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Chrono-Meister - Master Mind


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Idea for a new Main Deck Boss for Psychics.

Chrono-Meister - Master Mind
EARTH Psychic/Effect
Level 8
You can banish 3 Psychic-type Monsters from your Graveyard and Tribute 1 Psychic-type Monster you control to Special Summon this card (from your hand). Monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK for each of your banished Psychic-type Monsters during damage calculation in battles involving this card. Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 face-up Psychic-type Monster you control and pay 1000 Life Points; Special Summon 1 of your banished level 4 or lower Psychic-type Monsters. The effect of "Chrono-Meister - Master Mind" can only be used once per turn.

Thoughts and/or suggestions?

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Why is it called Meister and Master?

This card takes so much setup that it's hardly worth the reverse toolbox. If I have 3 Psychic-Type monsters in the Graveyard and 1 on the field I can do so many things, and this doesn't support any of them.

You'd usually need to wait a turn to use its effect too, and there are easier ways to get low-Level Psychics out of the Graveyard or Banished Zone, like Hushed Psychic Cleric and Leviair. The ATK dap only applies to this monster, and it loses steam as you Summon banished monsters.

Overall it's not necessary.

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First part is Title, second part is the actual creature's name.

Given the usual pace I doubt it would take too long to get 3/more psychics into the graveyard if you're Synchro Summoning, especially now that E-tele is at 3.

Well it was meant to be used with the Psychics like Silent Psychic and Esper Girl to trigger their effects. I.e. Summon wizard, banish another psychic (preferably an Esper Girl or Hushed Psychic Cleric) and then tribute for this guy and go off a bit. If done properly it wouldn't take more than that 1 turn to use his effect to your advantage.

The Atk drop was also meant as a little bonus rather than some kind of game ending effect.

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