetna saying "Well in a few minutes, we'll be on that island and looking for junk! So get ready, and we'll dock soon!" Of course this swiftly lead to Elico rushing towards the helm, however in doing so, his foot slipped and sent him, chin first, into the floor board with a sound OOF!

With his sound recovery he walked over to the helm and took the wheel, calling up to Alexander "Tell me when she (the Skyland) comes into view; the clouds are thick around these parts!" This was no lie, the air was so dense with clouds, and the air was consequentially rather humid. Elico could feel his brow getting somewhat wet from the moist air, but wincing his eyes slightly he managed to steer just and through, the air behind their sails bringing them soundly to their destination.

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[i]"I'm Elico. Yours?"[/i]

Jackie was startled by the captain appearing out of no where from the corner of her eye, reacting by unsheathing her sword and moving it to point at Elico, halting upon sight of him and sighing, re-sheathing it. She rested one elbow on the rail.

"Well, Elico, for one thing, if you want a proper introduction with me then don't force yourself at me like you did at the bar." She looked at his hand being held out in greeting, "...and I don't do handshakes." Jackie punched Elico in the shoulder, just enough to hurt in a playful way, "The name's Jackie. "Tacky" Jackie if you wanna get into nicknames. But if you so much as LIP the acronym to that name and I see it, I'll..." she paused, looking sideways, "...I'll just remind you not to call me that. I hate that name. Don't call me Jack, either. I don't want my sex being discriminated."

With one elbow still rested on the rail, she rested the other and drooped her head over the edge, looking down at the tiny landscape below, "So... if Davy Jones owns the sea... who owns the sky?"

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Hino shrugged softly to Elico's wondering on what Sleeping Beauty, aka Jackie, over heard before she watched him walk off to introduce herself. Not yet over the embarrassment her mechanical leg caused earlier, she decided to stay within the engine room, playing with the engine a little bit more. With there nothing major she could do until they got parts, she quickly grew bored of tinkering. [color=#008080]"I suppose I'll see if there's an engineer room.. Though with the age and size of the ship, I doubt there will be one,"[/color] Hino mumbled to herself as she finally started looking through the room itself, rather than the engine. Most ships nowadays have a separate room for the engineers to stay, so they'd be close by to the engine if anything were to happen. After searching for a few minutes, Hino came across what looked to be a small storage room that was converted into a bedroom. [color=#008080]"It's not [i]too [/i]bad of a size. If I were any bigger, I'd be uncomfortable in here,"[/color] Hino stated as she walked to the small window within the room and opened it, a lot of dust getting kicked up and getting sucked inside. After giving herself and her goggles a good dusting, Hino stuck her head outside the window, [color=#008080]"The Captain- I mean Elico- wasn't kidding about the density of the clouds.."[/color] Thanks to her goggles, her eyes were unaffected by the air flow nor the humidity of the clouds, allowing her to look around freely, trying to make shapes and figures through the dense clouds.

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Looking to Jackie very confused, he then recalled the painful morning he had, and with that chuckled looking to her, before being taken by her punch. Indeed, it wasn't very lady like, but this lass was a Skyrate. Everyone knew Class was thrown out with the laws of men, as per a Skyrate's life. Her nickname didn't appeal to him however, she didn't seem to have a bad taste in which crew to join, although it could be argued for and against. In truth he watched her curiously. She seemed...demanding. Sure, reasonably, but he'd need to ensure as Captain he was the lone authority his crew would need to rely upon.

"I can assure you Jackie" Elico started "that your rights will not go disregarded based on name nor sex, nor colour of skin." He shook his head and spoke again to say "You know this is true, Skyrates live and die for freedom of all mankind." After this, however, he let out a sigh and leaned over the rail, looking below with her and continued to say "We're the greatest hypocrites to ever sail the skies: we shed blood for peace. But what needs to be done is done."

Her question following made him smile and shake his head, looking to her he grinned. "That is a question and a half. Currently, the de facto authoritative figures, solely by their army's forces, are the Scourge, and the Empire. It really does depend on your belief. Skyrates answer to no law save that of our Founders. The Empire believes they are to bring law to all of the World's Skies. The Scourge..." Elico's glance dropped down to the great fall below, the great ocean vast around Mundus. "...the Scourge us all to leave the Skies, and live upon Mundus again." He then looked back to Jackie, with a look of hope, and asked "What do you believe in, Jackie? What does your heart tell you?"

Elico could hear the ramblings of his engineer, which made him chuckle, however, he'd let that rest for now. It wasn't long before they'd arrive to their destination, and swiftly they would begin to walk amongst the Earth again. However, he soon frowned, and called to Hino "Get the engines going faster. We need to dock. Now." with his voice an air of command, and concern, a dark horizon ahead in the west as the wind began to pick up. Swiftly he ran to the helm and called down to all the crew "Brace yourselves! The winds will be getting harsh!"

It took no longer than half an hour for it to do so. Soon, the rust bucket that was the Albatross was within a vicious gust of wind, and the skies soon after had darkened. Elico's hands firmly on the wheel as he tried and struggled keeping the ship alive, he grimaced at the sight when he felt the rain begin to fall. The winds were harsh, vicious, and the rain made matters worse. Water on rotten wood, the Albatross began to shatter. Elico himself questioned what was going on, but looking ahead, he saw just what it was. He saw the reason why they were slowed. Why their docking on the Flapper Skyland was delayed so.


Elico cried out to the crew, watching with horror as the vicious vacuum of wind began to circle and thrash in their direction.

"Hino!" Elico roared. "More speed!" He did this whilst turning the Albatross, the shattering ship, away from the whirling nightmare of wind, threatening their lives as rails of the vessel creaked and snapped. Each second, the wind crept closer, and the Albatross did its best to fight. But this would be to no avail.

Elico growled, considering to call Abandon Ship, but there was no safe land to fall to. However, by sheer luck, he prayed this once chance would work. With a glance behind him, watching the tornado slowly creep towards them, he yelled out "Everyone! Hold on!!!" as with this, soon after, the whirlwinds began to consume the entirety of the ship, tearing and thrashing and annihilating wood from steel. Elico's hands grasped oh so tightly upon the wheel, and as the rear of the Albatross was consumed, the wheel detached and he was flung into the vicious winds.
However, this was not to no avail. Our Heroes had, indeed, struck luck for their adventure, as Flapper Skyland held a little secret for them.
Rubbing his eyes, he groaned and looked up to the skies above, the dark clouds rumbling overhead, no more winds or rain, but his clothes were soaked as his hands were wrapped around the wheel of his former ship. Elico panted as he recalled what they had been through. Swiftly, he sat up, and glanced around for the signs of his crew. He prayed he was not the only one to survive, but, before he went further on, he knelt and looked to the wheel.

Slowly, a tear of his hopes and dreams of Skyracy dropped from his eyelid, and hit the already moist and rotting wheel. Elico, realizing this, quickly wiped them away so as to not reveal this moment of weakness, and swallowing his gut, bringing himself to his feet an checking he was alright, he called out "Hello!? Is anyone there!?" Amongst the ruins of his ship, he found others as well. He knew for certain he was not alone.

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Flapper Skyland most certainly did hold a little surprise for the crew of the Albatross. Perhaps one or another of them had seen, in a flash of lightning illuminating the darkened skies, the bright gleaming of shining golden plates upon the crow's nest of a ship which might as well have been straight out of legend. The main mast of the ship rose up between the stony wings of the bird-like skyland but the majority of the rest of the vessel was hidden amongst the trees growing upon that particular floating piece of rock.

But this was not all there was on this skyland, though it was certainly all there was that could be seen with ease.

A [url="http://i521.photobucket.com/albums/w339/Kiokama/mecha_by_mydecemberx-d38ozi1.jpg"]girl[/url] stood upon the deck of this ship, staring up into the skies above and watching the storm. A mechanic's sledge-wrench rested against her right shoulder whilst her right hand held the haft of it whilst a monstrous firearm hung upon a leather strap slung over her left shoulder which kept it against her back. This was a violent storm, but the vessel she stood upon was firmly anchored to the rock so there was no worry of it being blown away.

It was then, just as a tornado so much like the one that had trapped her upon the island and left the crew of the vessel she'd been on dead, that she saw a ship caught in the wind of the storm. Even from this distance she could tell that it was in poor repair and would not survive the winds for long. Fortunately for any crew aboard it, the vessel was instead smashed against the stone of the skyland upon which her friends were burried. Instead of certain death by falling down to mundus, they faced only certain injury upon flapper. Knowing that she had knowledge of the only way off the island, and the crew of that vessel likely had the necessary knowledge and manpower to operate it, she leapt off the deck and onto the ground to get towards the crash site. She stopped only briefly to turn and look at the [url="http://i.imgur.com/F80GR.jpg"]Helle'i'rokko[/url], the vessel her friends had sacrificed their lives in an attempt to find, before she began making her way through the forest towards the shipwreck.

By the time she had reached the wreck, the storm had died down quite a bit and all that was left were the darkened skies and the occasional flash of lightning. Someone, presumably the helmsman due to the fact that he was holding the wheel in his hands, called out to ask if anyone was around. Moving to grip the sledge-wrench of hers with both hands, she emerged from the growth and made her way out into the clearing which had been produced by the vessel's impact.

"Well run me ragged! I ain't seen another human face in too long, let alone a fellow skyrate!" Seria Blackmoore, for that was who she was, began stepping through the twisted and broken wreckage of the albatross towards who she'd assumed was the helmsman. She looked, well, like she needed to get to port something awful. Additionally, given the sledge-wrench she was lugging around, she was definitely an engineer. Of course anyone who recognized her for who she was could have figured that out anyways.

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