liavcol Posted November 19, 2012 Report Share Posted November 19, 2012 Why does Konami don't make real duel disks? the technology exists and available.they have already created a card scanner with Duel Terminal and just like in YGO Zexal they can use the AR technology, its not a rare thing... we can see AR on every smartphone and new game console. the Disk could communicate with other disks to find an opponent and when the duel begins, the duel system will be just like the the video games means that I could not cheat like activating an effect that I can't activate or when I destroy an opponent monster, even if he wont take it out of the field the duel system will vanish its AR and will treat him as destroyed. Now you may ask yourself what about new cards?! So every time a new set will come out we will have to update the Disk through a Wi-Fi connection so it could scan new card and for the Duel System to work with them and when a ban list will come, with the update the Duel system will limit our using of the same cards, same thing with the rule of only 3 copies of the same card in a deck. How will the deck rules will work? We will need to connect our Disk to our computer and with an easy to use program we will edit our deck according to what cards we have and how much of each one and that program wont let us build a deck that is against the rules. When we'll play we will have to chose through the our smartphone which of our saved deck we want to use and the duel disk with the scan technology will scan how much cards the deck slot storing and if its the same number we will be able to play and during the game if we will play a card that is not in our saved deck it just wont work. About the connection to our smartphone, I thought about an app of YGO which will feature a bluetooth connection with the Disk. The app will also store our decks and we will be able to pick a deck to play from it. another thing the app can feature is the option to see the AR of the cards. That would be great for people who don't have a D-Gazer (yes, just like in YGO Zexal) to watch the game. Of course some rules will have to change:- The extra deck wont be limited at all because this deck will be in our pocket or something, which is a really good thing. But the system wont let you play the same monster more than 3 times (or less if its limited).- We will not be able to see our opponent cards' card effect because we will be away from him but I personally think it'll bring more action to the game. So what do you think? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miror B Posted November 19, 2012 Report Share Posted November 19, 2012 1. Technology costs money2. The disks need a way to re the cards3. I don't want to hate to download stuff to play, nor do I want to to have to useha smartphone4. Do you even know why the Extra Deck is limited? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Toffee. Posted November 19, 2012 Report Share Posted November 19, 2012 1. Technology costs moneyExactly why it won't be made. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hermit Purple Posted November 19, 2012 Report Share Posted November 19, 2012 If anything, i would find it really annoying if i wanted an accessory, that would probably be alot of money, just to duel differently because whenever new stuff comes out, i would have to update my stuff every few months or so. Tl;dr: long story short, it would be cool if they were able to do it, but i wouldnt waste my time with it even if they did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
liavcol Posted November 19, 2012 Author Report Share Posted November 19, 2012 1. Technology costs money2. The disks need a way to re the cards3. I don't want to hate to download stuff to play, nor do I want to to have to useha smartphone4. Do you even know why the Extra Deck is limited? 1.Tech does cost money but from my point of view its a good thing to pay 150$ to play my favorite game in a special way.2.If I did not wrote that so Im sorry but the disc can read the cards with the same scan technology that Konami used in the Duel Terminal arcade.3.I dont see the problem in downloading a free app to your smartphone but I do see the problem in having to have a smartphone, but Im sorry this is the only way I can imagine this, but Im not Konami.4. I dont know why the extra deck is limited but I would like to know so tell me PLZ. And I dont see the problem in connecting once in a few months to Wi-Fi for 5 seconds to update your disk. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Agro Posted November 19, 2012 Report Share Posted November 19, 2012 No one would buy this. Why would I spend $150 extra dollars to play Yugioh in a stupid way that will damage my cards? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bringerofcake Posted November 19, 2012 Report Share Posted November 19, 2012 If things like this happen, I think they'd go the way of Duelist Kingdom: Konami makes a single Duel Arena using 12(?) DT card scanners, and people who wanted to watch would do so on a screen. They'd go and show it off at YCSs and such, and possibly even charge people for use to offset the fairly large cost this would end up being. TBH, I'd like to see the original Duel Disks a lot more, if only because hurling things at people to summon monsters is hilarious, as is the "cards surrounding you" bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miror B Posted November 19, 2012 Report Share Posted November 19, 2012 1.Tech does cost money but from my point of view its a good thing to pay 150$ to play my favorite game in a special way.2.If I did not wrote that so Im sorry but the disc can read the cards with the same scan technology that Konami used in the Duel Terminal arcade.3.I dont see the problem in downloading a free app to your smartphone but I do see the problem in having to have a smartphone, but Im sorry this is the only way I can imagine this, but Im not Konami.t4. I dont know why the extra deck is limited but I would like to know so tell me PLZ. And I dont see the problem in connecting once in a few months to Wi-Fi for 5 seconds to update your disk.1. $150 just to play game differently? I barely want to spend $100 on a deck. No thanks.2. So you place the card face up and they scan the backside and they're supposed to know what the card is?3. Free app? No. Smartphone? Well I already payed $150 for a disk why would I want to pay another $100+ to use it?4. Imagine being able to play as many generic Synchros and Xyz as you want. It's not limited due to holding space, it's limited due to how generic it has become.5. That's not a problem, the problem is having to buy all the stuff to use it in the first place. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sleepy Posted November 20, 2012 Report Share Posted November 20, 2012 It'd require more technology than you think.Duel Terminals can only scan Duel Terminal cards, and because of that, there is a very limited list of cards that appear in the Duel Terminal cardpool. These are programmed in the game with very simplified motions (for example, you don't exactly see many different attacking secuences per card). Then modes would be a pain, a very real pain.You want them to be sort of automatic in regards to actions (when a monster is destroyed, when a certain effect kicks in, how the chains will happen) just like in a videogame.At the same time, you want it to give some freedom to it's user. If you want to play a certain format.TraditionalAdvancedHighlanderCustombecause if both players agree that they want to use Pot of Greed in a game, why buy something expensive that won't let you do so? Next Point:Updates. It'd have to use Wifi of some sort, and no, no smartphone or anything of the sort. If this piece of junk can't be self-sufficient when gathering it's own updates, it's not worth it. Then it'd have to get rulings and glitches taken care of, it'd have to have space to store all cards in existence plus the updates the game receives at least every 3 months, with the animations, with so much data from each of them. It'd either have terrible lag, or be much more stupidly expensive because of this.Also, Konami would need to reprint all of it's close to 6000 different cards into readable versions by the scan (No kidding, Dueling Network has 5760 cards available, and at least 100 more will get there in 3 months). For a surreal solution, each card would need to actually be able to store some information, like it's attack motions, effects, and such. For the sake of the duel disk only having to worry about rulings and reading the cards (the basics).Even if they did have the technology, can you imagine Konami wasting something that sophisticated into something like Mokey Mokey? They charge us like 100 dollars for shiny cardboard as is, I can't even begin to imagine. Not to mention that'd mean "buy all of your existing cards again". The idea on itself has many details it'd need to adress, and even if completely functional, there is the prize issue, and getting over the prize issue, it'd still be a sort of risky idea bussiness-wise. Oh, almost forgot, holograms... yeah, that's not happening. It'd have a sort of creen like any game console at best.A sort of arcade "duelist kingdom arena" version is the most likely, and even that..... how different would it be from your regular Tag Force games and such? Personally, I'm not a big fan of some of the graphics.... depending on what they do, I would discard the idea of buying it just for that.Hell, I don't pay 15+ dollars for a card, it'd be hard for me to buy it anyways. EDIT: Oh yeah, one more.It'd have to come in groups of 2 disks.Pokemon games are passable because their consoles are not limited to Pokemon games.Why would you risk buying something you might not even be able to use with someone?That equals more money lost. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheTurtleOnceCalledGod Posted November 20, 2012 Report Share Posted November 20, 2012 No one except the obsessionists would buy it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shradow Posted November 20, 2012 Report Share Posted November 20, 2012 I once had one of those toy duel disks when I was a kid, it made me feel so pro. I would totally buy a real one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Johnny Sythe Posted December 27, 2012 Report Share Posted December 27, 2012 I think that Konami making a duel disk would be a good idea.1. It don't think that it will be expenisve, but if it was, i wouldn't mad about the price, after all, systems and electronics cost alot as well, but people still buy it.2. The technology is possible.3. Why would a smartphone be required for a duel disk?!?! no one used it in the show, so it shouldn't be needed.4. The extra deck is limited because if you had all the fusions or synchros in an extra deck, you could be synchro or fusion summoning any amount of time, plus, some synchros, xyz, and fusions have an easy way to summon them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miror B Posted December 27, 2012 Report Share Posted December 27, 2012 Y U NECRO!?!?!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kingdom Xathers Posted December 27, 2012 Report Share Posted December 27, 2012 Y U NECRO!?!?!? Because most noobies don't take the time to read the damned rules of the forum.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Legend Zero Posted December 27, 2012 Report Share Posted December 27, 2012 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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