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My Agents deck (with help from Gimmepie)


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[quote name='Saberzauls' timestamp='1354022283' post='6079126']
OK Since most of this is wrong I'm just gonna give you a completely different decklist that is a lot better.

[/quote]you realize that I can't read most of the cards?

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[quote name='Zaziuma' timestamp='1354025288' post='6079140']
you realize that I can't read most of the cards?

OK I will write a list then.

3x Hyperion
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy...
1x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Gorz
1x Tragoedia
1x Archlord Kristya
3x Venus
3x Shine Ball
2x Earth
2x Tour Guide
1x Sangan
2x Card Trooper
1x Herald of Orange Light
1x Effect Veiler
1x Maxx "C"
1x Honest
1x Genex Ally Birdman

2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Forbidden Lance
1x Mind Control
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Creature Swap
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm

3x Call of the Haunted
2x Torrential Tribute

1x Armory Arm
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Gaia Knight
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Mist Wurm
1x Gachi Gachi
1x Daigusto Phoenix
1x Number 96: Dark Mist
1x Leviair
1x Leviathan
1x Zenmaines
1x Acid Golem
1x Temtempo

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[quote name='Saberzauls' timestamp='1354025923' post='6079143']
OK I will write a list then.

3x Hyperion
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy...
1x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Gorz
1x Tragoedia
1x Archlord Kristya
3x Venus
3x Shine Ball
2x Earth
2x Tour Guide
1x Sangan
2x Card Trooper
1x Herald of Orange Light
1x Effect Veiler
1x Maxx "C"
1x Honest
1x Genex Ally Birdman

2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Forbidden Lance
1x Mind Control
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Creature Swap
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm

3x Call of the Haunted
2x Torrential Tribute

1x Armory Arm
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Gaia Knight
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Mist Wurm
1x Gachi Gachi
1x Daigusto Phoenix
1x Number 96: Dark Mist
1x Leviair
1x Leviathan
1x Zenmaines
1x Acid Golem
1x Temtempo
[/quote]thanks, that's much better, I'll change it up at some point and post what I think is worth putting in and what is not.

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[quote name='みゆきサン' timestamp='1354029520' post='6079157']
You didn't bother to ask ME for help with Agents?

Well, guess I'm not needed any more here then. *jumps off bridge*
[/quote]I hardly even know you, why should I ask somebody I don't know.

OP: I finished my deck, and here's some opinions.
Okay, so I see your lack of Jupiter, Valhalla, Hecatrice and Sanctuary, so I swapped Effect veiler & Maxx C out, because I find them a waste of space. You lack of traps makes me confused, so I added Dark Bribe and Bottomless trap whole instead of 2 Call of the Haunted. I don't see any use for Forbidden Lance or Creature Swap, so I added two Pot of Duality instead. There are some other edits too, to make it more flexable.

Now for Extra: I don't see why you would want most of those, but I added some, while keeping some of my own.

Overall, some of your edit I like, some I don't get the reason behind. Anyways, here's the final product if you want to call it that.

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[quote name='Zaziuma' timestamp='1354029989' post='6079163']
Okay, so I see your lack of Jupiter, Valhalla, Hecatrice and Sanctuary, so I swapped Effect veiler & Maxx C out, because I find them a waste of space.[/quote]

And if you're facing Wind-Ups/Chaos Dragons? They won't be a waste of space then. :\ EDIT: I should add that 1 Jupiter is okay, but side the 2nd one if you so choose. Sanctuary is bad and clogs your hand.

[quote]You lack of traps makes me confused, so I added Dark Bribe and Bottomless trap whole instead of 2 Call of the Haunted.[/quote]

Agents don't need a strong Trap Line-up, since they're an aggressive-focused Deck. Aggressive-focused Decks usually run little to no Traps.

[quote]I don't see any use for Forbidden Lance or Creature Swap, so I added two Pot of Duality instead. There are some other edits too, to make it more flexable.[/quote]

Creature Swap can give your opponent dead Shine Balls and screw with their plays. While Duality is a nice bonus, Agents don't really need it because of all the Special Summoning you can get with Hyperion/Venus/Synchro plays.

[quote]Now for Extra: I don't see why you would want most of those, but I added some, while keeping some of my own.[/quote]

You at least need Gachi, Zenmaines, a couple of Level 5s (Catastor/Android and Hyper Librarian come to mind). You don't need the Rank 4s unless you're running the T.G. engine, and even then the only one you really need is Corn. Scrap Dragon is also needed.

[quote]Overall, some of your edit I like, some I don't get the reason behind.[/quote]

Does it really matter if you don't get the reasoning behind it? This section is designed to make your Deck more competitive, not some stupid casual play.

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[quote name='みゆきサン' timestamp='1354029694' post='6079157']
You didn't bother to ask ME for help with Agents?

Well, guess I'm not needed any more here then. *jumps off bridge*

With that being said, I'd go almost with what Saber said, except:

-2 Card Trooper
-3 Call of the Haunted
-1 Maxx "C" (side it)

+1 Herald
+1 MST
+1 Veielr
+ Solemn Brigade (Warning/Judgment)

Call of the Haunted is the best card ever and you never need Veiler when you have Herald.

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Sanctuary, Jupiter and Valhalla all suck. Idk why you would want to neg Trooper or Calls they are amazing. And the Solemn brigade sucks because actually the life point factor is a very important one in here. If you pay for Venuses and then activate Warning, that already puts you on 5000-4500. That will actually make you very vulnerable, especially when you draw other Solemns. Lance is amazing. Creature Swap is amazing.

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Yes, being able to SS any Fairy-type monster from your hand sure is a bad card. No damage, plus extra bonuses for my cards like being able to SS from banished zone, ha waste of space. Look, my deck may not be how you want to play, I came here for tips on how to make it better, not change it to how you want your Agents deck. I also don't see Lance being useful, it's a one turn card plus it's only good for one card. I didn't think of the Creature Swap combo though I'll switch 1 Sanc out for that if you guys so hate that card.

I'll think about what japanese text guy said though.

Right, changed it a bit, I took some of the cards you said were so bad out so there's only 1 of each (besides Valhalla which I still don't get how you don't want). Here it is: [img]http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w473/Zaziuma/wrzF1.png[/img]
I'll add some more side staples when ever I feel like it.

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[quote name='Zaziuma' timestamp='1354035263' post='6079212']
Yes, being able to SS any Fairy-type monster from your hand sure is a bad card. No damage, plus extra bonuses for my cards like being able to SS from banished zone, ha waste of space. Look, my deck may not be how you want to play, I came here for tips on how to make it better, not change it to how you want your Agents deck. I also don't see Lance being useful, it's a one turn card plus it's only good for one card. I didn't think of the Creature Swap combo though I'll switch 1 Sanc out for that if you guys so hate that card.

I'll think about what japanese text guy said though.

Right, changed it a bit, I took some of the cards you said were so bad out so there's only 1 of each (besides Valhalla which I still don't get how you don't want). Here it is: [img]http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w473/Zaziuma/wrzF1.png[/img]
I'll add some more side staples when ever I feel like it.
[/quote]for some reason, I forgot to put Venus in, since Tour Guide has no use in this deck, I switched it out I also switched out a Valhalla for an other Venus

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[quote name='Zaziuma' timestamp='1354039435' post='6079260']
for some reason, I forgot to put Venus in, since Tour Guide has no use in this deck, I switched it out I also switched out a Valhalla for an other Venus

TGU either nets you a Sangan from your deck (which furthermore allows you to search Earth), or allows you to make something like Leviathan Dragon / Leviair the Sea Dragon, the latter allowing you to recycle Agents that you've banished with Hyperion. And here you are, saying that TGU has no use in this deck, pfft I say.

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[quote name='Zanda Panda' timestamp='1354041802' post='6079280']
TGU either nets you a Sangan from your deck (which furthermore allows you to search Earth), or allows you to make something like Leviathan Dragon / Leviair the Sea Dragon, the latter allowing you to recycle Agents that you've banished with Hyperion. And here you are, saying that TGU has no use in this deck, pfft I say.
[/quote]It has 1 use then, other than that if you draw it while you have sangan in the grave, it's useless. You can use Genex on a Shine Ball after Venus to gain the same effect, plus you can get a better monster if you have more Shine Balls. Laviathan Dragon, eh don't really need it.

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[quote name='Zaziuma' timestamp='1354025288' post='6079140']
you realize that I can't read most of the cards?

If I'm correct this is an exact replica of an Agent Deck that topped in at least top 16 at Seattle? Can't remember but the build looks like one.

In any case, allow me to show you the Agent Decks that are typically considered good. Not to mention the fact that they'r the ones that top.

[spoiler= Top 32 Chaos Agent]

[spoiler=Top 8 Agent]

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[quote name='Zaziuma' timestamp='1354050061' post='6079411']
well too bad.

I'm not sure what you were attempting to say there; simply saying that the card is one of the essential engine pieces to the Agent Deck to recycle Sangan, Card Trooper, and/or your big boss monsters and always plus off your opponent's plays. But if you'd like to lose, that's quite alright with me.

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[quote name='♥ D.A._Siegfried ♥' timestamp='1354043945' post='6079297']
If I'm correct this is an exact replica of an Agent Deck that topped in at least top 16 at Seattle? Can't remember but the build looks like one.

In any case, allow me to show you the Agent Decks that are typically considered good. Not to mention the fact that they'r the ones that top.

[spoiler= Top 32 Chaos Agent]

[spoiler=Top 8 Agent]

Well if the build i posted was a replica then that is a massive coincidence cos its my irl build and i don't even know what the other build looked like. Any yes, Call is amazing, TGU is amazing, Trooper is amazing, sanctuary sucks, valhalla sucks, a lot of the cards you put in that build suck.

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[quote name='Saberzauls' timestamp='1354086125' post='6079962']
Well if the build i posted was a replica then that is a massive coincidence cos its my irl build and i don't even know what the other build looked like. Any yes, Call is amazing, TGU is amazing, Trooper is amazing, sanctuary sucks, valhalla sucks, a lot of the cards you put in that build suck.
[/quote]I disagree. I have already said why. That doesn't mean that the cards you propose are bad. I mean CotH is good, I just don't see that I need 3 of them. Card Trooper sucks though, I don't see why you would want it. Tour Guide, yes it's one of my favortes, but really it has 1 use in this deck, I don't need it. I added it so you won't flip out over it missing in what is a fiend deck clearly, look at them level 3 and lower fiends. SO MANY!

EDIT: I almost have every card in the main deck besides card trooper and maxx "c" which I have sided. This is how I want my deck to be, if you don't like it sure, but come up with a reason other then this is good. Here's the deck now, and here comes the hate.

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I mean you're definitely making some progress from where you started, but there are some cards that just don't need to be in there because of how much they throw off the consistency. For example, if you're going to run Tour Guide (and I recommend you do), running only 1 copy and 1 Sangan is going to lead to absolutely terrible inconsistencies unless you open with TGU on the first or second turn.

Maxing out Guide and adding the "TGU Engine" consisting of Sangan, Night Assailant, and the Guides themselves, allows the Deck to function much more fluidly [i]and[/i] gives you additional Chaos targets for your big beat sticks.

It doesn't make much sense at all not to max Hyperion, either. I could understand Kristya @ 1 instead of 2 given the kind of build you're going for but Hyperion is almost always live and if for some reason he's not, you just bring him back with Call of the Haunted.

I also noticed that you're not running Monster Reborn at all in the Main Deck which is something you should change because it's a fully functioning staple that is going to help you far more often than its going to hurt you.

The last suggestion I could make is improving the consistency of the Trap line-up; there's no point in running only 1 TT and 1 BTH; run 2 of one instead. Sanctuary in the Sky isn't necessary either, you could replace that with another MST (might as well be running 2 here to clear the field for the bigger monsters) and try and fit the 2 Card Trooper in the Main because they're essential to the Deck.

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[quote name='- Neo -' timestamp='1354114616' post='6080067']
I mean you're definitely making some progress from where you started, but there are some cards that just don't need to be in there because of how much they throw off the consistency. For example, if you're going to run Tour Guide (and I recommend you do), running only 1 copy and 1 Sangan is going to lead to absolutely terrible inconsistencies unless you open with TGU on the first or second turn.

Maxing out Guide and adding the "TGU Engine" consisting of Sangan, Night Assailant, and the Guides themselves, allows the Deck to function much more fluidly [i]and[/i] gives you additional Chaos targets for your big beat sticks.

It doesn't make much sense at all not to max Hyperion, either. I could understand Kristya @ 1 instead of 2 given the kind of build you're going for but Hyperion is almost always live and if for some reason he's not, you just bring him back with Call of the Haunted.

I also noticed that you're not running Monster Reborn at all in the Main Deck which is something you should change because it's a fully functioning staple that is going to help you far more often than its going to hurt you.

The last suggestion I could make is improving the consistency of the Trap line-up; there's no point in running only 1 TT and 1 BTH; run 2 of one instead. Sanctuary in the Sky isn't necessary either, you could replace that with another MST (might as well be running 2 here to clear the field for the bigger monsters) and try and fit the 2 Card Trooper in the Main because they're essential to the Deck.
[/quote]Card trooper is bad as I have said before, why would I want that when I got no idea what I'm throwing in the grave? And say, I'm not the one who wanted tour guide and sangan in the first place, but people won't stop bitching about it. I'm going to keep Sanc in, you people can't make me not have it, it's useful in the deck, I don't see why you think it isn't. I don't see your logic with Bottomless and Torrential, those are totaly different cards. People tell me to use Call of the Haunted, so that's what I'm running.

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