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Couldn't resist... 40 Card Highlander


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I got down to 4 cards in my first duel with it and synched like crazy the entire game. once you start cycling stuff with drill warrior, it's over.

I may take out zephyr. I added him for shenanagans with debris and junk synchron, but I need a way to send him to the grave. I guess I could just add foolish.

Yes, charge is fine with only 2 targets. I may try ehren over lyla. Its a rota target, and makes for easier pushes, but lyla is pretty nice as well...

Gold sarc is really nice here, it adds a bit of consistency, considering I only run one of everything. It also does the leviar bullsh!t if I am lucky enough to get guide with it.

I will think about utopia. I think I want to add quasar. I had multiple chances to pull it out that game.

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