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Pokémon: Creators of the Future [OOC/PG-16/Started/Accepting]

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[center][size=3]It was often said that we would always be safe.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Some said that the Legendary Pokémon would always protect us; no matter the mistakes we made.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]I used to believe that.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]I used to believe that humanity was safe from all harm, and that the Pokémon of legend would rise to save us.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]I was wrong.[/size][/center]

[center][size=3]It was not known years ago, but underneath the noses of all people on this planet, global war was being plotted.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]The dreaded organizations that would use Pokémon for evil had finally decided that there was strength in numbers.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Thus, they banded together. With the power of Team Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Galactic, and Plasma, there was no stopping them.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]It could not have been foretold, for nobody had suspected that these teams could put aside their differences to align.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]The world erupted into Chaos; each region having a different team attack them. Where were our Legendary protectors?[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]We found out soon enough.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Arceus, the supposed god of all Pokémon, sent the world a message using its amazing power.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Its words left us chilled.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]It said that it had lost its faith in us; humanity.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]However, it also said that the other Legendary Pokémon had not.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]According to Arceus, the other Legendary Pokémon were going to be broken down into their very essence, and placed into a child that was currently in a womb.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Arceus said that this was his last gift to humans, and that we were now on our own from here.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Needless to say, the Organizations did not like that.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Pregnant women were hunted down and slaughtered like animals.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]While this did happen, all women gifted with these children were saved, almost as if blessed.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Just as Arceus said, it is the children's choice as to what they do with their powers.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]Let us hope that they do the right thing.[/size][/center]
[center][size=3]I must go now; they must have tracked me down by now.[/size][/center]
[center] - Unknown Author[/center]

[spoiler=Character Application]Name:
Pokémon Within:
Current Pokémon:

[spoiler=More Info]Basically, the world is now covered in war. The Organizations have teamed up to take over the world. ( cliché, I know )
So, Arceus has bestowed many children with the gift of a Legendary Pokémon. ( Inside their soul )
Now, it is up to you as to how the Pokémon within them affects them, however, please do not give them far-fetched powers like lasers, etc. Also, please no Bio-engineered or Alien Legendaries. That means Mewtwo, Deoxys, and that sort of thing. They must be natural Pokémon. Your character can really do what they please, so long as it pertains to the story. You do not have to be one of the children either; you can be a member of one of the organizations, or maybe even the leader. ( Also note that this takes place years after the death of Giovanni, Archie, etc. ) Gyms do exist, but the Gym leaders are scattered, helping defend others. ( Same goes for the Elite Four and each champion, we need those also, haha. )[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Rules]1. No Godmodding ( I hate it so much -.- )
2. Be a good sport!
3. No raging. ( So, basically, be nice )
4. No short-posting.
5. No more than three characters.
6. You cannot be leader of more than one organization. ( Also, first-come first-serve when it comes to leadership of teams, etc. )
7. Have fun :3[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Available Legendary Pokémon]Articuno

[spoiler=Open Organization Spots]
Team Rocket Second-in-Command

Team Magma Second-in-Command

Team Aqua Second-in-Command

Team Galactic Leader
Team Galactic Second-in-Command

Team Plasma Second-in-Command[/spoiler]

[spoiler=My Application(s)]Name: Etner Aurora
Age: 15
Appearance: Etner is a fairly normal-sized teenage boy. He has brown hair and brown eyes. His hair is long; it lays over his face, covering one eye. He stands at about 5'9.
Personality: Etner is a fairly easy-going kid. He likes to joke around quite a bit, but can become serious when it is necessary, or when his mother is mentioned. He also has a very bad tendency to be sarcastic.
Pokémon Within: Lugia
Bio: Etner was born in the Johto region. His father and pregnant mother were on a Cruise to visit the Whirl Islands; the supposed home of Lugia. They were on this cruise when they first heard Arceus' message, and they were both quite shocked. The boat was turned around and was taken back to Olivine City. Little did his parents know that something had come with them. Etner was born two months after that. The birthing was quite rough, due to the fact that his parents were forced to hide within an old warehouse and could not find a doctor. Unfortunately, Etner's mother did not survive. Etner grew up moving from town to town with his father, and knew no other way of life. Finally, it seemed safe enough to hide in the small vicinity of New Bark Town. It was a quiet place, and it seemed untouched by the rest of the world's chaos. It was here that Etner was raised, and it was also here that he received his first Pokémon. This was a Totodile, and he loved it so. He felt a strong connection with the Pokémon, but could not figure out why. It was shrugged off as he raised and cared for the Totodile, which he named Rex. Through his years of training, Rex evolved into a Croconaw. On his fifteenth birthday, his father gave him two Pokémon that he had caught during his travels. These Pokémon were Zangoose and Snorunt. Etner currently resides in New Bark Town, but cannot shake the feeling that he is destined for more.
Current Pokémon: Croconaw, Zangoose, Snorunt.
Misc./Other: When Etner enters a battle against another trainer, his right eye glows a purple-color and his left eye glows a light blue-color. Also, when he gets excited, wind speeds sometimes pick up a small bit.

Name: Brutus Amhara
Age: 27
Appearance: Brutus stands at about 6'5. He has a muscular build, and wears a skin-tight black shirt. He also had red pants on. His hair is black, and he had green eyes. His knuckles are seemingly blackened.
Personality: Brutus is actually quite easy going. Even in battle, he usually does not break a sweat. Whenever his parents are brought up, all he does is smirk a little, until he returns to his funny-guy personality. Although, his jokes are pretty corny...
Pokémon Within: N/A
[spoiler=Bio:]Brutus was born into a wealthy family. He and his family resided in the Sinnoh Region for most of their lives. They family had gained wealth through an indoor hot-springs that they had created; the customers did not know that there where actually many tubes and pipes running under the ground that supplied the heat to the water within the springs. Brutus, although his parents had money, was brought up quite roughly. His parents made it a point to not spoil him. Everyday after he turned ten, it became his job to go down into the boiler room and fill the containers there with coals to burn for the springs. It was not an easy job, but it did not bother him all too much. After the first year of work, Brutus' parents felt quite proud of their son, so they got him his first Pokemon; a Chimchar that he named Inferno. Brutus and Inferno became friends, and immediately had a connection. After they met, they never went anywhere without each other. Brutus even had Inferno help him with his daily chores. For the next years of his life, all the way until he was thirteen, life seemed to be perfect. He had buffed up quite a bit and grown tall for his age. He worked out regularly with his weight set, and so did Inferno, who at this point was a Monferno. Everything was too perfect. Nobody knew what was going to happen next. About a month after Brutus' thirteenth birthday, a knock was heard at his front door. His mom politely answered; unfortunately. The man who approached was a criminal, a Serial Killer to be specific. Brutus turned the corner just in time to catch his mother's pieces of brain with his face; she was shot in the head. Brutus turned back around in a dead sprint, yelling for his father. When his father ran in from the back room, his objection to anything was short-lived. A bullet flew through his best, causing him to collapse. Brutus did not turn around; he knew he would be dead if he did. As he ran around his large home, he searched a place to hide. He finally ran into his room, which was in the western part of the house, and hid in the closet. It was about fifteen minutes before the man entered his room. Right beside Brutus in the closet was Inferno, who was holding its own mouth close. Finally, after a few moments of searching around, the man headed for the closet. Brutus could not take it anymore, and his instict took over. As the closet door opened, he wasted no time. He commanded Inferno to use flamethrower. As if it had the same idea, Inferno complied instantly. The killer was sent ablaze, and he dropped his gun. He fell over onto the floor and proceeded to burn to death. This was not enough for Brutus. He stood above the burning body and decided to deliver punches to the man's face. This scorched his hand a bit, but he did not care. Finally, he stopped. All he could do was leave the home. He packed up some of his belongings and headed for Pastoria City. When he arrived, he began sleeping outside of the Safari Zone. Brutus and Inferno were miserable. One day while he was sitting, however, a small Scorpion-looking Pokemon seemed to crawl out of the Safari Zone. It was sort of funny looking, but in a cute way. Brutus got up lazily and approached the Pokemon. "Skorupi, Skorupi!" it said in an excited voice. It made Brutus smile for the first time since he had been at the town. Managing to pack Pokeballs in his bag, Brutus decided to catch this Pokemon. It seemed not to complain or object. A few days after that occurence, Brutus met the town's Gym Leader, Crasher Wake. This Leader used Water-type Pokemon, so Brutus felt that he would be confident going up against this man, being that he spent most of his life at an indoor hot-spring. It took Brutus being completely destoyed by Wake to realize something; he was not used to the water of the springs. He was used to the heat of the pipes. Acknowledging this, and now harboring a grudge against Crasher, he decided to challenge him once more. This battle resulted differently. It was a two-on-two Pokemon match, and Brutus chose to use Inferno and Skorupi. Brutus developed a strategy to directly affect Water-type Pokemon, and it worked to perfection. At the beginning of the match, a deal was struck between the two; if Crasher Wake won, Brutus would have to swim thirty-laps around the Gym. If Brutus won, he would be allowed to make a home in the back-room of the Gym. After the battle, not only did Wake stay true to his word, but both of Brutus' Pokemon evolved. He now had an Infernape and Drapion. In his new room, Brutus had a weight set and a treadmill; everything he needed. After staying in the Gym for three months, the teen decided to go on his own journey, trying to find something to fill the void within his life. This adventure involved Brutus sneaking onto a boat that was headed for the Johto region. This adventure was short-lived, however, after Brutus caught a Magmar and Murkrow. He decided to hitch another ride. This time, the boat was headed to the Hoenn Region. When the boat arrived in Lilycove, Brutus was amazed by the difference in scenery from Sinnoh. He wandered around a bit until he came across a strange cave on the shore-line of the town's beach. Deciding to enter, he did so. Once he did, however, he was greeted by hordes of men in red uniforms. All of them called him an intruder, but he did not quite follow. Only when the leader of these men, Maxie, explained to him where he was did Brutus understand. Maxie saw potential in the child, and so he brought him under his wing and explained the plans of Team Magma. The grunts could not figure out why their boss was taking such a liking to some random child, especially since their plans were ruined by one. What they did not know, however, is that Brutus reminded Maxie of his long-lost son. After explaining, in full, the plans of Team Magma, Brutus seemed to understand. He loved the world, and to see it expanded seemed to be perfect. Maxie gave Brutus a Poochyena, and made him an honorary member of Team Magma. While it is so, Brutus was not allowed to go into the field until he was sixteen. The jobs he was given at that age were fairly simple; stealing small bits of electronics, etc. These jobs did keep Brutus entertained, however. After many years, Maxie perished. Before he did so, however, he demanded that Brutus become the new leader. Brutus was now an adult of twenty-three years. Brutus was ready to take on the responsibility. Shortly after becoming Leader, Brutus was contacted by the Leaders of other organizations. They were going to band together to take the world by force. Being quite the easy-going leader, he decided to agree. After this, an event with Arceus revealed that the Legendary Pokemon were going to be placed within children. This infuriated him. Who was Arceus to take away the freedom of these children? Not to mention that Groudon, the main key in his organizations plans, was about to be rid of. Brutus decided to remain in the alliance that he is currently in, and has been for a couple of years now. He is only a part of them to get his hands on Groudon, however..[/spoiler]
Current Pokémon: Infernape, Drapion, Houndoom, Honchkrow, Mightyena
Misc./Other: Leader of Team Magma. Brutus stays in shape and body-builds, resulting in a muscular build. He weight lifts often and does so with his Pokemon.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Accepted Apps][quote name='Spike the Bloody' timestamp='1353467195' post='6074525']

Name: Ekibyo Azimura (I made it up. I think it sounds cool.)
Age: 15
Appearance: Tall and lanky with brown hair and glasses. Hella lot stronger than he looks. He usually wears khakis with a solidly-coloured tshirt, usually green, red, or blue. There is a slash across his right arm from when a wild Kangashkan attacked him.
Personality: Eki is easygoing, but gets dead serious when a situation is no longer funny. He commands his pokemon with grace, and gets a sense of happiness from doing so. He relishes the feeling of being "The Controller", the one behind the screen. He finds it impossible to make friends. While time flies when one has fun, when Eki tries to make a new friend, it falls out of the sky dead. He has an inherent fear of crowds, and cannot be in the middle or in front of one. He also cannot be cornered, no matter who is actually doing the cornering.
Pokémon Within: Is Giratina available? If so, Giratina. If not, Darkrai.
Bio: As soon as Eki can remember, he was always moving around. Never staying in one place. When he was fourteen, he happened to be staying in a place called New Bark Town, and recieved a Pokemon from the generous Professer Elm, who saw something in him Eki himself cannot understand. The pokemon he recieved never actually came out of it's pokeball until three months ago, when Eki was being bullied. The bully punched Eki in the face, and he dropped the ball. As the bully prepared to go to town on Eki, the pokeball burst open to reveal a small blue penguin that spit bubbles at the bully, along with a rather powerful stream of water. Eki didnt even know the pokemons name, and it dissapeared into the pokeball seconds after it made sure that the bully was gone. Eki has tried since then to coax it out of the ball again, but has yet to succeed. Yet, a week ago, another ball was dropped at his feet, whos pokemon came out rather willingly. This one was a purple-and-yellow monkey with what looked like a stuffed hand-like thing on it's tail. Eki named it Puppeteer.
Current Pokémon: Piplup, Aipom.
Misc./Other: N/A
EDIT: Forgot to say how Giratina effects him.
Giratina gives him a deadly, dark, but very very high, charisma. He's the moody, brooding, emo guy. Like Sasuke! Except not stupid. And it's Giratina's fault.

Whew. I likes dis.
[quote name='Fen.' timestamp='1353473951' post='6074620']
Name: Marina Orion
Age: 17
Appearance: Marina has long curly black hair, where she has tied two blue ribbons into her hair. She has a beautiful face, with icy blue eyes. She is medium height, 5' 6". Slender, and often wears fancy dresses in shades of blue and black. Busty, and she uses her looks to seduce and control men that she deems are weaker than her.
Personality: Cold as ice. There is not a caring bone in her body, and the pokemon soul within her keeps her heart frozen to love, passion, or sympathy. The only thing she really cares about are her pokemon, some family heirlooms to the Orion name.
Pokémon Within: Kyogre
Bio: Before Marina was even born, her father Archie, ran Team Aqua, an organization that wished the see the world covered in ocean. His dreams dashed, Archie put his last power of being into the blue orb which controlled Kyogre. In an act of sacrelige, Archie sealed Kyogre away into the blue orb, and implanted the device within the womb of his wife, Artemis. Nothing would have happened by this, if not for the night Artemis went missing. Caring more about the vessel than the woman herself, Archie commanded that his forces find Artemis and bring her back to him. She was found lying on an island, surrounded by a serene glow. Nobody knows how it happened, but Artemis's unborn child had been touched by something cosmic, ethereal. Artemis wouldn't speak another word until the pregnancy was complete. Eventally, Artemis went into labor, and Archie was there to witness the abomination. By an act of immaculate conception, Marina was born from the blue orb, blessed from the powers of Arceus, which awakened the power of the blue orb. This reawakened the sleeping beast within the orb, with the litteral being of Kyogre pulsing through her veins. Archie used his daughter as a means to once again bring back Kyogre to the world, and finish what he started years ago. Marina was smarter than that, however, and killed her father before he could harvest her shell of a life to complete his work. Marina then vowed to continue her father's work of her own accord, due to the constant voices in her head telling to cover the entire world in ice. She took her father's pokemon as her own, finding that ice and water type pokemon obeyed her without question, even turning against their own masters if willed enough. Marina revived Team Aqua under a new name, Team Rime. She assumed herself as leader, and has been a slave to the spirit within her ever since.
Current Pokémon: Weavile, Walrein, Glaceon, Milotic, Starmie, Lapras
Misc./Other: Her breath is as cold as ice, it can even freeze water. The angrier she is, the colder the atmosphere becomes. If her temper reaches a fevered pitch, the red glowing markings of Kyogre cover her body, and she becomes even less in control of her body.

[She's the "Team Aqua" leader]
[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1353516899' post='6074880']
[center][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoLiABF_KQ4"][color=#FF0000]Spell of the Unown ~ Entei's Theme[/color][/url][/center]
[spoiler=Hayato Takeshi / Entei's Human]
[b]Name: [/b]Hayato Takeshi
[b]Age:[/b] 18
Hayato is an easy-going guy, and easily able to befriend. But even since he's like that, it doesn't change the fact that he doesn't really have ANY friends. He is a bit hot-tempered when people screw with him and upset him to the point of messing with his friends or his Pokemon. When that happens, you best get out of the way...lest you get yourself 'burned'. He enjoys the warm weather and feels full of energy whenever he leaves a Hot Spring...why...he still hasn't figured out yet.[/spoiler]
[b]Pokémon Within:[/b] Entei
[color=#A9A9A9][i]"I have lost faith in you humans...however my children still think I should help you out. So abiding by their wishes, I'm giving you one last gift. My children, the Legendary Pokemon as you call them, have become nothing but an essence. I have blessed human children with this gift while in the womb. But with this...you are on your own."[/i][/color]

This message chilled the Takeshi couple to their very bone, as they stood near The Burned Tower, unaware that the child they were about to have was one of the children given this gift. But from here, another part of a story could be told from a different point of view: Entei's.

[color=#A52A2A]Once Arceus made this message known, Entei spotted the Takeshi family and how the wife was pregnant. He couldn't tell why, but this family seemed perfect for him. Entei requested to Arceus that his essence would end up with the Takeshi family's child. Arceus was unwilling at first, but he gave in and granted Entei this request, which is when the beginning of Hayato's story and the end of Entei's meet.[/color]

After this trip to Ecruteak City, the Takeshi family return to Blackthorn City, where Hayato was born...but with one problem. In a strange development, Hayato's hair was flame red when he was born, even though both his parents had brown hair. The reasoning behind this was that some of the essence of Entei somewhat spilled over into the child's genes...making his hair a fiery red. But this never stopped his parents from loving the boy. Like any other child, his parents loved him with everything they had, which proved true when he turned twelve when they handed him his first Pokemon: a Growlithe of which he named Ace.

Hayato and Ace became great friends and through the time Hayato became seventeen, he was one of the best trainers in Blackthorn City. He only used his now evolved Arcanine and even caught the eye of the Gym Leader, Clair. When the two met face to face, she gave Hayato another Pokemon: a shiny Charmander of which was now named Razor.

At the present time, Hayato and his two Pokemon have left Blackthorn City...because the day earlier...Hayato felt like something was either calling him or leading him away from his city.[/spoiler]
[b]Current Pokémon:[/b] Ace(Arcanine) & Razor(Charmander)
[b]Misc./Other:[/b] In the heat of battle, Hayato's eyes start having a small fire effect to them. In a dire battle situation, his voice starts having somewhat of a growl in it, and from his mouth when he speaks like this one can see small puffs of smoke. Whenever he's anywhere near cold weather, he doesn't feel cold or anything as his skin basically feels warm to the touch.[/spoiler]

[quote name='Oswald the Lucky Rabbit' timestamp='1353520371' post='6074931']
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Name:[/b] Kotomi Ichinose[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Age:[/b] 19[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Appearance][img]http://www.anime-contemplation.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/OP-Kotomi-Ichinose.png[/img][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5A5A5A][b]Personality:[/b][size=3] Kotomi is semi-quiet. She spends her time reading and playing with her Pokemon. She is very intelligent, which is shown by her chooses. She becomes very uneasy when the topic of Giovanni or Team Rocket comes up. Kotomi is a leader, but is sometimes too shy to speak up, making her a follower. She is awkward to be around at first, but is nice and semi-talkative when you get her to open up. She also holds personal grudges against anyone who abuses their Pokemon.[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Pokémon Within:[/b] Virizion[/size][/font][/color]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5A5A5A][b]Bio:[/b][size=3] Kotomi Ichinose was born and raised in Viridan City under the watchful eye of her father, the infamous Giovanni Ichinose. Kotomi's mother was said to be brutally murdered by Team Rocket while she was pregnant but somehow survived. Giovanni seemed to most flabbergasted about this. Kotomi mother was later found dead in her home shortly after the birth of Kotomi. Giovanni kept Kotomi and they lived in the gym. Kotomi never spent time with her father, because he was ether battling in the gym, working in the lab, or off on "business" meetings. Kotomi didn't mind though. She spend her days going to trainer school with her beloved Azurill, and reading books to improve her intelligence. Kotomi became very smart and would always be found at the local library, or down by the river to play with Azurill. Kotomi started to wonder about her father's activities when she was 15, shortly after her Azurill evolved. She went followed her father on a business trip. She ended up going straight to the Rocket HQ. Kotomi, scared that her dad was the Rocket leader, fled the region on the S.S. Libra. She traveled to the Orre region and started to live with her mother's parents in Phenac City. Her father never try to contact her or anything, leaving Kotomi feeling neglected. Her grandparents comforted her and made her feel wanted, which is what she needed. When Kotomi turned 18, she got word of her father's untimely death. Kotomi, still mad that her father never really cared, didn't go to his funeral, nor sent respects to his side of the family. She also found out around this time, that her father was the one who murdered her mother. Kotomi then decided to move out on her own. She moved to Anville Town in Unova. She currently lives there with her Pokemon and her collection of books.[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Current Pokémon:[/b] Azumarill-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Whimsicott-Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Flaaffy- Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Pichu-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Misc./Other:[/b] Kotomi has always felt close to nature, and has even found herself controlling plants with her mind. When in battle, her hair glows with a green color and her eyes change color. She does not know that Virizion is in her soul because her father never told her. This is also the reason why he killed her mother. Kotomi also attracts males due to her looks, but most of them are always rejected.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]WIP will finish later. So take this as a reserve.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]EDIT: Look who finished![/size][/font][/color]

[quote name='Spike the Bloody' timestamp='1353618048' post='6075760']
Name: Sisiori Naga (Another made-up name.)
Age: 16
Appearance: Sisiori is a redhead with hair going past her shoulders. Her eyes are blue, and her face is very angled and elf-like. She most commonly wears a leather tunic with matching pants and boots, along with a belt around her middle that holds her pokeballs.
Personality: Sisiori is out to disagree with everyone. Even if the premise of whatever someone said is valid, she'll still argue with it and disagree with it. She's very passionate about things, and will go to any lengths to protect her pride and image. She fights only for herself and her pokemon, and loves only herself and her pokemon. She also has an affinity for Fire-Type and Steel-Type pokemon.
Pokémon Within: Moltres
Bio: Sisiori was abandoned as a child of three years old in front of Mt. Silver. She remembers almost nothing about the incident, but she remembers shadowy figures walking her towards the entrance to the insides of Mt. Silver, and then leaving. She wandered into Mt. Silver, and found her way to the depths of the mountain, where she met a bird whos wings were on fire, and had plumes of flame on it's head and tail. All she remembers afterwards is a very bright light and a lot of heat. She grew up in the areas around Mt. Silver, and even managed to get to the top once, where she met a curious person dressed in red. This man gifted her with her first pokemon, a Charmander. She trained the Charmander and caught many more pokemon. But she desires to find her parents, and figure out why she was abandoned.
Current Pokémon: Charmeleon, Darumaka, Simisear, Steelix, Mawile, Lairon.
Misc./Other: Moltres had trouble finding a perfect family to choose. But when Sisioris' parents abandonded her in front of Mt. Silver, Moltres took pity on her, and broke Arceus' 'rules'. He guided Sisiori to the bottom of Mt. Silver where he resided and became part of her.

Moltres affects Sisiori in the way of her fiery personality, her control over Fire types, and her red hair. Her hair was blonde before she found Moltres ;)

[quote name='Oswald the Lucky Rabbit' timestamp='1353541780' post='6075184']
Might I suggest having all Team Rocket members hold a grudge against Kotomi due to Giovanni, and because she knows everything
[spoiler=Saukra][b]Name:[/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] Sakura Takako[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Age:[/b] 26[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Appearance][img]http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/24700000/evil-anime-girls-24772833-500-281.jpg[/img][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]With an R on the right side of her chest[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Personality:[/b] Sakura is very outgoing, and power hungry. If it isn't her way, it's no way. She takes great pride in her Pokemon and always boasts about their strength. She is also a b****, doing what she wants, when she wants. She doesn't listen to others often and would much rather boss people around. She is also very cold hearted.[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Pokémon Within:[/b] N/A[/size][/font][/color]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5A5A5A][size=3][b]Bio:[/b] Sakura started working with Team Rocket when she was 15, mostly because her parents were broke and they needed money. She didn't realize how power hungry she would get. At 16, she was promoted and then it all went downhill. Her new position filled her with great joy, and the thirst for more. She developed a close relationship with Giovanni to get more promotions. Her thirst for more made her Giovanni's sex slave, which didn't phase her because her rank was growing. She got to 5th in command when Giovanni gave her terrible news. In order to get promoted more, she would have to fake her death. She was 18 and sitting in her room at her parent's house. Everything she wanted to keep was safe inside the Rocket HQ. She then left a note on her desk saying she was going to run away with a boy. Her parents never saw her since. She didn't really fake her death, but Giovanni still promoted her. When she was at 2nd in command, Giovanni died, causing her to go straight to Rocket Leader. With the joy of being the boss, comes great things. Mewtwo was left to her, as well as the Viridian City Gym, which she later gave to her cousin Blue. She currently rules over Rocket and is working with the other leaders to take over the Pokemon world. [/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Current Pokémon:[/b] Donphan-Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gengar-Unknown[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Haxorus-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Wigglytuff-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Lopunny-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Mewtwo-Unknown[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Misc./Other:[/b] She uses [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Archer"]http://bulbapedia.bu...net/wiki/Archer[/url] to do her dirty work.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

[quote name='Mihails Tāls' timestamp='1353627234' post='6075853']
Never liked the whole superpowers thing in RPs, but I may as well go for it with my other character. Let's make it interesting with some exposition and dialogue.

Galactic Second-in-Command
Name: Aaron Stringer Lake (woah, a name that isn't kind of Japanese!)
Age: 28
Appearance: Blonde hair and blue eyes, very tall with a thin, clean-shaven face. Despite his height, he isn't very muscular although still retains a fairly imposing physical presence coupled with his piercing eyes. Fond of light blue or white shirts and dark trousers, dresses semi-formal/smart-casual on all occasions. Prefers a Galactic pin badge in his collar to the full Admin uniform, calling it "impractical and stuffy."
Personality: The ultimate pragmatist, Lake is exceptionally calm and calculating. Prefers to sit down and lie back in a chair while talking, showing his open and approachable demeanour. Has a lot of superficial charm and charisma and can lie and improvise convincingly. Very cunning and fond of using hand movements when talking. Has a wry, dry sense of humour a lackadaisically playful personality, although he isn't physically active and likes to choose his words.
Pokémon Within: Suicune
Bio: Born to the well-connected and powerful Lake family of Castelia City, Aaron Stringer Lake II was the third son of businessman Nathaniel Lake Sr., owner of the region's largest shipping company. He grew up in luxury but played second fiddle to his older brother, Jonathan, the heir to the company. Was affected by the death of his older brother Nathaniel Jr., whom he was close to, and grew to resent Jonathan Lake, whom he considered not as skilled at business as himself. He then made the decision to cut his ties with the family business and only has contact with his sister, Effy. Met and grew close to Andrew Swithin whilst at boarding school in Veilstone, whom he affectionately calls by his middle name. They remain close friends who regularly meet for drinks and conversation. After graduating as a business major from Celadon University, he set out to contact Team Galactic, whom he saw a means to power and wealth. His business skills allowed Galactic to gain more funding from their energy stocks, reducing the burden on the now ex-Leader Cyrus, who personally bankrolled Galactic before Lake's business deals. Remains committed to running Galactic as a business more than anything, advocating cost-cutting measures such as no uniforms and no ideological work unless it offers potential power. He isn't keen on all the mythological stuff, although he is aware of the Arceus legend and the supposed "Pokemon within him." Despite this, he remains sceptical and has not noticed anything about himself that might be caused by Suicune. Yet, of course...
Current Pokémon: Cloyster, Cryogonal, Mamoswine and Gyarados
Misc./Other: No known manifestations yet, although his team is pre-dominantly Ice-type, which shows some influence of the cool Suicune.

[spoiler="Taster of Dialogue"]
"Ah, Lake, so glad you could make it," smiled Andrew, opening the door and letting Aaron in from the hot, humid monsoon of Humilau in the wet season.
"As am I," Aaron replied, glancing quickly around the Andrew's villa above the bay.
"Drink?" asked Andrew, half-smiling.
"That would be lovely, Strephon. I'll have a Scotch, cut with Lime and some ice."

As the two gentlemen nursed their drinks in the sparse living room, the sunset came through the windows, softly reflecting off the gently pattering rain.
"Would you consider it an uneasy alliance, Strephon?" The provocative question laced Aaron's lips and hung in the air before breaking broken by the warm wind of Andrew's voice.
"Must we discuss work, Lake? Of course we must. What else is there to consider? There is nothing that interests me but the turning cogs of this gradually unravelling nightmare I call work," Andrew replied with a defeated note to his voice. He lit a slim cigarette and continued. "I have all the drink I could want. I don't have to worry about money. I have a lovely home. I have women if I need them. Yet every time I try to sleep, I see a pregnant woman die before my eyes."
He took a deep drag, almost taking half of the slim, and inhaled deeply. He finished his whiskey and then his speech.
"There's the reason for your uneasy alliance. There are people like me. Like Saturn, that subordinate of yours. Even Zinzolin doesn't like violence much. There are people who want to be a legitimate business, or even people who just want to be on the wrong side of the law without killing anyone. These people are involved in our little coalition. We don't want any more stress. Dance your way around that, Lake."

Lake lay back in his chair, his expression unchanging, although deep in thought, at least, it looked like he was.
"Death is necessary for us to succeed. We are the mighty, we should prevail, should we not? We earned our place in this world and in turn earned our power. I'm not as fanatical as Cyrus, but I believe in each according to his abilities. Those with merits rise to the top, those who are boring stay at the bottom. We are in different worlds. We live different lives. We don't bother each other. If someone is talented enough, they will get what they deserve."
Lake took another swig.
"We're all too deep in this to get out now. If you leave, Strephon, you will die."

"I'd like you to leave my house, Lake. I wish you could have left on better terms," replied Andrew, his voice turning brittle.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Swithin."
"You too, Lake."

[quote name='Fen.' timestamp='1353533272' post='6075064']
[Spoiler=Kota Uuloria: The boy who saw Black]
Name: Kota Uuloria
Age: 16
[spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab259/wolfyofthesky/Charas%20For%20rps/547919.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:] Near-emotionless. His glass-blue eyes say it all. Kota will go through the motions of any normal teenaged boy, but will feel as if his very essance is being held back. It is very hard for him to open up to people because of this. People would say that he has a very "dark" aura about him.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:] Kota's perents were a part of the A.A.E, or the Aliance Against the End. They protected Sootopolis city from Teams Aqua and Magma with their lives. With a group of veteran pokemon trainers, they tried to stave off the attacking forces trying to get their way into the fabled crater of a city. Disaster struck, however, when Arcie and Maxie's forces teamed up, and invaded Sootopolis. Kota's mother, Gardella, fled into the Cave of Origin to save her unborn child. Deep in that ancient cave is where she prayed to the heavens above that her child be saved. Her prayer was answered, and the words of the God pokemon washed over her and her unborn child. Before Arceus departed, however, a Team Aqua member found her praying by the pool of origin, deep in the cave. The woman attacked Gardella, trying to rid the world of another child. While under the blessings of Arceus, Gardella took her pokemon, Gardevoire, and murdered the Aqua woman. She did it to protect her son, but Arceus did not condone the taking of another's life. She went into labor right there in the cave, without anyone there to help her. Arceus' blessing to the new child became a curse, and the soul of Darkrai was enfused into the newborn child. The boy was born in blood from the start. It was too late when the villagers found Gardella,she had died in childbirth. Kota's father, Lexius, named him, and did his best to raise him with the light. But no matter how hard he tried, Kota would never smile. Kota ran away from home when he was 14, by attempting to swim out of Sootopolis during a great storm. He would have died out there, had Arceus's "blessing" not have saved him again. He found himself on the shores of an unknown island, New Moon island. He felt this island calling out to him, from the very pit of his soul. Deep in the forest is when he first saw it. The being black as smoke. Eyes blue as ice. Aura dark as the New Moon. Darkrai. The being terrified him so much, that he fled the isle in fright, he fled that entire region, eventually making his home in Lacunosa town, on the far east side of the Unova region. He has no wishes to ever return to the Hoenn, or the Sinnoh regions.[/spoiler]
Pokémon Within: Darkrai
Current Pokémon: Mona [Zorua], Dante [Houndour], Tera [Larvitar]
Misc./Other: He is cursed to never be able to dream. Darkrai's gift was more of a curse than a blessing. Maybe someday he will find something good come out of Arceus' "blessing".[/spoiler]

[quote name='Mihails Tāls' timestamp='1353541214' post='6075180']
Haven't RPed in a long, long time, never really saw the appeal of it. May as well have a go.

Team Rocket Second-in-Command
Name: Andrew Strephon Swithin
Age: 30
Appearance: Short dark hair, cut short at the sides and back but raised slightly at the front. Balding very slightly at the front. Medium height, dark green eyes and a stubble. Wears a double-breasted black coat over a black shirt and trousers. Very formally dressed, although doesn't pay attention to his appearance besides his clothes. Has a handsome, lean face and full lips. Light nicotine stains on his teeth.
Personality: Has a soft, deep voice and a guarded, repressed personality. Smokes and drinks a lot and is easily bored, so constantly looking for something to keep himself occupied. Savvy yet blunt, he gets to the point but doesn't enjoy violence. An excellent negotiator, but considered too cautious and too moral by many within the organzation.
Pokémon Within: n/a
Bio: Born in Eterna City, his father worked in the Fuego Ironworks while his mother stayed at home. Moved to foreboding, stony city of Veilstone where the climate is cold rather than temperate, he grew up seeing little of his father, a man with a gentle personality and love of music, who was killed in an accident during his teenage years. A fierce strategist and engineer, he stayed true to his father's love of music and plays the bouzouki, despite loathing the musical middle name given to him by his father. He showed an aptitude for battling at a young age and keeps four Pokemon, one of whom belonged to his father. Ended up allied to Rocket after he ran errands for their small-time branch in Sinnoh, yet still keeps it a secret from his mother. Rose through the ranks and was promoted to Second-in-Command after a debacle in Blackthorn City where he managed to transfer smuggled weapons across the border to Kanto despite the death of his fellow grunt and friend, Strabo. Lives in his holiday home in Humilau City. Despite being involved in Rocket's criminal operations, he refused to let smuggled Pokemon live or be moved in poor conditions or be sold to those who would harm or abuse them. He remains full of guilt over massacres perpetrated by the uneasy coalition of criminal organizations. He believes he is submerged too deep in this life to escape, yet dreams of a peaceful exile and to return to his childhood pleasures of music and competitive battling.
Current Pokémon: Rossetti (Poliwrath), Sylvester (Exeggutor), Dulcamara (Ampharos), Levon (Venomoth)

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Name: Ekibyo Azimura (I made it up. I think it sounds cool.)
Age: 15
Appearance: Tall and lanky with brown hair and glasses. Hella lot stronger than he looks. He usually wears khakis with a solidly-coloured tshirt, usually green, red, or blue. There is a slash across his right arm from when a wild Kangashkan attacked him.
Personality: Eki is easygoing, but gets dead serious when a situation is no longer funny. He commands his pokemon with grace, and gets a sense of happiness from doing so. He relishes the feeling of being "The Controller", the one behind the screen. He finds it impossible to make friends. While time flies when one has fun, when Eki tries to make a new friend, it falls out of the sky dead. He has an inherent fear of crowds, and cannot be in the middle or in front of one. He also cannot be cornered, no matter who is actually doing the cornering.
Pokémon Within: Is Giratina available? If so, Giratina. If not, Darkrai.
Bio: As soon as Eki can remember, he was always moving around. Never staying in one place. When he was fourteen, he happened to be staying in a place called New Bark Town, and recieved a Pokemon from the generous Professer Elm, who saw something in him Eki himself cannot understand. The pokemon he recieved never actually came out of it's pokeball until three months ago, when Eki was being bullied. The bully punched Eki in the face, and he dropped the ball. As the bully prepared to go to town on Eki, the pokeball burst open to reveal a small blue penguin that spit bubbles at the bully, along with a rather powerful stream of water. Eki didnt even know the pokemons name, and it dissapeared into the pokeball seconds after it made sure that the bully was gone. Eki has tried since then to coax it out of the ball again, but has yet to succeed. Yet, a week ago, another ball was dropped at his feet, whos pokemon came out rather willingly. This one was a purple-and-yellow monkey with what looked like a stuffed hand-like thing on it's tail. Eki named it Puppeteer.
Current Pokémon: Piplup, Aipom.
Misc./Other: N/A
EDIT: Forgot to say how Giratina effects him.
Giratina gives him a deadly, dark, but very very high, charisma. He's the moody, brooding, emo guy. Like Sasuke! Except not stupid. And it's Giratina's fault.

Whew. I likes dis.

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Name: Marina Orion
Age: 19
Appearance: Marina has long curly black hair, where she has tied two blue ribbons into her hair. She has a beautiful face, with icy blue eyes. She is medium height, 5' 6". Slender, and often wears fancy dresses in shades of blue and black. Busty, and she uses her looks to seduce and control men that she deems are weaker than her.
Personality: Cold as ice. There is not a caring bone in her body, and the pokemon soul within her keeps her heart frozen to love, passion, or sympathy. The only thing she really cares about are her pokemon, some family heirlooms to the Orion name.
Pokémon Within: Kyogre
Bio: Before Marina was even born, her father Archie, ran Team Aqua, an organization that wished the see the world covered in ocean. His dreams dashed, Archie put his last power of being into the blue orb which controlled Kyogre. In an act of sacrelige, Archie sealed Kyogre away into the blue orb, and implanted the device within the womb of his wife, Artemis. Nothing would have happened by this, if not for the night Artemis went missing. Caring more about the vessel than the woman herself, Archie commanded that his forces find Artemis and bring her back to him. She was found lying on an island, surrounded by a serene glow. Nobody knows how it happened, but Artemis's unborn child had been touched by something cosmic, ethereal. Artemis wouldn't speak another word until the pregnancy was complete. Eventally, Artemis went into labor, and Archie was there to witness the abomination. By an act of immaculate conception, Marina was born from the blue orb, blessed from the powers of Arceus, which awakened the power of the blue orb. This reawakened the sleeping beast within the orb, with the litteral being of Kyogre pulsing through her veins. Archie used his daughter as a means to once again bring back Kyogre to the world, and finish what he started years ago. Marina was smarter than that, however, and killed her father before he could harvest her shell of a life to complete his work. Marina then vowed to continue her father's work of her own accord, due to the constant voices in her head telling to cover the entire world in ice. She took her father's pokemon as her own, finding that ice and water type pokemon obeyed her without question, even turning against their own masters if willed enough. Marina revived Team Aqua under a new name, Team Rime. She assumed herself as leader, and has been a slave to the spirit within her ever since.
Current Pokémon: Weavile, Walrein, Glaceon, Milotic, Starmie, Lapras
Misc./Other: She has no idea, but Kyogre is really the one in control of her mind. If her if her emotions reach a fevered pitch, the red glowing markings of Kyogre cover her body, and she becomes even less in control of her body.

[She's the "Team Aqua" leader]

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[quote name='ClearAngel' timestamp='1353469603' post='6074555']
Can I reserve Cresselia. One thing though, do all those spots for villians need to be filled?

You can. Lol. And they do, but they do not need to be filled for us to begin.

[quote name='Fen.' timestamp='1353473951' post='6074620']
Name: Marina Orion
Age: 17
Appearance: Marina has long curly black hair, where she has tied two blue ribbons into her hair. She has a beautiful face, with icy blue eyes. She is medium height, 5' 6". Slender, and often wears fancy dresses in shades of blue and black. Busty, and she uses her looks to seduce and control men that she deems are weaker than her.
Personality: Cold as ice. There is not a caring bone in her body, and the pokemon soul within her keeps her heart frozen to love, passion, or sympathy. The only thing she really cares about are her pokemon, some family heirlooms to the Orion name.
Pokémon Within: Kyogre
Bio: Before Marina was even born, her father Archie, ran Team Aqua, an organization that wished the see the world covered in ocean. His dreams dashed, Archie put his last power of being into the blue orb which controlled Kyogre. In an act of sacrelige, Archie sealed Kyogre away into the blue orb, and implanted the device within the womb of his wife, Artemis. By an act of immaculate conception, Marina was born from the blue orb, with the litteral being of Kyogre pulsing through her veins. Archie used his daughter as a means to once again bring back Kyogre to the world, and finish what he started years ago. Marina was smarter than that, however, and killed her father before he could harvest her shell of a life to complete his work. Marina then vowed to continue her father's work of her own accord, due to the constant voices in her head telling to cover the entire world in ice. She took her father's pokemon as her own, finding that ice and water type pokemon obeyed her without question, even turning against their own masters if willed enough. Marina revived Team Aqua under a new name, Team Rime. She assumed herself as leader, and has been a slave to the spirit within her ever since.
Current Pokémon: Weavile, Walrein, Glaceon, Milotic, Starmie, Lapras
Misc./Other: Her breath is as cold as ice, it can even freeze water. The angrier she is, the colder the atmosphere becomes. If her temper reaches a fevered pitch, the red glowing markings of Kyogre cover her body, and she becomes even less in control of her body.

[She's the "Team Aqua" leader]

Okay, sort of a problem here; the character itself is nice, however, having Archie seal Kyogre into the Blue Orb and actually put it into his pregnant wife isn't how the Legendary Pokemon were infused with the children. Arceus did it himself. Maybe edit around that, and then we'll see what we can do. :D

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[quote name='BrandonSparkman' timestamp='1353475940' post='6074641']

Okay, sort of a problem here; the character itself is nice, however, having Archie seal Kyogre into the Blue Orb and actually put it into his pregnant wife isn't how the Legendary Pokemon were infused with the children. Arceus did it himself. Maybe edit around that, and then we'll see what we can do. :D
Okay, fixed it somewhat. Let me know if my previous post works now. If not I can continue to edit it to your liking.

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[center][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoLiABF_KQ4"][color=#FF0000]Spell of the Unown ~ Entei's Theme[/color][/url][/center]
[spoiler=Hayato Takeshi / Entei's Human]
[b]Name: [/b]Hayato Takeshi
[b]Age:[/b] 18
Hayato is an easy-going guy, and easily able to befriend. But even since he's like that, it doesn't change the fact that he doesn't really have ANY friends. He is a bit hot-tempered when people screw with him and upset him to the point of messing with his friends or his Pokemon. When that happens, you best get out of the way...lest you get yourself 'burned'. He enjoys the warm weather and feels full of energy whenever he leaves a Hot Spring...why...he still hasn't figured out yet.[/spoiler]
[b]Pokémon Within:[/b] Entei
[color=#A9A9A9][i]"I have lost faith in you humans...however my children still think I should help you out. So abiding by their wishes, I'm giving you one last gift. My children, the Legendary Pokemon as you call them, have become nothing but an essence. I have blessed human children with this gift while in the womb. But with this...you are on your own."[/i][/color]

This message chilled the Takeshi couple to their very bone, as they stood near The Burned Tower, unaware that the child they were about to have was one of the children given this gift. But from here, another part of a story could be told from a different point of view: Entei's.

[color=#A52A2A]Once Arceus made this message known, Entei spotted the Takeshi family and how the wife was pregnant. He couldn't tell why, but this family seemed perfect for him. Entei requested to Arceus that his essence would end up with the Takeshi family's child. Arceus was unwilling at first, but he gave in and granted Entei this request, which is when the beginning of Hayato's story and the end of Entei's meet.[/color]

After this trip to Ecruteak City, the Takeshi family return to Blackthorn City, where Hayato was born...but with one problem. In a strange development, Hayato's hair was flame red when he was born, even though both his parents had brown hair. The reasoning behind this was that some of the essence of Entei somewhat spilled over into the child's genes...making his hair a fiery red. But this never stopped his parents from loving the boy. Like any other child, his parents loved him with everything they had, which proved true when he turned twelve when they handed him his first Pokemon: a Growlithe of which he named Ace.

Hayato and Ace became great friends and through the time Hayato became seventeen, he was one of the best trainers in Blackthorn City. He only used his now evolved Arcanine and even caught the eye of the Gym Leader, Clair. When the two met face to face, she gave Hayato another Pokemon: a shiny Charmander of which was now named Razor.

At the present time, Hayato and his two Pokemon have left Blackthorn City...because the day earlier...Hayato felt like something was either calling him or leading him away from his city.[/spoiler]
[b]Current Pokémon:[/b] Ace(Arcanine) & Razor(Charmander)
[b]Misc./Other:[/b] In the heat of battle, Hayato's eyes start having a small fire effect to them. In a dire battle situation, his voice starts having somewhat of a growl in it, and from his mouth when he speaks like this one can see small puffs of smoke. Whenever he's anywhere near cold weather, he doesn't feel cold or anything as his skin basically feels warm to the touch.[/spoiler]

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[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Name:[/b] Kotomi Ichinose[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Age:[/b] 19[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Appearance][img]http://www.anime-contemplation.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/OP-Kotomi-Ichinose.png[/img][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#5a5a5a"][b]Personality:[/b][size=3] Kotomi is semi-quiet. She spends her time reading and playing with her Pokemon. She is very intelligent, which is shown by her chooses. She becomes very uneasy when the topic of Giovanni or Team Rocket comes up. Kotomi is a leader, but is sometimes too shy to speak up, making her a follower. She is awkward to be around at first, but is nice and semi-talkative when you get her to open up. She also holds personal grudges against anyone who abuses their Pokemon.[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Pokémon Within:[/b] Virizion[/size][/font][/color]
[font="tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#5a5a5a"][b]Bio:[/b][size=3] Kotomi Ichinose was born and raised in Viridan City under the watchful eye of her father, the infamous Giovanni Ichinose. Kotomi's mother was said to be brutally murdered by Team Rocket while she was pregnant but somehow survived. Giovanni seemed to most flabbergasted about this. Kotomi mother was later found dead in her home shortly after the birth of Kotomi. Giovanni kept Kotomi and they lived in the gym. Kotomi never spent time with her father, because he was ether battling in the gym, working in the lab, or off on "business" meetings. Kotomi didn't mind though. She spend her days going to trainer school with her beloved Azurill, and reading books to improve her intelligence. Kotomi became very smart and would always be found at the local library, or down by the river to play with Azurill. Kotomi started to wonder about her father's activities when she was 15, shortly after her Azurill evolved. She went followed her father on a business trip. She ended up going straight to the Rocket HQ. Kotomi, scared that her dad was the Rocket leader, fled the region on the S.S. Libra. She traveled to the Orre region and started to live with her mother's parents in Phenac City. Her father never try to contact her or anything, leaving Kotomi feeling neglected. Her grandparents comforted her and made her feel wanted, which is what she needed. When Kotomi turned 18, she got word of her father's untimely death. Kotomi, still mad that her father never really cared, didn't go to his funeral, nor sent respects to his side of the family. She also found out around this time, that her father was the one who murdered her mother. Kotomi then decided to move out on her own. She moved to Anville Town in Unova. She currently lives there with her Pokemon and her collection of books.[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Current Pokémon:[/b] Azumarill-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Whimsicott-Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Flaaffy- Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Pichu-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Misc./Other:[/b] Kotomi has always felt close to nature, and has even found herself controlling plants with her mind. When in battle, her hair glows with a green color and her eyes change color. She does not know that Virizion is in her soul because her father never told her. This is also the reason why he killed her mother. Kotomi also attracts males due to her looks, but most of them are always rejected.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]WIP will finish later. So take this as a reserve.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]EDIT: Look who finished![/size][/font][/color]

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[quote name='Spike the Bloody' timestamp='1353504162' post='6074791']
Waitwaitwait. Not that I dont like the character or anything, but how is one both one of the kids AND a leader of one of the orginazations? Arent the orginizations trying to KILL the kids? O.o?

Not necessarily. It was ordered that they women be killed, yes, but who is to say that the leader's wouldn't plot to keep some of the power to themselves? It is all up to you guys. :3[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1353516899' post='6074880']
[center][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoLiABF_KQ4"][color=#FF0000]Spell of the Unown ~ Entei's Theme[/color][/url][/center]
[spoiler=Hayato Takeshi / Entei's Human]
[b]Name: [/b]Hayato Takeshi
[b]Age:[/b] 18
Hayato is an easy-going guy, and easily able to befriend. But even since he's like that, it doesn't change the fact that he doesn't really have ANY friends. He is a bit hot-tempered when people screw with him and upset him to the point of messing with his friends or his Pokemon. When that happens, you best get out of the way...lest you get yourself 'burned'. He enjoys the warm weather and feels full of energy whenever he leaves a Hot Spring...why...he still hasn't figured out yet.[/spoiler]
[b]Pokémon Within:[/b] Entei
[color=#A9A9A9][i]"I have lost faith in you humans...however my children still think I should help you out. So abiding by their wishes, I'm giving you one last gift. My children, the Legendary Pokemon as you call them, have become nothing but an essence. I have blessed human children with this gift while in the womb. But with this...you are on your own."[/i][/color]

This message chilled the Takeshi couple to their very bone, as they stood near The Burned Tower, unaware that the child they were about to have was one of the children given this gift. But from here, another part of a story could be told from a different point of view: Entei's.

[color=#A52A2A]Once Arceus made this message known, Entei spotted the Takeshi family and how the wife was pregnant. He couldn't tell why, but this family seemed perfect for him. Entei requested to Arceus that his essence would end up with the Takeshi family's child. Arceus was unwilling at first, but he gave in and granted Entei this request, which is when the beginning of Hayato's story and the end of Entei's meet.[/color]

After this trip to Ecruteak City, the Takeshi family return to Blackthorn City, where Hayato was born...but with one problem. In a strange development, Hayato's hair was flame red when he was born, even though both his parents had brown hair. The reasoning behind this was that some of the essence of Entei somewhat spilled over into the child's genes...making his hair a fiery red. But this never stopped his parents from loving the boy. Like any other child, his parents loved him with everything they had, which proved true when he turned twelve when they handed him his first Pokemon: a Growlithe of which he named Ace.

Hayato and Ace became great friends and through the time Hayato became seventeen, he was one of the best trainers in Blackthorn City. He only used his now evolved Arcanine and even caught the eye of the Gym Leader, Clair. When the two met face to face, she gave Hayato another Pokemon: a shiny Charmander of which was now named Razor.

At the present time, Hayato and his two Pokemon have left Blackthorn City...because the day earlier...Hayato felt like something was either calling him or leading him away from his city.[/spoiler]
[b]Current Pokémon:[/b] Ace(Arcanine) & Razor(Charmander)
[b]Misc./Other:[/b] In the heat of battle, Hayato's eyes start having a small fire effect to them. In a dire battle situation, his voice starts having somewhat of a growl in it, and from his mouth when he speaks like this one can see small puffs of smoke. Whenever he's anywhere near cold weather, he doesn't feel cold or anything as his skin basically feels warm to the touch.[/spoiler]

I really liked this application, and I love how you went in depth with it. Accepted.

[quote name='Oswald the Lucky Rabbit' timestamp='1353520371' post='6074931']
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Name: Kotomi Ichinose[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 19[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Appearance][img]http://www.anime-contemplation.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/OP-Kotomi-Ichinose.png[/img][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Personality:[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Pokémon Within: Virizon[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Bio:[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Current Pokémon: Azumarill-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Whimsicott-Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Flaaffy- Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Pichu-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Misc./Other:[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]WIP will finish later. So take this as a reserve.[/size][/font][/color]

Fair enough, haha. Reserved.

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[quote name='Chaos Sonic' timestamp='1353522291' post='6074949']
Why thank ya amigo.

I usually go in depth with my recent RP apps nowadays. ^^

BTW, you may want to cross off the taken Legendaries and add the accepted apps to the first post or something.

Ah..well, I was periodically removing the taken Legendaries from the list. I can for sure put the accepted apps up though, haha.

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Damn fricking you! I'm trying to get myself away from new RPs, and then you have to go make a bloody pokémon RP!!! DAMMIT

Anyway, reserve me. I be wanting a spot. Not as a child though; I'm gonna be all hipster and stuff. XD

(Also, Team Leader plus being a 'Child' does seem a bit OPed. While it makes for an interesting plot point, I find that it seems over-powered, and a bit unrealistic. I doubt that Team Aqua would allow a 17 year old to take over the team, nor that a person of that age would have the dedication or ability to kill their father; especially a rich, powerful father that lead a team full of murderers and criminals, all of which owned super-powered animals able to shoot bursts of bullet-like water from their mouth, or freeze a person in seconds.

Not that it's up to me or anything. Just my opinion.)

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[Spoiler=Kota Uuloria: The boy who saw Black]
Name: Kota Uuloria
Age: 16
[spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab259/wolfyofthesky/Charas%20For%20rps/547919.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:] Near-emotionless. His glass-blue eyes say it all. Kota will go through the motions of any normal teenaged boy, but will feel as if his very essance is being held back. It is very hard for him to open up to people because of this. People would say that he has a very "dark" aura about him.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:] Kota's perents were a part of the A.A.E, or the Aliance Against the End. They protected Sootopolis city from Teams Aqua and Magma with their lives. With a group of veteran pokemon trainers, they tried to stave off the attacking forces trying to get their way into the fabled crater of a city. Disaster struck, however, when Arcie and Maxie's forces teamed up, and invaded Sootopolis. Kota's mother, Gardella, fled into the Cave of Origin to save her unborn child. Deep in that ancient cave is where she prayed to the heavens above that her child be saved. Her prayer was answered, and the words of the God pokemon washed over her and her unborn child. Before Arceus departed, however, a Team Aqua member found her praying by the pool of origin, deep in the cave. The woman attacked Gardella, trying to rid the world of another child. While under the blessings of Arceus, Gardella took her pokemon, Gardevoire, and murdered the Aqua woman. She did it to protect her son, but Arceus did not condone the taking of another's life. She went into labor right there in the cave, without anyone there to help her. Arceus' blessing to the new child became a curse, and the soul of Darkrai was enfused into the newborn child. The boy was born in blood from the start. It was too late when the villagers found Gardella,she had died in childbirth. Kota's father, Lexius, named him, and did his best to raise him with the light. But no matter how hard he tried, Kota would never smile. Kota ran away from home when he was 14, by attempting to swim out of Sootopolis during a great storm. He would have died out there, had Arceus's "blessing" not have saved him again. He found himself on the shores of an unknown island, New Moon island. He felt this island calling out to him, from the very pit of his soul. Deep in the forest is when he first saw it. The being black as smoke. Eyes blue as ice. Aura dark as the New Moon. Darkrai. Or so he thought. Litle did he know that this was just an astral projection of the pokemon, and that the real thing resided within his soul. The being terrified him so much, that he fled the isle in fright, he fled that entire region, eventually making his home in Lacunosa town, on the far east side of the Unova region. He has no wishes to ever return to the Hoenn, or the Sinnoh regions. No matter how hard he tries though, he cannot stop seeing those icy blue eyes whenever the lights go out.[/spoiler]
Pokémon Within: Darkrai
Current Pokémon: Mona [Zorua], Dante [Houndour], Tera [Larvitar]
Misc./Other: He is cursed to never be able to dream. Darkrai's gift was more of a curse than a blessing. Maybe someday he will find something good come out of Arceus' "blessing".[/spoiler]

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1353524445' post='6074970']
Damn fricking you! I'm trying to get myself away from new RPs, and then you have to go make a bloody pokémon RP!!! DAMMIT

Anyway, reserve me. I be wanting a spot. Not as a child though; I'm gonna be all hipster and stuff. XD

(Also, Team Leader plus being a 'Child' does seem a bit OPed. While it makes for an interesting plot point, I find that it seems over-powered, and a bit unrealistic. I doubt that Team Aqua would allow a 17 year old to take over the team, nor that a person of that age would have the dedication or ability to kill their father; especially a rich, powerful father that lead a team full of murderers and criminals, all of which owned super-powered animals able to shoot bursts of bullet-like water from their mouth, or freeze a person in seconds.

Not that it's up to me or anything. Just my opinion.)

Reserved. And, yeah, I understand what you mean. Fen, perhaps we could power down the character a bit? Perhaps she could be second-in-command of Team Aqua, and will take over when she comes of age. That's just an example, but lets do something.

[quote name='Fen.' timestamp='1353533272' post='6075064']
[Spoiler=Kota Uuloria: The boy who saw Black]
Name: Kota Uuloria
Age: 16
[spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab259/wolfyofthesky/Charas%20For%20rps/547919.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Personality:] Near-emotionless. His glass-blue eyes say it all. Kota will go through the motions of any normal teenaged boy, but will feel as if his very essance is being held back. It is very hard for him to open up to people because of this. People would say that he has a very "dark" aura about him.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:] Kota's perents were a part of the A.A.E, or the Aliance Against the End. They protected Sootopolis city from Teams Aqua and Magma with their lives. With a group of veteran pokemon trainers, they tried to stave off the attacking forces trying to get their way into the fabled crater of a city. Disaster struck, however, when Arcie and Maxie's forces teamed up, and invaded Sootopolis. Kota's mother, Gardella, fled into the Cave of Origin to save her unborn child. Deep in that ancient cave is where she prayed to the heavens above that her child be saved. Her prayer was answered, and the words of the God pokemon washed over her and her unborn child. Before Arceus departed, however, a Team Aqua member found her praying by the pool of origin, deep in the cave. The woman attacked Gardella, trying to rid the world of another child. While under the blessings of Arceus, Gardella took her pokemon, Gardevoire, and murdered the Aqua woman. She did it to protect her son, but Arceus did not condone the taking of another's life. She went into labor right there in the cave, without anyone there to help her. Arceus' blessing to the new child became a curse, and the soul of Darkrai was enfused into the newborn child. The boy was born in blood from the start. It was too late when the villagers found Gardella,she had died in childbirth. Kota's father, Lexius, named him, and did his best to raise him with the light. But no matter how hard he tried, Kota would never smile. Kota ran away from home when he was 14, by attempting to swim out of Sootopolis during a great storm. He would have died out there, had Arceus's "blessing" not have saved him again. He found himself on the shores of an unknown island, New Moon island. He felt this island calling out to him, from the very pit of his soul. Deep in the forest is when he first saw it. The being black as smoke. Eyes blue as ice. Aura dark as the New Moon. Darkrai. The being terrified him so much, that he fled the isle in fright, he fled that entire region, eventually making his home in Lacunosa town, on the far east side of the Unova region. He has no wishes to ever return to the Hoenn, or the Sinnoh regions.[/spoiler]
Pokémon Within: Darkrai
Current Pokémon: Mona [Zorua], Dante [Houndour], Tera [Larvitar]
Misc./Other: He is cursed to never be able to dream. Darkrai's gift was more of a curse than a blessing. Maybe someday he will find something good come out of Arceus' "blessing".[/spoiler]

This Application I really liked. I do have a question about it though; how is it that he saw Darkrai? When the Legendaries were placed within the children, they were removed from the world. Was it a mirage? Explain this and you are accepted. :)

( Also, please take note of my above suggestion )

[quote name='Oswald the Lucky Rabbit' timestamp='1353520371' post='6074931']
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Name:[/b] Kotomi Ichinose[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Age:[/b] 19[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][spoiler=Appearance][img]http://www.anime-contemplation.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/OP-Kotomi-Ichinose.png[/img][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5A5A5A][b]Personality:[/b][size=3] Kotomi is semi-quiet. She spends her time reading and playing with her Pokemon. She is very intelligent, which is shown by her chooses. She becomes very uneasy when the topic of Giovanni or Team Rocket comes up. Kotomi is a leader, but is sometimes too shy to speak up, making her a follower. She is awkward to be around at first, but is nice and semi-talkative when you get her to open up. She also holds personal grudges against anyone who abuses their Pokemon.[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Pokémon Within:[/b] Virizion[/size][/font][/color]
[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5A5A5A][b]Bio:[/b][size=3] Kotomi Ichinose was born and raised in Viridan City under the watchful eye of her father, the infamous Giovanni Ichinose. Kotomi's mother was said to be brutally murdered by Team Rocket while she was pregnant but somehow survived. Giovanni seemed to most flabbergasted about this. Kotomi mother was later found dead in her home shortly after the birth of Kotomi. Giovanni kept Kotomi and they lived in the gym. Kotomi never spent time with her father, because he was ether battling in the gym, working in the lab, or off on "business" meetings. Kotomi didn't mind though. She spend her days going to trainer school with her beloved Azurill, and reading books to improve her intelligence. Kotomi became very smart and would always be found at the local library, or down by the river to play with Azurill. Kotomi started to wonder about her father's activities when she was 15, shortly after her Azurill evolved. She went followed her father on a business trip. She ended up going straight to the Rocket HQ. Kotomi, scared that her dad was the Rocket leader, fled the region on the S.S. Libra. She traveled to the Orre region and started to live with her mother's parents in Phenac City. Her father never try to contact her or anything, leaving Kotomi feeling neglected. Her grandparents comforted her and made her feel wanted, which is what she needed. When Kotomi turned 18, she got word of her father's untimely death. Kotomi, still mad that her father never really cared, didn't go to his funeral, nor sent respects to his side of the family. She also found out around this time, that her father was the one who murdered her mother. Kotomi then decided to move out on her own. She moved to Anville Town in Unova. She currently lives there with her Pokemon and her collection of books.[/size][/color][/font]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Current Pokémon:[/b] Azumarill-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Whimsicott-Male[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Flaaffy- Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Pichu-Female[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Misc./Other:[/b] Kotomi has always felt close to nature, and has even found herself controlling plants with her mind. When in battle, her hair glows with a green color and her eyes change color. She does not know that Virizion is in her soul because her father never told her. This is also the reason why he killed her mother. Kotomi also attracts males due to her looks, but most of them are always rejected.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]WIP will finish later. So take this as a reserve.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]EDIT: Look who finished![/size][/font][/color]

I shall accept this application, but please be wary of her powers; she can control plants with her mind, but do not push it to extreme lengths ( Also, do not let it interfere with battles )

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