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Elfen Lied


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Possibly the most polarizing anime in existence. We're talking 50% think it's best anime evurrrrrr, 50% suffer PTSD flashbacks from it.

Through extensive therapy and some minor brain surgery my PTSD has been eliminated, and I no longer tear out the hearts of pink moe-blobs on sight, but the scars remain. Not the mental scars, mind you, I mean the physical scars from when I beat my head against the floor until I fell unconscious.

Seriously, how can you watch a harem comedy disguised as psychological horror and not call bullshit?

Because I'm a masochist, though, I do want to read the manga. Various sources say it's better and/or very different.

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Speaking from experience, marathoning the entire thing in a single night is not the best idea (the mood whiplash, it hurts).

Has a very unique opening. Boobs and gore on one side, dark storytelling in another, and Nyuu pissing herself in the corner.

I'm not a fan. It's bleak and dark for the sake of being bleak and dark. Those first 6 minutes of episode 1 are an interesting sequence and an enjoyable bloody massacre, but overall its uncomfortable to watch comes off as distasteful.

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I guess that's why I can appreciate the anime is because I have a liking toards more darkly themed things.
And I don't think it's the best anime out there, though I do really like it a lot.
The opening is the only thing that I really despise about it, just a whole load of boobs, if I wanted to see nude anime girls then I'd be looking for nude anime girls, not watching a dark and gorey anime

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[quote name='MoogSourceVermona' timestamp='1354825623' post='6086979']
I guess that's why I can appreciate the anime is because I have a liking toards more darkly themed things.[/quote]
People don't seem to get this: I don't have a problem with darkness, grittiness, gore, or nudity. I went into Elfen Lied looking for a dark anime...

...and I didn't get one. Let's flash back to yesterday...
[quote name='Dr. Cakey Arclight' timestamp='1354774111' post='6086538']Seriously, how can you watch a harem comedy disguised as psychological horror and not call bullshit?[/quote]
These words. I meant them. Elfen Lied is a harem comedy first, a Key drama rip-off second, psychological horror third, and dark and violent fourth.

Based on these findings, I can only conclude Elfen Lied is meant for people who [i]want[/i] to like dark/psychological/whatever material but don't have the stomach and/or brain cells to do so. Baby's First Psychological Horror? Hm...

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[quote name='Dr. Cakey Arclight' timestamp='1354847916' post='6087272']
These words. I meant them. Elfen Lied is a harem comedy first, a Key drama rip-off second, psychological horror third, and dark and violent fourth.

Based on these findings, I can only conclude Elfen Lied is meant for people who [i]want[/i] to like dark/psychological/whatever material but don't have the stomach and/or brain cells to do so. Baby's First Psychological Horror? Hm...

Hmm...I guess that's a good reason to not like it
We all have our opinions
And yeah I've watched/read stuff that's 10x more darker than Elfen Lied

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[quote name='MoogSourceVermona' timestamp='1355168907' post='6089992']
Because it's the way of life

Oh yeah. I see pedophilia, rape, incest, and puppy-killing 5yr-olds around every corner.
I realize it's painting humanity as dark evil dark and dark, but you cant do that if half the episode is fanservice harem tropes.

Higurashi did it better, and creepier.

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[quote name='King of Games' timestamp='1355345173' post='6091499']
Oh yeah. I see pedophilia, rape, incest, and puppy-killing 5yr-olds around every corner.
I realize it's painting humanity as dark evil dark and dark, but you cant do that if half the episode is fanservice harem tropes.
You're wrong about everything. The harem parts are all social commentary and used ironically. Trust me, I saw those words in a book before. You forgot 'grimdark'. And I've been a puppy-killing five-year-old for ten years now, so they're not that rare.

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[quote name='King of Games' timestamp='1355345173' post='6091499']
Oh yeah. I see pedophilia, rape, incest, and puppy-killing 5yr-olds around every corner.
I realize it's painting humanity as dark evil dark and dark, but you cant do that if half the episode is fanservice harem tropes.

Higurashi did it better, and creepier.

I wasn't talking about just things like that I was talking about the innocent suffering in general
Not from major things but from everything

There's a school that's about a distance away from where I'm at and one day the guys there killed a cat and hung it onto a wooden pole they wrote something that said "Do Not Enter" or "Stay Away" or something like that on the sign that the dead cat was hanging from. Then they put it infront of the school.

And yes Higurashi is alot better than Elfen Lied
But still I think that Elfen Lied is good as well

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