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Haze-Beast Onslaught! (The Proper Thread, This Time)

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I need some help with this deck. The ides is sound, but it doesn't test well, and I think I might have a few cards wrong.
Would you please be willing to take a look at it, tell me what I did wrong, and what I need to change to get it to work?
Thank you.

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Onslaught is actually a fairly nice idea, if you drop Cerberus with it.
Neg the Fire Rings to add one more Pillar and one more Glory. Those things are uber-important to the deck.
Drop the Sphinxes to add one more Peryton and one more Gryps. Both those cards are amazing, since Peryton gives you instant Rank 6 and Gryps can be dropped for free whenever.
Also drop a Lancelord for a Rekindling. Always run 3 Rekindling.

As for the Extra, you should never ed 3 Basilicok. You can if you want to, I just never find use in it. As for everything else there... Only use 1-2 Gaia Charger, and drop one of each Ptolemys, Strike Bounzer, and Exa-Beetle, since you won't need multiples.
Consider dropping Number 6 as well, since it isn't good. Number 25 I won't argue because it has really nice stats and it's effect is actually quite usable.
Put in some rank 4s. You can make them with Rekindled Firedogs.

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