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Bugs with Rockets


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[i][b]Monsters : 22[/b][/i]

[2] Tragoedia
[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
[1] Inzektor Giga-Mantis

[3] Inzektor Centipede
[3] Inzektor Ladybug
[2] Inzektor Hopper
[2] Card Trooper
[2] Thunder King Rai-Oh
[2] Tour Guide from the Underworld
[1] Inzektor Hornet
[1] Inzektor Dragonfly
[1] Sangan
[1] Tour Bus from the Underworld

[i][b]Spells : 10[/b][/i]

[3] Inzektor Sword - Zektkaliber
[3] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Mind Control

[i][b]Traps : 8[/b][/i]

[3] Call of the Haunted
[2] Torrential Tribute
[2] Solemn Warning
[1] Solemn Judgment


This is my first real try with the Deck, and I'm focusing on more of a Monster-heavy line-up to control the game with things like Rai-Oh and Card Trooper, while also allowing Call of the Haunted to function as a key card in the Deck, turning more than half of my monsters into plusses which can definitely generate plusses. I max'd MST to clear the way for game-winning plays and the Trap line-up is basic aside from Call, so I don't think there's much to go into there.

For now, I'd prefer to keep "C" and Veiler sided, but I don't have an actual side-deck list so once I do I'll add it up.

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1353948306' post='6078372']
Completely necessary

OT: I don't think you need bus, but that's just me.

I've actually become quite the fan of Bus lately, not just in Dino Rabbit. The ability to recycle key cards like Centipede/Giga-Mantis for more searching shenanigans ensures I never run out of targets, and besides, it can disrupt Agents too by manipulating the Graveyard to stop a Hyperion/Kristya play. Night Assailiant is a [i]terrible[/i] card to draw into (as is Bus but I digress) and I think in the context of the Deck Bus is just the better play option.

The only place I could really see Night Assailant being better is Agents.

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[quote name='- Neo -' timestamp='1353948432' post='6078373']
I've actually become quite the fan of Bus lately, not just in Dino Rabbit. The ability to recycle key cards like Centipede/Giga-Mantis for more searching shenanigans ensures I never run out of targets, and besides, it can disrupt Agents too by manipulating the Graveyard to stop a Hyperion/Kristya play. Night Assailiant is a [i]terrible[/i] card to draw into (as is Bus but I digress) and I think in the context of the Deck Bus is just the better play option.

The only place I could really see Night Assailant being better is Agents.
[/quote]I wasn't suggesting running Night Assailant. I was just suggesting dropping Bus.

You don't necessarily need to run a second TGU target.

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