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[FINISHED, EVILS WON!] The Shadow Pokémon Game – brought to you by the Nuzlocke Nook



6 members have voted

  1. 1. How would you rate the game? (1 being the worst, 5 being the best)

    • 5
    • 4
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1
  2. 2. Regardless of which side you stood on, is there anything you disliked? (if it's not up there, you can post in the thread)

    • Sides were a bit unbalanced
    • Abilities were a bit unbalanced
    • The area teams were unneeded
    • Too fast
    • Too slow-paced
    • Other
    • Nothing
  3. 3. Would you join again if we did something similar (with or without Pokémon?

    • Yes
    • No

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We need to stick together, no matter what area we originally came from. We all need to vote for 1 pokemon. Houndoom/Bahamut voted for Phanpy and he was able to reveal one of the shadow pokemon. So my vote goes to [b]Phanpy[/b]. Everyone, we must vote together. Who ever doesn't vote for [b]Phanpy[/b] will obviously be a Shadow Pokemon.

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[color=#008000]Ah, I found the one who attacked me back then.[/color]
[color=#008000]Thanks to whoever figured it out. One round immunity for you![/color]
[color=#008000]*flies away*[/color]


[size=5][color=#40E0D0]Well, I'll wait for a few more hours, since this is more or less the final phase.[/color][/size]
[size=5][color=#40E0D0]Feel free to investigate, walk around, re-ask about some things.[/color][/size]
[size=5][color=#40E0D0]I'll get back to you and tally the votes around 12 p.m. EST.[/color][/size]

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[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF]*sigh* Alas, my cover is blown. You were all so gullible, honestly. Especially Team Gangsta! You pricks were just too busy with your [/color][color="#00ffff"]tomfoolery to actually look at the hints! Why would a Phanpy have a detection skill! It's ridiculous![/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF]Bluffing? Who would bluff by pointing at a [/color][b][color=#000000]Phanpy[/color][/b][color=#00FFFF]? I'd never have even believed I'd win so easily. I've already killed off four of you, no thanks to you two lazy asses Nidoking and Empoleon. One would think evolved stage Pokemon would be more useful at offing younger ones, but you were both just too useless. BUT! We outnumber you now! Even if I am sent to the gallows, your game is as good as lost! So long! HYAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA...![/color][/font]

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[color=#40e0d0]^ Brotha, you're definitely going all out in this game.[/color]

[size=5][color=#40E0D0]Well, the players gang up around Phanpy and launch their attacks on him.[/color][/size]

[size=5][color=#40E0D0][spoiler=spoiler]But Phanpy invokes a Sandstorm and is safe for this round.[/color][/size]


[color=#40e0d0][size=5]Probably the last or second last Night starting now...[/size][/color]

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[size=5][color=#40E0D0]During the Night, the Shadows tried to attack Scrafty.[/color][/size]

[spoiler=spoiler][color=#008000]But a green and purple glitter storm of some sorts is invoked and blocks the Shadows' sight.[/color]


Bagon/British Soul
Houndoom/Bahamut Shark

[size=5][color=#40E0D0]Daytime, now getting into the last bits.=o[/color][/size]

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I look over at Phanpy while gripping my fist tightly.

"You traitor. I thought you were a member of my hood, someone I could trust."

I take my shades off and stare at Phanpy, eyes filled with rage.

"But you're nothing but a murderer. Killing even your own ally and attempting to kill me. But your cover is blown, and you can't hide behind your guise of innocence anymore."

I crush my shades in my hand.

"I'll be sure to send you to hell, [b]Phanpy[/b]."

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[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF]Haha. My cover's blown? No s***. You see, I never liked you anyway. Any of you. Even the other shadows got on my nerves. But now, like a good hitman, I bid you all goodnight.[/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF]I hope the scene I'm about to show you [/color][/font][acronym="Everyone's voting for me anyway, so might as well get things going quickly."][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF]quenches your thirst for blood for today[/color][/font][/acronym][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF].[/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF]Your "hood" crap was always bullshit anyway, and you know it. I'll see [i]you[/i] in hell, too.[/color][/font]

[font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF]*Puts trunk in mouth. Trunk is removed and lifted, to show mouth, which holds a [/color][/font][acronym='Cyanide capsule'][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF]poison berry[/color][/font][/acronym][font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#00FFFF]. Bites on berry, lays on four knees. Closes eyes.*[/color][/font]

Foam starts erupting from the elephant's mouth. He begins seizing. Soon the spasms become uncontrollable, and death ensures.

(OoC: Good game guys. :'D)

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[size=5][color=#40E0D0]Well well...so he basically killed himself?[/color][/size]

[size=5][color=#40E0D0]Alright then, Phanpy is gone.[/color][/size]

[b][size=3]You are Phanpy.[/size][/b]

[size=3][b]Evil/Shadow Pokémon[/b][/size]

[size=3]While you're normally found in rocky regions and terrain, you also like lakes and watersides. But behind the nice appearance, you're a calculating and vengeful b*tch. The reason why you joined the Shadow Pokémon is because Pokémon from the game area once bumped into your territory where you had placed your mark and did something that made you mad. Now you're back to take revenge and mess with them.[/size]

[size=3]Your ability is [b]Sand Veil[/b]. Once per game, you can choose to protect one person from being voted out (including yourself). [/size][size=3]That player can't be targeted for votes during one round.[/size][/spoiler]

Bagon/British Soul
Houndoom/Bahamut Shark
[size=5][color=#40E0D0]I'll let the 2 other Shadows decide on who they want to get rid of, but everything should be obvious now.[/color][/size]
[size=5][color=#40E0D0]Still wanting to finish the game and see who will be the last 2 (or 3) standing.[/color][/size]

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[size=5][color=#40E0D0]During the Night, the Shadow Pokémon went out on Scrafty.[/color][/size]

[spoiler=spoiler]But third time's the charm, it finally worked.

[b][size=3]You are Scrafty.[/size][/b]


[size=3][b]Good side[/b][/size]

[size=3]During daytime, you’re the most swagtastic gangsta Pokémon and the leader with the biggest crest in da hood. Since your element is the night, others may expect you of being a Shadow Pokémon, but you’re actually nice. [/size][size=3]IF YOU WANT, you may type like a gangsta (not compulsory, but it can add to the fun :3).[/size]

[size=3]Your ability is [b]Intimidate[/b]. Once per game, you can pick any player. This player’s vote is blocked during the Day.[/size][/spoiler]

Bagon/British Soul
Houndoom/Bahamut Shark
[color=#40e0d0][size=5]Daytime voting is open until 12 p.m. EST.[/size][/color]
[color=#40e0d0][size=5]It's just a matter of who remains until the end now.[/size][/color]

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[quote name='AznKvn' timestamp='1355070201' post='6089100']
A damn... stuck with shadow pokemon...,. great. I vote for Nidoking, as I already promised not to vote for Moog.

You promised what?O.o


There are no promises in the game. Mugen also kind of promised not to go against the hood, but see where that went.=D

Anyway, I said that voting would be open until an hour ago.
If no one bumps in in the next few minutes, Nidoking gets it.

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(looks up from Pokemon Hell *where I happen to be chewing on Phanpy btw*)

("Can't quite understand why the Shadow team are doing their level best to throw this when they were doing so well and a flawless victory has been inevitable for three days. The good team completely doesn't deserve to win this, but I will piss myself laughing if Empoleon has some sort of immunity ability to save himself in the night and ends up as a sole survivor on a coin flip.")

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[quote name='Bahamut Shark' timestamp='1355076841' post='6089179']
(looks up from Pokemon Hell *where I happen to be chewing on Phanpy btw*)

("Can't quite understand why the Shadow team are doing their level best to throw this when they were doing so well and a flawless victory has been inevitable for three days. The good team completely doesn't deserve to win this, but I will piss myself laughing if Empoleon has some sort of immunity ability to save himself in the night and ends up as a sole survivor on a coin flip.")

Bro, this is a [u]game[/u]. Can't really get how you're still mad because people didn't listen to you.=S
And I did mess up a bit during the planning and will hopefully improve next time. Because more than 2/3 being evils and one of them with immunity is rare and shouldn't be done.

[size=5][color=#40E0D0]Well, time's up. This is what happens now.

Empoleon sends some Hydro Pumps along Nidoking's way.[/color][/size]

[spoiler=Guess what? I works, but...]
[b][size=3]You are Nidoking.[/size][/b]

[size=3][b]Evil/Shadow Pokémon[/b][/size]

[size=3]An evolved Pokémon who is accustomed to living in hostile areas. [/size][size=3]Your steel-like hide and extended horn are your trademarks and can create powerful moves. However, you're prone to going on a rampage for little to no apparent reason. As such, you're recommended to type like you're raeging (you're not assigned to do that, but it can add to the fun :3).[/size][color=indigo] [/color][size=3]Oh and you're with the Shadow Pokémon because there's more room to go on a rampage.[/size]

[size=3]Your ability is [b]Poison Point[/b]. When you're targeted by the votes, you can pick one player, any player to die with you.[/size][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Since I really doubt he's going to take the last one on his side with him, Nidoking targets Empoleon.]
[b][size=3]You are Empoleon.[/size][/b]

[b][size=3]Good side[/size][/b]

[size=3]Like all the Pokémon residing on Mt. Silver, you’re part of the strongest. People admire your skills and proud appearance. But behind the tough facade, you’re a very social Pokémon. If you want, you’re recommended to type like a sir. (It’s not compulsory to type like that, but may add to the fun.:3)[/size]

[size=3]Your ability is [b]Torrent[/b]. When you're targeted by the votes, you can pick one player to die with you. That player is eliminated along with you, regardless of the voting outcome.[/spoiler][/size]
[size=3][spoiler=And since I haven't thought about what would happen if Empoleon gets targeted by an ability...][/size]
Glaceon either wins this or gets suicide-bombed by Empoleon.
By literally doing nothing in this game, huh?xD

[b][size=3]You are Glaceon.[/size][/b]

[b][size=3]Evil/Shadow Pokémon[/size][/b]

[size=3]A feline-looking Pokémon who has travelled through harsh environments in search of a place to stay. But the journey through sheer cold has turned you bitter. You have learned to not trust anyone, and the law of the strongest is the only rule you abide to. You're part of the Shadow Pokémon because you have nothing to lose.[/size]

[size=3]Your ability is [b]Snow Cloak[/b]. Once per game, you can pick any player and conjure up a snowstorm you’re immune to. But the other player isn’t and loses his/her way – as a result, the game host will reveal the ability of that player to you.[/spoiler][/size]

[color=#40e0d0][size=5]So the evils won and there's either no one left or Glaceon is standing there, chillin' on Mt. Silver.

Good game everyone.:3[/size]

The last 3 standing were:
Glaceon/Moog - evil
Empoleon/AznKvn - good
Nidoking/.King - evil

Special mention to Mugen and Bahamut for mostly running this stuff by being the most active and dedicated.

I'm going to write the epilogue and put up a poll in a bit.[/color]

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[quote name='Cinnamon Star' timestamp='1355080236' post='6089231']
Bro, this is a [u]game[/u]. Can't really get how you're still mad because people didn't listen to you.=S
And I did mess up a bit during the planning and will hopefully improve next time. Because more than 2/3 being evils and one of them with immunity is rare and shouldn't be done.[/quote]

I'm not mad, just slightly astonished and confused as to what the heck the Shadows were pratting about doing. =S And it would have been hilarious if they'd ended up throwing it.

And we completely didn't deserve to win. Partly because of everyone (including me) picking out the wrong guys on obvious reputation alone, partly through not using abilities or voting, and partly because not listening to me =3 But mostly because King, Mugen and Moog played it really, really well and credit to them.

Good game, even if it kinda ended flatly. What? I wanted to keep watching til the end, and I like winning and don't like losing, so what?

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I'm kinda disappointed that the first four kills were basically just me playing. Getting Matt to the gallows was essentially the only bit that kept me on my toes.

The areas were a perfect element for manipulation, and so to keep this game interesting I really suggest they are kept.

No hard feelings on anyone, I hope; this was all a game and I hold nothing against anyone I backstabbed through its running. Hopefully it's the same for everyone~

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1355105802' post='6089529']
I'm kinda disappointed that the first four kills were basically just me playing. Getting Matt to the gallows was basically the only bit that kept me on my toes.

The areas were a perfect element for manipulation, and so to keep this game interesting I really suggest they are kept.

No hard feelings on anyone, I hope; this was all a game and I hold nothing against anyone I backstabbed through its running. Hopefully it's the same for everyone~
[s]I will Crunch you into oblivion.[/s]

Jk, s'all good. T'was a fun game, and I was lucky enough to survive twice. :3

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[quote name='MoogSourceVermona' timestamp='1355094391' post='6089403']
Yeah, maybe we could do a round 2 where we choose other people to be shadow pokemon and we can change our pokemon if we want
Maybe not a round 2, but do another one sometime

Sure, we can do it again.
Actually if we're doing the same thing without Pokémon and in C/O or the whole forum, would you guys be up for it?=o
Because we (or I) 've been bugging the other mods to host something like this forum-wide, but we need moar people. :P

[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1355105802' post='6089529']
I'm kinda disappointed that the first four kills were basically just me playing. Getting Matt to the gallows was essentially the only bit that kept me on my toes.

The areas were a perfect element for manipulation, and so to keep this game interesting I really suggest they are kept.

No hard feelings on anyone, I hope; this was all a game and I hold nothing against anyone I backstabbed through its running. Hopefully it's the same for everyone~

Phanpy was so bad bad, but so hood hood.

I shat my pants at times while laughing.:3

[quote name='Mr.WHAM' timestamp='1355107843' post='6089559']
I so had to die. I guessed Nidoking and Scrafty/Phanphy my first day. And i asked a rule of my team to not vote against each other. Thereby...damn why i go out first!!! Lol i enjoyed the game though

=o You could've said something and influence the course of the game though.

[quote name='AznKvn' timestamp='1355111013' post='6089595']
My team was the last one standing, even though our leader died first. Huh, the irony. I had fun and in the end everyone died. It's just that the evil side died last :P.

Yeah, lol. And Moog is the winner by doing literally nothing.xD

And what are yo thoughts about the half-RP (moving around)? I'm hosting this on another forum, but people there just wanted to play the usual mafia stuff (aka just posting).

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[quote name='Mugendramon' timestamp='1355105802' post='6089529']
I'm kinda disappointed that the first four kills were basically just me playing. Getting Matt to the gallows was essentially the only bit that kept me on my toes.

The areas were a perfect element for manipulation, and so to keep this game interesting I really suggest they are kept.

No hard feelings on anyone, I hope; this was all a game and I hold nothing against anyone I backstabbed through its running. Hopefully it's the same for everyone~

As I've said before, very well played. And a nice exit too. Was fun even though I knew you'd outplayed me during our spat and I was more or less playing right into your hands, it was fun.

... still mauling you in Pokehell though :P

[quote name='Mr.WHAM' timestamp='1355107843' post='6089559']
I so had to die. I guessed Nidoking and Scrafty/Phanphy my first day. And i asked a rule of my team to not vote against each other. [b]Thereby...damn why i go out first[/b]?

Because the votes on day one were tied 3-3 between you and Renji... and you didn't vote <_<

Might not have made much difference given Renji was a goodie after all, but if you had voiced those suspisions and used your ability then maybe... oh well.

[quote name='Cinnamon Star' timestamp='1355143203' post='6089775']
Sure, we can do it again.
Actually if we're doing the same thing without Pokémon and in C/O or the whole forum, would you guys be up for it?=o
Because we (or I) 've been bugging the other mods to host something like this forum-wide, but we need moar people. :P

Yeah, lol. And Moog is the winner by doing literally nothing.xD

And what are yo thoughts about the half-RP (moving around)? I'm hosting this on another forum, but people there just wanted to play the usual mafia stuff (aka just posting).

*insert Daniel Bryan YES! video here*

I... didn't think the area change did that much other than providing a theme for the bonus round. I did like that their were seperate teams though. I think the idea has potential, just needs implementation.

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I suggest we do it again. If there are other clubs that might be interested it'd be awesome. But I have 1 complaint: We need to pick any pokemon cause next time I wanna be Darkrai. I don't think another fire type comes close to my love for Typhlosion. Maybe Arkee or Sexorona.

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[color=#800080][b][font=georgia, serif]Moog you're welcome. You may not have won without my assist lol.

Anyways it was a lot of fun, too bad I'm not much of an active poster here otherwise the game might have been a bit more fun and faster paced. Oh well I'm glad I made it in the top three and the shadows won! >=3

The sides were balanced, I believe the 3 shadow and 6 good pokemon are a good balance it just really depends on the smarts and togetherness of each group. I personally would love to do it again now that I have a bit of experience in this game, I think not many people really knew how to play it well because it's the first time this had been done on this forum.

Well done to everyone and Cinnamon Star for making this game enjoyable. [/font][/b][/color]

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