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Chance's Format - TOURNAMENT V! FINISHED! Congratz to - Zeppeli Gyro Supreme!

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Okay, let me put up the matches:

Winner's bracket:

Match A: Kenji Inuma vs. Sightless Reality (Kenji Won 2-0)
Match B: Darklink401 vs. <SVTH> (SVTH Won 2-0)
Match C: Wildflame vs. Kvn523 (Kvn Won 2-0)
Match D: Guuu1234 vs. clairedestroyer! (Guu Won 2-0)

Match E: Winner of Match A (Kenji Inuma) vs. Frex (Bye) - (Frex Won 2-1)
Match F: Bringerofcake (Bye) vs. Sirluke99 (Bye) - (Cake Won 2-1)
Match G: Winner of Match B (<STVH>) vs. Sleepy17 (Bye) - (Sleepy Won 2-2 through STVH's Rule Break)
Match H: Dwarven King (Bye) vs. Supreme_Slayer (Bye) - (Slayer Won 2-1)
Match I: Winner of Match C (Kvn523) vs. DeathsDelano - (Kvn Won 2-0)
Match J Shadows92 (Bye) vs. Ratskin (Bye) - (Shadows Won 2-0)
Match K: Winner of Match D (Guuu1234) vs. DrRED (Bye) - (Guu Won 2-1)
Match L: Mr. Guy (Bye) vs. Nightmayre (Bye) - (Night Won 2-0 though Guy's tardiness)

Match M: Winner of E (Frex) vs. Winner of Match F (Bringerofcake)
Match N: Winner of G (Sleepy17) vs. Winner of H (supreme_slayer) - (Slayer won 2-0)
Match O: Winner of I (Kvn523) vs. Winner of J (Shadows92) - (Shadows won 2-0)
Match P: Winner of K (Guuu1234) vs. Winner of L (Nightmayre)

Semi-Finals Winner's Bracket:
Match Q: Winner of M (pending) vs. Winner of N (supreme_slayer)
Match R: Winner of O (Shadows92) vs. Winner of P (pending)

Final's for True Winner's Bracket:
Match S: Winner of Q (pending) vs. Winner of R (pending)

Final Matches for both Brackets:
Match T: Winner of S (pending) vs. Winner of AM (Pending)
Match U: Loser of T vs. Winner of T (Only if the Winner of S loses the round)


Matches Loser's Bracket:

Match V: DeathsDelano vs. Sightless Reality - (Death Won 2-1)
Match W: Loser of K (DrRED) vs. Darklink401 - (DrRED Dropped, Darklink 2-0)
Match X: Kenji Inuma vs. Wildflame - (Kenji Won 2-1)
Match Y: <STVH> vs. clairedestroyer - (claire Won 2-0)

Match Z: Ratskin vs. Deathsdelano - Ratskin won 2-0
Match AA: Mr Guy vs. Winner of W (Darklink)
Match AB: Loser of F (Sirluke99) vs. Kenji Inuma
Match AC: Dwarven King vs. clairedestroyer

Match AD: Loser of M vs. Ratskin
Match AE: Sleepy17 vs. Winner of AA
Match AF: Kvn523 vs. Winner of AB
Match AG: Loser of P vs. Winner of AC

Match AH: Winner of AD vs. Winner of AE
Match AI: Winner of AF vs. Winner of AG

Match AJ: Loser of R vs. Winner of AH
Match AK: Loser of Q vs. Winner of AI

Match AL: Winner of AJ vs. Winner of AK

Match AM: Loser of S vs. Winner of AL

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Okay, bringing an update to the recordings I have.

I'm editing the footage for Chance vs Frex now. I'll start by saying the quality is horrible.........very horrible. That wont stop me from finishing it however.

Also, the reason I'm only working on it now s that I'v been looking around online to find ways to produce better footage with what I have. The results from tests seem good but only time will tell.

Oh and another note............due to the settings I had prior to looking on how to produce better content, the vids themselves are super long. For instance, the Chance vs Frex duel is over 2 1/2 hours long with out speeding up. Speeding it up by x8 gets it down to a little under 20mins.

EDIT: I may have been wrong on the quality. As once I actually finished editing and converting the file, the quality went up drastically. The only reason I can think of for this is that Windows Movie Maker makes the video look crappy while editing. I'll find out tomorrow when I upload the video if it maintain the quality it currently has.

Heres hoping it does. ^_^

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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1355677542' post='6094958']
The speed makes it very hard to tell what's actually going on the the duel, when turns change, and who actually won.
[quote name='Devil's Advocate' timestamp='1355677863' post='6094966']
I agree, it should have been at least 4x speed.

I vote we let Slayer do the recording from now on.
Erm...............if it was 4x speed it would be 32 mins long.....................which means I wouldn't even be able to upload it.......

I mean I did say that due to my prior settings that the videos were long...........

In any case.
[spoiler=Kvn vs Wildflame]

My prior settings
Capture frames every "5" milliseconds
Playback rate 200 frames/seconds

My settings now

Capture frames every "20" milliseconds
Playback rate "20" frames/seconds

If you don't know, the prior setting are for timelapses. If I had know that before hand I wouldn't have gone with them. So please try not to be to harsh. I did f*** up and I admit that but I'm doing what I can to make the next duels I record better. If your wondering, I am going to make sure the chat at the side no longer shows up okay.

Also, there is no voting Dev. This is something I want to do and as such I will do it. It's as simple as that. Even in no one watches I'll still do it cause I want to be helpful.

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Just to help you understand, a fighting game only operates on 60 frames per second. 200 frames per second is too much. Heck, from what I can remember, the maximum frames a person can comprehend per second is 300, and that's only during the "deer in the headlights" phenomenon. Also, it's very easy to split a video up into 2 videos, you know.

And on an artistic note, that intro is... iffy.

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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1355682570' post='6095050']
Just to help you understand, a fighting game only operates on 60 frames per second. 200 frames per second is too much. Heck, from what I can remember, the maximum frames a person can comprehend per second is 300, and that's only during the "deer in the headlights" phenomenon. Also, it's very easy to split a video up into 2 videos, you know.

And on an artistic note, that intro is... iffy.
[/quote][quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1355682570' post='6095050']
Just to help you understand, a fighting game only operates on 60 frames per second. 200 frames per second is too much. Heck, from what I can remember, the maximum frames a person can comprehend per second is 300, and that's only during the "deer in the headlights" phenomenon. Also, it's very easy to split a video up into 2 videos, you know.

And on an artistic note, that intro is... iffy.
The intro is a work in progress. It'll get better in time.

Even if it is easy to split up videos (which it is) it wouldn't help much in this situation. Cause then I'd have several videos of just 1 duel at max time size. No one I think would want that. It'd be a waste of my time and anyone whos watching.

The following video is DN video test showing the changes the new settings on camstudio has made.

There is no sound.
oh and the footage is on 6x speed.
[spoiler=DN Test]

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