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Predict the End of the World Game

Not-so-Radiant Arin

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If the world really was going to end with a giant cataclysm, I think we would've noticed SOME signs by now.

At this point, I think the most likely scenario is a blind asteroid strike. That is, an undetected asteroid (or comet) coming out from behind the sun and smacking us with no warning.

It's gonna have to be a pretty big rock for a world-ending impact, though.

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In all honesty, I don't think this'll happen on the 21st, but I have a few predictions.

With the way the world's going now, humanity will probably become extinct before earth itself does. Unless humanity can somehow evolve and create technology extreme enough to allow them to... live on Mars, for example, and terraform it with oxygen, then there will be some problems. There is a lot of CO2 recently, so the increasing heat will eventually do the whole ice-age cycle again, probably.

For the end of the earth itself, one of two things. The sun could expand and 'eat it up' or become a supernova/black hole and blow it up/suck it up.

Alternatively, another black hole in the Milky Way could reach the earth, or another cosmic event from part of the Milky Way.

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ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!!! BRAAAAAIIIIIINSSS! RAAAAAWWWWR! That is a possibility... NOT! The world's not gonna end.
[spoiler='Hey look what I found on the internet though:']Gangnam Style will be the end of us!

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